Love, sex and crimes of Maya Rani,Vol-1 ( End of Innocence)
Page 7
“O.K. O.K. See me as…” The words died down in my throat as his eyes met mine. There was something in his eyes! The way he looked at me!
“Your breasts look very good Maya and they are quite full. You know what Maya. I had always imagined my girl to be quite full. And, seeing you I can say that I couldn’t have asked for more”, he said bending over me as his eyes went south of my face.
There was something in his words that put me at ease. Something that said, “Maya Rani you can trust him.” I was no longer afraid or conscious of his gaze. I wanted to hear his words, to feel his touch and to look into his eyes. I smiled at him lying there. He rubbed my breasts slowly and moved his probing hand further down. I liked the way he eyed me. I liked the way he touched me. He was exploring, feeling and seeing every inch of me. Then his fingers moved into the ‘Bulbul’ area. He parted my thighs and moved his fingers lightly over the nether lips of ‘Bulbul’. After rubbing it he parted the nether lips of ‘Bulbul’. I had kept my eyes wide open and kept enjoying the attention and love that I was getting.
“You’re quite pink Maya!” he said rubbing the inner walls of the ‘Bulbul’.
“What!” I coiled back into myself and stared at him. When his smiling gaze met mine I blushed at him and giggled. We both laughed and kissed each other.
He turned me on my stomach and began rubbing my back gently. Suddenly he stopped.
“This mole Maya?” He touched spot on my back.
“Yes, it’s a birth mark”, I said in a matter of fact tone. He resumed rubbing and massaging my back.
“Sandeep”, I looked into his eyes and combing his hair with my fingers I said, “I also want to see you”.
“Do it Maya, do it! I’m all yours”, he seemed quite happy and eager.
I had decided to be bold then. I had decide to shed all the inhibitions and hesitations. I was with the love of my life and I had nothing to fear about.
“How prominent the veins are Sandeep”, I said holding his ‘Munni’. It had become hot and powerful again. “I think I can measure your ‘Munni’s’ pulse rate holding it.”
“Yes, measure the pulse rate and tell me. Nobody has done it, Maya.” He said laughing as he was visibly pleased with what I was doing. I withdrew the foreskin and probed further.
“The head looks like a fish, Sandeep! See like the mouth of the fish”, I said holding and playing with the head of his ‘Munni’. The cut at the top. Spread it slightly. It certainly resembles the fish. Honestly!
“Fish! You are impossible “He laughed at it again and pinched my cheeks.
“Really Sandeep and it’s joined at one end”, I said moving the foreskin of his ‘Munni’ to and fro again and again.
“I think when it goes inside, it bends one way. This way it is easy to deposit its juice. Now I understand”. I was quite serious expounding this theory to my visibly amused, lone audience.
“Maybe”, was all that he said.
Then a thought flashed in my mind. I started laughing so much that I fell on him and hugged him.
“What’s the joke Maya?” Sandeep asked smiling
“Nothing. Leave it”, I teased him.
“No, No. You have to tell me, Maya”, he seemed curious to know the cause and insisted.
“O.K. O.K. I’ll tell you”, I said placing my head over his chest
“Yes”, he said brushing my hair lightly with his fingers..
“I am very foolish Sandeep! Till now I was quite ignorant of how a boy and girl do it. I always thought that a man puts his ‘Munni’ in a girl’s ‘Bulbul’ and they lie together still. After sometime the man’s ‘Munni’ acts like a spray and deposits its juice in the girl’s ‘Bulbul’. Then they get separated. But so much exercise! Up and down! I didn’t know…”, I was interrupted by his guffaw which he subdued immediately.
“And, what exactly is ‘Bulbul’ and ‘Munni’ Maya?” He asked laughing.
“Well you don’t know. This is ‘Bulbul’ and that is ‘Munni’, I explained the things to him.
“’Bulbul’ and ‘Munni’. ‘Munni’ and ‘Bulbul’. You Maya! You are lovely!” He said laughing. His laughter would not cease.
“I am going. If I am so much funny then leave me”, I said in an annoyed tone and pinched him on his nose.
“Sorry Maya! I’m extremely sorry! You are a lovely girl. See what you have done to me”, he said holding his ‘Munni’ and showing it to me.
His ‘Munni’ was in full strength again. So black, so strong, so hot! It had slightly bent towards his stomach and throbbing in the air. Sitting on his knees, he pushed me back. He seemed to be ready again.
“What Sandeep! Not again dear. I’m not ready”, I protested. But it was a false and weak protest and it was quite evident to Sandeep also. In fact I was longing for it. I wanted him inside me again. I wanted his slow and deep thrusts.
“Don’t worry. I’ll make you ready”, he said holding me close to his body. Then he put a pillow beneath my hips. Then he put one leg on his shoulder and let the other one lie on his lap.
I didn’t understand anything so I let him do as he pleased and let the things happen as they would happen.
He stretched one of my hands and placed his palm over mine. With the other hand he held my head in his grip. Then he positioned his ‘Munni’ at the right place on my ‘Bulbul’ and pushed. With the first thrust he was deep inside me. I grimaced, but endured.
“Why, Maya? You didn’t cry with pain this time”, he said withdrawing his ‘Munni’ and then pushing it again.
“So you expect me to cry with pain the whole of my life. Forget it Sandeep!” I said holding his hand.
Oh, Ho!” He said as he continued his slow but deep thrusts. He was holding my head tightly in his grip. I couldn’t budge a centimeter from my position the way he held me in his grip. That increased the power of his thrusts. When he went deep he jabbed and pressed inside for a few seconds. That enhanced the pleasure so much that my hips picked up his rhythm and my ‘Bulbul’ rose to meet his ‘Munni’ at each thrust.
“Yes that’s it Maya! You are a natural”, he said. Whether it was a true praise or he mocked at me I didn’t know. At that moment it did not matter also. The rhythm and the pace was all that mattered. In between he stopped and held me rubbing his ‘Munni’ at a fast pace in my ‘Bulbul.’ This enhanced the pleasure much and I had difficulty controlling myself. Seeing him I could easily understand that it was becoming too much for him also. Before I knew, my body became taut and tense once again. I couldn’t bear the excitement and cried his name.
“Sandeep!” And, then the same feeling as if something escaped from my body The same weakness. The same blank state of mind as I had experienced before. My grip loosened and I felt as if my legs had lost their strength. Sandeep held it tightly as I tried to bring it down.
“No Maya No! I’m on the verge! Hold me tightly”, he said increasing the frequency of his thrusts. Then he dug his fingers on my shoulder and nearly fell on me.
“Maya, my love!” He said as his body jerked repeatedly This time I could clearly sense something filling my ‘Bulbul’. The ‘fuch’ ‘fuch’ (rhyming with such such) sound that it made, when he went few more times up and down, as if something was splashing in the water was clearly audible. And, then he collapsed over me pinning me down by his weight. He kept on lying like that for a few minutes.
He got up and smiled at me. I also got up and smiled at him. Coming near to him I wiped the sweat off his forehead by my hand and then kissed him on the forehead once again. He hugged me tightly and kissed me passionately on my lips.
“Maya you go and sleep in your room. We are quite tired and it is quite late now. We’re likely to get up late in the morning. It won’t look good if we are found sleeping in the same room together. People will be moving around in the day”, he said holding me close to his body.
“Yes Sandeep you are absolutely right”, I said placing my head on his chest and playing with
the hair.
“O.K., then”, he said as he moved towards the almirah to take out his clothes.
I began searching for my clothes and found it lying near the bed. I was not in a hurry. I took my time to put them on. Sandeep had also dressed up by then. After I had dressed up, I tidied up aunt’s room as much as I could. I was thoroughly tired and in no mood to make the bed or tidy the room. Then also, with Sandeep’s help I made the room at least presentable. After doing it we sat on the bed looking at each other and smiling. Then Sandeep got up and put his hands on my shoulders.
“O.K., Maya. Good night my love”, he said and kissed me. I departed after a tight hug and a deep passionate kiss. I didn’t want to go to my room but I had to. With slow paces I headed towards my room. I went straight to the bath-room, eased and then thoroughly washed myself. Being exhausted by the ‘work’ and consumed by the excitement, I drifted into sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Next day was local holiday. I woke up late, very late indeed. It must have been around 12 in the day when my eyes opened. Whole body was aching. As soon as I became aware of the surroundings, The previous night flashed before my eyes like a movie. The thought and memory of what had happened last night made me blush and I fell on the bed smiling.
”Maya, Maya”, aunt Vidya called me from the kitchen.
“Coming aunt, just a minute”, I said rushing to the bath-room.
I always believed that a girl should spend at least half an hour in the bath-room. She needs to be elaborate in cleaning and grooming herself for the day. After the bath I came in the room. As Ma and Papa were not there I had the whole room at my disposal. I latched the door and pulled the curtains on the window. A full length mirror was there in the room. I stood before it and dropped the towel on the floor. I blushed at what I saw in the mirror. I couldn’t face my own image. I knew it wasn’t the same Maya RaniI was seeing. This was a different Maya. And since I knew what the difference was it made me blush. Then I gathered courage and looked into the mirror again. What I saw there I fell in love with. I certainly looked beautiful. I was a healthy girl, richly endowed by the nature. Black shining hair and a beautiful face aptly complemented by the tall and, well rounded and fuller figure. I always kept strict watch on my diet and never missed my Yoga exercises even for a day. I moved my hand all over my body and then slipped it on my ‘Bulbul’. I don’t know and It might have been just my imagination, but the ‘Bulbul’ looked and felt different that day! Suddenly aunt Vidya’s angry voice brought me back to my surroundings.
“Maya, how long are you going to take. Girl! It’s going to be 12:30 in the day. Come out soon. Bhabhi has called three times since the morning. I had lied to her that you have gone out to fetch something. Get out soon. She may call any moment. She sounded quite angry”.
Immediately I slipped into my clothes. I preferred to wear salwar-kurta suit at home and that day being a holiday, I had nowhere to go. I came out, my hair still wrapped in the towel.
“Yes aunt. What’s the hurry?” I said as I hugged her from behind.
“The hurry is that you come here”, she said holding my hand. “Bhabhi has called you many times and she may call anytime now. Moreover it’s mid-day and you are still not ready for the day”.
“Sorry aunty, forgive me!” I said kissing on her cheek and hugging her again.
She didn’t say anything but holding my hand she took me to her room. Once we were inside the room she closed the door and latched it properly. Then she drew all the curtains over the windows. After doing that she proceeded to the bed. I followed suit. We lay there side by side as we always did whenever we had something to talk about.
“Yes, Maya Rani dear now tell me the whole story, I am quite eager to know that”, she said embracing me.
“Which story aunt? Which story are you alluding to?” I feigned ignorance.
“This story”, she said laughing and patting my ‘Bulbul’ under my salwar.
“Aunty!” I couldn’t say anything as I blushed and hid my face in her ample bosom.
“Maya, I’m happy for you. This night, this moment comes in every girl’s life. And, if it comes with the love of her life, then she is truly blessed. Imagine being married to someone and having intimacy with him whom you can’t relate to. It becomes a dull, boring and a routine life. Pleasure is certainly missing there and you spend your whole life searching for that elusive man and elusive moment”, she said placing her hands on my breasts and pressing them lightly. I listened intently to her. “How was the night with Sandeep, Maya?”
“Aunty, he came and sat for few minutes and went away”, I said teasing her.
“And, what about the ‘Munni’ injection he gave you that kept you sleeping for so long. That’s what I want to hear. Understood!” She said drawing me closer.
“O.K., O.K., I’ll tell the whole thing to you. In fact I’m dying to tell you the whole thing. You’re the only one in whom I can confide”, I said rubbing my face on her bosom. “Where’s Sandeep aunty?”
“He had some work to do. He’ll be back in the evening”, she replied.
“Evening! O.K., aunt it so happened…”, she interrupted me in between.
“No, No, first let’s get into our proper uniform. That will enhance the pleasure, Maya”, she said getting up from the bed.
We undressed together and soon we were in our proper uniform, the one we were born with. Holding my hand she took me to the bed. After kissing each other passionately we lay there on the bed in tight embrace. After a few minutes aunt Vidya loosened her hold and tapping me on my hips said,
Well, then what happened?”
I narrated the whole story to her as it had happened. She was an avid listener and her body language showed that she was enjoying the narration thoroughly. During the course of narration she got so much excited, that she would pull my face on to her ample bosom or explore my ‘Bulbul’ with her dexterous fingers. She would pull me on herself that we would lie facing each other. Then she would rub her ‘Bulbul’ on mine.
The phone call interrupted the steamy session that we were engaged in. The extension to the phone was there in her room too. So we could attend the call without moving out. Aunt Vidya nearly threw me off her going for the phone.
“Who is it?”
“Oh Bhabhi, how is everything there”, she covered the mouthpiece and whispered at me, “Ma”
She listened intently what Ma said to her and then turning at me said, “Maya, Bhabhi is on the phone. She wants to talk to you. Come”. She handed the phone to me.
Ma was very elaborate as usual and she continued asking everything and giving instructions on the phone. I answered her in monosyllables or just nodded my head as if she was standing in front of me. We talked for nearly 15 to 20 minutes when she ended the call by saying, “O.K., Maya we’ll be back by the evening or in the night. Papa is well. Take care child.”
Whew! Ma’s instructions and directions were so elaborate that Papa used to say that it would be better if she could get all these instructions codified and well typed. Thus before moving out she could give these to everybody. We all laughed at this and it was a big family joke.
“Then Maya, what happened after that?” Aunt Vidya said pulling me to herself. She was clearly on fire and my story had stoked it further. I giggled at her anxiety and teased her.
“Aunty I don’t remember further.”
“Maya, I’ll kill you!” She said laughing and pinched my cheeks. Then she threw the bait too!
“If you’ll be a good girl and listen to your aunt, then aunt will prepare the ‘lick-er’ for you.”
“Really aunty! My goody, goody aunty! My ‘Bulbul’ aunty!” Overjoyed, I embraced her tightly and kissed the tips of her ample breasts.
Don’t confuse ‘lick-er’ with any sort of liquor or brew. It meant
the close encounter of different kind. It meant a hot and steamy session of licking the nether lips of ‘Bulbul’ and further down inside it with the tongue. When aunt Vidya did it, I was transported to the land of ecstasy, enjoyment and lust.
The story session resumed again, but not before aunt Vidya had served me a full treat of intoxicating ‘lick-er’. Leaking with pleasure (now ‘Bulbul’ can’t overflow with pleasure as that is the work of ‘Munni’ dear), I resumed the story again. At the end of the steamy roller-coaster narration during which we had our ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ and some really exciting jolts, we lay thoroughly exhausted beside each other. Eyes closed we lay there on the bed savoring the past night’s incidents, and enjoying the hangover of the intoxicating ‘lick-er’ We were quite happy and quite content too.
The phone bell rang again. What has happened to Ma I thought. How many times she was going to call and flood us with her instructions. Enough! Aunt Vidya got up immediately to answer it.
“Who is it?”
“Yes, this is Balram Yadav’s house. I am his sister”, she spoke in the phone. Ma was not there. So, who it could be? I became curious.
“Police station! Which Police station?” Her voice faltered as she spoke. Suddenly I became anxious hearing the word Police. Call from the Police station! Why? My heart began beating at a faster rate.
“Yes. Sandeep, we know him of course! He is my brother-in-law.”
“Which accident! Why are you asking? Wh…What has happened to him? Is he all right?” She stammered through her speech and it sounded as if she had to labor through it. I had become quite anxious and fearing the unknown drew closer to the phone.
“Whaaaat! Oh My God! It can’t be!” She fell on the bed like a sawed off lifeless tree and the phone fell from her hand. Covering her face in her palms she fell into sobbing loudly.