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Mystery at Oakfield Hall

Page 14

by Irena Nieslony

  “Your brother, Arthur, and your son are here to see you. You can have five minutes with them in an interview room.”

  “What, no Barbara?” John asked.

  “I’m sorry; your wife wasn’t with them.”

  As John walked to the interview room, he was shaking.

  She’s more than a little angry, otherwise she would have come. What on earth is going through her mind?

  As John entered the interview room, Steven rushed up to his dad and hugged him.

  “Are you alright, Dad? I’ve been so worried.”

  “Worried? I thought you’d be mad with me.”

  “Well, I’m not too happy you had an affair, but Mum isn’t that nice to you so I can see why. I don’t believe you tried to kill Rachel all those times though. I think you only attacked her this time because you were upset that she went to the police. Tell me I’m right, Dad.”

  “Yes, oh yes. I’m so glad you believe in me. It means more to me than anything. I didn’t push Rachel down the stairs or poison her or set Oakfield on fire. I wouldn’t have killed her this time either. I was angry, but I couldn’t have killed her, I promise, son.”

  John then turned to Arthur.

  “I take it that Barbara hasn’t taken the news well?”

  “I’m afraid she wants a divorce.”

  “I’m sure she’ll calm down, Dad.”

  "I'm not so sure,” Arthur put in. “Once Barbara makes up her mind...”

  “I know what she’s like,” snapped John. “I’ve been married to her for long enough. She’ll want a divorce and everything I own.”

  "Mum won’t be so harsh,” Steven said, but he knew in his heart that his mother could be cruel. She had never been particularly loving to either him or Sarah.

  “And what about Sarah?” John asked. “How’s she taken it?”

  “She’s still at her friend’s, Dad.” Steven replied. “I’ll ring her and arrange to meet her before Mum can tell her and try to make it sound worse than it is.”

  “Worse than it is!" Arthur said. “Steven, it’s really bad for your Dad. I’m sorry John, but you are in serious trouble. If they don’t find out who attacked Rachel all those other times, you’ll be the one going down for the lot, mark my words.”

  John and Steven both looked at Arthur, the seriousness of the situation finally sinking in. John wanted to cry. He felt just like he had done when he was a little boy and Arthur was rotten to him. He would burst into tears, but then his mother had always comforted him and made him feel better. Now he had nobody. He doubted if Carlotta would bother to come and see him and Sarah, the apple of his eye, idolized Rachel so she probably wouldn’t talk to him either. He had Steven, but how long would it be before he turned against him as well. John was scared and he felt so alone. How he wished his mother was still alive.

  The door opened and Inspector Taylor came back in.

  “Time to go back to your cell, Mr. Robertson.”

  John nodded. He was glad to get away from Arthur. Arthur was standing there looking serious, but John knew the truth. Inside Arthur was laughing. He could almost hear him.

  * * *

  Sarah and Steven sat in a pub in Windsor having a drink.

  “I can’t believe this has happened,” Sarah said, close to tears.

  She was feeling confused and conflicted. She had always been daddy’s little girl and she adored him, but she wanted to be an actress and thought Rachel was wonderful. The main reason she was helping her at Oakfield was because she wanted to get to know Rachel and find out more about the acting world. She couldn’t believe her own father had tried to kill her.

  “I’m pretty certain Dad didn’t try and murder Rachel all those other times,” Steven said, “and he would have stopped this time before he choked her.”

  “I’m sure you’re right, but the police might not find out who the real culprit is and Dad could go down for life.”

  “No he couldn’t. He didn’t actually murder her.”

  “Well, it’ll still be a long time and Dad will never survive in jail. He’s pretty soft and will never cope with the hardened criminals.”

  “It’s a pity Rachel went to the police about Dad’s affair and didn’t try and sort this out within the family.”

  “How could she?” Sarah asked, defending her friend. “She was scared. All these attempts on her life must have taken their toll.”

  “Yeh, but it is Rachel’s fault Dad is in prison.”

  Sarah didn’t reply. Simon was right, but she couldn’t hate Rachel. After all the attempts on her life, she had had to report everything to the police just in case it was relevant. Anyway, she wasn’t too happy with her Dad for having an affair. She thought he should have left her Mum ages ago because of the awful way she treated him, but he had put up with it and just had an affair behind her back.

  “So, Steven, what are you going to do now? Neither of us is happy that Mum has decided to divorce Dad without telling him. I reckon she’s going to try and leave him penniless.”

  “That won’t happen. The court won’t give her everything, but she’ll probably do well out of him.”

  “I’m going to ask Rachel if I can stay with her. I don’t want to be with Mum, do you?”

  “I haven’t thought about it, but don’t you think it’s going to be a bit strange you staying with Rachel? Dad might be upset and then what if the papers get hold of it."

  “I don’t care about the papers and I’ll talk to Dad.”

  “Rachel might not want you to stay,” Steven suggested.

  “Well, it’s up to her. If she doesn’t, I’ll stay at a friend’s. There’s no way I’m staying with Mum, no way.”

  * * *

  Barbara was feeling pleased with herself. She had got the wheels in motion for her divorce. At last she would be able to get rid of that lead weight around her neck. She couldn’t for the life of her remember what she had seen in John in the first place. Yes, he had been very good-looking, the most handsome of the three brothers. She usually wanted more than good looks, but she had been blinded by those long dark lashes, that dimple in his chin and that sexy smile. Although George had looked a lot like him, he was too much of a playboy for the ambitious Barbara.

  It wasn’t long into their marriage that she realized that John had no business acumen at all and if it wasn’t for her, their business would have failed. Why had Arthur been married? His business was thriving and she had no doubt it was due to him, not quiet, boring Joan who spent most of her days happily occupied in housewifely duties.

  Barbara had been told that the divorce would go through quite quickly due to the circumstances. She was excited and started thinking about how she could persuade Arthur to go into business with her. She had no doubt that the courts would give her the business Things were definitely looking up for Barbara Robertson.

  Chapter 16

  Rachel took a cab from the hospital to the police station. She wanted to give her statement about John’s attack on her as quickly as possible and then try to put it behind her. She knew it wouldn’t be easy, but she had to try for her own peace of mind.

  Sitting in the interview room with Inspector Taylor and Sergeant Wilson, Rachel found she was shaking. The whole business had suddenly come back to her and she could almost feel John’s hands around her neck. A couple of tears fell.

  “I’m sorry, Inspector Taylor, everything just came flooding back. I thought I was alright, but evidently I’m still in shock.”

  “You really shouldn’t be alone in that house, you know. Can you go to Mary’s again tonight?”

  “I’ll think about it. After all John is behind bars now, so I haven’t really got anything to worry about.”

  “If he was the person who tried to kill you all the other times.”

  “Do you think he wasn’t?” Rachel asked.

  It had crossed her mind quite a few times that it hadn’t been John, but she had dismissed that idea each time it entered her head. It made her feel more secure
to think that he had been the one who had tried to murder her before, so that’s what she had kept telling herself. However, deep down, it made just as much sense that he hadn’t done anything apart from attempting to strangle her that day. He had been very angry that she had told the police about him and Carlotta and had acted in the heat of the moment. That was more like the John she knew. He wouldn’t be able to plan the other attacks. He wasn’t very bright for a start and he would get scared just thinking about committing the crimes.

  “John Robertson has been charged with the other attacks on you, Ms. Fisher,” Taylor continued, “but he’s adamant that he isn’t the guilty party. Unfortunately, we haven’t got much evidence that will convict him.”

  “I suppose that when I think about it, he doesn’t seem brave or clever enough to plan all the attempts on my life. It’s more likely that he’d do something on the spur of the moment like he did today.”

  Helen, meanwhile, was getting fed up with the conversation. Weren't they supposed to be taking Rachel Fisher’s statement, not having a chat? She knew she shouldn’t be thinking it, but it would have been so much easier if John Robertson had killed Rachel that day.

  “Anyway,” Taylor was now saying. “I’d better take your statement about what happened today.”

  Rachel proceeded to go through the events, trying to hold back the tears, but she wasn’t having much success. Inspector Taylor sent Helen out to get some tissues and a cup of tea for Rachel. Helen was certain the tears were put on for her boss.

  “Well, if you’d just sign here, Ms. Fisher,” Taylor finally said when Rachel finished her statement. “I think that will be it for now.”

  Rachel signed the statement and the detective couldn’t help but notice that her hands were still trembling.

  “You will go and stay with Mary tonight won’t you?” he asked again.

  “If it makes you feel any better,” she smiled.

  “I don’t like to see you driving like this either.”

  “I took a taxi from the hospital and I’ll go and find another one now.”

  “Nonsense. I’ll drive you back. I have a call to make along the Farnham Road so it’ll tie in nicely.”

  “Do you want me to come, sir?” Helen asked quickly.

  "No, Helen. There’s quite a bit of paperwork to catch up on here, so I’d rather you got that done.”

  With that the Inspector and Rachel left the interview room. Helen stood there fuming.

  I’ve had enough of this. I’m going to tell him what a fool he’s making of himself. There’s no way a woman like Rachel Fisher is going to be interested in a humble police officer, no way.

  * * *

  Rachel was quiet in the car with Inspector Taylor. It wasn’t as if she was nervous of him; in fact she now felt very comfortable in his company and most of all, safe. After all, he had saved her life.

  “Are you alright, Ms. Fisher?” Taylor asked. “You’ve not said a lot. Are you sure you want to go back to Oakfield Hall?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I actually feel quite relaxed at the moment. And yes, I do want to go back to Oakfield. My cats are there after all.”

  The Inspector smiled. He was pleased that he had such a positive effect on her. She’d had a terrible day and was probably worn out. He was relieved to see that she wasn’t trembling now as she had been at the police station.

  A couple of minutes later he glanced over at Rachel and saw that she was asleep. He was glad. If she didn’t go over to her friend Mary’s that night, she wouldn’t get much sleep at Oakfield. He wasn’t certain at all that John was the one who had committed all the other attacks on Rachel and he had half a mind asking if he should stay at her house overnight just in case the killer turned up. However, it wouldn’t be appropriate or it could be misconstrued. As it was, he just had to hope she would take his advice and stay with Mary or someone else. He hated to admit it, but it was a pity that that awful boyfriend of hers was away at the moment. At least if he was around he’d be able to protect her.

  Rachel stayed asleep for the journey and soon they were driving into Oakfield. Rachel suddenly woke up.

  “Oh, we’re home. I’m so sorry. I’ve been terrible company.”

  “That’s fine. You obviously needed the rest.”

  Inspector Taylor stopped his car outside the front door.

  "Would you like to come in?” Rachel asked.

  “I would love to, but I have work to do. Now promise me you won’t stay alone tonight, Rachel.”

  He could have kicked himself; he really shouldn’t have called her Rachel. It wasn’t professional, but she didn’t seem to have noticed.

  “I promise, Inspector. You’ve asked me so many times that I can hardly say no," Rachel laughed.

  The Inspector thought how beautiful she looked when she laughed, not that she didn’t always look absolutely gorgeous.

  “Well, thank you for the lift. It was very kind,” Rachel said as she got out of the car.

  He smiled at her and reluctantly drove away. Rachel stood watching until she couldn’t see the car anymore.

  I will have to tell Mary he hasn’t got a wife. He’s so kind and I’m sure he’d treat her well unlike her previous husbands. I don’t know why I’ve hesitated, I really don’t

  * * *

  As soon as Rachel opened the front door, she was greeted by two very hungry cats and once she had fed them she decided that she would pour herself a gin and tonic. The day had proved to be stressful and she wanted nothing better than to relax on the veranda with a cold drink and her two cats for company. She would do as the detective asked and ring Mary later.

  Once she had settled down, Rachel took a sip of her gin and tonic and then realized how hungry she was. She hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast and she didn’t want the alcohol to go straight to her head. Perhaps it might make her feel better, but she wanted to stay alert just in case John wasn’t the one who had committed all the crimes.

  Finally settling down with a stilton and cucumber sandwich, Rachel started to wonder if she should put all her plans on hold. She could always carry on with the hotel later. However, it felt defeatist and she had been looking forward to opening the hotel so much. She loved acting, but the thought of doing something completely different excited her.

  Just as Rachel finished her sandwich, her mobile rang.

  “Hello darling, how are you. I miss you so much.”

  “James, how wonderful to hear from you. I’ve had a terrible day,” Rachel replied and without hesitation told James all about it, barely stopping for breath.

  “So it was John,” James said. “Who would have thought it? I would have put my money on Arthur any day, or Barbara. John is such a wimp.”

  Rachel was a little surprised that John wasn’t more concerned about how she was, but she decided to ignore it,

  “John wasn’t a wimp when he was trying to strangle me. However, the police aren’t certain he did all the other things and nor am I.”

  “Really?” Oh I think it must have been him.”

  Rachel wondered why James was so convinced it was John, but didn’t bother to ask why. She wanted to forget it, but James seemed determined not to stop talking about him.

  “Has John been let out on bail?”

  “I don’t think so. I know Barbara won’t pay the money. She’s already decided to divorce him.”

  “My goodness, she doesn’t let the grass grow under her feet does she?”

  Rachel had had enough,

  “Please James, can we talk about something else. I just want to forget it all.”

  “Of course darling, whatever you want.”

  “Have you got a flight booked back?”

  “Yes, Friday evening so we can meet up on Saturday, if you want of course.”

  “Yes, I can’t wait to see you. I feel so vulnerable here alone.”

  “Don’t worry. John’s behind bars and I’ll be with you soon. You’ll be alright in that house now that John isn’t on the loose.

  “It’s strange. Inspector Taylor told me to stay with Mary.”

  “What nonsense. I don’t know why the man is trying to frighten you. There’s nothing to be afraid of anymore, Rachel. Anyway, you’re one of the bravest and self-sufficient women I know. He’s trying to turn you into something you’re not; some poor helpless female. I don’t know why. Look, I’ve got to go. I have a meeting. I’ll try and ring in the morning. Remember what I said. You are a brave woman.”

  “Alright, darling, I’ll try. Speak to you tomorrow.”

  Rachel didn’t know what to think after talking to James. He hadn’t reacted the way she had expected at all. He had seemed more interested in John than in how she was after he attacked her. She was quite disappointed in him. However, he had got one thing right. Normally very little frightened Rachel, but this was different. Somebody had been trying to kill her. However, that person, if it wasn’t John, could follow her to London and kill her there just as easily. No she would stay at Oakfield and face anything that was thrown at her. It was her home after all.

  * * *

  A couple of hours later, Sarah Robertson arrived at Oakfield. She had phoned Rachel and asked if she could stay for a few days, saying she didn’t feel comfortable at home with her mother because of the impending divorce. Rachel wondered how Sarah could feel relaxed with her as her father had tried to kill her, but she didn’t ask and simply agreed to her staying. Despite Rachel’s bravado at deciding to stay on at Oakfield, she was rather glad of the company. Steven had decided to stay with his mother for a couple of days and then possibly move in with friends if she continually berated his father.

  Sarah and Rachel spent most of the evening talking about everything except for John until Sarah could hold it in no longer.

  “I don’t think my Dad committed any of the other crimes against you; in fact I’m sure he didn’t.”

  “If it’s any comfort to you, Sarah, I don’t think he did either. I did at first, mainly because it made me feel safer, but I don’t think John would be much good at planning any of those things, I had to tell the police about his affair just in case it was relevant. He could have wanted the inheritance so he could have the money to carry on his affair with Carlotta. I was scared, Sarah.”


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