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Mystery at Oakfield Hall

Page 15

by Irena Nieslony

  “It’s alright, Rachel. I understand. Don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty mad at Dad. It’s a mess, a huge mess.”

  The two girls hugged, both near to tears. Rachel hoped, for Sarah’s sake, that John was innocent of the other crimes, but if he didn’t commit them, then who did?

  Chapter 17

  The following day Rachel felt much brighter. She had surprisingly slept well, feeling safer with Sarah in the next room. She was relieved that a night had gone by with nothing out of the ordinary happening and it was also a day nearer to James’s return. She had conveniently put her last conversation with James to the back of her mind and remembered only the wonderful Saturday they had spent together before he had left for New York.

  She and Sarah settled down to cleaning out another room after breakfast, but it wasn’t long before Sarah’s mobile rang. Rachel noticed that she said very little to the person on the other end and that she looked pale when she ended the call.

  “Is anything wrong, Sarah? You don’t look quite yourself.”

  “It was Dad on the phone. Carlotta’s posted bail. He’s out.”

  “Oh,” was all Rachel could say.

  “Yes, Dad was very surprised as he ended their relationship yesterday.”

  A black cloud suddenly descended over Rachel. She had felt a little safer again with John in jail, but what if he was the one who had been trying to kill her all along? However, would John be so stupid as to come and finish off the job he had started the previous day? No, of course he wouldn’t, but still, she didn’t feel as confident as she had done earlier on and she knew she wouldn’t sleep as well that night. John had a temper, she was sure of that, and goodness knows what he would do if it was aroused again. However, the thought did also cross her mind that he might be in a better mood because Carlotta had posted bail.

  “You’re worried, aren’t you Rachel?” Sarah interrupted her thoughts. “I’m sure everything will be alright. Dad says he’s going to stay with Carlotta in a hotel in Slough. He’s not to move out of the area. It’s a condition of the bail.”

  “So they’re back together?”

  “I guess so. I suppose it doesn’t matter much now Mum’s going to divorce him.”

  “Are you going to see him?”

  “Yes. I’m going to ask him for the truth. I know he won’t lie to me.”

  Rachel nodded and then got back to work. She knew Sarah would have to see her Dad. It was obviously the right thing to do, but a littler later, after Sarah had gone; Rachel picked up the phone and called Mary.

  “Why didn’t you tell me yesterday?" Mary scolded. I’d have been round like a shot. Are you sure you trust Sarah? After all, she and her Dad are close.”

  “Yes, of course I do.”

  “I hate to say it, but much as I don’t like him, I wish that James were there to look after you.”

  Rachel laughed.

  “Me too, but he will be back in a few days’ time. I do miss him.”

  Rachel was then filled with guilt again for not telling Mary about Inspector Taylor. It was now or never and she couldn’t believe she was still hesitating.

  “Oh, by the way, I found out that Inspector Taylor is a widower. I saw him at the cemetery at his wife’s grave.”

  “Why are you telling me this, Rachel?”

  “Because you like him.”

  “I did.”

  “I bet you still do. He’s only been so miserable because he lost his wife a year ago and I think he still misses her. Perhaps you could help him get over her.”

  “I don’t know. I'll think about it.”

  When Rachel ended the call, she thought she would feel good about herself for telling Mary about Inspector Taylor, but she didn’t. She felt as if she’d lost something and she didn’t know why

  Come on Rachel, snap out of it. James will be back in three days. John won’t do anything while he’s out on bail. There’ll be no point. You really have nothing to worry about at all.

  Things weren’t that bad in reality, so why wasn’t Rachel able to smile?

  * * *

  Sarah decided to go and see her father that afternoon. As she drove to the hotel, she became confused and started to get a little angry with Rachel. Her Dad would never deliberately kill her. There must be some mistake and she didn’t want him going down for something he didn’t do.

  Carlotta opened the door of the hotel room.

  “Sarah, isn’t it? I’ve seen some recent photos of you. You were very small when I saw you last.”

  “Yes, I’m Sarah. Is my Dad here?”

  She didn’t want to waste time talking to her father’s mistress. She wasn’t quite sure what she thought of her. Yes, her Mum was difficult to live with, but her Dad should have left her Mum before taking up with Carlotta.

  “Yes, if course he’s here. Come in.”

  Saran went in and on seeing her father, rushed straight into his arms,

  “Oh Dad, I’ve been so worried. I haven’t known what to think.”

  “Sarah, I’m sorry. I’ve been very stupid. I lost my temper and got myself into a lot of trouble.”

  Sarah knew then that she had to accept that her father had tried to strangle Rachel.

  “Why did Rachel have to report you to the police about your affair? I don’t understand. I thought I did, but now I’m not sure I should be her friend. I feel disloyal.”

  “Don’t blame Rachel. I did, but it’s not really her fault. I’ve calmed down and can see that she was just frightened. Don’t ruin your friendship with her over me.”

  “Alright, thanks Dad. Steven said Mum’s already put in for a divorce.”

  “She’s not a forgiving woman, Sarah. It’s for the best anyway.”

  “Your father belongs with me,” Carlotta put in.

  Sarah glanced at the older woman, not ready yet to accept her.

  “Where are you staying, Sarah, with Mum or with a friend?” John asked.

  “I stayed at Rachel’s last night.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea with the killer at large.”

  “I’ll talk to her tonight. See if she wants to go back to London.”

  “Good, it would make me feel better.”

  * * *

  “No,” Rachel said with determination later on that same afternoon. “I’m not being chased out of my own property. If you feel safer elsewhere, I’m fine with you not staying. Don’t worry; I won’t hold it against you. It is a particularly hard situation so you must do whatever makes you feel comfortable.”

  “I’ll stay here with you,” Sarah replied after a moment’s thought. I’m not really scared. I only suggested it because my Dad was worried.”

  “Alright then. I’ll prepare some dinner and we’ll have a couple of glasses of wine and relax. Just what the doctor ordered I think!”

  “Sounds good to me,” Sarah agreed.

  Rachel smiled, relieved that her cousin wasn’t leaving. Yes, she would stay on her own if she had to, but it would feel so much more comfortable and safe with company.

  Chapter 18

  That evening Mary went to the pub with a couple of girlfriends from work. She was in two minds about whether to go with them or not. She thought about visiting Rachel, but knew that Sarah was staying with her and therefore should be reasonably safe.

  However, Mary kept thinking about Rachel and the case, wondering if John had committed all the crimes or not. She wished she could forget about it, but it was impossible.

  A little while later, Mary noticed that Inspector Taylor was sitting in the corner of the pub with a couple of other men. She was surprised that she found herself becoming hot and was tingling all over. Her initial attraction to him definitely hadn’t worm off. After all he was a very attractive man and he had been Rachel’s knight in shining armor recently. She had put him out of her mind, but after Rachel had told her he was a widower and had encouraged her to go after him, perhaps there was a chance for them.

  Inspector Taylor caught Mary’s
eye and he smiled. He remembered Sarah’s party where he had been rude and abrupt with her and felt bad about it. He should apologize. He didn’t know why he had been like that. Or did he? Was it because that awful James Parker was sticking to Rachel Fisher like glue? He knew he had to stop thinking about Rachel. She had a boyfriend and even if she didn’t, she was way out of his league. She was beautiful, glamorous, and successful. She, no doubt, met similar people and could have her pick of the celebrities if she wanted. Even James was a designer for one of the top fashion houses. What would Rachel want with a lowly copper?

  Inspector Taylor remembered Rachel saying that Mary was interested in him. Mary was bubbly and pretty. She had children as he did. He reckoned they would have lots of things in common. Why didn’t he ask her out for a meal and forget about Rachel?

  The detective excused himself from his friends and walked over to Mary.

  “Mrs. Knight, could I have a quick word please in private.”

  The other two girls gave each other knowing looks. Mary was mad at them. Inspector Taylor would have noticed and he probably only wanted to talk about Rachel. She’d have something to say to her friends when she got back to the table.

  “Mrs. Knight,” Taylor said when they were alone. “I presume you’ve heard the latest about Rachel?”

  “If you mean about John’s attack on her, then yes.”

  “I was hoping she’d stay with you. Has she not contacted you?”

  “She has, but John’s daughter, Sarah, is staying with her. Will that be all?”

  “No, I want to apologize for being so rude to you at Sarah’s party. I find gatherings like that stressful, though I know that’s no excuse.”

  Mary was taken aback by his apology and decided to do nothing else but accept and smile sweetly.

  “Thank you. It’s forgotten already.”

  ”By way of recompense, could I take you out to dinner?”

  Mary was more than surprised by his invitation and quickly accepted. They exchanged details and Mary went back to her table floating on air.

  “What did that gorgeous hunk want,” Jane, one of Mary’s friends asked.

  “I’ve got a date,” Mary replied, grinning from ear to ear.

  However, Inspector Taylor went back to his companions in a less cheerful mood. He was sure it would be a very pleasant evening with Mary Knight. She did seem like a nice girl; but why did he keep wishing it was Rachel he was going out to dinner with?

  * * *

  Rachel fell asleep more or less as soon as her head hit the pillow that night. She hadn’t realized how tired she was, but it had been such a stressful day so it wasn’t surprising. Sarah, however, experienced the opposite effect to the day. She just lay in bed, the clock ticking away, unable to fall asleep. She had enjoyed her evening, but now everything was going through her head. Whatever happened, her Dad was going to jail and she worried how he would cope. He wasn’t a strong man emotionally and she was sure he would be bullied by the other prisoners.

  Then, what would happen to her? Sarah knew she couldn’t live with her Mum if her Dad wasn’t there supporting her. Her mother wouldn’t give her the money to go to drama school and she’d end up going to university which she’d hate. Perhaps Rachel would let her live with her and work at the hotel for a year to earn enough money to pay for her tuition at drama school. Sarah smiled, thinking she had come up with a fantastic idea. Yes, she thought it was a great plan, as long as Rachel agreed of course.

  Suddenly, Sarah heard a bang in Rachel’s room and thought that Rachel couldn’t sleep either. Should she go and see if she wanted company? Or should she leave it? Perhaps Rachel wanted to be alone with her own thoughts as well.

  In Rachel’s room, a man cursed to himself as he hit his leg on the bedside cabinet, but to his relief Rachel didn’t stir. He moved close to her and was about to put sticky tape over her mouth when her eyes suddenly opened. She looked at him, but barely saw anything, partly because of the dim light, but also because she could just about see that he had a balaclava on.

  Rachel began to scream, but the man put a hand over her mouth. He was about to put the other hand around her neck when, using all the strength she had, she managed to scramble free. She ran over to the far side of the room where she knew there was a door to a secret passage and she was gone in a flash. She stumbled along, not having any light, but unfortunately heard the man coming behind her.

  Of course, it must be a member of the family and they all know about the secret passages.

  Rachel reached the end of the passage, dashed into the hallway, into another bedroom and then into another secret passage. She walked slowly along this one, not really knowing what advantage she was gaining. She had to find something to disable the killer with and quickly. Then there was Sarah. Would he hurt her as well?

  As Rachel walked along the passage, she heard footsteps coming towards her. The man must have come in through the door at the other end. She immediately turned and ran the other way. His footsteps speeded up as well. Soon she was back in the other bedroom and remembered that she had bought a beautiful new vase for that room. She grabbed it and went out of the door and stood in position waiting for the man.

  Rachel heard him come out of the passage. He stopped for a few moments and then came out of the door. Rachel didn’t hesitate. Luckily, being tall, it was easy for her to go for his head and that’s exactly what she did. With no holds barred. Rachel hit the man over the head with the vase. He collapsed and lay on the floor, not moving.

  At that moment, Sarah came rushing out of her bedroom.

  “What’s all this noise? And who’s that?” she exclaimed

  “I think I may have killed the man who was trying to kill me,” Rachel said, looking stunned.

  Sarah moved towards the man and bent down. Gingerly she felt his pulse.

  “He’s still alive.”

  “Thank goodness,” Rachel said. "I don’t want to be done for manslaughter, much as he deserves it. Anyway, we need to tie him up, but what with?”

  Both girls looked around.

  “The cord around the curtains,” Sarah piped up.

  They were new as well, but Rachel didn’t care. They and the vase could be replaced.

  Rachel and Sarah hurriedly tied up the man’s feet and hands, Rachel thinking all the time who it might be. It was definitely a man; she knew that immediately she felt his hands on her. It couldn’t be Arthur or John as the man looked too fit. Surely Sarah would know if it was her brother, Steven. That left Arthur’s son, Mark, and Sam’s son, Tony, but why would either of them want to kill her? Perhaps they wanted to secure their future inheritance.

  “Shall we take the balaclava off?” Sarah asked.

  “I’m dying to know who it is, but I think we’ll wait for the police. We don’t want to disturb him anymore to the extent that he wakes up.”

  “The police,” Sarah exclaimed. “I’ll ring them now.”

  Rachel sat on the floor a little distance away from the man, staring at him. At that moment she felt numb and couldn’t even cry. She could hardly believe it was all nearly over and the person who hated her so much would soon be in police custody.

  Sarah soon came back.

  “We’re in luck. When I said that Inspector Taylor was in charge of this case, the woman on the other end said that he had been off duty, but had been called out to an armed robbery in this area. Apparently he’ll be with us in five to ten minutes.”

  “Thank goodness for that. I’m worried whoever this is might wake up. What if we haven’t tied him up well enough?”

  “I’m pretty sure we have. Look, perhaps we should get dressed. You go first and I’ll watch him and then I’ll go.”

  Rachel nodded. She didn’t want Inspector Taylor to see her in her skimpy night clothes, though why she didn’t know. Rachel rushed to her bedroom and after putting on jeans and a T shirt, quickly applied a little make-up before relieving Sarah so she could do the same.

  While Rachel was
watching over the man, he started to moan a little and make groaning noises. Rachel rushed to Sarah’s room and shouted.

  “He’s beginning to wake up. Hurry.”

  “Won’t be a minute.”

  Sarah soon came out and they both went and looked at the man. He stirred a little and then stopped.

  “Let’s go downstairs,” Rachel said. “We’ll get my car key and if he manages to get loose we’ll get in the car and leave.”

  “What about the police?”

  “We’ll have to ring again. We’re not staying here to be attacked or even killed.”

  The two girls went downstairs and Rachel took her car key from the hook by the door, Sarah opened the door to look outside.

  “Any sign of them yet?” Rachel asked.

  ‘No, not yet.”

  :”I wish they’d hurry up. My nerves are fraying at the edges.”

  "Mine too.”

  “Wait,” Sarah continued a few moments later. “I can see some lights at the end of the driveway. It must be them.”

  Rachel came rushing outside, feeling relieved, and when Inspector Taylor got out of his car, she flung herself into his arms.

  “We’ve got him, we’ve got him at last," she cried.

  The detective was stunned by her actions, but instinctively put his arms around her waist. She felt warm and soft and he wished they could stay like that forever. Helen stood there watching them in horror.

  Suddenly, Rachel disentangled herself from the Inspector.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I was sure that he was going to get out of the ropes we put around his hands and feet before you got here. I was so thankful you had arrived.”

  To Rachel, Taylor had felt comforting and safe, but she felt guilty for feeling like this. Only James should have this effect on her.

  “There’s no need to apologize, Ms. Fisher. You’d better lead me to him. So, who is it?”

  “He has a balaclava on and we haven’t taken it off him. We didn’t want to disturb him anymore than we had to.”


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