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Solid Stone: Odyssey

Page 28

by E. G. Patrick

  I watch a female bartender approach him. He gives her his winning smile and she touches her hair. I know how she feels as he still has that effect on me too. She leans on the bar top to get closer and he smiles and begins chatting with her. He glances in my direction every now and then to make sure I’m watching and I am. He points over to me, she turns around to see who I am and then turns back to him. I have no idea what he’s told her. She leaves Adam, coming back to him with a beer. He hasn’t had a beer since the cottage in July. I guess this is his bar persona: a beer and a very sexy fitted shirt. I enjoy just looking at him. The bartender comes over to me with a cosmo.

  “That really hot guy over there asked me to give this to you. If by chance he’s not your type, let me know, as I’d like to take a crack at him,” she says matter-of-factly. I play along, even though I want to throw the drink into her hair so it will get sticky and frizzy. I shake the evil thought out of my mind immediately, realizing she’s just an innocent bystander in the game we’re about to play. I now have a better idea of what he’s up to.

  I say to her, very nicely, “Thanks, he is kind of cute, isn’t he? Let’s see how the night pans out and I’ll get back to you.”

  “Fair enough,” she says, and walks away. I hold my breath as I take my first sip of the same poison that took me over the edge last night. It’s hard not to screw up my face when the liquid touches my tongue. I somehow manage to take a second sip. When I look around, the bar is getting busier. A couple sits beside me and two guys are now seated on my other side. Looking over at Adam, I watch two women sit down beside him. Adam sips his beer and his eyes connect with mine every now and then. I should be angry, but I find myself aroused as we both play single people. It doesn’t take long for the women to begin chatting with Adam. He gives them that winning smile. A pang of jealously rises in me, but I squelch it when I tell myself he’s mine.

  They’re laughing and one keeps touching his arm, probably trying to feel his muscles. I want to throttle her now. To add insult to injury, I watch him offer to buy them drinks. I watch the bartender stand in front of Adam to take their orders. I stare daggers right at him and he smiles back at me like butter couldn’t melt in his mouth. I know different. He quickly turns his attention back to the two women beside him. I want to smack that smile off his very handsome face. Okay buddy, two can play at that game.

  I take a quick glance at the two guys beside me. I take a breath and turn again, introducing myself this time, before I change my mind. They’re friendly enough and ask me if I’m waiting for someone, which seems like a fair question. I tell them I am waiting for a friend as I really only want them to talk to me so Adam can see. There’s no chemistry for me, as the hottest guy in the bar is the one I came in with. The guys are polite and continue to talk with me. Adam sees me speaking to them and surprisingly turns his attention back to the two women. The one who wasn’t beside him has moved to the seat on the other side of Adam. He is now sandwiched between a blonde and a brunette. They’re both leaning in too close. This is driving me fucking crazy and he knows it. He glances over at me and smiles and even lifts his glass. I look away, thinking I should’ve just raised my glass because now he knows he’s getting to me. His words ring through my ears, “Self-control, Violet.” He might be right.

  The two women don’t seem to care that he lifted his glass to me. They’re just glad to have his attention. The bartender appears with cosmo number two. I know when I finish this one we’ll be leaving. I swig down the remnants of the first one, pushing the glass towards her, making sure Adam sees and he does. He continues cavorting with the two women, causing me to cringe inside. Now they’re both touching his arms and one is squeezing him, likely asking him if he works out. I’m almost finished the second drink when I look over to see Adam’s chair is empty. I look around and it’s so crowded now. Suddenly, my chair is assertively spun around and it’s Adam I face. I can’t help but smile and put my hands on his sexy broad shoulders. He kisses me lightly on the lips before placing his hands on each side of my waist to lift me off the bar stool. This time he takes my hand as we leave the bar. I glance back at the three clearly disappointed women who were just drooling over him, now watching us leave. I smile broadly at all of them, feeling quite confident.

  He asks, “How did you feel in there?” He knows how I felt.

  “I got your message loud and clear, Adam. I didn’t like those women touching you or you cavorting with them either. You’ve made your point.”

  “Oh, I am not finished with you yet, Violet.” He says in a low, controlled voice. Where did this come from? It seems he was just playing nice back at the bar. I lean back in the car seat looking out the window as we drive back to the apartment. Adam tells me to wait in the living room. I remember this is Saturday night. I feel a tingle down there when he says, “Get undressed and stay down here.” I can’t get undressed fast enough. I’m standing in just my panties when Adam comes back down to the room. He still has his jeans on, but no shirt now. His bare chest makes him look carnal and very sexy. He looks me up and down. I see the choker in his hand and turn around so he can put it around my neck. He secures it tightly and gives it a little tug, jolting me backward.

  He says firmly, “I said get undressed. They come off too.” He tugs at the crotch of my panties. I bend to remove them and now stand completely naked in front of him. My heart begins to race as I feel desire rising in all forms. I want him badly.

  He stands behind me and an in an instant I am blindfolded. I can’t see a thing. He swiftly lifts me up and hangs me over his shoulder, cave man style. My body dangles down his back as he carries me up the stairs. He walks around on the second floor for a few minutes making me confused as to my whereabouts and when he finally stops, he lowers me to floor. He takes my right arm and I can feel silk being wrapped around my right wrist and he does the same with my left one. Both of my arms are suddenly pulled upward in what feels like a pulley system, causing my arms to rise up in the air in a Y position above my head. My heart beats with excitement and a little fear too. I can sense he’s still upset with me. What’s that? I feel him putting something around one of my ankles. I hear clanging sounds now as he fastens my other ankle to something. I have no idea what it is, but when I try to adjust my footing, I can’t move my legs together; they are spread apart by something.

  When I stand still, the room becomes quiet again. It’s not long before I hear Adam moving in the room. Knowing how creative he can be, excitement rises in me even more. As that thought leaves my mind, he pulls my blindfold upward. I’m in the spare room, facing one of the mirrored wardrobes in an X stance. Each arm is bound to one of the metal beams above my head and my ankles are shackled to each end of a metal rod, keeping my legs spread apart. The room is candle lit and Adam stands in his fitted boxers looking very masterful and so hot. My heart and temperature increase instantly at the sight of him. He places both hands on his hips while looking me up and down. He’s serious when he does this. I sense I am now going to feel the wrath of Adam after the events of this week. I look down at the bar between my ankles and wonder if he was saving it for such an occasion. He allows me to see the full picture as I look at my reflection in the mirror. He says, “Do you like what you see?”

  “Oh yes,” I say breathlessly, feeling very aroused and still a bit scared too.

  “Yes what?” he snaps.

  “Yes, Master,” I say immediately, only getting hotter.

  “You’re now at my full disposal.” His voice is slow and controlled. There’s still a hint of anger under it. He moves behind me for a moment and then comes to stand in front of me and I bow my head, wanting to show my respect. He lifts my head upward, using the end of the black leather riding crop, the one I’ve met before. I can see us in the mirror. His piercing dark blue eyes lock on mine. “I am going to teach you a lesson, Violet.” He’s calling me Violet! He uses the riding crop to push my chin further upwards, reminding me
who is in control now and it’s him!

  “Are you punishing me?” I wrap my hands around the silk that’s binding my wrists for leverage, having no idea what Adam is going to do next.

  Ignoring me, he says, “If you want me to stop, the safe word is ‘enough.’” Holy shit, a safe word? We have never had one before! Even though I can feel my heart pounding, I find myself very curious about my situation. His voice draws my attention back to him. “Do you understand, Violet? Say the word so I know you understand.”

  I say in a low voice, “Enough.” He pulls the blindfold back down so I can’t see a thing and hear him leave the room. My senses are on high alert as I try to hear if he’s back in the room or not. Suddenly my back arches forward as he runs an ice cube down my spine. My wrist restraints tighten as I grip them and push myself forward at the shock of the coldness trickling down my back. The bar between my ankles clangs when I move. He continues the torture by slowly running it over my bum, between my legs, and then over my clitoris. I shudder and cry out, “Ahh.” He slides the melting ice up my belly, around my belly button, and up the middle of my breasts. I’m holding my breath it’s so cold. I try to pull away, but my restraints do their job and keep me securely in place and at his disposal. He swiftly pulls the blindfold upward and I watch him crunch down on a piece of the ice. He doesn’t flinch; he’s like steel. His eyes and the ice are cold and determined, hard and solid. With our eyes locked, he begins to suck the remaining ice and it arouses me.

  “Open your mouth.” Obeying him, I slowly open my mouth. He leans in and his lips lock onto mine. He pushes the ice into my mouth and then swirls it around with his tongue. A tantalizing French kiss, which sends a different kind of shiver right through me. The fire in my groin flares up and I can’t cross my legs to tame it. Instead, I moan into his mouth. He steps back and just watches me. His handsome face appears demonic at times in the flickering candle light. The look seems appropriate when he says, “We make choices and each choice comes with a result. When I make a choice, I think it through from beginning to end, which is why I achieve success. You on the other hand seem to jump in without any thought of consequences. I’m going to teach you self-control Violet, something we both know I am very skilled at.” He shows me the riding crop in one hand and holy crap he has another device in his other hand.

  His lips curl as he says methodically, “This is a flogger.” The flogger has a leather-bound handle with nine tentacles of half-inch leather straps dangling from the end, mimicking a cat of nine tails, which I recall from my one of my medieval history classes in university. His lecture continues. “You’re going to also learn about the consequences of poor decisions. If you want me to stop, then say so now. Then we’ll have to find another way to resolve this matter.” He sounds so dominant and sure of himself.

  I nod wordlessly. I know that if I give in to him now the week’s dilemmas will be over and done with. I am also selfishly curious of how far we can go with this role play. He grins, clearly pleased at my decision, and looks at both of his hands as if trying to decide which method to use first. He catches me looking at the flogger and I lick my lips. This makes him grin. Looking at the flogger he says, “This is can give pleasure and pain.” He grins again and quickly pulls the blindfold down over my eyes. He surprises me when runs the crop down my back, causing me to push my body forward; the silk tightens around my wrist and the leg restraints clang. He slowly moves it to my front running it across my breasts and around my nipples. I moan this time and moan again as he trails it down my belly and in between my legs, where he lingers for a bit. His voice brings me back from my moment of delight.

  “I called you fifteen times last night and you didn’t call me back once. I find that very disrespectful, Violet.” His voice is still low and serious. He taps my right bum cheek with the crop three times with just enough force to make me flinch. The sting spreads across my bum cheek like a stone dropped in water ripples. “That was three; you have twelve more to come, one for every missed call. That’s fair, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” I say without hesitation, not wanting to anger him further.

  “You understand I am only doing this to help you learn self-control, right?”

  “Yes, Master. I need to learn self-control. Thank you for teaching it to me.” My sex juices are starting to boil.

  “You were a very bad girl this week, Violet. You offended me and then you got drunk and were oblivious to the man trying to pick you up. You were belligerent in your drunken stupor. What am I going to do with you? So much disobedience, it’s unacceptable.” The crop comes down over my left cheek three times in a row, harder this time. I gasp in pain and pull my wrist restraints even tighter as I thrust my hips forward. My body quivers when he runs the crop over the front of my thighs slowly, up, down, and around. It feels good, but makes me wonder if he’s faking me out, adding some fear to the tantalizing feeling. There’s a small pause and dead silence before he says, “Remind me what your purpose is?”

  “To please you, Master.”

  In that same eerily controlled voice he says, “Somewhere along the line, you forgot your promise.” A light swat comes across the front of my thigh. More clanging sounds echo through the room from my ankle restraints as my hips move backward.

  “Yes, I’m sorry. It was a bad week,” I whisper, still aroused by my condition.

  “Yes it was and you’ve done nothing to make it better so I’m confused.” Two more swats come over the other thigh this time.

  “Ouch!” I cry out. I haven’t been counting so I’ve no idea how many more to expect. He lifts up the blindfold to check if I’m okay. I nod and he pulls the blindfold back down. The lesson continues.

  “You were laughing at me. Do you think I’m funny now?”

  “No, Master, I don’t,” I plead. As I’m about to speak again, I feel the tip of the crop in my mouth.

  “Hush. Only answer my questions. No pleading yet.” I’m getting wet; I can feel it. I remain quiet and still. I soon feel the tentacles of the flogger against my skin and what he does with it is exhilarating. He sensually runs it up and down my back and gently flicks it between my legs a few times in a row. His expert aim causes the tentacles to flicker over my clitoris, sending a nice warm sensation through me. It feels really good. He does this again, causing me to moan. A small grin of delight comes to my face. He must see this and lifts up my blindfold. He’s grinning back at me and kisses me very passionately. I moan in his mouth. I want him so badly now. He stops and pulls the blindfold back down. He says nicely, “You see? When you behave, I reward you.”

  “Yes, Master,” I say hoping he will flick me again that way, but he doesn’t. There’s another quiet pause.

  “Breathe, Violet. This is going to hurt. I want you to learn from your mistakes this week and putting yourself at risk by getting too drunk.” I breathe and feel a very hard swat across both my bum cheeks. “Ahh!” I cry out. Another swat comes down across my bum. I flinch and arch my back forward as two more come. I breathe deeply, it’s obvious.

  “Please, Master,” I plead.

  He lifts up my blindfold and wipes a tear forming in my eye. He waits to hear if I’m going to say enough. I won’t give him the satisfaction, and if we stop now, the argument continues. I’m going to complete the lesson and get what I want in the process.

  I nod yes and breathe. “Good. Let’s continue then,” he says and moves behind me so we can both see each other in the mirror. His warm breath against my ear feels good. He watches me watching myself in the mirror and I can see the huge bulge in his boxers. His hard cock is protruding from the top when he stands sideways. He knows what he’s doing to me. I am so hungry for him now that desire takes over.

  “What is your drink limit when I am not with you? You learned that tonight.”

  “Two,” I reply.

  “Very good,” he whispers and uses the flogger nicely by gently flicking it
between my legs. More of those hot sensations shoot up through me. A pleasurable moan escapes my lips. It feels so good and watching him in the mirror only enhances it. His handsome face looks pleased with me now.

  “What have you learned about self-control?”

  “I will think things through and act in a more responsible way.”

  “Pretty good answer, but not great.” He swats my bum with the flogger and it really stings. “Ahhh,” I cry out in pain as my back arches. He’s actually grinning at me in the mirror.

  “Do you think it’s too much to ask for you to check your phone, especially when I’m traveling, so I don’t worry about you?”

  “Yes, I will.”

  “Very good.” He flicks me again with the flogger, gently so it feels good. He then runs it up and down my back over my bum and down the back of legs to my ankles. It feels amazing, making my body tingle from head to toe.

  “You have two more, Violet. Breathe this is going to hurt. You will think twice next time. I’m sure of it.” He sounds so calm and eerily controlled.

  I watch how, with such ease, he flicks his wrist ever so slightly as the riding crop comes down over my left bum cheek. I flinch and jolt forward, my wrists bound tight and the spreader bar between my legs clangs. “Owwww!” It really hurt because he’s hit the same spot as before. He quickly comes down on the right cheek just as hard. The throbbing stinging sensations cause a tear to trickle down my cheek, but he’s finished now and I breathe.

  He comes to stand in front of me. He wipes the tear from my cheek and takes hold of my head with both hands and kisses me very passionately. When he’s finished, he unties my wrists and lowers each arm gently to my side.

  His voice is gentle. “You did very well, Violet. Thank you for trusting me, but I do hope you’ve learned something too.” He lowers himself to his knees to unbind my ankles from the leather cuffs. He rubs them before he stands up. He quickly sweeps me up in his arms and lays me down on the bed on my stomach and lies next to me. He massages my bum. It feels soothing and the massage makes me want him even more now. After a few minutes, he rolls me over on my back and, while looking at me, rubs the front of my thighs. It feels really good. When I look up at him, he seems gentler. He kisses me while his hand roams over my body until his finger reaches the hot inferno between my thighs. I feel a gambit of emotions from fear, pain, and trust to love and excitement. And I’m so turned on!


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