Book Read Free

Spin the Bottle

Page 13

by T L Osborn

  “You just said you sent the letters back. So technically it was you who broke my heart and our love apart.”

  “If you return to Toby you’re making a huge mistake. He’ll break your heart all over again and then where will you be?”

  “The only mistake I made was coming back here.” I watch as my words sting my father but I won’t be bullied by him to return to a man I can’t stand when there is one there who truly loves me and possibly hasn’t stopped.

  With a huff, he exits my hotel room, leaving me alone. I head over to my phone and dial the only number I know will pick up.

  “Hey girl how are you doing?” Aria asks though her tone is a little tipsier than normal.

  “Hey, I want to come home.”

  “Are you coming here for Toby?” she asks.

  “Yes and I feel it’s become more like home in the last few months. I don’t have any support here. My dad reckons I should get back with Kyle and forget your brother but truth is I can’t forget Toby.”

  “Aw, that sounds like true love. When will you be coming home?”

  “As soon as I can.”

  “Let me know when your flight lands and I’ll pick you up from the airport.”

  “Will do.”

  I hang up and book the first flight out of Christchurch back to Wellington.

  My home and Toby.

  I only hope he can forgive me for running out on him and listen to me long enough for us to start fresh, only this time, I don’t want to be friends—I want so much more than that.


  I’ve had no word from Sasha and as a detective my mind is going crazy with different thoughts.

  Has she been abducted?

  Did Kyle persuade her to go back to him?

  Has she moved countries?

  The list is endless.

  I’m sitting at my desk, it’s 5 am and I couldn’t sleep so I decided to come into work. I know it’s stupid but work is the only way I get my mind off Sasha.

  “Mate, you looked wrecked.” Matt chuckles as he sits down at his desk opposite me.

  Glancing up at him, I smile. “At least I don’t look like a panda.”

  He smirks. “These black bags will go away. Your face however, will never change.”

  “Ha! You won’t sleep for at least eighteen years.

  “One day you’ll have kids, mate, and your cheeky comments will be thrown right back at you.”

  “Until that time, I’m not going to stop giving you shit.” He opens his mouth to speak but my desk phone ringing interrupts him. I pick it up. “Detective Thompson speaking.”

  “Detective, it’s the DNA lab. We have the results on the case from Totara Park. The sexual assault case. We have a DNA match and I’ll send through the results to you soon.”

  I smile to myself.

  Today is going to be fantastic.

  “Thank you very much.” I hang up my phone and wait for the results, then dig through the files to find my one on that particular case and load the evidence into the system. Turns out the DNA is a match to someone who was interviewed at the scene; someone who claimed he witnessed the whole thing.

  “You wanna tag along for an arrest?” I ask Matt.

  “What? As in right now?”

  “No time like the present to do it.”

  “Sweet. I’m so in.”

  “Thought you might be, Panda.”

  “That’s my new nickname now isn’t it?” Matt chuckles as I grab my keys and pull on my jacket.

  “Sure is.”

  We talk the whole way out to Totara Park and meet another team of officers at the house of the suspect. Putting on my hat, I climb out of the car and make my way to the front door, arrest warrant in hand. Suddenly, the side door opens, and the suspect races out and down the driveway.

  Not on my watch.

  Chasing after him, I catch him trying to jump over the back fence and grab the back of his shirt, pulling him off the fence. I’m followed by other officers who help me subdue him. He wrestles with us as we wrap the cuffs around his wrists, complaining that they bite.

  Perhaps you should’ve thought about this before you committed a crime.

  Dragging him to his feet, we escort him to the car with him screaming the entire way. Matt and I get back into my car and I tell the other officers to book him on his charges.

  “How’d that feel?” Matt asks.

  “Fucking fantastic. I was worried it wouldn’t be solved.”

  “Feel like a beer after work?” Matt asks.

  “Can’t but maybe another night. I have family dinner. Thanks for the offer though.”

  We arrive back at the station and add yet another file to the already tall pile of files on my desk. I swear I’ll get through them but it won’t be today.

  Tossing my hat onto my desk, my boss comes over.

  “Thompson that was some great work today. Listen, meet me in my office in ten minutes; I have something I wish to discuss with you.”

  I throw him a grin. “Thanks boss. Should I be worried?”

  “Nah, just have a promotion to discuss with you.”

  He walks away, leaving me pondering what he could be going on about.

  Ten minutes later, I knock on my Chief Sergeant’s door. He motions me in with a wave of his hand. I step inside and take a deep breath, closing the door behind me.

  “An opportunity has arisen for a team leader position. This means you’d be a manager, have a team of officers beneath you who report to you directly and of course you’d still gets the hands-on part of the job, which I know you enjoy. I guess what I’m saying is I’d like for you to fill the role. You’re the best candidate. It would be day shift hours and a rostered weekend shift once a month. You’ve been here long enough now that I think it’s time you stepped up. You’re a damn good detective,” he says.

  I sit staring at him completely lost for words. “I don’t know what to say, Sir. I’ve never thought about becoming a manager before. Do I have some time to think about it?”

  He laughs. “You’ve got three months. I’ve emailed you the job description and should you choose to apply, obviously, you’d be interviewed and go through all the proper protocols, but just know you’d be my first choice. You can go back to whatever you were doing. I’ve got a date with my wife tonight.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” I exit his office returning to my desk. I can’t believe he wants me for a promotion. Looking at the clock, I can’t wait to get home and share the news with Sasha.

  My heart stops at the thought of her. She’s not at home nor is she anywhere to be found. Message after message have gone unanswered. I wish she’d tell me she’s okay. This not hearing anything is driving me crazy. Looks like it’s another night alone with Henry and a bottle of Jack Daniels.

  Some celebration.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Your room will be across from my office and I promise, away from out bedroom,” Riley informs me as she hands me a glass of wine before plopping herself down on the corner of the couch and stretching her legs out to face me.

  Taking a sip, I adjust myself on the couch, bending my knee and resting back against the cushions.

  “I’ll only be here as long as it takes to find myself a new house.”

  Riley shakes her head. “Nonsense, you’ll be here as long as required. James and I told Aria we’d look after you and be here for you no matter what you need and that’s exactly what we intend on doing.”

  “On two conditions.”

  She arches a brow at me. “Which are?”

  “One: I was thinking on top of board payments that I cook at least twice a week,” I suggest.

  She nods, tapping her wine glass as if to think over my suggestion. “And the other condition?”

  “That you allow me to help with other housework too. I will not stay here and be a lazy housemate.”

  She nods. “You’re suggestions are accepted. We’ll set up a cooking roster. I’ll cook twice
, then James, and then you. Then we do takeout night which will be a Saturday as that’s the night we usually do book club anyway.”

  James snorts from the lounger he’s resting on, rustles his paper as his head pokes out from around it. “Babe, you realise the whole point of a cooking roster requires you to actually cook a meal?”

  “I can cook,” Riley protests. “It’s not my fault when I’m writing that the characters get in the way and I burn the food.”

  James bursts into laughter. “They’re always in the way. I’ve had to work twice as hard in our gym to keep the figure that you love since we eat out so much.”

  “That’s not the only reason I love you!” He shoots her a ‘prove it’ look to which she rolls her eyes. “Anyway, getting back to our conversation. You’re welcome to anything in the kitchen but if you need any special items you’ll need to get those yourself. I’m good with a basic chop but anything beyond that, forget it. Also, I’ve put a few personal items in your bathroom drawers and some towels. With dirty laundry, just put it in the basket by the washing machine and I will wash it all during the week with your help on weekends. This is home for you, so treat it as such.”

  “Thank you both again. I really appreciate this.”

  “I think that covers everything, so welcome home.”

  “I’m now home.” Riley raises her glass and I clink them together giggling a little.

  She flicks her long, curly hair behind her head and I notice dark purple streaks running through the strands. It’s gorgeous and totally suits her. Due to my job, I can’t do anything exciting with my hair no matter how much I want to. The only thing I can do is go wild with nail polish, though the girls in my class would love the vibrant colours.

  “Is something wrong?” Riley asks.

  “No, I’m just admiring your hair. I love the colour.”

  “Thanks, I thought I’d try something different and hope that my man loves it.”

  James coughs. “It’s hot, babe. I showed you that the other night.” Riley blushes beetroot red and I flush with embarrassment.

  Maybe me staying here isn’t such a good idea. I don’t want them to feel like they can’t be a couple in their own home. Sighing, I turn to stare out the window lost in my own thoughts. Toby has texted me every day since I left and I know I’ve made myself look like a bitch by not replying but the truth is I don’t know what to tell him. He deserves an explanation, I know he does, but I just don’t know what to say. He deserves better than some pathetic letter; he deserves to be spoken to face-to-face.

  Tears threaten to spring free from my eyes and I turn away from Riley. Thinking of Toby is too painful. I know I hurt him but I wasn’t expecting to feel this miserable and messy. I take several more sips of my wine and get up off the couch.

  “Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude but I’m going to head to bed and sleep.”

  “No worries. I’ll show you where your room is and since your car is in the garage, you can pop out to grab your bag.” She stands and I follow her down the hallway past a massive library, gym and finally, she stops outside a door and opens it. “This is yours. I hope it’s warm enough; there’s a heat transfer system into all the rooms down here.”

  The room is massive. A king-sized bed stares at me from its side, its headboard is up against the wall directly to my left. As I step into the room, I get a feel for it. There’s an open wardrobe tucked beneath the stairs, rather roomy and easy to access. Further along, I open a bathroom; it’s large with a huge shower, basin and sink.

  “If you look here, there’s towels and girly things in these drawers for you,” Riley says, pulling out the drawers.

  This leaves me to wonder if there are drawers beneath the kitchen stairs. It’s definitely a clever way to use space. I turn around to see the bed is neatly made, with two lamps on the wall behind it, while it faces out onto the patio. There’s a private terrace wall built, shielding me from the lounge area. “We thought you’d like this room as you have privacy as well as space.”

  “Thank you. I do love it.”

  “Enjoy the rest of your night and I will see you in the morning. Also, there’s no time you need to get up and don’t feel like you have to get up because we are. You’ll often hear James come down the stairs first in the morning, so I hope he doesn’t wake you. The man walks like an elephant.” Riley laughs.

  Following her out of the room, I head for the garage and grab my suitcases out of my car. Looking around, I suddenly feel out of place: the cars are so lovely and sleek. They probably cost a fair bit too; and here’s me with my beat up, dented, paint-chipped, Toyota Corolla because it’s the best I can afford on a teacher’s wage.

  Lugging my cases inside, I drag them into the room and sit down on the bed. Tears form and I let them fall, allowing my heart to hurt and break. Kyle wasn’t the Prince Charming I thought he was. Toby, well…he’s just perfect except for his clingy ex-girlfriend and my trip home didn’t quite go as planned. My phone buzzes on the bed beside me, and glancing at it, I’m surprised when it’s not Toby but rather Kyle.

  Ky: Hey baby, you missing me yet? You will, I’m sure.

  Me: I’m not missing you, and I certainly don’t miss picking up after you or being your maid.

  Ky: Saw you around Upper Hutt today, buying wine again. You need the extra calories, gorgeous. I love your curves, especially that ass.

  Me: Then how is it you never showed me the affection when we were living together?

  Ky: You always complained you were tired.

  I roll my eyes. As usual, it’s my fault. Stripping out of my clothing, I find a pair of pyjamas and crawl into the immaculate bed. My phone vibrates several more times on the nightstand, which I ignore. And then I can’t take it anymore. He’s hurt me too much for me to ignore it. Tears spring free and I soak the pillow.

  I finally allow sleep to take me when I’m too exhausted to cry anymore.


  “You look lonely, handsome,” a voice croons in my ear, making me shudder.

  “I’d like to keep it that way too if you don’t mind,” I reply, placing my whiskey down on the bar in front of me.

  I’ve had a shit week at work, I haven’t heard from Sasha, and if I don’t by tomorrow, I’m going to fucking call her until she answers her damn phone and to top it off, Felicity is here and shouldn’t be.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” Felicity asks.

  “I rather you didn’t.”

  “Don’t be like that, baby.” She slides her manicured hand down my bicep, squeezing just a little.

  “Felicity I have a restraining order and can get my colleagues here in minutes, so I’m trying to be nice by asking you to leave me alone.” I pick up my drink and take a sip.

  She rolls her eyes. “That pathetic piece of paper won’t keep us apart, Toby. We’re meant to be together and the sooner you realise it the better. I want lots of babies with you.”

  I almost throw up my whiskey all over the bar. Time to pull in reinforcements.

  Taking out my cell phone, I fire off a text.

  Me: Jake, come get me. I’m at The Lazy Lizard.

  Jake: Bro, I’m stuffed I just got back from the gym.

  Me: Now!

  Jake: Bossy much?

  Me: Felicity is here.

  Jake: So you need a knight in shining armour.

  Me: Something like that.

  Jake: Drinks are on you.

  I take his reply as he’s coming to get me. I nod to the bartender, indicating I want another drink. Dave leans on the bar in front of me. Not only is he the owner of this bar but he enjoys meeting the clients so he acts as bar manager most weekends.

  “Another whiskey?” he asks.

  “Yeah, thanks Dave.”

  He walks away as Felicity opens her mouth to get a drink. He’s not gone long before coming back.

  “You do have a ride home tonight, right?” he asks.

  I pick up my drink, flash him a grin and take a sip of the drink. He nods, ta
king it to mean that I’ll get him to call a cab if I need it.

  “He does and it’s with me,” Felicity intercepts.

  I turn towards her. “Are you still here? I thought you’d left.”

  She huffs. “You won’t be rid of me that easily.”

  I feel a light slap to my left shoulder and turn to face who it was and finding Jake.

  Thank fuck!

  He takes a seat next to me. “Heard you needed a friend.” As I go to answer him, I see another figure enter the bar.


  My heart pounds within my chest cavity, my pulse races and my cock throbs. This is not the place to get hard but damn if she doesn’t look as sexy as she did when she left. A little tired but still smoking hot.

  She turns her head as if sensing that I’m staring, our eyes lock briefly, rooting me to my bar stool like my ass has been stuck to it with superglue. Her blue eyes flicker for a moment, and her lips quiver, then she turns on her heels, hastily walking away.

  Fuck! Not again!


  I don’t fucking believe it. He’s here with her!

  I race back to my car. I didn’t expect to see him here tonight. Riley and James told me it would be a great idea for me to come out and have some fun. They’re worried I’m staying in my room too much. I reassured myself that I wouldn’t see Toby tonight but here he is again with her.

  “Sasha,” Toby roars after me. “Stop!”

  I whirl around towards him. “Why, so you can explain to me what you were doing with her? It’s pretty clear you got tired of waiting for me to make up my mind about what I wanted and you went back to her.”

  He stalks me like a predator after its prey until I’m backed against a wall. His large hands box me in.

  “I didn’t go back to her, I took a restraining order out against her. Fat lot of use it is. But I fucking swear to you, I didn’t go back.”


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