Book Read Free

Spin the Bottle

Page 14

by T L Osborn

  I look directly into his eyes; he’s telling the truth.

  “But what was she doing at your house the night I came by?” I ask.

  “She wormed her way into the house via Jake. I was escorting her out.” He leans closer, his cologne working its way through my senses. “I promise you, I’d much rather have been with you that night. Why were you there?” he asks.

  “I came over because I needed you. Kyle and I broke up and I just needed someone who would talk sense into me. I didn’t want a rebound, just a friend.”

  “I will never be your rebound, I am your forever.”

  He tilts my head a little higher before he gently brings his lips to mine softly, sweetly in a gentle kiss. I slide my hands slowly up his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck. He bends down, lifting me, wrapping my legs around his waist as his hands cup my ass. He slams us into the wall as he devours my mouth, his tongue dancing across my bottom lip. I whimper against him, feeling my blood pressure rising as my body ignites with his touch. He pulls away from my mouth to kiss down my neck. I grip his shirt as my hips grind into him, needing him to give me the pleasure I desire.

  He pulls back to stare into my eyes. His gaze holds me prisoner like his body does against this wall. I don’t want to be anywhere else.

  “I’m never letting you go Sash. You’ll be mine. I can wait as long as you need but please, I just ask that in the future, instead of running away from me, that you’re honest with me.”

  I nod at him. “I will be.”

  “Good girl.” He winks at me. “Now, shall we go back into the bar, join Jake and he’ll take you home when we’re ready to leave?” I pause and grab his hand, causing him to stop and stare back at me. “You okay?”

  I nod at him. “Toby… I guess I’m still a little nervous to jump into a relationship. After Kyle I just don’t think I’m there yet.”

  “I never said we were jumping into a relationship. I merely told you that I am your forever and that’s a long fucking time, baby. I’m not leaving your side. Not now, not ever. Never again will we go through the pain we did, and when you’re ready to date, we will. But know this, you’re the only one for me.” I smile as he clasps my hands within his and kisses them. “Now, come on because I really want to finish my whiskey.”

  “I could definitely use a wine after my day.”

  He holds out his elbow and I slip my arm through. It was the way we used to walk as teenagers before we began dating. I lean my head on his bicep as we walk through the doors of the bar arm in arm.

  Felicity drops a wine glass, shattering it and the last thing I see is her horrified face as she hastily exits. I won this battle, now I just need to deal with Kyle then maybe—just maybe, Toby and I can finally have our happily ever after.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I’m lying on the bed, watching NCIS Season One, while I wait to hear from Toby. Though, I did only text him an hour ago, I’m anxiously waiting for his reply. I feel like we’re back to being teenagers, where I’m glued to my phone waiting for the boy I like to message me. And I do like him—a lot. Probably more than I should at this point but I can’t help it. Toby is like a drug, pulling me in and never letting me go.

  Running my fingertips over my lips as I close my eyes, I’m remembering just what it felt like to be in his embrace with his mouth sealed to mine. The kiss was hot, heavy and I wanted more. The way his dominance showed through had me almost begging him to take me home and fuck me. It was fucking hot and I can only imagine just how sexy it would be if he were in his uniform doing it. Just thinking about it gets me all hot and bothered. My clit throbs over this thought and I feel my body beginning to shake with desire. He told me I was his forever and I’m so conflicted right now I don’t know where my head is at.

  Sighing, I try and turn my mind back to NCIS only to hear my phone buzz on the bed beside me. Giddy like a school-girl, I rush to grab it and pick it up only to find that it’s not Toby but an unknown number. I roll my eyes, knowing exactly who it’s going to be.

  Why can’t he just fuck off and leave me alone?

  However, it’s not a normal message but photos.

  There’s a spa pool outside in the yard right outside the ranch slider of the lounge, a wine fridge in the kitchen, full of my favourite wine and a massive new mattress with a new frame—the very one I wanted to buy months ago but was told we couldn’t afford.

  That bastard has gone and put in all the things I told him I dreamed about having in a home. Everything single thing.

  Tears spring to my eyes.

  He obviously thinks that I’ll go running back to him if he lures me in with gifts but there’s no chance in hell of that happening.

  Turning my head I find my wine glass is empty.

  Damn it, I could use the alcohol to drown the pain.

  I put my phone back down not even acknowledging him when my door bursts open and in walks Riley and Aria both holding a bottle of wine and a glass each. Aria drops hers onto the bed and comes running around to my side. “Oh sweetie, what happened?” she asks. “I swear if it was Toby I’ll kick his ass for you.”

  I shake my head. “Not Toby, just Kyle still goading me. He’s like some fucking stalker who can’t handle we’re over so has to keep texting me. Honestly, he’s starting to get annoying.”

  Aria frowns. “Have you thought about getting his number blocked or a new phone?” she asks. I shake my head to indicate no. “Well I think it’s about time you did. You know Riley and I are very worried about you. We think you should go and see someone; a counsellor.”

  I look between them and can see the looks of concern on both their faces.

  “I’m fine, really,” I say.

  “Pfft fine. Girl, you’ve barely left your room in the last week. You eat, help with housework and head back in here. We’re worried that James and I are freaking you out with all our romance stuff.”

  “You’re not freaking me out. I’m still going through some things and I don’t want to ruin your mood by being all down in the dumps. Kyle has been non-stop texting me, all sorts of nasty stuff. Calling me whore, slut; telling me that I miss his huge dick. I don’t but it’s pretty vulgar.”

  Just as I say this, my phone vibrates on the bed and I pick it up.

  Unknown Number: You’ll come crawling back to me. Look at what I’ve done for you. All the items you wanted are in our house. Everything for you and what do you do, you selfish bitch, you shack up with your lover.

  Then, another image: a photo of me and Toby kissing against the wall of the bar last night. I’m fully wrapped in his embrace, enjoying his kiss. It was a fantastic kiss and one that told me he wants me forever.

  Me: I don’t want you back, Kyle. It’s over, now leave me alone.

  Unknown Number: Does he know how frigid you are in bed? Does he know you won’t wear anything sexy, or try any new positions? Is he aware that you have to fuck with the lights off? I hope he likes sleeping in a freezer.

  I feel my hands shake as I stare at my phone, anger bursting within me. Aria snatches my phone out of my hand and reads the messages before pausing at the photo of me and Toby.

  “Since when have you and Toby been dry humping?” she laughs.

  Riley spits her wine back into her glass. “They what?” Aria tosses my phone to her. “Oh-la-la, girl.” Riley winks at me. “So this is the real reason you’ve been cooped up in here? Sexting Toby, who knew.”

  “Who’s sexting?” James chuckles from the door frame.

  “We will later, baby,” Riley winks at him.

  He walks away shaking his head.

  “Okay, so firstly, you need to deal with your emotional trauma from being with a complete douchebag and then girl, you need to get naked and do the wild thing with my brother.” Aria sips her wine. “I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation right now.”

  “Kyle’s right though, about all that stuff. I’m not good enough for any man. Why on earth would Toby want

  “Uh girl, have you seen the chemistry between you two? It’s like a volcano erupting. My brother is obsessed and absolutely, madly in love with you. More so than he was before. So may I make a suggestion about seeing a counsellor and changing your mobile number so Kyle can’t contact you anymore?”

  I nod at her knowing she’s right. “Will you help?” I ask.

  “I sure will. Believe it or not Sasha, I know what you’re going through. My ex was abusive with me. He left scars literally on my body. It took a while but I learned I was worthy of love again and I still can’t believe Simon loves me for me. He doesn’t give a shit about my wounds. He’s healed the hole in my heart and then some,” Aria says.

  “Mine was married with two kids and one on the way, yet I found James, or rather he ran into a tree. Now look, we’re engaged. So love really does happen when you least expect it.”

  “I should’ve seen the signs; his behaviour was readable from the get-go of me arriving here. He proposed at three months and like the idiot I am, I accepted, believing I was in love with him. Seeing Toby has changed everything and I mean everything. What I feel for him is stronger now than when we were together all those years ago. It’s like I yearn to be with him. God, he looks fucking hot in his uniform. I didn’t feel the same spark with Kyle. He was just cute. But with Toby, it’s like fireworks. Even the day he pulled me over I wanted so desperately to kiss him. Does that make me weak?”

  Aria shakes her head. “No, but you’re definitely in love with Toby and if I were you, I wouldn’t wait. I’d be telling him.”

  “How about a counselling session first?” I suggest.

  “Great idea.”

  “I have a suggestion of my own,” Riley announces.

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “We all need another glass of wine because girls, this stuff is delicious.” Riley tops up our glasses as Aria and I laugh.

  My phone buzzes again and I reach to pick it up knowing it’ll be Kyle again.

  Aria snatches it first. “Nuh-uh. No more cell phone. Tomorrow, you’re changing your number and then texting my brother. Tonight is not about your ex or Toby. Tonight is about drinking wine.” Aria tucks my phone into her pocket. “Trust us. It’s for your own good.”

  She’s right. I need to stop thinking about Kyle and start putting my energy towards bettering myself because I can’t possibly be the person Toby needs or wants unless I’m getting away from the toxic life that was Kyle.


  Sasha and I have been non-stop communicating since our passionate kiss. She’s been telling me her plans for this week and they include going to see a counsellor. From what she’s told me, Kyle has escalated his stalking behaviour to the point she has to change her cell phone number and although I’ve suggested she take out a restraining order, she’s refusing and I’m not happy. I can’t force her to get one taken out on him either which makes me itch to go to him and beat the living fuck out of him for her, then tell him to stay the fuck away, but I can’t do that either.

  I’m sitting on the couch, flicking through the TV channels, trying to find something to watch when Henry jumps onto the cushion beside me and presses the remote with his paw. It flicks over to a show called Tanked about a company who makes custom-designed fish tanks.

  “Mate, really? You have to watch this?” I arch an eyebrow at him as he curls up beside me, glaring at me with his paw protectively around the remote. I hold my hands up in defeat. “All right, you win. Besides, Sasha’s going to be here soon. I gotta get stuff ready for her arrival. She’s looking forward to meeting you buddy.”

  Stretching, I get off the couch and feel my back crack in three places. When I hear the sound of my phone buzzing on the counter, I head towards it and pick up it up.

  Sasha: Hey, I’m on my way over, just grabbing some wine. Is there anything else you need?

  You. Just you here in my arms where you belong, but I don’t type that.

  Me: Nothing I can think of.

  Sasha: Excellent, see you soon.

  I put my phone down and head into the bathroom to check myself over. Running my hand through my hair, I tussle it a bit to give it a messy look before running some gel through it.

  “Hot date?” Jake chuckles as he leans on the doorframe.

  “Sasha is coming over.”

  “Ah, that explains why you’re in here. I’m surprised the mirror hasn’t cracked.”

  “Why are you in here?” I ask him, picking up my toothbrush to quickly brush my teeth.

  “Oh, I just came to see what you were doing for lunch and whether or not you want to go to the gym.” I shake my head at him as I brush my teeth. “So can I take the Ute?”

  I spit in the sink, rinse my mouth out and wipe it clean. “Sure. Are you going to be out long?”

  “A couple of hours, so I’d appreciate it if you left something on your door handle to tell me if you and Sasha are having sex.”

  Shaking my head. “That’s not going to happen. She’s not ready for that and I won’t push it.”

  “Such a gentleman.” He laughs. “So where are the keys?”

  “On the kitchen bench.”

  “See ya later.” With that, he’s gone from the house.

  I’m just pulling out a beer from the fridge when there’s a knock on the door. Was she texting me while driving or did she speed to get here? Either way, the thought of her breaking rules to be with me is one hell of a turn on and my cock seems to agree as he jumps inside my pants.

  Down boy, there’ll be none of that today.

  Then again, if it goes that way I won’t be saying no but I won’t push her either.

  Opening the door, I’m damn sure my jaw hits the floor as I get a load of her standing before me. Her long golden hair braided in—I think they’re called French braids. Either way, they’re fucking hot and I want to pull on them while I bang her into next week. Her face is pale except for her cheeks which are purple. She’s wearing a short black coat and dark jeans that totally look painted on her skin. It’s a shame I can’t see her ass in them; I bet it looks fantastic.

  “Did you speed to get here?” I chuckle as she steps inside and my eyes focus seductively on her ass. As she removes her jacket, I get a look at the perfect curve of it. Even beneath those jeans it’s perfect. Flawlessly perfect.

  She comes over to me, tucking her index finger beneath my chin and leans up so our noses are almost touching, leaving me with a hungry desire to kiss her.

  “Why? Is that a turn on, Officer? Will you punish me?” She giggles.

  I cough lightly, feeling my cock raging. She’s teasing, I know it. “You breaking the rules was always a turn on, you know that.”

  “Then I’d better not tell you I sped here then.” She winks at me. Fucking temptress and she knows it. “So are you going to give me the grand tour of this place because I don’t seem to recall there being an upstairs the last time I was here.”

  I hold out my elbow to her. “My lady.”

  She places her hand in the crook of it and I lead her through the house, purposefully leaving my room for last.

  I place her jacket on my bed.

  “This room hasn’t changed. Well, there’s no pictures of half-naked women on the walls anymore but aside from that, it hasn’t.”

  “I outgrew the hot women. Well, all except one. Now, it’s just a room. Shall we go have some of the wine you brought?” I ask. “Then you can enlighten me as to what’s going on.”

  “That I can do and also sneak in a few kisses.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  “So these kisses, when are they going to start?” I ask, turning to lean her against the wall just outside my bedroom. I slide my hands onto her hips, inching myself closer to her and lean down to inhale her intoxicating perfume. “Can we start now?” I place a light kiss beneath her earlobe, which makes her shiver. Her palms climb my shirt, fingernails digging into the fabric and I’m damn sure I’ll have marks on
my chest. As her fingertips reach my neck, I move my head and brush my lips over hers. I need to be sure she really wants to kiss me. To my surprise, she presses her lips to mine, her fingertips lingering in my beard as she deepens the kiss by tugging my bottom lip open with her thumb.

  She presses herself into me, her petite frame fitting perfectly within my arms. I’m about to bend down and lift her higher but am interrupted when she breaks the kiss suddenly.

  “Is something wrong?” I ask.

  She shakes her head. “No, everything feels so right, but your beard tickles.”

  Smiling down at her, I press my nose to hers. “Want me to shave it?”

  “No I don’t, it makes you look damn sexy. I just have to get used to it.”

  I pull her against me and lean my chin on her head. I would shave it if it makes my girl happy.

  “Shall we open the bottle of wine?” she asks.

  “That’s a great idea.”

  “Toby, I also want to talk to you about something.”

  “Uh-oh, this sounds important.” I grin as we walk into the kitchen, our hands linked together. “Are we breaking up already?” I chuckle.

  That earns me a thump to the arm by her other hand.

  “No, you told me you wanted honesty and I want to give you that, so I need to tell you how my first counselling appointment went.”

  Cupping her face in my hands, I bring her lips to mine.

  “You can tell me everything. You’ve always been able to, just as I have with you.”

  I give her quick, short kisses as she wraps her hands around my wrists. My cock jumps to life, straining against the fabric of my jeans as the thoughts of her tying me up while she rides out her pleasure fills my mind.

  She pulls her mouth away.

  “Is this turning you on?” she asks with a light giggle.

  I feel my face flush with heat but I know better than to lie. “The idea of you tying me up, I’ll admit, is one hell of a turn on.”


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