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Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All)

Page 18

by Persons, Cheryl

  Cassie could feel her face turn red and she turned away. “Rebecca, I'm sorry.”

  “Cassie, you don't have to apologize. You didn't make his feelings stay. I guess...” she paused for a moment and Cassie waited to hear what she had to say. “I don't know; it's not any of my business.”

  “Rebecca, I would like to hear what you have to say.”

  “I guess that I thought maybe it was mutual.”

  Cassie was confused, “Mutual?”

  “When I find a guy that is devoted to me and only to me, I hope that I don't let that slip away. I didn't realize you had a boyfriend. So, I'm a little worried that Seth is going to get hurt again.”

  “Chad and I have been dating for a couple years.” Cassie quickly looked away, hoping that he wouldn't walk in. “As far as I knew Seth had moved, I didn't think I needed to wait for him.”

  “No, that's not what I meant. If you're happy, then that's great. I just...I guess I was hoping Seth would finally get the happy ending that he deserves.”

  “I do too.” Cassie responded quietly, almost to herself.


  “We probably should go see what Courtney wants.” She paused before they left the room, “It was nice talking to you Rebecca.”

  “You too Cassie.”

  Cassie smiled to herself as they headed out back and found Courtney and the rest of the combined family. Courtney smiled as the women took a seat. “You rang?” Cassie teased as she looked expectantly at Courtney and Bradley, who definitely appeared that they had something important to discuss.

  “There's a reason we invited all of you here tonight. As you know my big sister will be leaving at the end of this week. Then she won't be back until the wedding, so after discussing things with Bradley and Seth...we have decided to move up the wedding.”

  “What?” Cassie asked with surprise.

  “Seth had this weekend open and since you were already here, we just figured that maybe we could get things accomplished before you left. That way you don't have to interrupt your job, again, and besides Bradley has everything situated in the house and it...makes sense.” Cassie stared at her sister as everyone went up and hugged the happy couple. “Cassie, say something.”

  “I'm shocked...I didn't expect this. I mean what about the invitations and the guests.”

  Courtney laughed, “That's where you come into play. I'm going to need help calling everyone, but I am so happy to have made this decision.

  Cassie got up and hugged her sister, “Okay, if you're happy then we are too. I'll come over tomorrow and help you make the calls. We only have 5 days. Our plane was going to leave Saturday morning. I suppose we could take a flight Sunday. I am so happy for you guys.”

  “I will help too. I have the rest of the week off of work.” Rebecca piped up and Cassie smiled.

  “Then good, it's settled. This Saturday night I will be a married woman.”

  Cassie shook her head, she couldn't believe it. Her baby sister was no longer a baby and she was going to have a hard time making it through that wedding.


  Cassie threw herself onto the hotel room bed and sighed heavily. “Can you believe this? Courtney and Bradley will be married in just 5 days; wow...I didn't expect the evening to end like that.”

  “Yeah, neither did I.” He paused for a moment, “It seems like such an impulsive thing. Would you be impulsive like that?”

  Cassie pulled herself up on her elbows and shrugged, “I suppose every woman likes a little adventure in their lives.”

  “Cassie, I can't imagine my life without you. I want us to one day have what Courtney and Bradley have and I feel that we can get there.”

  “Chad? What are you saying?”

  “Cassie, say you'll marry me. Why fight it when two people belong together. I know that I made huge mistakes in my life and I will spend every waking hour of every day showing you that I am a changed man. Just say you'll marry me.”

  “Chad, I know that you brought the ring along and you proposed. It's just that...I don't know if I am ready to accept.”

  “Cassie, we can get past this...I know we can.”

  “Chad, listen to me...I believe in my heart that I already have. I was hurt, yes, but I recovered from that and I think that I know why.” It was quiet and she was worried that she was about to be hurtful to him, but she didn't know if there was any other way. “I've never gotten past my feelings for Seth.”

  “What? I thought...”

  “I thought I had; really I did. It's just that coming back here I see what I gave up and it's not fair to either of us if I'm not being honest.” The moment was painfully quiet as she waited for him to talk. “Please say something.”

  “What can I say? I must admit, I'm not surprised. Perhaps I was hoping you could get past him, but that's obviously not going to happen.”

  Cassie slowly shook her head as she brushed a tear from her eyes. “I am so sorry Chad and if I could have kept you from getting hurt, I would have. I do love you Chad, but my feelings for Seth...”

  “Your feelings for Seth surpass any love you could give me. I suppose I always knew that. I just was hopeful you could move on. So, where does this leave you? Are you going back to New York City?”

  Cassie shrugged, “Unfortunately I don't know. I have a dream job waiting for me back home, yet...I have to see if that's what matters most to me. I'm not sure where I'll be, but I want to remain friends.”

  “Everyone says that, but rarely does it happen.”

  Cassie knew that was the truth, but it made her feel better to say it. “I will never forget the love we once shared.”

  “Neither will I Cassie.”

  She leaned in and brushed a kiss on his cheek. “I better go. I'm sure I can stay at my parent's house.” She threw her few items back into the suitcase and turned to Chad. “Good bye Chad.”

  “Good bye Cassie, if you change your mind...”

  “I know where to find you.” She quickly opened the door and left. She had a relationship to repair and she needed to begin as soon as she could.

  Chapter 17

  The next 3 days were a blur and Cassie was glad to have very little time to think about anything going on in her life. She was a little discouraged that Seth didn't call her during that time, but given the circumstances she wasn't surprised. She had decided not to tell him about Chad until she could talk to him in person and she wouldn't lie, she was a nervous wreck to have to confront him. All the guests were rerouted to the upcoming Saturday and for the most part, everything was going smoothly. Friday was upon them and it was not only the night of the rehearsal dinner, it was the moment of truth. She would finally learn her fate when it came to Seth and her relationship. She had packed her things, it was determined that they would all stay over at the Bed and Breakfast and she was going to be leaving shortly. “Are you packed?” Cassie looked up at her sister who was peeking in the door.

  “Yes, how about you?”

  “I sure am.”

  “Can you believe this is the last night that you will be considered single?”

  Courtney laughed, “Believe me, it's all I think about.” She looked around Cassie's old room, “Things won't ever be the same Cass.”

  “They'll be different, but that's a good thing. You've grown into an amazing woman and Bradley is lucky to have you. We're all still family.”

  “I know.” Her eyes fell to the floor and Cassie could tell she was thinking about something.

  “What's up little sister?”

  “Have you decided what you're going to do?”

  “I've taken everything into consideration. The fact is I suppose it will depend on Seth.”


  “Why? That's a funny question, because if we decide it's not going to work out then why would I stay?”

  “You could stay because you want to.”

  Cassie nodded, “I have so much to go back for.”

  “I k
now your promotion. There are jobs in Texas, maybe not Avery, but I'm sure you could find something in Dallas.”

  Cassie smiled; she didn't tell Courtney about the telephone call she had received. She saw the disappointment on her face and she felt compelled to comfort her, in some way. “I have something to tell you.”


  “The fact 5:00 today, I have an interview.”

  Courtney's eyes got big, “What are you talking about?”

  “You can't tell anyone. Cross your heart?”

  “Cassie, I'm not a teenager...I can keep a secret. I won't tell anyone, I promise.”

  “I received a call from a girl I used to go to school with. She works at an ad agency in Dallas and she said she could get me an interview with her boss, if I was interested. So, when Chad and I broke up I called her, put together a portfolio, and I am meeting with her boss today.”

  “Oh my goodness, I can't believe this. You mean you're staying in Texas?”

  “It's not official; I haven't been offered a job. Besides, if Seth says he wants nothing to do with me...I will probably go back to New York City.”

  “Well we know that that's not going to happen.”

  Cassie shrugged, “We don't know that for sure. He could be tired of waiting for me to make up my mind.”

  “Cassie, he's waited for 10 years, what are a few more days.”

  Cassie laughed, “True!”

  Courtney pulled her into a hug. “I am so excited.”

  “Well, we better get going. If I don't get to Dallas by 5:00, I can kiss the opportunity goodbye. Remember, you promised not to say anything. That includes mom and dad. Definitely don't tell Seth, I am going to steer clear of him until tonight.”

  “I know; I know...I won't say anything. Let's go!”

  “Okay, and please don't tell Seth that Chad and I broke up. I want to be the one to tell him.”

  “Cassie, like you said...we better go or you won't even get the chance to interview.”

  Courtney grabbed Cassie's hand and they rushed down the stairs. “Wait, we have to say goodbye to mom and dad.” Cassie laughed as she halted at the bottom of the stairs. “Mom, dad, we're heading out.”

  “Okay, we'll be heading that way as soon as Christopher gets out of school.” She kissed each of them on the cheek and looked at Cassie. “You look nice. Why dressed up?”

  Cassie shot a look at Courtney, “All of her casual clothes are dirty.”

  Cassie frowned at the response, but her mom didn't seem to think it was strange. “Oh, Bradley going with his parents?”

  “Yes, they are probably already there. Mom we got to go.”

  Her mom looked confused, “You have plenty of time, why the rush?”

  “I just don't want Bradley to have to make all the decisions alone. See you there!”

  Cassie laughed as Courtney pushed her out the door. She put her suitcase in the back of the car and stared at her sister. “Do you think that was necessary? Not to mention, all my casual clothes are dirty?”

  “She bought it, didn't she?”

  Cassie nodded as she got in the passenger seat. “Surprisingly so, but from now on...please think of better responses if you have to talk to Seth.”

  “Deal,” Courtney laughed. “We have two hours to think of scenarios.”

  Cassie smiled, “Let's start thinking.”


  “Are you sure you don't want me to wait here for you?”

  Cassie smiled, “I appreciate it, but I'll be fine. The Bed and Breakfast is just a few blocks away. I'll walk; it will do me some good.” She reached for her briefcase as she stepped out of the car. “Remember, you promised not to tell Seth that Chad and I broke up.”

  “I know, but I don't want to lie.”

  “You won't have to lie, if he says something; just tell him that Chad had to go back to New York City. That's all.”

  “Okay, I won't tell him. Good luck Cassie.”

  “Thank you; tell everyone that I will see them soon and that I am visiting with a friend from school. That's all you have to say.”

  “Okay, I just hope that I don't blow it.”

  “You'll be fine and I'll be there before you even realize that I was away.” She jumped out of the car and nervously walked towards the door. The building wasn't much smaller than the one she was currently working at. As she entered the lobby she saw a large desk to welcome guests.

  She approached the desk and was instantly greeted by a petite blonde with a smile on her face. “Good afternoon. How may I help you?”

  “Hello,” Cassie could hear the nerves in her voice and so she took a deep breath. “My name is Cassie Jamison. I have an appointment with Marty Jacobson.”

  “Of course, let me call her for you.” The woman, who was probably not much older than 18, turned her attention to the phone and punched in a few numbers. “Marty, Cassie Jamison is here to see you. Okay.” She placed the receiver back in the cradle and walked around the other side of the desk. “Please follow me.”

  Cassie was quiet as she followed the girl down the long corridor to a room at the end of the aisle. When she stopped she pointed to the door, “You may go on in Miss Jamison.”

  “Thank you.” The girl smiled and then left Cassie to her nerves.

  She knocked softly on the door, “Come in.” She entered the big office and was welcomed into the room. “Good afternoon Cassie.” Marty shook her hand and pointed to a chair. “Please have a seat.”

  “Thank you Mrs. Jacobson for inviting me.”

  The woman laughed, “Mrs. Jacobson is my mother-in-law, please call me Marty.” Cassie smiled, instantly set to ease. “I hear good things about you Cassie and I am looking forward to seeing some of your past and future ideas.”

  “Thank you Marty.” Cassie was shocked to hear that she had heard things about her; she hoped she hadn't called her employer. She hadn't told them she was even thinking about leaving and she didn't want them to be upset with her. “I do have my resume.”

  She handed the paper to Marty and the lady smiled. “Very impressive, graduated top of your class. That couldn't have been easy.”

  Cassie could feel her face turn red. “Thank you.”

  “Okay, let's see what you put together.”

  Cassie hesitated for a second, but then handed the contents of the briefcase to the eager interviewer. The last thing she wanted was to be laughed at and not knowing what she would think was worrying her. She had to leave it in God’s hands if it was meant to be, she would get the job and the guy. Only HE could predict how things would turn out.


  “Seth, they're here.” Megan replied as Seth continued to take inventory in the pantry. “Did you hear me?”

  Seth groaned, “Yes, I heard you. I have things to do. Surely you can go greet them yourself.”

  “Seth Michael Callahan, this weekend is supposed to be a joyous occasion for Courtney and Bradley. I am not going to let you ruin that with your sour attitude.”

  Seth forced a smile, “Is that better?”

  “Yeah, you can't tell that's sarcastic at all. Please, it's only one weekend. After Sunday you never have to see Cassie, if that's what you want. Just please, don't be like this.”

  “Megan, Seth?” Seth looked up when he heard the sound of Courtney's voice.

  “Please, do this for Courtney. She's never done anything to you.”

  Seth nodded, “You're right. Let's go.” He put on a smile and followed Megan out of the pantry to where Courtney was standing in the lobby. He couldn't help, but notice, that she was alone. “Courtney,” he kissed her cheek. “You look nice.” He caught Megan staring at him and he just winked.

  “Thank you Seth.”

  He looked around the lobby and then brought his attention to Courtney. “I'm sorry; I thought you were driving Cassie and Chad.”

  “Um...well, Cassie wanted to go meet up with a friend. She'll be here soon.”

sp; “I imagine she wanted to show Chad around town too. Makes sense.” He kicked himself mentally for caring so much.

  “Actually, Chad isn't here.”

  “What?” Seth asked, trying to not sound like the words mattered.

  “I guess Chad had to go back to New York City for some reason. So, Cassie is by herself.”

  Seth nodded and then turned to Megan and she shrugged, obviously unaware of the situation. “I see, well I'm sorry about that.”

  “You are?” Courtney asked and Seth had to ignore the look of shock on her face. “I just mean...”

  “Cassie obviously made her choice Courtney, so I know it must be hard for her that he had to leave. It's difficult being away from the person you love. Trust me, I know.” Courtney didn't say anything; she just stood staring at Seth. “I don't hold any grudges against your sister Courtney, but I just hope she's careful.”

  Courtney nodded, “Maybe you should tell her that.”

  Seth laughed, “I think I've told her enough. Even though I don't hold a grudge, I'm not so sure the whole friendship thing is going to work.”

  “Seth, why don't you help Courtney with her bag.”

  He nodded, “Of course.”

  “Thank you Seth.”

  He quickly grabbed the bag and took it up the stairs. As he placed it down, he closed his eyes. He knew he didn't want to believe the words he spoke to Courtney, but he didn't know if being friends with Cassie was a reasonable choice. It would be too hard, even being in two different cities. It was best to try to move on.

  As he got back downstairs he heard them talking in the living room, so he decided to go get in the conversation. His sister was right and he needed to realize that he shouldn't make everyone uncomfortable, just because he was miserable. “Courtney, Seth doesn't mean it.” He paused in the lobby, when he heard his name being mentioned. “He's just hurt. He'll come around.”

  “I don't know Megan, he seems pretty mad at her. I know he's trying to be a gentleman about the whole thing, but I sense he's not really going to forgive and forget.”


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