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Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All)

Page 19

by Persons, Cheryl

“He'll forgive her one day, because I know that he truly feels as long as she's happy...that's all that matters. He just preferred her being happy with him, that's all.”

  He stepped back and thought for a second. It was true, he wanted her happy, but only if it was with him. His heart broke as he thought about that and then cleared his throat, hoping that it would stop them from talking. It did the trick, because he walked into silence as he joined the two women. “When are Bradley and his family coming?”

  “They'll be here about 6:30. My parents should be here soon. They had to wait until Christopher got out of school.”

  “He looked at his watch and saw that it was just before 6:00 and he couldn't wait until the weekend was over. Well if you'll excuse me. I have a few things to do before everyone else gets here.” He nodded and left the living room, as he was about to leave the lobby he heard the chimes on the door sound as it was opening.

  When he turned around he saw Cassie entering the house. She smiled an awkward smile, “Hello Seth.”

  “Cassie...” his voice was stiff. “Pardon me.” He turned away and left the room, leaving Cassie where he saw her. His heart beat quickly as he shut the door to the pantry and fell back against the door. He didn't know how he was going to get through the weekend, knowing that Sunday she would be gone and nothing would ever be the same again.


  Cassie stared after Seth and she could feel the knot form in her stomach, it was worse than she had thought. He barely looked at her and she was going to see if they could share a life together? It wasn't looking promising. “Cassie, you made good timing.” Cassie nodded as Courtney and Melissa came out of the living room. She could see that her sister knew something was wrong.

  “Court, can I have the keys to the car. I need to get my luggage.”

  “Sure Cassie.” Courtney handed her the key and gave her a sympathetic look.

  “Seth!” It took a moment, but Seth's head popped out of the pantry. “Help Cassie with her bag.”

  Cassie stared at Megan, “That's not necessary. I can handle it.” She hurried out of the room before anyone could object. She couldn't believe that Seth was acting the way he was. He was the one that said he knew that she had to make the choice and as long as she was happy...obviously he didn't mean it.

  As Cassie reached for her bag, she felt a hand on hers. She looked up and pulled back as he pulled the suitcase from the trunk. “I've got it.” He replied in a gruff voice, startling her.

  “That's not necessary Seth.” She reached for it, but he moved away.

  “Why do you have to be so stubborn, Megan wouldn't let it, I have it.”

  They slowly moved towards the front door, the tension was thick. Once they reached the door, Cassie stopped and turned to Seth. “Thank you, but you really didn't have to.”

  Seth snarled, “When my sister gets something in her mind...she doesn't let it go.” He paused for a moment and Cassie saw it in his eyes. The pain was hard to bare and she nearly took his lips on hers and begged him to forgive her.


  “Why did he go back to New York City? Surely whatever the reason, it could have waited a few days.”

  “Seth, that's what I'm trying to tell you...I...”

  “I don't get it Cass; I thought we had something special. How could you turn your back on that and go back to the one man that hurt you?”


  “Just doesn't make sense.” Cassie looked down at the pavement, she felt like she was a schoolgirl being reprimanded by an instructor. He seemed disappointed in her and he didn't even give her a chance to explain. “Cassie?”

  Finally after agonizing over what to say, she stared into his eyes. “You said that you wanted me to be happy and that it was my choice.”

  “Yes, I did. I just didn't think...”

  “You didn't think I would be stupid enough to choose Chad? Is that it?”

  “Cass, I'm not calling you stupid...I just...”

  “Forget it, you would never understand.” She grabbed the bag and opened the door, leaving Seth behind her. She wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he had no idea what he was talking about.


  Cassie scowled at herself in the mirror. The evening definitely wasn't shaping up like she had hoped. She had so much she wanted to tell Seth, yet she was fighting the urge that the past three weeks was just a mistake and despite how she was feeling they weren't meant for each other. “Cassie, are you ready? Everyone's here and the minister would like to begin rehearsals.”

  Cassie turned to Courtney who had entered her room. “Just give me a few minutes.”

  “Okay, but...please hurry.” She was about to turn but then looked back to Cassie's direction. “I wish you would tell me what has gotten you in such a foul mood. Does it have something to do with the interview; did you not get the job? I know you said you don't want to talk about it, but...”

  “Courtney, let's just drop it. The interview was probably a mistake. If I can't even talk to Seth, how are we going to decide to spend our life together? Besides, after are last interaction today...I don't know if I even want to.”

  “Cassie, you don't mean that. You're just upset and you think that Seth is the cause for that. I have news for both love each other and you're bound to not see eye to eye on everything. It's love's nature, but that doesn't mean it's not meant to be.”

  Cassie laughed, “I wish I could be so sure.”

  Courtney winked, “Trust me. Now, hurry up. I have a wedding to practice for.” She left the room and Cassie turned back to the mirror.

  She'd have to find a way to talk to him, even if they fought when they did. It was important to let him know everything that had happened over the past few days.

  Chapter 18

  “Then you'll kiss your bride,” the minister was saying.

  Cassie forced a smile as Bradley and Courtney kissed. Cassie caught Seth staring at her as she looked away. He quickly looked back to the soon to be bride and groom and Cassie knew he didn't want to be discovered watching her. The family started to clap as the kiss lingered longer than Cassie felt it should have. She could see how happy her sister was and she was so happy for her that the next day she would be getting married, she just couldn't control the fact that she wanted that moment. The kiss finally ended and Cassie let out a sigh of relief. “So, is that it?” Courtney asked the minister.

  “Yes, would you like to practice the walk back down the aisle?”

  Sure, I was thinking that after Bradley and I exit, then the wedding party could follow by twos.”

  The minister nodded as Bradley and Courtney joined arms and headed down the aisle, once they were half way down, Cassie walked towards Seth and he smiled. She didn't feel the need to put on an act. As she linked her arm in his, she didn't feel the aisle could get any longer. When they reached the end of the aisle she started to leave his side, he grabbed her arm. “Will you just stop, please?”

  She frowned and then looked away and watched as Rebecca and Bradley's cousin Marcus was coming down the aisle. “I'm waiting.” Cassie replied rudely as she stared into his eyes.

  “Uh...first off, you look nice this evening.”

  Cassie stared at him and shrugged, “Okay...thank you. Anything else?”

  “I guess not.”

  Cassie rushed past him and went over to her parents and Christopher. “Hey Cassie...” Christopher replied with a smile.

  She smiled, “Hey Christopher, are you looking forward to wearing your suit tomorrow?”

  Christopher scrunched up his nose and Cassie laughed. “I don't think so. I'm just an usher; I don't know why I can't wear jeans.”

  “You'll look so grown up, plus it's only one day...right?”

  Christopher nodded, “I suppose so. I'm going to go talk to Brandon.”

  As he walked off Cassie turned to her mom. “Who's Brandon?”

  “That's a co
usin of Bradley's. We all met once at a family reunion that Bradley's parents invited us to. Christopher and he hit it off.”

  Cassie stared, “I feel like I've missed out on so much. I mean I just found out Bradley even existed and to realize that you guys went to family's all hard to digest.”

  “I know it is, but you have made a life for yourself and that's something to be proud of. What did Seth say when you told him about Chad?”

  “I haven't,” was the simple reply Cassie spoke.

  “Why not? I thought you would want to...”

  “Mom, it's not easy.”

  “Honey, it is what you make it. It doesn't have to be that complicated, but if you don't talk to him then you can't work things out.”

  “What if we talk and I realize that New York City is really where I need to be? I can't hurt him again.”

  Cassie's mom just nodded, “That is a dilemma, but you're not really giving him credit. He's a big boy and if you truly realize that you need to go back to your job, he'll understand. However, only you can make the decision.”

  Cassie watched as her mom left her to her thoughts. When she turned to where Seth was standing she saw him talking to Rebecca. She watched at their interaction, they were smiling and laughing and Cassie wondered if it was too late. Seth could have easily decided to try to make his relationship work with her. It would have served her right if she had blown it. She was about to swallow her pride and walk over to them, when she watched Seth leave and head towards the house.

  She paused for just a moment and looked around the backyard; she saw that Courtney and Bradley were still talking to the minister. She decided that it was, as good of time as any, to make that talk happen. She was about to reach the door, when Megan stopped her. “Where are you going Cassie? We're just about to serve the food.”

  “I have something that I need to do. It won't take long.” Cassie brushed past her and reached for the sliding door.

  “If you're wondering where Seth went...I saw him going upstairs.”

  Cassie stopped and turned around, “Megan...Chad...”

  “'re with Chad. I forgot. I'm just saying.”

  Cassie laughed, “You know me too well. Wish me luck?”

  “Cassie, you don't need luck. He loves you; that's what matters.”

  Megan turned away and Cassie stared after her, she just hoped she was right. As she walked up the stairs, she thought about how she wanted to start the conversation, but nothing seemed right. She took a deep breath when she reached his door. As she knocked she realized that for the first time she was scared of what was about to happen. She was about to turn away when she heard his door opening. It was too late and it was going to either be the worst or best night of her life.


  Seth opened the door and saw Cassie standing in front of him. “Cassie.”

  “Hello Seth.”

  The pause was agonizing and he just stared at her. He tried not to look at the dress she was wearing, when he first saw her that evening, he just wanted to take her in his arms. That wasn't the best idea seeing that she wasn't exactly his for the taking. “Can I help you?”

  He realized how lame that sounded and instantly wanted to take it back. “I need to talk to you. May I come in?”

  Seth wanted nothing more, but it was a bad idea. However, he just stepped back and let her enter the room. He left the door open a jar and turned back to look at her. “Okay, I'm listening.”

  “Did you call The Swanson Ad Agency and try to get me an interview?” Seth looked away, thinking of all the lies he could say. He wasn't prepared for her to ask him the question and so he didn't have anything thought up. “Just honestly answer the question Seth, did you?”

  Seth nodded, “I was trying to keep you from having to leave. I'm sorry. I should have told you.”

  “Yes, you should have.”

  “It doesn't matter though, does it? You obviously didn't want my help, since you're going back to New York.”

  “You keep hashing over the fact that I'm going back to New York, but you seem to forget that you said you were okay with that. You wanted me to be happy and you're just sorry that that may mean I'm happy without you in my life. Admit it!”

  Seth shook his head; he didn't want another knock down drag out fight. “Cassie, what do you want me to say? You know that I still love you and I thought you felt the same. I won't apologize for wishing that I was the one you wanted to be with. Cassie, I don't want you hurt and maybe I do think you're making a mistake.”

  “Why, because he's not you?”

  Seth looked away, “Forget it.”

  “No, I want to hear what you have to say.”

  “How can you be with a guy that has cheated on you?”

  “Everyone makes mistakes, Seth. We can't all be as perfect as you.”

  “That isn't fair. I never said I was perfect, but I know that if I was lucky enough to have you in my life...I would never be stupid enough to jeopardize that by being with someone else. Apparently what you two have must be much stronger, because you were able to forgive him and move past his lies.” He swallowed hard, “I will try to move past it, but you can't possibly make me understand it. We should probably go downstairs and join everyone for supper.”

  When he turned away he stood at the door for her to leave, but she didn't move. “Seth, I'm scared.” Her voice quivered and he could hear a longing in her voice.

  He shut the door and walked back to her. “What are you scared of?” He asked quietly as he stood in front of her. “Cassie, just tell me what it is you want.”

  “Chad and I broke up.”

  Seth stood there motionless, “What did you say?”

  “I have been trying to tell you...Chad and I broke up. He went back to New York, because I called it quits.”

  “Cassie, are you serious?” Cassie just nodded.

  Seth moved closer to her and traced her face with his hand. “Why?”

  “You're right and I just realized that he hurt me too deep to forgive and why try, when I'm in love with someone else.”

  Seth smiled, “Who might be the lucky guy?” Cassie smiled as she moved closer and put her lips to his.

  When they parted, Seth smiled. “I was hoping you would say that.” He pulled her into a hug and smelled the scent of her strawberry perfume. “Cassie, I have been waiting for this for a long time.” He pulled back and grabbed her hands into his. “I don't want to worry about saying goodbye to you Sunday. I will tell Megan that I am leaving the Bed and Breakfast, I will move to New York City.”

  “I know that you said you would do that, but now...I truly see that you would do anything to be with me.”

  “Cassie, we have wasted so much time. If that means what it takes to be together, I would do it.”

  Cassie smiled, “You are a good man Seth Callahan.”

  “I can't let this opportunity pass. I won't lose you again.”

  “That is so sweet,'s not necessary.”

  “What? I don't understand.”

  “Seth, I went to that job interview today and...I got the job.”

  Seth laughed, “Are you serious?” She nodded, but he paused. “Cassie, is it what you want? I don't want you to take a job that will make you miserable.

  “Being in Texas, it's made me realize what I've missed and I'm not about to lose that again.”

  “What about your current job?”

  “Well, I've called my boss and explained the situation. He understands and it also helps out a friend and fellow co-worker. A co-worker, Tiffany, is going to get the job that she deserves. It's all worked out. I will work there for two weeks, while packing up my stuff and then, I'll move here. Maybe I can get Megan and you to lease me out a room?”

  Seth couldn't believe what was happening and he smiled. “I'm sure we would be willing to give you a whole floor. You belong here, you always have.” He leaned down and kissed her. “Cassie, I will make you happy.”

>   “I have no doubt about that Seth,” she smiled. “I love you and that's what matters most.”

  “Come on, we better go downstairs and tell everyone the good news.”

  He grabbed her hand and headed down the stairs. The moment they walked in dining room her eyes met Courtney's. She smiled when she looked down and saw them holding hands. She jumped up and ran over to them. “Does this mean...”

  “I'm moving to Dallas.”

  “Oh Cassie,” her sister threw her arms around her and Cassie laughed. “I am so happy for both of you. How about wedding plans?”

  “Whoa, slow down thing at a time.”

  Seth turned and saw Rebecca staring at them. She had a smile on her face, but he saw a couple of tears in her eyes. “Thank you,” he whispered. She nodded and then turned away. They both knew that if it hadn't been for her he wouldn't be there. From calling off the wedding to talking to him that night, Rebecca was the one that made him realize that he had to talk to Cassie. He had hoped she would follow him up the stairs, he just didn't realize how well it would go.

  “So, what's going on?” Cassie's mom spoke up, obviously confused by her facial expressions Seth saw.

  “Mom...Dad...I have so much to tell you, but for now...let's eat.” Everyone laughed as Seth pulled out a chair for her and then took a seat. When he grabbed her hand under the table she turned to look at him. “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you too,” he responded. He was going to make her happy and he was just thankful he was going to finally get that chance.

  Chapter 19

  The next day was a whirlwind of activity. She didn't get much sleep, yet she was more refreshed than she had been in a long time. She knew that it probably had something to do with the fact that she felt she was finally in the right place. She knew what she wanted out of life and it was finally happening. The hairdresser had finished everyone's hair and the dresses were on. She walked down the hall to the room where her sister was dressing and knocked softly. “Who is it?”

  “It's your loving sister.” Cassie replied cheerfully.


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