Book Read Free

What the Heart Desires

Page 3

by Victoria Rose

  “How about getting you out of the cold? It’s freezing out here! The snow is

  coming down hard. It’s a full-blown blizzard now. We would be buried in it in no time if we stay out here much longer. Besides, I don’t want you catching a nasty

  cold. My car is parked around the corner.” He offered.

  “I thought we were waiting for an ambulance,” she told him in an uncertain voice.

  He gave her a surprised look, and then he chuckled lightly.

  “Ambulance! This area is as rural as it gets. We will be waiting here for

  the rest of the night for one. The nearest hospital is more than two hours away. It

  will be quicker if I drive you there myself than sitting out here in the cold waiting

  for one to show up.”

  She realized he had a valid point. She didn’t know the area that well, or at all.

  He obviously knew more about it than she did. And she was in no condition to

  argue with him

  “Don’t worry, my intentions are all pure. I’m not here to take advantage of you, nor am I some crazy stranger you have to be afraid of.”

  It was Becca’s turn to smirk. “That coming from someone who refuses to tell me his name.”

  He took in the stern look on her face and chuckled. “I will gladly tell you my name if will make you feel better about me helping you.”

  “Don’t bother. If your name is so important to you, then keep it a secret! I

  don’t care! But I will tell you this; I may be a bit shaken from the accident at the moment, but I do have a black belt in karate and my aim is just about one hundred perfect. I never miss a shot.”

  He threw his head back and burst into a loud fit of laughter.

  “Wow! A woman who knows how to handle a firearm! I like that. I must say

  that I’m impress! I find a woman who’s able to take care of herself very sexy!”

  He met her eyes and grinned. “But like I said, I would never take advantage of

  you, no matter how tempting that may be.”

  She met his eyes. “I would hope not! Because you won’t get away with it. I

  will hunt you down, and I don’t have to tell you what will happen next.”

  “Got it!” He laughed again. “But you have my word. My intentions are all

  good and pure, Becca. I’m not that type of man. I’m only here to help you.”

  He gave her a tender look and pulled her hair back, tucking her full curls into the back of the jacket. And she believed him.

  He pulled the jacket closer around her shoulders and took the time to button it

  all the way down. The knee-length jacket was three times her size, and it was

  heavy. It swallowed her slim frame, but it was warm.

  She was surprised he hadn’t taken her coat from the car.

  It was still on the passenger’s seat where she’d tossed it when she had gotten into the car hours before. He clearly hadn’t thought of getting it for her. That, or he probably thought that his expensive coat was warmer and better suited for the cold. The sheep skin jacket was definitely cozier than her pea coat. And it smelled of him too. She nuzzled her cheeks against the soft wool and breathed in the lingering scent of him.

  “Now, how about getting you out of the cold.”

  “Huh.” Becca opened her eyes suddenly and met his. And a mischievous smile appeared on her full lips.

  “Your cheeks are burning up.” He lifted his hand and caressed her flustered

  skin with the tip of his fingers, his warm touch causing her body to shudder

  slightly. “You have been out in the cold too long,” he whispered, his lips coming

  down quickly to brush against the side of her face. “We need to warm you up.”

  He reached for her and swept her up quickly into his strong arms.

  Becca wrapped her hands around his neck and held onto him for dear life as he

  trekked through the deep snow back to his car.

  She was glad that he had found her when he did. She didn’t want to think what could have happened if he hadn’t, or if someone else had come across her unconscious in the car.

  She nestled her face closer to him and closed her eyes.

  She was completely out by the time he bundled her into the wool blankets in the back seat of his car and drove away.

  Chapter Two

  He was sitting in the large leather armchair by the window, not far from where she was lying on the large bed when she woke up.

  She had no idea where she was, or how long she had been out for, but from the bright sunrays streaming through the partially drawn drapes; she guessed she must have been asleep for hours.

  It looked like a brand new day to her!

  She lifted her head lightly off the pillows and looked around the room. Someone had placed her watch on the night table beside the bed, and she reached over for it and looked at the time.

  It was nine-forty-eight in the morning.

  She put the watch back quietly and turned to look at him.

  He was even better looking in daylight! His eyes were closed, but it didn’t appear as if he was fully asleep. And his breathing sounded normal to her—he wasn’t snoring or anything—not that he looked like the type of man who would send you running from the room or wake up a sleeping bear.

  Yep, he was definitely awake!

  He shifted his body into a more comfortable position, and she shut her eyes

  quickly and pretended that she was still asleep. She didn’t want him catching her staring at him. It was bad enough that he was right there in the room with her!

  She certainly wasn’t accustomed to strange men keeping watch over her while she slept. And she wasn’t exactly comfortable with him being that close, either.

  She peered at him again. He was in the same position as before, but this time one of his long legs was crossed over the other.

  She wondered how long he had been sitting there.

  He probably needed the rest, she thought. It must be hours since he had found her and brought her here.

  Her eyes went around the room, wondering where she was.

  She tried a couple scenarios to see if she could connect the dots.

  The room looked more like a large luxury suite in an expensive five-star hotel, than a simple hospital room.

  She moved her feet and wriggled her toes, then her fingers.

  They were all still there. She could move them!

  So she knew that she wasn’t in any sort of recovery room. There weren’t any tubes up her arms, and nose, either—and she wasn’t hooked up to any machines! And last, but not least; there weren’t any doctors or nurses hovering around her.

  And she was certain now more than ever that he wasn’t a doctor! And if she

  was really in a hospital, a nurse or doctor would be sitting there in their scrubs or

  white lab coats, instead of him.

  She took a very deep breath and lay back against the pillows, her roving eyes never leaving his face. She actually liked looking at him. There was something so magical about his good looks that she couldn’t look away. She was captivated.

  She wondered who he was, and why he had brought her to this place.

  She guessed she will just have to wait to find out.

  Her goggling didn’t last for long.

  “Good, you are up!”

  She actually jumped when she heard his voice.

  He sat up and gave her a warm, wide grin. “How are you feeling?”

  He was out of the chair and by her side in less than a second.

  He probably knew she’d been watching him, she thought; from the knowing smile on his face. And he had let her; without saying a single word to warn her that he was awaked!

  She blushed and gave him an embarrass look.

  “Much better, I think.” Her hand went up to her head and she felt for the bump that was there before. It was almost gone, but the spot was still a little so
re. “My head certainly feels better,” she told him.

  “And you do look better.” He smiled at her again.

  “How long have I been out?” she asked him. She was eager to know how

  long he had been taking care of her.

  She definitely felt well rested and her body didn’t ache as much as it did


  “You gave us quite a scared back there. You have been drifting in and out of

  consciousness since I brought you here yesterday evening. You had a very high fever, but thankfully, we work to get it down.”

  She was confused. “We?”

  She wondered if he had been able to get in touch with her family, or with someone who knew her.

  “Yes, Doctor Ross and I. A neurologist was brought in as well, but he left for another emergency as soon as he realized you weren’t in any sort of immediate danger. Your CT scan was clear, so was your MRI. No broken bones, not even a sprain. You did not suffer any neurological damage that he could see. And except for a slight concussion and a few bruises, you are going to be just fine. You are a very lucky young lady, Becca.”

  He ended with another quick smile.

  She gripped an end of the covers, and toyed with it. “Thank you for telling me, and for bringing me here; whatever this place is.”

  She smoothed her hair back, and away from her face, and sat back against the

  pillows. She remembered she had her hair done up in a tight bun before, but now

  it fell loosely across her shoulders.

  Someone had untied it and brushed out all the knots. She glanced at the large ivory handle brush on the antique dresser close by. It wasn’t her brush. She would remember if she had one like it. And she would never buy something so exquisite or expensive for everyday use.

  The brushes she had were all bought at the local drug stores when they were on sale. And they all had handles that were either made of wood or plastic, none of them was ivory. She turned her eyes back to look at him.

  “It was left here by one of my guests,” he told her casually. “Thought you could use it. It’s yours if you want it.”

  “It’s beautiful,” she mumbled, glancing at the brush again. “Thank you.”

  “Then it has found its match.” He gave her a thoughtful smile. “By the way, I’m Keane Whitmore.”

  He offered his hand with a wide grin, and Becca took it shyly.

  “A name finally,” she told him, remembering how hesitant he had been to tell her who he was at the beginning.

  She didn’t see what all the fuss was—unless he was hiding something from her. Beside, the name didn’t ring a bell!

  “I told you I would answer all of your questions when the time was right.”

  “I guess this is just a good a time as any.”

  “Now is there anything else you will like to know?”

  “Just one.”

  “Shoot away.” He took a seat on the large bed next to her.

  “Have you been sitting there the whole time?”

  She glanced at his messy hair and the new stubble of hair on his face. He

  appeared disheveled, and the dark circles under his eyes weren’t hard to miss,


  He definitely hadn’t had much sleep, and she knew it was because of her.

  She also noticed that he was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. He probably had identical ones in his closet, but it didn’t appear as if he had changed into any of them. The shirt especially, was rumpled. She remembered the speck of dirt on the right pocket. He had stumbled back into the ditch when he had tried to get her out of the car.

  A sheepish grin appeared on his face.

  “Yes and no. Doctor Ross and I took turns. He kept watch at the beginning, then I took over. I sent him away so that he could get some rest. He’s in one of the guest rooms down the hall. You will meet him shortly. I’m supposed to call

  him as soon as you are awake. That’s a strict order from him,” he told her with an

  easy smile.

  “Where am I?”

  Her eyes went around the huge, lavished room. Then she glanced down at the white silk pajamas she was wearing. They certainly weren’t a shabby hospital gown. The pajamas weren’t one of hers, either.

  She would never buy silk pajamas for herself, but they fitted her perfectly. Someone had obviously helped her into them, because she couldn’t remember putting them on herself. Her hands immediately went up to her chest, and a horrified frown appeared on her face. She wasn’t wearing a bra; underwear, yes, but her bra was gone!

  She was completely mortified. She didn’t want to think that he was the one who had undressed, and then dressed her into these expensive PJs again! She would die of shame if he did! She looked frantically around the room for the bra, and the clothes she had been wearing. They were nowhere in sight! And the white lacy underwear she had on wasn’t even hers, either!

  He met the embarrassed, shocked look on her face with a knowing dimpled smile, and her heart skipped a few beats.

  He was guilty as sin, she thought—he did this!

  “Don’t worry,” he told her. “I had absolutely nothing to do with that.” He

  offered with another broad smile.

  He must have been reading her thoughts and knew exactly what she’d been

  thinking about him! “The nurse probably thought you would be more

  comfortable in those.”

  “Okay,” she replied in a small voice, still avoiding his piercing eyes. He clearly was enjoying the uneasy look on her face. “Where am I? I clearly haven’t been admitted to a hospital or a clinic.” Her eyes went around the room again.

  “Yes, I was wondering when you would ask.” He gave her a cheeky grin. “I

  thought you would be better off coming here. There was no way I would have been able to get you to a hospital on time to receive the type of treatment you needed. The roads were too dangerous, and you were already suffering from hypothermia by the time you got here.”

  “And by here; you mean?”

  “You are at Sternway Ranch.”

  “Sternway Ranch…” she repeated the name slowly. “You brought me to a

  ranch instead of taking me to a hospital,” she told him with a deep frown. “Didn’t you think that perhaps it was a good idea for me to see a doctor?”

  She didn’t know if she should be upset that he hadn’t actually taken the time

  to try to get her to a hospital. No matter how bad the roads were, she was certain

  that he could have found a way. He seemed to have the means—from what she

  had already seen.

  He gave her a leveled look. He appeared somewhat disappointed. Maybe he thought she should be more grateful for what he had done for her.

  “Don’t be fooled by the name. You have been receiving proper medical care since you arrived. The best doctors in their fields were flown in, and every test that they felt was needed was done immediately.”

  Becca’s eyes widened in disbelieve. “I thought this wasn’t a hospital.” She couldn’t help the condescending tone.

  “It’s not, but I assure you, you are being well taken care of here.”

  “And what do you mean doctors were flown in? You just said that this was a

  ranch and not some sort of medical facility.”

  He chuckled. “Yes, I should have been more specific. They were brought in by helicopter, along with whatever medical equipment they needed to look after you. There’s a huge helicopter landing out back that can also accommodate two small private planes. You are getting optimum care here, Becca. Nothing is being left to chance.”

  And she didn’t doubt that for one second. She was feeling so much better already.

  “Who exactly are you?” She tilted her head, and asked him.

  He met the unbelievable look in her eyes with a goodhearted grin.

  “I just told you. And as I said, you have the best doctors at your disposal here.r />
  They will be here until you are better, but if you feel the need to go elsewhere for

  a second opinion, I will be more than happy to arrange to have you taken to the

  nearest hospital or somewhere else, if you like.”

  She guessed she should be grateful for all he had been doing for her so far. For someone who didn’t know her, he had certainly gone out of his way to make sure she was alright. And she knew he had done it out of the goodness of his heart. He could have just made the call to 911 to report the accident, and continued on his merry way, but he had decided to stay by her side the whole time.

  “Thank you. I know you didn’t have to do any of the things you are doing. I

  don’t see how I can ever repay you, though. I don’t think my insurance covers

  home visits or private home care.”

  A wide grin appeared on his face.

  “You are serious, aren’t you?”

  “You thought I wasn’t.”

  “I’m more than happy to help you, Becca.” The twinkle in his eyes soon

  turned into a serious look. “I want to make sure you are completely fine before

  you leave here. Do you remember anything about the accident?”

  Becca avoided his eyes. She was hoping that he wouldn’t bring up the inevitable. She didn’t feel like talking about it just yet.

  She took an end of the white Egyptian cotton sheet and toyed with it,

  knotting her fingers nervously around it, and kept her eyes down.

  “Not much. I knew you were there, but that’s all I can remember.”

  She honestly thought she would remember more.

  “What about the day before? Do you know where you were going? There were two packed suitcases in the trunk of your car.”

  She fell back onto the soft pillows, and gave him a wide, helpless look.

  “No!” she told him with a tired sigh. “I wish I did, but I don’t! The suitcases were obviously there for a reason, but nothing comes to mind. All I can remember is my name, and you, Keane. All I can remember is you!”

  She raised her eyes to meet his, and gave him a helpless look.

  “What about the year you were born? Do you remember that?”

  She bit down hard on her lower lip, and stared across the room at the large

  Rembrandt painting hanging on the wall. That was easy. Everyone knew the day they were born—everyone, but her! She nodded her head and gave him a frantic look.


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