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If She's Wicked

Page 5

by Amelia Hutchins

  “In a fucking heartbeat,” I said flatly with fire igniting inside of me. I would, but I didn’t have to like it, and it may kill me to do it, but I would. Thousands of lives depended on this, even more if we lost the hold we held in this world and more monsters descended into it.

  In silence, I watched the need to pay me back and her self-preservation fighting against one another. She knew what the cost would be if it had played out as she’d thought it had, even though it hadn’t. Erie had a moral compass so fucking pure that it terrified me. She never left a debt unpaid, and she always protected those who helped her, even if she didn’t like them. I wasn’t sure what drove that need, or who had created it, but it was her downfall tonight, and we both knew it.

  “Fine,” she muttered as she swallowed hard, audibly. “I need to use your bathroom to freshen up first.”

  I showed her to my bathroom, staring at the door as she closed it behind her, and then stared at the wards around the room. I lit the candles inside the room, dimming the light as I pulled the thick silk navy blue bedspread to the side. I had purchased a large enough bed to fit ten people into it long ago, but I didn’t sleep, so it had seemed like a waste other than when I’d fucked someone here. The Knights that held beasts within them never hungered, never slept, and never craved anything—or I hadn’t, until one hundred years ago when she’d been born into this world. My eyes slowly moved over the white walls, striking against the navy blue carpet and ceiling that were painted in runes older than time itself. A gift from the beast I held as I’d claimed this room and apartment as ours.

  A noise sounded from inside the bathroom, and when the doorknob turned, I watched it, waiting for her as I felt her emotions playing in her mind. She hated what they’d done to her, thought it had ruined her, but it hadn’t. I had waited for this day for seventy-five years, since the day she became a woman. I’d abided my time, hoping with the missions we’d been on that she would come to me willingly again, and yet she held everyone at arm’s length instead. No matter what I had done, she pushed me further away.

  The door cracked open, and I turned back towards it, staring at her as everything inside of me flexed to move to her, to make this happen right now. The moment she stepped through the door, the world stopped turning as I swallowed past the need that coiled tightly in my stomach. I stopped breathing as I took in her sheer gown, exposing everything beneath it to my hungry stare. Her hair was loose, cascading down her back as she rubbed her arms nervously, like some impish virgin that didn’t know how beautiful or alluring her nakedness was to a man. I had to stifle a growl of possession as she frowned and lifted those cornflower blue eyes to meet mine briefly before she dropped them to take me in slowly as heat pooled within them.

  Her eyes slowly slid down my body, the tattoos that adorned my chest, my arms, and my neck forming armor over my shoulder blade. The scars that graced it from the countless battles I’d endured before I was turned immortal. Her eyes lowered to the V-line that disappeared beneath the jeans I wore and then flared with fear. She looked like a caged animal about to fight her way to freedom.

  “This is stupid,” she uttered through trembling lips, and my gaze narrowed at the way her body shook before me.

  “Drop the glamour,” I whispered, wanting her to trust me enough to let me see what she hid from everyone else. I wanted her to just let one person in this world know who she was, who she really was behind the magic and fear that clung to her like a second skin.

  “What?” she asked, momentarily caught off guard by the request.

  “Let me see you, Erie. Let me see what you hide from the world,” I uttered thickly.

  “Never,” she scoffed as a growl entered her throat as her familiar anger returned. “This is me.”

  “No, this is what you show to the world to protect yourself from being judged. This isn’t you,” I whispered. My tone filled with a layer of need and desire. She wasn’t the cold killer right now, this was the other one, the innocent beauty who wasn’t sure how to react or what to do. How many other assholes got to see this? To see this softer, naïve side of her that she hid so well behind the coldblooded killer.

  “This is the only me you will ever see,” she returned. “Take it or leave it, Paladin. I don’t care either way.”

  Paladin, the one thing she knew that pissed me off when she called me it. At least she hadn’t lost her fight.

  “Come to me,” I ordered firmly. “Don’t be scared, Erie, I’ll be gentle with you…at least for now.”

  “Callaghan,” she warned. Her feet moved forward, but it was timid and out of character for her. I watched her, knowing something was happening here that terrified her, but I felt it too, knowing that once we went through with this, we’d be bonded. She wanted me, and I wanted her, it was basic fucking chemistry. “How far do we have to go?” she asked.

  “Far enough that when I tell them that you’re sexually open to me, it’s the truth that slips from my tongue,” I said thickly, unable to hide the lust that was blurring my vision red with need.

  She deadpanned me, her eyes going blank as she waited as if it’s the executioner block instead of my bed. I wanted to laugh at her, but I knew her enough to know she’d think it was about her, and not at the frown marring her full lips, or the tenseness of her posture. I pulled her flush against my body, letting my heat warm her. Fuck, she was tiny, and yet a force of nature. My hands cupped her chin, tilting her face up to force her eyes to meet mine. She swallowed hard, loudly as she nipped her lip, waiting for me to make the first move.

  I inhaled her wildness; the lavender scented soap she loved filled the room. My body reacted on cue, driven by the need to drive my cock into the heat of her welcoming flesh. She trembled as I lowered to claim her lips, but before I reached them, I moved mine to her ear and whispered against it. I wanted to savor this, to make it last, but this needed to happen a few times tonight, until her womb was filled with my unborn son. It wouldn’t be over quickly, not until she knew who owned her pleasure. Her every fucking orgasm would be mine, and mine to give her from this day on.

  “Are you scared of me? You should be; I’ve waited eons for you to be ready for me,” I growled huskily before my teeth nipped at her earlobe. “You’re afraid of what you feel when you’re close to me, aren’t you?”

  “Just get this over with, Callaghan.”

  She was fucking trembling like a leaf hanging on to a tree at the end of fall. Her hands were visibly shaking as I tilted my head, watching her briefly before I shook it off. I reached down, lifting the gown from her flesh, exposing her skin to my greedy gaze. Her hands rose, trying to cover her flesh, but I was faster, catching them and somehow managing to stifle the growl that threatened to bubble up and escape. I placed her hands on my flesh and then tensed as she slowly began to explore me, as if she’d never seen anything like me before. What the fuck kind of assholes has she been with? The moment she leaned over and dragged her tongue over the pierced nipple, I lost my ever-loving shit as a deep growl hissed from my lungs. I watched her back up, her cheeks flooding with heat as if she’d done something wrong, and I couldn’t fucking think to say anything past the throbbing in my cock.

  “I…I don’t know what the hell that was.”

  I laughed.

  Fucking brilliant, Callaghan.

  In all my years, in all my time with women, I’d never laughed at one who stared at me as if I was the devil. She’d fucking licked me, and I’d growled, and she blushed. I watched the confusion dance on her face, the uncertainty and anger as she hissed.

  “I hate you,” she scoffed adamantly as she turned away, trying to escape into the bathroom.

  I didn’t respond; there was nothing I could say to take away what I had just done. So I moved, picking her slight weight up and tossing her onto my bed. My hands pushed down the jeans I wore as I watched her with a need so red-hot that I couldn’t even process it. The mome
nt my jeans freed my cock, her eyes widened, and she flinched, recoiling as if she’d never seen one that large. I needed to find the little boys she’d been fucking and end them. Where the fuck had she found these dolts?

  “Jesus Christ, that thing isn’t normal,” she mumbled as her heart kicked up a notch, drumming to an alluring beat that the wild beast inside my soul knew well.

  Grabbing her legs, I pulled her to me as her eyes grew large, rounding as fear leaked from her pores. Her foot kicked out, pushing me back as she struggled to get away from me. “Erie, stop.” I lowered my tone, sending out a soothing one that had calmed her down more often than not. I parted her legs, feeling the sheer terror she’d sent out into the room, and frowned. “Gods, you’re shivering,” I mumbled, angling to rest between her legs as I tried to calm her nerves.

  My mouth found her lips, brushing against them as I coaxed her to open to my kiss. The moment my tongue darted between her sinful lips, I devoured her like a starving beast. I went deeper, capturing hers as I fought her for dominance, a dance as old as time. My hands cradled her face, holding her there so she didn’t pull away from the kiss. My cock was resting against her belly, and even I knew it wouldn’t be an easy fit. She was tiny, but then she always had been. Her hands snaked down, pushing between us as she caressed me, and I struggled to remember the need to be gentle with her. No matter how many men she’d taken, she hadn’t ever taken one like me before. I hissed against her touch and broke the kiss, staring down into the confusion marring her face.

  I pushed off the bed, giving her more room to touch me, but she wouldn’t. My tattoos swirled on cue, sensing the spells that were beginning to combine her with me. They glowed, lighting the room around us in a heady beat of magic and lust unmatched by anything else in this world. I lowered my mouth, nipping one pink nipple and then the next, watching her face as pleasure burned in her eyes. I allowed my teeth to graze over her flesh, enjoying the hiss that was stolen from her lungs as pleasure burned through her.

  “Callaghan,” she whimpered huskily, her voice sexy enough to force me to lose control. Her body cradled mine, allowing me to push my cock through her wetness to know she was more than ready to take what I needed her to. It continued to grow, even though I pulled back the magic, knowing she’d be a tight fit at first.

  “Erie,” I laughed huskily as I watched her eyes light with need, lowering my hand to trail through the pink flesh of her sex. My finger pushed into her cunt, and I struggled to maintain focus as I watched her reaction, judging her preparedness. Another finger sunk into her heat, and I fought to keep that growl at bay. Her sweet flesh pulsed around me, sucking my fingers deeper until it was all I could do, to watch her as she came undone.

  Magic filled the room, sending mine into the tattoo that I’d given her to a deep blue glow. Mine added extra power as the spell around us worked to create a bond unlike any before it. I watched her eyes grow wide as a scream escaped her lungs. She rode my fingers, wild and hurriedly as she took what she wanted, and I wasn’t about to start complaining because fuck, she looked so fucking beautiful coming for me. I watched as she floated back to earth, and her eyes grew hooded from the orgasm and magic that claimed her.

  “What the hell, Callaghan! You, you almost killed me…” she accused as she shivered, the orgasm receding. I blinked, staring at her through narrowed eyes as my mouth opened and closed, watching her as she continued to tremble with the aftershocks of it.

  “It was only an orgasm, Erie,” I uttered carefully, and now I knew I’d be finding those assholes and murdering them. “Your body is responding to my touch, coming undone for me. It’s as natural as the fire burning in your depths for me.” I laughed huskily as I looked down at her with a cocky smile lifting my lips. “Ready to feed the wolf, kitten?” I pushed against that tight opening, staring into her eyes before I leaned over, stealing a kiss to bring her back over to mindless need as I thrust into her body without warning. Her scream ripped through the room. My cock battered against something that was hard as fuck to miss. I stared down at her, shocked and sure that I’d just plowed through her hymen without realizing she’d still had one. I winced from her body’s grip against mine and tried to withdraw, only to discover it wasn’t fucking happening. Fucking hell, what the fuck? No wonder she had been shaking so badly, she’d never had a dick in her entire life, and I’d just battered through it like nothing. Her head was thrashing from side to side as she wailed like a fucking banshee as her body gripped my cock so tightly I feared it would cut it off. “Fuck!” I seethed, unsure what to do to get the fuck out of the vise-grip tightness of her pussy that was convulsing around me painfully.

  Of all the motherfucking things to discover now? This wasn’t it. How the fuck had she forgotten to mention this small detail? I couldn’t even backtrack out of her flesh because it was locked around me, sucking me deeper as if the spell was working, and yet her body was fighting the need to feed it magic. So I was stuck, balls-deep in the tightest cunt of my life, one that refused to stop cutting off the circulation to my cock as it throbbed around me, sucking me deeper into her body.

  “Jesus, stop moving, woman,” I uttered thickly as my cock threatened to empty into her just to free itself of her tight sheath. It was a fucking iron maiden-like box that sent spikes into my cock as it pulsed. “You should have warned me of your innocence,” I gritted out as sweat trickled down my face while pain mixed with pleasure, and magic pulsed through us. Her sweet noises threatened to undo me even more as I watched the pain flashing through her eyes. I swallowed hard, my hips needing to let loose to batter her flesh enough to get free.

  “Move, bitch!” she ordered as she continued to rock, unable to stop without her body burning with pain from my oversized intrusion. “Callaghan, get out of me. You’re ripping me apart!”

  “Erie, hold the fuck still,” I gritted out through clenched teeth. I didn’t know what I wanted more right now, to kiss her for being untouched, or to bend her over and spank her ass for not bothering to tell me she was. There went the idea of taking her again; she was untried by man and would be too sore to do more tonight after I’d finished with her. “I’m not asking. I’m telling you that you’re too tight. You should have fucking warned me that you were a virgin before you let me fuck you. Your body wasn’t ready for me, and now you need to hold fucking still before I do end up ripping you apart, which will make this really fucking suck for both of us. Now hold fucking still,” I roared as I held her hips still, needing my brain to focus on the fact that we were stuck together, like fucking stuck.

  “Callaghan,” she whimpered through tears that blurred her vision as I stared down at her. I watched her with hatred at myself for putting her through this pain, pain I could have lessened for her, had I known. I could feel the blood from where I’d pushed through the barrier, but worse, from tearing through it brutally because I hadn’t known it was there. “It hurts, make it stop. You’re breaking my vagina!”

  “It’s…not broken, little one,” I gritted out through clenched teeth as I leaned over and rested my forehead against hers, staring into the pain-glazed eyes while I fought the beast for control; the spell continued to fight against us all with the need for us to breed. “You’re too tight, relax for me. Relax so I can give you pleasure.”

  “Relax? Are you fucking serious? You just tore me apart, and you want me to relax? It aches, dammit. Make it stop!” she snapped crossly. As if this wasn’t her fault too? I had thought her skilled in sex, shit, I’d given her enough space to do just that, and yet she was a fucking virgin. Most women weren’t afraid to sing their praise at being pure as they headed towards a bedroom. Not Erie, no, she waited until you were balls-deep into her before you figured that shit out for yourself. The woman was an enigma, a beautiful hot mess that most women craved to be, and yet she thought it made her less. It didn’t, it made her so much fucking more than she would ever know.

  “You’re fucking perfect,”
I growled possessively, unable to help it from slipping out. My hips began to rock slowly. I moved at a tempo that was slow enough not to hurt, and yet fast enough to make her body react to it to lessen the pain. Moments, it took moments before her mouth opened and her eyes began to widen as pleasure took precedence over the pain. Every single thrust was painful as her body continued to fight me, and yet eventually, slowly, I unlocked, and her arousal coated my aching cock to allow me to please her needs.

  “Ooh, oh hell,” she whimpered wantonly as her eyes rolled back in her head, her mouth open to form a perfect O. “More,” she pleaded as her eyes closed, stealing her beauty and her reaction to my cock from me.

  No fucking way that shit was happening, little fighter. Not after seventy-five years of waiting for this moment. “Open your eyes and look at me,” I demanded hoarsely, my voice a mix of need and pain as I watched those wonder-filled eyes open on command. Fuck, she was perfect, from her perky tits to her tight pussy that clenched against me. She was everything I’d expected, and a few shocking surprises more. My darkness latched on to her, craving the purity that seeped from her pores as I fucked her, bringing her over to my world slowly. I surveyed her reaction and felt as her body adjusted to what it wanted and craved from me, and I fucking gave her more. Her legs wrapped around my waist, giving me more depth, and I took it. I took it fucking all, hitting against her womb as the spell seeped in, combining our need as one brutal goal. The statues lit up around us but she was too far gone to notice them, and I didn’t care if they worked because my only goal was to watch her come undone for me with my name on her pretty pink lips.

  My mouth lowered to hers, and she went wild with need. Her tongue caught mine, fighting me for dominance even though she was clearly unskilled enough to take it from me. Fuck if I wasn’t turned on that she was trying, and yet everything inside of me demanded I claim her, own her, make her fucking submit to me and give me everything she was. I watched her climax rip her apart and slowed my hips, locking her into the endless pleasure that allowed me more access to her depths. I watched her coming undone for me as her nipples hardened and her back arched off the bed, her mewling noises sending a pulse through my cock with every whimpered moan of pleasure. I pulled her up as I slowly turned her over, watching as she presented that perfect ass to me like a gift. Nudging her legs apart, I pushed into the tight, aching flesh that once again sucked me in deeper than ever before. My hand landed against the softness of her ass, watching as she bucked against me, my other hand slowly pushing against her spine, dancing along the lines of the elaborate, delicate woad that covered it. Once my fingers sank into her hair and grabbed a fistful, I pulled it hard enough that she knew I did. I smiled at her heavy-lidded glare before my mouth claimed hers even as I lost control, riding her body without care as it pushed against mine, accepting what I gave it until I exploded into her tight, needy cunt. I leaned over her as I struggled to catch my breath, to gain some semblance of control. Fuck, she’d made me crazed with need, coming undone without warning like some stable boy going at it with a maiden for his first time.


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