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If She's Wicked

Page 6

by Amelia Hutchins

  Lifting up so I didn’t crush her with my weight, I stared down at her, her head buried in the blankets as if she didn’t plan to face me after what we’d just done together. I frowned, withdrawing from her pussy to find my cock covered in the blood of her innocence. Fucking hell, there was too much. If she’d warned me, I would have spent hours preparing her for my thick flesh instead of tearing hers apart with an eagerness I couldn’t control. I climbed from the bed and stared at her perfectly heart-shaped ass.

  “You bled everywhere,” I muttered as my hand scrubbed down my face as I stared at her red, swollen flesh that pissed me off more than it should have. “You fuck like you fight, woman.” I hated myself for hurting her, but I was pissed at her for keeping that shit to herself when I was on a need to know basis.

  I crawled onto the bed, intending to pull her up with me, but she ignored me as she ripped the blankets from the bed and padded across the floor to the empty couch.

  “Get your tits back in this bed,” I demanded as I smirked at her mussed hair and porcelain skin that was covered in red marks, my marks from claiming that ass. I preened inwardly with the knowledge that I’d claimed her first, which was something she’d never forget.

  “Go fuck yourself, Paladin.”

  I smirked as her angry eyes challenged me while she touched her abused flesh and winced. She’d be sore for days, and I couldn’t even pretend to not like that idea. She’d feel me there, between her silken thighs where I’d owned that sweet cunt until it was swollen from being fucked by me. Her clumsy fingers slid through her sweet, bruised folds and her eyes lifted to mine, and I smiled, but it was all teeth. Fuck if I wasn’t already hard and wanting to be in her tightness again already.

  “Why would I do that when I have you here?” I laughed as I watched her frustration play out on her face.

  “That won’t happen again,” she muttered as she lay on the couch and pulled the covers over her head like a petulant child. “Everyone makes mistakes; you were just mine.”

  “Is that so? Maybe you should try it a few more times to be sure it was a mistake.”

  “I’m going to bed now,” she growled.

  “Night, Erie,” I chuckled.

  “Fuck off, Callaghan,” she groaned.

  When I finally woke up, it was to find her gone, escaping from the Templar Order stronghold with the ease of the most skilled assassin. My gaze settled on the fertility statue that was moved from where I’d placed it. The pulsing wards beneath my bed hummed, warning of an attack, and a smile flitted across my face. Oh yeah, my little imp had let me pluck that treasure and then snuck out like a thief in the night. As if she thought this shit would work for me. Game on, little hellion. I was ready to hunt.

  The fucked up part though, the part that hurt was I knew she found Arthur and the others alive outside of my apartment when she awoke from being with me. I knew why she ran, and that she wouldn’t be easy to catch again now that she had learned the truth of my deceit. I had her, and I fucked up. Story of my life with that little Goddess, it was what we did. I smiled as I lay back on the bed, gripping my cock as I swallowed past the ball of need that grew in my throat, replaying last night and how amazing she felt beneath me in my mind.

  She wanted me, I’d heard it in her tone and in the way she screamed for more and pushed against me. It may not have started out that way, but she didn’t hide her need after the initial pain had fled and pleasure had replaced it. She fucking roared for me, and I wanted her again already. The smile that curved my lips as I thought about her wincing every time she moved today was more wolf than man, and the rattling in my chest confirmed that he too had enjoyed what we’d done to her. We hadn’t even begun to play with her yet or to show her why the Gods made men and women with parts that connected perfectly. I hoped that she fucking ached and that when she did, she thought of what I’d done to her and craved more.

  Chapter 5


  Walking home was painful, physically so but emotionally draining on top of that. I replayed hearing Arthur, who was supposed to be dead, speaking to other Templars about Callaghan’s smoothness in getting between my legs. I’d thought he would die, or worse, so I’d made a sacrifice, and for what? That’s right, nothing. They’d been in the next room, right beside where I’d lain with him. I groaned as pain arose in places that I didn’t even know could hurt. It was a reminder of what had happened with that traitorous, no good, lying prick.

  I couldn’t believe I’d been trying to save him, and he’d probably laughed as my honor code had become my own downfall. I stepped over a corpse and eyed it, noting the rapid decay of the body before I shook it off and continued my walk of shame towards the empty apartment complex. By the time I’d finally reached it, I’d already buried three bodies and had cursed that man to a painful death more times than I could count.

  Once inside the complex, I slammed the door closed and screamed until my voice grew hoarse and the anger of what I’d done dissipated a little. Moving through the destroyed room, I frowned as I took in the destruction that they’d done to it with their ploy. There was blood everywhere, meaning he’d hurt them even if he hadn’t killed them. That, at least, made me feel a little better. It didn’t, however, take away the guilt I felt at having ruined the dead couple’s home.

  Stepping over the scattered debris, I opened the freezer and backed up to jump onto the counter with a yelp of pain as my lower region ached. The man had a wrecking ball penis, one that destroyed vaginas. In fact, I still felt him everywhere, as if he hadn’t ever withdrawn from my flesh. The heat of his lips still burned against mine, only making the betrayal I felt worse.

  “Good morning, Fred. I hope you slept well,” I uttered.

  “Slept? No. I was praying for the first time in my entire existence. I don’t pray, but I prayed that whoever was in this apartment had slit that pretty little throat of yours and that you were bleeding out. Pity that they failed, and that you’re here, alive…still. They are most unskilled at murder; had I the use of my body, I would have loved to teach them, with you as the victim, how pleasuring it would be, therapeutic even,” he pouted. Or…at least I thought he did, his lips were blue and so was his face, which was almost comical, and may have been, had I not been indulging in self-pity.

  “I had sex last night,” I uttered as a frown marred my face as I slowly lifted my eyes to find his glowing red while he watched me.

  “And you think I care? I don’t. I’m also not a girl, and do not partake in the lesser things of your humiliation after a lame fuck.”

  Ignoring him, I continued. “I mean, I thought he was different than the others, but he’s worse. Yes, he’s been the star of every fantasy I’ve ever had, but then he broke my vagina, and I found out that he’s worse than the others.” He hadn’t betrayed me in those fantasies. He’d been the one I had wanted forever, and yet I’d known the moment I let my guard down, he’d destroy me. They always did.

  “You did hear me when I said I didn’t care, right? Because, to point it out, my feelings have not changed,” he muttered.

  “I gave him my virginity, Fred! Shouldn’t that have meant something more to him?”

  “Good God, you were a virgin?” he exclaimed. His eyes traveled to the top of my shirt since it was as far as he could look from his vantage point in the freezer, and then lifted them back to my face with a frown. “What a waste. We could have sacrificed you to bring more of our kind over here. What were you, the oldest virgin in history?”

  “Focus, Fred.” I snapped my fingers in front of his face as I growled. “I gave him something that was only mine to give to him because I’d thought he may die since he protected me last night, which was why I didn’t die. Turned out, he hadn’t killed anyone at all. He’d just used my own honor code against me, who does that?”

  “A brilliant man, that’s who,” he snorted as he rolled his eyes and started to shake his head,
which didn’t exactly work out since he was propped up on ice cubes. “So did it at least hurt? Please tell me he wasn’t gentle with you. Did you scream? Was there a lot of blood? Please tell me you are in excruciating pain from it.”

  “Of course it hurt, he has a wrecking ball penis in his pants,” I snapped. “I mean, it actually hurts to walk. Is that even normal? I had to walk all the way back to you with a constant ache to remind me of him! I thought that shit only happened in books and movies, not in real life. And! That son of a bitch had fertility relics set up in his room, which I’m not even sure why I’m surprised, but I am. His entire focus is to knock me up, and can’t a girl just enjoy her first time, but no, not with him. Yet I trusted him, which I’m telling you now, won’t ever happen again.”

  “Why the hell would he want to do that?” he scoffed. “Unless he wanted a child so he could eat it as you watched him. That would be a valid reason.”

  “Eww, no,” I shook my head as a shiver raced down my spine. “It’s because I’m the cure to saving the Templar and druids, who earned their fate, I’m sure. I mean, they’re assholes, and isn’t that reason enough to die? I was just created to save them, but did anyone stop to consider anything about how I would feel? No, nope, all they thought about was their own needs. Not one of them even thought about how my life would be with their curse hanging over my head. I wasn’t even a part of it.”

  “You’re the child of the cauldron of Dagda?” he asked, his tone serious as he watched me. “You can’t be fucking serious.”

  “I am,” I admitted as I stretched my neck and winced as my apex burned with pain. “Is it normal to hurt this much after sex?”

  “If it’s done right,” he smirked as he watched me. “How large was his cock? It was huge, wasn’t it? Did you scream? I love it when they scream because it hurts, yet they beg for more.”

  “He was more than just huge.” I rolled my eyes at him. “It was like run away from it because it is a one-eyed monster that will rip you in half cock,” I uttered as my cheeks flushed at the reminder. “He didn’t even see if he could fit, and then he was stuck inside of me. It felt like I was being torn in half, and out of everything I’d ever imagined doing with him, that never happened, ever. He ruined everything, my fantasy of him, my vagina, my faith in him, and any trust I may have held, all destroyed.” My eyebrows creased as I pouted, my heart aching with what he’d done, and my inability to ignore the draw I felt to him. Plus, again, he’d ruined my fantasies of him, which were so much better than reality.

  No, in my fantasies he’d been perfect. He’d coaxed my body to readiness, and there’d been no pain. He’d said all the right words, done all the right things and it had been beautiful! Instead, he got stuck in my vagina. Of course, I also didn’t have any fantasy of him betraying me either. So that said a lot about how much they could be relied on to be even semi-correct. Fantasy was so much better than reality. Reality only let you down and left you a ruined mess.

  “Did he fuck you in the ass, too?” he snickered.

  “No! That thing would never fit there. Oh my God, that is a thing?” I asked incredulously as I tried to picture it. My mind played it out, and my ass tightened with fear. Nope, not happening; not with that wrecking ball thingamajigger in his pants. I seriously needed to dig through the couple’s porn collection more so that I had more of an idea about sex and what to expect.

  “Wish I had found you unprotected and as innocent as he had. I’m actually jealous right now. I’d have stripped the flesh from your body and then taken you until you knew what true pain was,” he said wistfully.

  “Eww, Fred. Focus, remember, he broke my vagina? This is about me, not you right now. Try to think of others besides just yourself for once. That type of thing is why you’re in my freezer in the first place. Hurting humans is bad, we don’t hurt them. We definitely don’t take off their flesh and then do it with them,” I muttered. I jumped down, hissing as pain erupted from the motion and closed the freezer door. “Think about what you did, and when I open this door again, you better have a new attitude on life.”

  “Or what, you crazy bitch? You’ll cut my head off and keep me in a freezer until I see the error of my ways? You will die for this!”

  “We’re friends now, and it is my job to teach you right from wrong. Who else has ever tried to help you out as I am?”

  “You took my fucking head knowing that I couldn’t die!”

  “No, I only assumed that you couldn’t. I didn’t know for a fact that you would survive. I can’t foresee the future, but I knew we’d be great friends if you did. See you in a little while; I have to go wash the stink off of me. I can still smell him on my flesh.”

  “You didn’t know I wouldn’t die? I hate you even more right now!”

  “You hangry again, Fred? You sound it; maybe I should find you a Snickers bar to eat,” I called from the other side of the freezer door as I turned, heading towards the bathroom while an explosion of curse words sounded from him. I stripped out of my borrowed clothes and entered the bathroom, throwing wards up before I turned the hot water on, crawling into the bath to scrub off the scent of betrayal. I lit a few candles with a flick of my finger, painting runes across my flesh until it burned with power, and yet that fucking ache refused to lessen as the water washed away the proof of them. I lifted my eyes to gaze to the door as the wards pulsed in warning. Callaghan’s stink reached me before he rounded the corner and came into view, all sexy as sin.

  “You left,” he growled thickly.

  “You need to leave here, now,” I growled back, dismissing him as I sank into the heated water, disappearing beneath the suds to ignore him. His growl echoed through the water as the air expelled from my lungs. I didn’t want to face him right now, or ever. I wanted to hide the shame I felt at falling for his freaking ploy. My lungs burned until I was forced to come back up for air. I slowly emerged from the water, only to discover he had made it past my wards and stood above the tub, staring down at me. What. The. Fuck?

  I stood up and stepped out of the bathtub as I pushed him out of my way. Glaring at him, I left the room, dismissing him with a snort of anger and rage. Water sloshed everywhere in my haste to place as much distance between us as possible. I started to put more wards up in my bedroom when he grabbed me and shoved me against the wall hard enough that my teeth rattled.

  “I killed for you,” he hissed, but even he knew he lied. His eyes burned as he watched my reaction, probably hoping I hadn’t heard the others on my way out of his apartment.

  “You must think me the biggest idiot, asshole,” I seethed as I glared up at him. “Did you have fun playing with me last night? Was it fun to watch me struggle and choose you over myself? Did you enjoy me beneath you as you hurt me even though you lied about it all?” I whispered through the constriction of my throat as I fought to keep the tears at bay. “Congratulations, Callaghan, you won. You got further than any man before you ever has, does it feel good? Do you feel like the almighty conqueror now? Was it fun for you to watch me buying into the lies you fed me, to use my own honor code against me? I’m guessing you enjoyed it and that it didn’t bother you at all since you slept soundly and untroubled afterwards.” When heat flared in those beautiful blue eyes, I growled angrily, more at myself for still wanting him than at him. “Get out, just get out and leave me alone. You’re just like them, only worse.”

  “Erie, two races depend on you carrying a son. Until we’re sure you are pregnant, they won’t leave you in peace. I won’t leave you in peace, because lives depend on it.”

  “Oh, they will leave me alone, or they will all die horribly,” I uttered angrily. “I’m warded against them and you now. Anyone stupid enough to attempt to rape or force their will against my own will die. You seem to have missed the part where I am a master of wards.”

  “You cannot ward against us,” he laughed as his eyes searched my face and then narrowed. “W
ards can only be placed on places, not people.”

  “Try it,” I hissed. “I dare you to, Callaghan. Taste me,” I whispered huskily as my hand slid down my body, which no matter how much he pretended, he couldn’t ignore. Those sweet baby blue eyes watched my hand as it pushed against my sex. His jaw clenched as he lifted them to mine, smirking as he shook his head.

  His mouth slanted as his eyes narrowed and held mine. “No one has the power to ward against us entering their body. Least of all you, little druid,” he answered huskily as his finger brushed the hair away from my face. “You belong to me, you have from the moment you sucked air into your premature lungs and opened those pretty blue eyes of yours,” he said forcefully. “And I will never let anyone else lie between those thighs. You, and me, Erie? We’re mated now.”


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