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Missy's First Mission

Page 19

by P. G. Allison

  “Look, I admit that I’ve been against women in the military. But, I thought those girls that our club was playing with … I thought they wanted what they got, okay?”

  “Really, Ron?” Missy’s expression clearly showed how distasteful she viewed that thought, and he actually winced.

  “Hey, girls come onto guys all the time! Especially the big athletes here …”

  “Don’t even start trying to justify it, Ron. Maybe a few of the girls might do that. But, your club was taking advantage, handing out demerits even when they weren’t deserved, constantly harassing certain girls. Then, if a girl was stupid or weak or unlucky enough to get compromised, she was forced to either give in or get out. Several girls ended up getting out anyway, even after giving in. Your buddies Bernhard and Gosselin and a few others?”

  “Stop! Okay, okay. I know. But, I truly didn’t know it then. They had me join their club because they knew I wanted to force girls to leave the academy. But, I never was part of forcing any girls to have sex or any of that other stuff. I thought the girls who were doing that were sluts. I thought they wanted to …” He stopped, knowing how weak his excuses were sounding. “Look, I admit I was stupid, okay? But, I didn’t know what was really going on.”

  “Why are you telling me this? You want a free pass? Sorry.”

  Quigby studied her for a moment. “No, I wasn’t here to ask for anything, Missy. I just wanted to warn you, that’s all. I figure I owe you one.”

  “And, once you warn me, we’re even? Is that it? Gee … if only I had a warning for every broken leg I’ve fixed …” Missy started laughing. She could see he was truly contrite and she actually believed him about being ignorant concerning the girls that the club had taken advantage of. He was so blinded by his own hang-up’s, with all his beliefs about women being such a big distraction, that he indeed might have believed every girl who was willing to have sex with anyone was a slut. “Hey. I believe you, Ron. I’ll stop with the jokes. I’ll even give you that free pass you’re not asking for. So, what’s this warning, anyway? Are the boys going to try and maybe rape me? Again?”

  “They tried to rape you? Is that why …” His surprise was genuine and Missy believed him.

  “Well, maybe they would have stopped at some point. Maybe. But, I didn’t bother waiting to see what was gonna happen next. Once Bernhard started squeezing my tits, with his buddies standing there … watching? Waiting for their turn? You know? I decided I didn’t want to find out if they’d stop.”

  “Wow, Missy! I had no idea. And, I warned them, too. I told them not to mess with you; that it wouldn’t end well.” He stared at her and there was some respect in his eyes now. “So, you were only defending yourself? That’s not the way the guys are telling it. And, the reason for my warning? They’re planning something for you. They stopped discussing it when I came over … after what I’d said about you earlier, warning them to just leave you alone and everything? They’ve been leaving me out of most conversations now.”

  “But, you obviously heard something. And, I’m sure you know I’ve put each one of them on notice, right?”

  “Oh, yes! Everyone’s been talking about you, Missy. But, no one can prove you’ve said a damn thing. And, even if there were witnesses? It’s not really so much what you’ve said, but what you’re not saying. You really are a clever one, aren’t you? Getting each person alone and confronting them with whatever the hell it is you’re saying. It’s not as though you’ve made any threats … or, at least none that anyone will admit to. But, if anything happens again? They all know it’ll be you they’ll have to deal with.”

  Missy had indeed confronted many of the upperclass cadets, one at a time. For some, like those who were gay but in the closet about it, she merely had made it known that their little secret was safe with her. Since she could name who they’d been having sex with, it didn’t matter whether or not she could prove anything. They knew that she knew and that was enough. Likewise, for those who were having consensual sex with plebe girls? That was a no-no which could get them in trouble.

  For some of the guys, it had been enough for her to just name the plebe girls they’d been harassing. Knowing those girls were now all talking to Missy? It was just as Ron had said; they were now on notice and would have to deal with her if there was any further harassment.

  And, finally, there of course were those who were not going to listen; they were okay with knowing she was in their way. Missy knew she would have to deal with them at some point. Not surprisingly, they were all Caesar Club members.

  Quigby was still talking. “After whatever it was you did to Bernhard? Plus all the other crazy things everyone knows about you? Not to mention all the friends you have. You’re rather an intimidating person around here, Missy. Most of the guys really just want to get through all of this, graduate from the academy, and get their assignments as Army officers. You pose a huge threat. They don’t want any part of you.”

  “Good! That means they’re getting the message, Ron. I also just want to graduate someday and get my officer assignment. But, you know all the zero-tolerance policy bullshit here concerning sexual harassment? Well, my zero-tolerance policy isn’t bullshit. You can warn your friends again.”


  Feb 23, 2019

  As the two upperclass cadets walked out of their room, Sally smiled over at Missy; miraculously, they’d once again managed to pass inspection. These SAMI’s -- Saturday AM inspections -- were always a pain in the ass. For the past three weeks, however -- ever since Missy had put so many cadets on notice -- it was obvious that their room was now a special target. Since there’d been no SAMI the week before because of the holiday, today’s inspection had been especially thorough.

  Shoes and boots had to be polished to a shine that was brighter than bright, then arranged all in a row from tallest to shortest, left to right. Their beds had to be tight and their closets had to be perfect, with uniforms displayed on evenly spaced hangers and garments folded and displayed in the drawers below exactly according to regulations. Each bra had one cup tucked inside the other, clasps and straps tucked inside, cup opening down. Both girls had long ago found creative hiding places for any female items, such as tampons or pads, as it was simply much easier than dealing with any possible comments or criticism they might get otherwise.

  “You know, I love the fact that having you as my roommate means I don’t get harassed any more when I’m out and about. But, I hate the fact that having you as my roommate means my room is ground zero for these assholes, looking to bomb us with demerits. Being around you can be toxic, Missy!” Sally laughed and Missy did also.

  Missy said, “We were perfect today, though … no demerits. They know better than to try writing us up for anything that’s not a valid demerit. They know whatever they get me for now had better be legitimate, since I now have so much visibility. Don’t forget that.”

  “Well, true. You do have your friends in high places. And, thanks for getting rid of my dirty laundry at the last minute. Where did that end up, anyway?”

  Missy giggled. “You know that women’s locker over in second platoon?”

  Just then Tracy appeared at their door, which was still open. “Guess what, guys? My application for Jump School got accepted. I’m hoping yours did too, Missy. Maybe we can be roommates again, huh?”

  Missy logged into her computer, which she hadn’t bothered doing yet because of the inspection. “Hey, me too! This is great! Don’t ya just love it when a plan comes together?”

  Sally said, “You and your plans. Ha, ha. I guess I’m not surprised that you want airborne training, since you seem determined to be all you can be and be Infantry.” She looked at Tracy and asked, “Why do you want airborne … is it just to be with Missy? You aren’t planning on any combat arms branch are you?”

  “Oh, it’s more than just being with Missy, although you know how fun that’ll be. I’m thinking it will be good to get my wings, for later. I’m hoping to be a helicopter p

  “Really? Black Hawks?” This was news to Sally, but Missy obviously knew all about it.

  “Actually, I’m hoping for Apache gunships. And, I’m really hoping I can be the gunner. I love to shoot stuff and blow things up.” Tracy actually felt drawn to this, since it was somewhat similar to what she did with lightning bolts, but only Missy and her mentor Millie knew that. She hadn’t even discussed it yet with her parents. Or, with John.

  “Holy shit! I thought Missy was the only one who loved shooting stuff. Did you hear she’s asking that Sergeant Frele if he’ll give her some sniper training?”

  Tracy laughed. “Of course … I even agreed to do that with her. She can’t go out there all alone, the only female … you know how this place is. I may not be on the rifle team like Missy but I did qualify expert during Beast.”

  “That’s right, I forgot how you grew up on Army bases and how you got all that training from your Dad before you even arrived here.” Sally had gotten to know Tracy, along with several of Missy’s other friends, quite well; she found she fit in comfortably with that group and was very happy with how the second half of her plebe year was going. She was happy with how her swimming seemed to be going, as well; she had now done better than all of her earlier personal best times. “How are things going with Missy’s brother? I hear you and Missy had a great time last weekend. Missy said her brother even let you leave the room for part of the time, so you could do some skiing.”

  Tracy said, “Ha, ha, ha. She’s in no position to be making fun of my relationship with John.”

  Missy giggled and said, “It’s not the relationship that I’m making fun of … just all the sex. My poor brother … the girl won’t leave him alone.”

  “Hey, you can’t have it both ways! First you say your brother wouldn’t let me out of the room and now you’re suggesting that I wouldn’t leave him alone.” Tracy looked at Sally and added, “Besides, you should have seen how she and Mike looked at breakfast Sunday morning. Late Sunday morning. And, you know how she is about being late for any meals …”

  Sally laughed. “Oh, I don’t think you need to say anything else, Tracy. I’m getting a very clear understanding now. And, here I was thinking it was the skiing that had sapped all her strength when she came dragging her ass back in here last Monday.”

  Missy protested, saying, “Hey, there was no sapping of strength or dragging of ass …”

  “Riiiiight … merely some delayed post-coital bliss, then.” Sally laughed; she always enjoyed poking fun at Missy, especially about her sex life, which Missy had been very open about. She and Tracy both, for that matter. She envied the two of them, since all of her experiences with guys had been rather disappointing. “Since you two harlots have been bang-banging so much, I don’t suppose you’ll bother going to the dance at Cullum Hall tonight. Not that it matters that much. Those of us wearing dress grey won’t be much competition for all the bimbos from St. Mattress.”

  Whenever there was a cadet dance, the girls from nearby Mount St. Mary’s College were certain to show up. As were girls from several other local colleges. Since they would be wearing attractive clothing, all dolled up with hair and makeup and jewelry to emphasize their femininity, that made it difficult for the female fourth class cadets to attract any fourth class males. And, of course, upperclass males were off limits.

  Missy said, “Actually, I’m looking forward to it. I don’t have a game or a match, so I’m free and available. I figure if I put myself out there, maybe I’ll get lucky and those assholes will make a run at me.” Missy had briefed both girls on the warning she’d received from Cadet Quigby. She was surprised the Caesar Club guys hadn’t already attempted anything. Whatever their plan for her might be, she figured she’d soon find out.

  Chapter Twenty

  Feb 23, 2019

  Cadet Kion Gosselin had been wondering if he’d ever manage to get his revenge on Cadet McCrea. There just hadn’t been any opportunities for what he and Chris Bernhard had in mind for her. She hadn’t really been alone since that incident in the gym when she’d knocked Chris out cold and then had somehow been able to sit up and thrust that barbell out at him. Un-fucking-believable! Yeah, he’d known the hot sexy redheaded bitch was one strong, muscular, freaky athlete but still … it must have been one of those cases of superhuman strength like the ones he’d read about where people could sometimes lift cars up when it was life or death. The things that were possible for the human body from that shot of adrenaline they’d sometimes get …!

  He had to admit, the girl had been very quick to react. And, something had definitely happened to her -- he could still see how her eyes had changed -- only he didn’t think it had been fear that had triggered her actions. No, she hadn’t been afraid of them, in spite of the way Chris had been squeezing her tits and leaving no doubt as to just what his intentions were. She’d known they had her trapped and, once they were finished with her, it would have been her word against all of theirs as to what had happened. Yet, rather than showing any fear, she instead had been very confident.

  What really had him hating her was how she’d gone around afterwards, with just about every cadet female now ready to report any alleged harassment and many of the guys now worried about that. What he and Chris had started two years earlier as a secret sex club for those guys they’d invited to join them was now costing him a lot of money.

  Gosselin came from a family worth millions and his parents had provided him and his older brother with unlimited funds, as long as they continued to do well in their respective schools. His brother was the one with all the brains and was now doing great at his post graduate med school. Kion couldn’t compete with him scholastically but had done well enough to get into West Point. Being very athletic and an excellent lacrosse player, something his brother was not, had helped.

  Back in high school, he had really enjoyed going to his brother’s college fraternity parties. The wild times, having sex and drinking and having sex, had been quite memorable. But, things at West Point made enjoying parties like that a bit of a challenge. Fortunately, he knew how to arrange for girls to attend their parties … like the ones he and Chris held for their Caesar Club. He chuckled to himself at that name for their sex club, which Chris had come up with. Really puerile and stupid, which was sort of the point.

  While there were plenty of guys who were good at supplying the alcohol, it was his contacts and money that had led to all the college girls, hookers and college girl hookers whom they’d been enjoying. Especially those college girl hookers; they were the best. Being able to control membership and run this club had been very satisfying.

  Even more satisfying had been getting so many cadet girls to join in the fun. Last year had been a huge success and the way the guys in his club had managed doing that indeed had been creative. So many of these girls had arrived at the academy completely clueless and totally vulnerable. By the second semester, he’d been able to cut way back on how many hookers and outside girls were needed for their club parties since so many plebe girls had ended up participating. He and Chris had also really enjoyed watching all the videos they’d made.

  Now, this year, thanks to that bitch Missy McCrea, he was forced to pay for almost all the girls. And, many of the guys were grumbling. Chris had really wanted to fuck that Sally Navarro and was so frustrated at how McCrea had interfered that it wasn’t even funny anymore. Kion had been very willing to watch him do Missy that day in the gym, and wouldn’t have minded being next in line at all. He’d have enjoyed watching the other four guys take their turn at her as well. Too bad she’d stopped all that before it had even gotten started.

  But, he and Chris were being patient. They figured their opportunity would come eventually. And, they had some very definite plans for just how they’d take advantage of that opportunity. Having all the money to take care of whatever might be needed was nice. He was used to controlling things and getting what he wanted. And, he was really looking forward to getting his revenge

  So, when Chris called him and said it was time to put their plan into action -- especially on this night, when he already had his favorite S&M girls right there and ready for action -- he was quite happy. “They’re both there? Hanging around with all the other wallflowers, hoping for some nice stud to maybe ask them to dance?”

  Bernhard said, “Kion, our star has risen. Navarro and McCrea are in there together. Tonight’s gonna be the night. You can get everyone we’ve talked about to help us with this, right?”

  “Oh, yeah. They’re all drinking and watching the usual porn flics and then Nadine and Madeline will be performing … nothing like a live S&M sex show to get the boys in the mood. When we tell them we have something special lined up for an encore, they’ll be thrilled. Wearing the white robes and hoods will just add to their fun.” Gosselin thought for a moment and then asked, “Who’ve you got over there to do this? We’ve been saving those special roofies from Mexico that I gave you, just waiting for this chance, and I don’t want some fuck-nuts to …”

  “Relax! When I heard these girls were at the dance, I personally stopped by the kitchen myself and stayed back there, shooting the shit with the two cooks. I had to wait for more than an hour, but when the girls finally ordered a pizza with everything on it?” Bernhard laughed. “Once their waiter came in with that order, I knew what to do. I crushed up our magic pills and made sure their pizza had a little extra, you know? I sprinkled our special stuff on there without anyone noticing.”

  “It’ll probably take longer since it’s in the food. I hope you put enough in there.”

  “I hope I didn’t put too much in … they won’t be any fun at all if they’re comatose the whole night.”


  Sally looked at her friends and wondered why she was having such a hard time keeping her eyes open. Suddenly, she felt really tired and dizzy but with such detachment and lack of emotion that she just didn’t care. She’d only had two beers, the second to wash down her pizza, and didn’t really think she was drunk. But, nothing mattered anymore. Then, this nice looking guy pulled her up into his arms and dragged her out onto the dance floor.


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