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Missy's First Mission

Page 20

by P. G. Allison

  Missy was feeling rather sleepy after eating. She’d had five slices of their pizza, as usual, and watched as Sally began dancing with some guy. She thought, “Good for Sally; she’s finally getting to dance”. Then, two guys came up to her and began asking if she’d join them out there. While she had no desire to dance with anyone, for some strange reason, she didn’t really mind and let them each take one of her arms. When she stood up, a feeling of extreme fatigue washed through her and she leaned into both of the guys for support.

  Ten minutes later, both girls were being helped into the back of a van after being escorted out through a back entrance and practically carried over to where the vehicle was parked. Sally tried to protest as she began to realize there was something very wrong. Missy was passed out. Two guys climbed in the back with them while two other guys closed the van doors and went around to the front. The van then started up and they were driven away.

  Tracy and the others at the dance had been busy and hadn’t noticed when their two friends disappeared. At first, it was assumed they’d merely gone to the ladies room. It wasn’t until about twenty minutes later that everyone finally realized Missy and Sally might be gone. Tracy considered whether or not to raise any alarm but, concerned that Missy might not appreciate that, she decided not to. Missy could certainly take care of herself and she was sure Sally would be okay, as long as she was with Missy. She told the other girls that she’d stop by Missy and Sally’s room later, just to make sure everything was okay.

  When Sally next roused herself, she knew things were bad and they were in trouble. She could see Missy seated on the couch beside her, out cold. As she looked around, there were several guys all wearing Ku Klux Klan robes and hoods. Up on a small stage there were two women, wearing some sort of skimpy black leather outfits with masks hiding their upper faces. Since the outfits allowed not only breasts and nipples to be completely exposed but also genitalia as well, Sally knew this was indeed her worst nightmare come true.

  When one of the women went over to a table where she picked up what clearly was some sort of strap on dildo, Sally couldn’t hide how shocked she was. She hadn’t even noticed herself exclaiming her horror and dismay at this outrage, but the guys all heard her. One of them came over and grabbed her chin, roughly lifting her head and moving it back and forth, side to side, and then he released her.

  “One of our Sleeping Beauties has finally decided to join in our fun, guys!”

  On the stage, the woman finished putting on her strap on and picked up a short whip. “Shall I try to wake up the other one? Or, do you guys just want me to continue my show without her, for now?” The other woman on the stage turned around and knelt down, waving her bare ass at the audience and offering herself to her partner. She was obviously about to either be whipped or fucked, but Sally didn’t want to watch the show or see any part of that.

  “Missy, Missy! Wake up! You have to do something!” It took a tremendous effort for her to say anything and Sally found her words were not at all clear; she knew she was mumbling.

  Before she could try again, one of the guys began mocking her. She heard him squeal in a high falsetto voice, “Missy, Missy, save me, save me!” This was followed by laughter from the others.

  Sally tried to move but that was when she noticed her wrists were wrapped in duct tape. Looking more closely at Missy, she could see that Missy’s wrists were taped like that as well. She also noted that she and Missy were not wearing their dress grey jackets, which had been removed, along with their shoes. They did still have their blouses and slacks on but she wondered how long that would last. It was clear the audience was anticipating that she and Missy would soon become part of the sex show. This was confirmed by what she heard next.

  “Let’s get them stripped down and up on that stage. We’ve waited long enough. I don’t care if the redhead ever wakes up.”

  She did not recognize the room they were in but sensed it was somewhere on academy grounds, just by how the architecture looked. The windows were not covered up but she couldn’t see out well enough from where she was sitting to determine where she might be. She was gradually regaining more and more awareness and looked at each of the guys, counting seven of them. Great. She was so screwed. Especially since Missy still wasn’t moving. Glancing up at the two women, it was clear they’d be no help. Obviously, they were being paid to perform and were not at all concerned about any possible consequences.

  Once more Sally attempted to move and that’s when she realized she was wearing a metal collar around her neck, with a chain running behind her. She couldn’t sit forward as the chain immediately grew taut when she tried that. Again, she studied Missy and saw that she also had a collar on. Evidently, these collars each had a little padlock on front with the chain on the back; cute. While her feet were apparently free, there really wasn’t anything she could do. She had no way of getting up. When she tried to twist around, someone yanked on the chain, snapping her head back painfully. The guy doing that was huge … she knew it had to be Bernhard, the big bastard. No one else in the room was as big as he was and she knew he had it in for her. Apparently, she was now his.

  Up on stage, the woman standing began caressing the exposed rear end of the other woman with her whip, waiting for further instructions. Then, one of the guys went over to Missy and began loosening her pants. As he slid Missy’s pants off, he smiled at Sally. “You two bitches think you’re too good for everyone, huh? We’ll just have to see about that.” Next he pulled out a knife and began cutting Missy’s blouse, ripping pieces away until Missy was only wearing her bra and panties.

  “Hey, get a load of all the frickin’ scars on this one! Maybe she’s done some playing around we don’t know about. Wow!”

  “Oh, you could see those in some of her fighter chick photos, remember? I guess they’re real, huh? That babe really does like to mix it up.”

  Staring at the man holding the knife, Sally became more and more frightened. These guys seemed very certain they could get away with whatever the hell they had planned and she was beginning to worry they might even kill her. Only the fact they were wearing hoods made her think otherwise. Even the women had masks and there’d be no way she could ever swear in any court that she could identify anyone. Even that asshole Bernhard … no one would ever believe her. Especially if she and Missy ended up being dumped somewhere afterwards.

  There’d be nothing she could prove. Everyone was wearing gloves, including the two women. There probably wouldn’t even be any DNA evidence … at least, not from any of these guys. Finding out whoever these women might be was not very likely either; they’d easily disappear without a trace. As she stared at the ridiculous dildo poking out like a man’s huge erect penis, it all seemed overwhelming.

  Then … at last … she heard Missy groaning. Although she couldn’t see how Missy could help in any way, she did feel a little better. She’d really come to believe that Missy could do just about anything. All Missy’s friends certainly seemed to believe that, especially Tracy and Sharon and Kelsey.

  Missy returned to a state of consciousness once again. Her system had completely shut down for a while, since she apparently had ingested some sort of a drug, and quite a bit of it. But, her system had rejected that, purging itself just as she’d done with any other drug or medication she’d ever received. She knew she’d feel a lot better if she could Shift, but she was okay without doing so. She took inventory, first of herself and then of her surroundings. Sally was staring at her and looked absolutely terrified.

  “Hey, Sally … sorry to keep being such a toxic roommate for you. Don’t worry, though … I’m going to get you out of this. She took some deep breaths and was easily able to identify the scent of each of the seven guys. “Hey, Bernhard … what did I tell you about bothering Sally, huh?” Looking behind her, she smiled and said, “Gosselin, that KKK outfit really isn’t at all flattering. Was that the best you assholes could come up with?” She looked at each of the other guys and named them a
s well. That caused some nervous shifting of feet as they were rather surprised to have her identify them so positively.

  Missy looked at the two women on the stage, who were both staring at her. “Is that an honest to goodness dildo you’re wearing? Really? Do you girls enjoy those fucking things? Or, should I say … do you enjoy fucking with those things, right? I can’t say I’ve ever seen one before. Wow!” She then actually giggled, which was very disconcerting for everyone else. Apparently, Missy was not too worried about anything.

  The guy she’d identified as Gosselin yanked on her chain, snapping her head back, and said, “You shut the fuck up, McCrea. You don’t know who anyone here is and nothing you say will ever hold up in any court. Every man that you’ve just named has an ironclad alibi, in case you’re curious. So, we want you to be a good little slut and get ready to provide the rest of us with some entertainment.”

  Missy looked around and then stared directly at the hidden camera. “Oh, good. I see you’re getting my good side for your video … will this be available for the eleven o’clock news? Or, maybe you won’t want my FBI buddies to analyze it with their voice recognition software.” She looked at the two women and raised one of her eyebrows. “You girls are comfortable with having my FBI friends examine this video tape, right?”

  Since neither of the women had realized they were being taped, and Missy’s reference to FBI friends was very disturbing, they both decided maybe they’d had enough. The money wasn’t worth it if they might actually be risking exposure. The woman kneeling stood up and said, “What’s this about a video? We didn’t sign up for any of that. I think we’re finished. We’re leaving.” Her friend had removed the strap on and placed that back on the table along with the whip, leaving these with what apparently was a collection of other sex toys. Both women then moved towards a corner where they had placed some clothes. When one of the guys started towards them, the woman who had been kneeling earlier said, “Don’t even think about stopping us, guys!”

  Gosselin said, “Let them go. We’ll deal with them later. We have what we want and don’t need them.” Glaring at Missy, he said, “McCrea, you’ve really been asking for it and tonight you’re gonna get it. And, yeah … I’m gonna enjoy watching the video for years to come. Each one of us will have our own copy and play it over and over and over again.”

  Missy watched as the two women walked out and then she once again named each of the guys there. Then she said, “I’m not interested in whether my accusation holds up in any court or in whether you numb nuts all have alibis. I know who you are and I’m going to personally take care of each and every one of you. Is that understood? Are we clear on that?”

  Sally was starting to feel a whole lot easier, in spite of how bad the situation still seemed with them both chained at the neck. She could tell that the guys were worried now. Missy wasn’t bluffing and her threats seemed very direct. The only way they could stop her now would be to kill her, which Sally doubted these guys were willing to do. Or, at least she hoped not. She wasn’t too sure about Bernhard and Gosselin. Maybe Missy was biting off more than she could chew, after all.

  Bernhard said, “You’re in no position to be making any threats, McCrea. And, I think I want to fuck your friend here, with that dildo … while you watch. Then, we’ll use it on you. Maybe that will shut you up!”

  All of a sudden the atmosphere in the room changed … it was almost as though there’d been a change in pressure … everyone was able to feel it. Missy’s eyes began to sparkle and Gosselin recognized that she’d looked exactly like that in the gym, just before slamming that barbell into Bernhard’s chin and knocking him out. Two of the other guys also recognized how her eyes were changing since they’d been in there as well. One of them said, “Oh, fuck! She’s gonna do something …”

  Missy said, “Chris? I’ve had more than enough of your crap for one night. Is that camera still running? So you assholes can watch this over and over again, for the rest of your miserable lives.” She looked down at the tape on her wrists and then wrenched her arms apart, shredding the tape. Then, she reached up and grabbed her collar with both hands and ripped it away from her neck in two separate pieces. Moving faster than anyone there could react, she immediately reached over and grabbed the collar on Sally’s neck and broke that away, also in two pieces. Then, she stood up.

  She approached the guy who was still holding the knife he’d used on her blouse and said, “Give me that!” She grabbed his hand, squeezing it until he dropped the knife. She then hit him across the neck with a karate chop that had him staggering back. She stooped down, picked up the knife, and then went over and used it to slice the duct tape away from Sally’s wrists.

  Gosselin screamed, “Get her, guys! Get that fucking bitch!” Bernhard actually did make a try for her, but none of the others did; they were too paralyzed with shock, watching her suddenly free herself the way she’d done, almost effortlessly. She hammered Bernhard’s nose with the palm of her hand and he dropped, out cold. She could have easily killed him had she pushed his nose further into his skull. Instead, she’d merely broken it and knocked him out.

  “Nobody leaves this room!” Missy was ready to pounce on anyone who might attempt getting away and, when one of the guys did try to run, she vaulted over the couch she and Sally had been sitting on and before he’d taken five steps, she grabbed him by the back of his robe and slammed him down onto the floor. She ripped off his hood and then yanked him up by his hair so the camera was clearly able to record his face. Then she walked around and began yanking off each of the other hoods, clearly daring anyone to stop her. When one of them did, she didn’t hesitate and kneed him in the balls.

  Two more of the guys tried to grab her, but she exploded into action and sent them reeling from blows delivered by her hands and feet. She’d spent years sparring with guys back in high school during her mixed martial arts classes and none of these guys were any match for her. One by one, each hood was removed to clearly reveal all the cadets she’d named earlier for the camera to see.

  She saved Gosselin’s hood until last and by the time she walked over to him, he pretty much knew he was done. He would be getting expelled along with the others unless he thought of something. Anything!

  Missy sensed that Gosselin was desperate and determined … she knew he’d try something at the last moment. He was now quite ready to murder her and perhaps still delusional about having an alibi. Yes, she could almost read his mind … if he could only get rid of her, maybe he could somehow save himself. He pulled a knife out and tried to stab her with it but she quickly grabbed his hand before he could do anything. She made him drop the knife and then she yanked off his hood as well.

  “Sally, why don’t you check for that video camera … see if you can gather that as evidence, okay? I’ll just keep an eye on each of these idiots while you do that.” Missy picked up the knife Gosselin had dropped and, now holding two knives, she looked at each of the men. “Anyone want to test my ability to throw a knife? I can assure you, I’m as accurate at these distances as you all know I am with a rifle or pistol out on the range.”

  Sally spent a few minutes and came back with the video camera. “Still going, Missy. I’m sure it captured everything. No problem.”

  Missy realized she was only wearing her bra and panties. She insisted the guys all sit down on the couch or on the floor in front of it. Bernhard was still out, of course. Then, she located her pants and pulled those back on. Finally, she pointed at the smallest guy and said, “Give me your robe. I’m tired of you all staring at my tits. I hope you enjoyed the show because it’s the last one you’ll ever see here at the academy.”

  After calling security, using a cell phone that one of the guys had with him, they all waited. Bernhard regained consciousness just as the security folks were walking in. When Missy handed them the video camera, she explained that all they needed to do was watch the video. All their questions would be answered. She pointed to all the sex toys, still sitting t
here on the table, and advised that those needed to be gathered up as evidence as well. Then, she and Sally had to wait for the Security Chief to show up, as his men quickly determined this incident was something he needed to handle personally.

  When he arrived, he told Missy that her friend Tracy had reported the two of them as missing. He was glad to see they were okay and promised to notify Tracy right away as well. Then, the Security Chief watched the video. One of his men had conveniently hooked the camera up to a TV brought in from somewhere, so he was able to watch it right there along with all of his team. It was quite a video and, while it obviously would need to be further reviewed, the story was very clear.

  The seven Caesar Club co-conspirators, who would soon become infamously well known as the Caesar Club Seven, were escorted out of the room first. Then, Missy asked if she and Sally could leave. While a blood sample might reveal what sort of drug had been used, that really didn’t seem important. From the video, it was obvious both girls had been drugged so the question seemed moot. Missy also wasn’t sure her blood would even reveal anything at this point, but she didn’t mention that to anyone. After a brief discussion, the Security Chief agreed and arranged for two of his men to escort them back to their room.

  As she was leaving, she told the Security Chief that she wanted a copy of the video sent to her friend at the FBI, Robert Ulrey. He’d arrange for the FBI to investigate not only the two women on the tape, who obviously were pros, but all of the other sex pros that Gosselin and Bernhard probably had hired as well. Since this was apt to be a far reaching federal investigation affecting more than just the seven guys already implicated, she was quite certain the FBI would agree they should have jurisdiction; they then would work closely with local authorities, the academy and the Army.


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