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His Perfect Lady

Page 8

by Jenn Langston

  Confusion assaulted him, but his anxious body wouldn’t allow his mind to dwell. Hauling her back against him, he lifted her, expecting her to wrap her legs around him. She didn’t. Realizing she wasn’t familiar with the position, he held her with one arm while lifting her legs around him with his other hand. The idea of teaching her, a twice-married woman, something new brought him immense pleasure.

  Sweat beaded on his forehead as he claimed her mouth. He didn’t know how much time they had, and he refused to waste a second of it. With Catherine’s legs clasped behind him and her hands clawing at his back, he knew she felt as desperate as he.

  Freeing himself, he positioned her above him and breeched her entrance with one thrust. Shock rattled him to his core. She was tight, too tight. A widowed woman should not still carry her virginity. Lacking the strength to withdraw, he leaned back enough to look into Catherine’s face. Pain hinged on the edge of her passion.

  “I don’t understand,” he whispered.

  She closed her eyes and held him tighter. “Don’t stop. Please, I need your help.”

  Her pleading tugged at his heart, and he couldn’t deny her. Cursing himself for acting like a randy fool, he moved forward until her back rested against a tree. Each movement sent pleasure spiking through him, bringing him closer to the precipice. However, he couldn’t allow himself to fall. Not yet.

  Gritting his teeth, he slid one hand down her body to caress her while they remained joined. She moaned and ground her hips into him. Using every ounce of control he possessed, as well as every trick he’d ever learned, he moved within her, fighting for her pleasure as he kept his at bay.

  Watching her head thrash from side-to-side and her face alternating from amazement to pleasure nearly undid him. Being her first lover gave him the obligation to ensure she enjoyed herself fully. His breath came out in tortured gasps as he continued his onslaught.

  She gasped and her eyes fluttered closed as her body became limp. Feeling about to burst in satisfaction, he moved faster until the fire of passion consumed him. Adrift in the sea, he lost all thought of everything except this moment.

  When his wits finally returned, he kissed her long and hard before setting her aside. His hands shook. Never before had he experienced such an intense release.

  Knowing he had to ask some questions, but not wanting to see the pleasure drain from her face, he remained silent as they fixed their clothing. The trouble now was that everyone who took one look at her face would know exactly what she’d been doing. She hadn’t the practice of hiding it as he had.

  “You were an innocent,” he stated at last. “How is that possible?”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Must we speak of this now? I have been absent from Lord Dudgery long enough.”

  “Yes, we must, and don’t waste another thought on the earl. If you believe I will leave you alone with him, you are wrong.”

  “But he’s expecting me.” Her pleading voice held a hint of panic.

  Unsure if her concern was with offering an explanation to him, or with the earl waiting for her, he hesitated. He refused to allow her to go back to Dudgery, and he felt equally as strong about letting her escape without explaining herself.

  “Come with me.”

  Grabbing her arm, he ushered her back through the garden until they reached a more populated area. Everything had changed since they had come this way. Although not visual, he could feel the difference. His desire to protect Catherine had increased, and every sight before him posed a threat.

  He kept her close by the shadows as he called for his carriage. Upon its arrival, he quickly stowed her inside.

  She tugged on his arm and began to exit the carriage. “I can’t leave with you.”

  “You can. I will take care of Dudgery.”

  Without waiting for her to protest, he helped her back inside and closed the door. It only took him a few minutes to locate a staff member. After exchanging a few words, he went back to the carriage. Thankfully within minutes they were a safe distance away from Vauxhall.

  “What did you do? He already worries about our relationship.” Her hands continually smoothed her gown as if she were unable to remain still.

  He took her hands and gazed into her wide eyes. He didn’t understand her at all. If she wanted the earl so much, why did she give herself to him?

  “Don’t worry. Right now he should be receiving the message that you felt unwell and have returned home with a friend.”

  She gave him a small smile as she leaned back in her seat. “Do you suppose he’ll be upset?”

  “Considering he had plans for the two of you tonight, I have no doubt of that.”

  The thought of Dudgery laying a hand on Catherine intensified his anger. He understood now why she agreed to attend with the earl. She was too innocent, which brought up another point. No woman who’d been married twice could be as clueless as she.

  “Then I should—”

  “No. I will not allow you to stall any longer. Explain to me how you managed to maintain your maidenhood through two husbands.”

  Chapter 6

  Catherine studied Jonathan’s angry face in the low light of the carriage. After the incredible experience they’d shared, she couldn’t understand how he could be so upset. Her body still felt languid, and her mind wasn’t far behind. In all her years, she never imagined such pleasure could be reached in Jonathan’s arms.

  “I’m cursed,” she stated, hating the need to explain this to him.

  Jonathan’s eyebrows drew together as he stared at her in disbelief. “I’m missing something as I see no correlation between a curse and your innocence.”

  “My first husband, Luke Addington, was a sweet young man who seemed infatuated with me. After my father died, Uncle Toban felt it would be better for me if I married.”

  Catherine stopped, feeling bile rise in her throat. She tried not to think of that night. Having to relive this, especially in front of Jonathan, only increased her discomfort. Would he now be happy she’d rejected his suit? Would he believe she was to blame?

  His hand gently touched her knee. “It’s all right. You can tell me anything, just as you could years ago.”

  The comfort allowed her to regain herself. “On our wedding night, Luke never came to me. I awoke late in the night wondering why. When I entered his bedchamber, I discovered the answer to my question.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  “Please go on.”

  “His lifeless body hung there, swinging back and forth as if in time with a song.” Her mind conjured the image of Luke’s purple face as his soulless eyes stared down at her accusingly. “He killed himself so he wouldn’t have to lie with me.” Her voice was flat, emotionless.

  In an instant, she was in Jonathan’s arms. He murmured to her as his hands ran up and down her back, but she couldn’t move. She needed to finish the tale.

  “Then there was Solomon Gates. We met under unlikely circumstances and developed a fast friendship. Uncle Toban again encouraged me to marry, so Solomon and I reached an agreement.”

  “You had no love for him?” Jonathan’s voice held incredulousness.

  She wondered how a man who lived his life in different women’s beds could be shocked she would marry without love.

  “No, and he had no love for me. Our arrangement was simple. We would live as a married couple without having to engage in the act that had brought about Luke’s death.”

  “Why would any man agree to that?”

  “Solomon didn’t see fit to explain his thought process to me, which suited me fine. However, I awoke on our wedding night, just the same. A rhythmic tapping sound filled my chamber. Terrified I knew the cause, I entered Solomon’s bedchamber to a familiar scene.”

  “Good God,” Jonathan gasped as he held her tighter in his arms. “Why?”

  “The curse. My uncle believes it is just bad luck. He hopes that after these years, and new scenery, my fortune will change.”

p; “So he’s forcing you to marry again?”

  “Merely encouraging. After all he’s done for me throughout the years, I can’t refuse him. He holds my best interest at heart.”

  Jonathan didn’t speak for a very long time. He simply held her in the dark. She wanted to know what he thought, or at least to see his face, but she couldn’t bring herself to ask. He might believe as some did, that she had murdered her husbands, and she couldn’t handle accusations from him.

  The investigation had been horrific, but in the end, her diminutive size and lack of strength proved she had no part in it. By the time the decision had been made, she’d been too numb to care.

  “I’m sorry I pressed. I promise to never upset you in that way again.”

  He lifted her face to his. But she couldn’t read anything in his eyes. Then he kissed her and erased all memories of her past husbands. She wound her arms around his neck, grateful for the desire building up within her. Although she had not planned this evening to turn out as it had, she was pleased with the outcome.

  Losing her innocence should have been the key. With any luck the curse was broken, and she would never again have to enter a room to hear the haunting rhythm of death.

  When the carriage slowed to a halt, she wasn’t ready to leave Jonathan just yet. Not only had he saved her from the curse, but he’d also awakened emotions inside of her she wanted to explore further.

  “I must bid you a good night, my Cat, before my carriage is identified by any onlookers.”

  Disappointed, she nodded and allowed him to assist her from the carriage. As soon as her feet touched the ground, the clomping of hooves took him away from her.

  Loathe to leave him, she dragged her feet as she entered the house. Not wanting to speak with anyone, she quickly slipped to her bedchamber. Once prepared for bed, she laid on the sheets, staring at the ceiling. Images of her incredible experience with Jonathan paraded through her head. Her body burned with desire for him again. Overall, she didn’t get any sleep that night.

  The next day at Lady Merrick’s tea party, she still couldn’t cast Jonathan from her mind. Not knowing his thoughts on her confession ate away at her. In addition, the presence of the two women he’d danced with at Lady Laramie’s ball only increased her distress. Were they past lovers of his? Or current?

  “Mrs. Gates, I’m so glad you could attend.” Lady Merrick, the redheaded beauty from the other night, greeted her. “Lady Vanessa speaks highly of you.”

  “Thank you for extending an invitation. I’ve had very little time to establish new acquaintances in London.”

  “Well, we can help take care of that today. First allow me to introduce my dear friend, Lady Brianna Carrick, the Marchioness of Stonemede.”

  After exchanging a few words to her friend, Lady Merrick left them to greet the other guests.

  Looking at Lady Stonemede, Catherine’s heart sank. The Lady turned out to be the other woman in Jonathan’s life. Of course, her unhappy luck would choose two women who had special connections to Jonathan. As jealousy clogged her throat, she realized with his reputation every woman in the room could have shared his bed.

  “Mrs. Gates, I’m pleased to meet you,” Lady Stonemede said. “Abigail says you’d like to establish new connections. Allow me to introduce you to the other women.”

  As the young Marchioness took Catherine around the room, Catherine couldn’t help but survey each woman as competition. Although she knew she held no claim on Jonathan beyond that of a one—time lover, she couldn’t stop the compulsion.

  Once they’d circled the room, Catherine felt mentally overwhelmed. The majority of the younger women were far fairer than she and could secure his attentions more effectively. She silently cursed herself for being a fool. Joanathan wasn’t the marrying type any longer. In addition, she wouldn’t risk his life even if he were, since she had no proof that her efforts had, in fact, broken the curse.

  “Are you familiar with Viscount Linwood?” Lady Stonemede asked, as if reading her thoughts.

  Heat crept up her neck. “Why do you ask?”

  “He’s a dear friend of my husband’s, and I worry about him. The other night I saw you dancing with him, and I thought you might be the one to settle him down.”

  Catherine’s eyes widened at the lady’s bluntness. Although the marchioness’s words mirrored feelings Catherine had been experiencing for marrying Jonathan, they also proved why she couldn’t have him. Typically women didn’t try to settle men down unless they were too wild.

  “I agree,” Vanessa said, appearing in front of them and claiming a seat beside her. “There is something about that gentleman that I like. And you can do so much better than Lord Dudgery.”

  “Lord Dudgery? Surely you aren’t entertaining the notion of a relationship with him. He gives me an uncomfortable feeling.” Lady Stonemede shuddered.

  “He is a sweet man,” Catherine defended, but the reminder of Jonathan’s warnings hit her. Had Lord Dudgery invited her to Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens to seduce her?

  “I apologize for insinuating otherwise, I just wish—”

  “Brianna, would you mind assisting me?” Lady Merrick said.

  “I would be delighted.” Then she turned back to Catherine. “Please excuse me. But I do hope we can find time to catch up later.”

  When Lady Stonemede left, Catherine turned her attention back to her cousin. Vanessa stared at her, disappointment in her eyes.

  “What is wrong?” Catherine asked.

  “You have no designs on Lord Dudgery. He is your uncle’s choice. I don’t understand why you let that man make your decisions.” Irritation rang in Vanessa’s voice.

  “Why do you dislike Uncle Toban so much? He has been nothing but kind to me.”

  Vanessa squirmed on the sofa and looked away. “He is not as he appears.”

  “What has he done to give you that impression?”

  “He loved your mother and never forgave her for choosing your father instead of him. Over the years, he continually followed her and . . .” Vanessa stopped her story and cleared her throat. “I wonder if his attitude toward you is because you are her child. Although I’m not convinced he’s working in your best interests.”

  “Don’t worry about him.” Catherine patted her cousin’s knee. If Uncle Toban had truly loved her mother, he would not have caused her harm, so the situation couldn’t have been as bad as Vanessa understood it. In addition, her uncle was too well liked by everyone to believe otherwise.

  “Enough about that man. Why won’t you consider marrying Lord Linwood as Lady Stonemede suggested?”

  “Be reasonable. You of all people should know he’s not interested in marriage. Besides, even if his inclinations went in that direction, why would you think he would want me after my previous rejection of him?”

  “Because I saw it in his eyes. His feelings for you haven’t changed.”

  The conviction in Vanessa’s tone stopped Catherine’s heart. Jonathan . . . loved her? Still?

  Jonathan sat in the drawing room of Berwick’s townhouse anxiously waiting for Catherine. Although the weather was dark and gloomy, he couldn’t resist the desire to spend some time with her. She’d readily accepted, apparently as unconcerned about the weather as he.

  “Linwood, here again?” Berwick questioned as he entered the drawing room.

  Jonathan stood and looked into the baron’s angry face. “Yes, I felt that Mrs. Gates needed an escape from the house.”

  “And you think since the feud ended, you are allowed access to her?”

  Jonathan shrugged. “I hadn’t really thought about it that way. However considering she’s a twenty—four—year—old twice-married widow, I believe she can make her own decisions.”

  “That may be, but I’m charged with her guardianship until she remarries. Until then, her associations must be approved by me first. So far, you have done nothing to receive my approval.”

  Jonathan’s fists balled, but he kept his opinion to himself.
Calling the baron out would not serve him.

  “I understand you and I haven’t been awarded with many opportunities to become better acquainted, but if you ask around, you will find I come highly recommended.”

  Berwick snorted. “I don’t consort with whores.”

  Pushed beyond an acceptable point, Jonathan charged over to Berwick. The man shrank back slightly, but otherwise kept his position. Resisting the urge to punch the baron, Jonathan stopped a foot away.

  “I will not have you speak of any woman in that disrespectful manner. Your approval or disapproval of me will not dictate my actions.”

  Berwick’s face turned purple as he stuttered incoherently.

  Jonathan took a deep breath. “We can settle this like civilized gentlemen. How about we allow Catherine to decide? If she desires my friendship, I will remain. However if she wants me to leave, you will not have to suffer my presence any longer.”

  After a few minutes, the baron’s face returned to normal. “And if I refuse?”

  “Then I will tell her why you allowed Dudgery to take her to Vauxhall.” Jonathan allowed the threat to come out harsh.

  “Fine.” Berwick gritted his teeth. “When do you propose I speak my piece? She will not be at liberty to tell the truth with you standing a few feet away.”

  “I will allow you five minutes before I return.”

  Positive that Catherine would agree to see him regardless of what her uncle said, Jonathan stepped outside. The wind smelled of impending rain, but he refused to withdraw his offer to take her to Hyde Park. Bringing the phaeton hadn’t been the wisest choice, but at the time he hadn’t been thinking of anything but seeing Catherine.

  As the wind whipped his face and a cloud covered the sun, bringing darkness, he was transported to the night he waited for Catherine. Would this be a repeat of that night? Looking down at his pocket watch, he sighed to see only one minute had passed. His heart raced as he paced the walkway before the house. This would be the longest five minutes of his life.


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