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His Perfect Lady

Page 7

by Jenn Langston

Taking a deep breath, Jonathan tried to clear his head. He needed to cast Catherine from his mind. For some reason he automatically compared all women to her. Everyone paled in comparison.

  “And what about ‘premature’ baby Joseph?” Jonathan asked Richard, anxious to change the topic.

  “He’s over one now and as much of a troublemaker as his mother. Most times, I’m not sure who the instigator is between the two guilty parties.”

  “Probably Brianna. She’s a bad influence on that boy,” Jonathan teased.

  Richard grimaced. “Unfortunately I think she passed her temperament on to Joseph.”

  An image of Catherine holding a child flashed through his mind. What qualities would she pass on? He hoped the baby would get more from her than him.

  What was wrong with him? Lifting his brandy, he finished it in one gulp. He needed to get a grip on himself. Catherine was nothing to him.

  “Are you all right?” Greyson asked. “You don’t look too well.”

  “Perhaps I overindulged at Lady Laramie’s ball last night.”

  “Didn’t we all? Brianna made me perform the morning tasks for Joseph so she could sleep longer.” Richard glanced down at his pocket watch. “Speaking of him, I should return home before he is put down to bed.”

  “Abigail will be expecting me as well,” Greyson added, anticipation shining in his eyes.

  After Jonathan bid his friends a good night, he thought about his cold bed at home. He knew he could fill it in a matter of minutes, but he couldn’t bring himself to make the plan. His body burned, but only one woman would satisfy the ache within him.

  Trudging home, he didn’t make it past the library and the brandy. Staring into the dying embers of the fire, he tried to figure out how to reclaim his life. Over the years, Catherine had faded to a distant memory, and he’d found contentment in his rakish lifestyle. Now everything had changed.

  When his brother didn’t require his presence at Society events, he could distance himself from Catherine. If he never saw her, her time in London would no longer impact him.

  Hearing loud female laughter made him groan. He’d hoped his brother would take his newest conquest upstairs and not bother him. As the sound increased, he realized he would not receive his wish.

  “Jonathan, I’m so glad you’re home,” Stanwick slurred. “I want to introduce you to these two ladies.”

  After standing and nodding to the women, Jonathan faced his brother. “Thank you, but I believe it is much too late for a conversation this evening. Perhaps we can try another day.”

  “Have you forgotten your manners? I brought Jamie here for you.”

  Irritated and slightly disgusted by the way Stanwick hung onto the women at his side, Jonathan crossed his arms over his chest. Although he’d led a dissolute life, he kept his dignity. Stanwick apparently didn’t know how to handle himself.

  “Please excuse us, ladies,” Jonathan said, clasping Stanwick on the shoulder and pushing him from the room.

  “What is wrong with you?” Stanwick demanded as he shrugged from Jonathan’s grasp. “You were rude to those ladies.”

  The stench of alcohol burned Jonathan’s nostrils. “First, they are not ladies, and second, you are the one whose behavior is in question. What are you doing? I thought you wanted to get married. And what happened to Rosetta?”

  “I released her. Keeping one woman is too hard. In the future, I’ll eventually marry but, as you said, there is no harm in me having a little fun first.”

  “Discretion is the key. And bringing two women of the night home with you is not acceptable by anyone’s standards.”

  Jonathan tried to keep his tone light and nonjudgmental, but he heard his father in his voice. Although he cringed at the realization, he knew their father would be the only one who could get through to his brother.

  Stanwick shook his head like a petulant child as he backed up. “What happened to you? You’ve changed.”

  As his brother disappeared back into the library, Jonathan turned and made his way to his bedchamber. His brother was right. He had changed. Could Catherine have been the one to encourage it, or had he been heading this direction on his own before she arrived? Regardless, the time he’d been avoiding had come. He needed to choose which direction to take his life.

  Thinking back over his past actions, he couldn’t say he was entirely pleased with all the choices he’d made. As he tried to come to grips with this new realization, he dropped his body into a chair. What was he to do now?

  With his altered opinion of himself, could he go back to how he had lived before and continue as the dissolute rake? He wasn’t sure. Perhaps instead, he could claim his position as respectable Lord Linwood. Becoming his father didn’t appeal to him any more than the previous choice.

  Even more confounding was the decision of what to do about Catherine. Did she have a place in his life? Would she want one?

  Catherine set her refreshment plate aside as she looked at the gathered women at Lady Minor’s townhouse. The lady had graciously offered her home and supplies for them to create blankets to sell. All the funds would go to support lords who’d lost their fortunes due to gambling.

  Having firsthand experience through Kenneth’s addiction, Catherine didn’t feel money would help them but didn’t voice her opinion. She imagined those lords would gratefully take their newly acquired funds back to the gaming tables.

  “Hello, Catherine,” Evelyn said, sitting beside her. “How are you doing today?”

  Catherine raised her eyebrow at Evelyn’s suspiciously sweet tone. “Fine. How are you?”

  “Wonderful now that I’ve made progress with Lord Dudgery.” Evelyn smoothed out her skirt, then looked up at Catherine without lifting her head. “Your little stunt the other night lowered his opinion of you.”

  “What are you referring to?” Catherine left her face emotionless.

  “You disappeared with Lord Linwood for quite a while. Perhaps you are too new to London to realize this, but he is not looking for marriage. Your fixation on him is only hurting your marriage prospects.”

  Not sure if Evelyn’s intention leaned toward harming or helping her, Catherine didn’t immediately respond. If Lord Dudgery’s attention had truly moved on, that would be good for him. He would be saved from the curse and she from the guilt. Perhaps she wouldn’t marry after all.

  “Thank you for your concern, but I am not worried over that.”

  “What about Lord Dudgery?” Evelyn’s voice rose.

  “If his interest is focused on you, I wish you both happiness.”

  Evelyn’s face turned red before she stood and stomped off. Catherine shook her head at the girl’s childishness.

  “Are you enjoying yourself, my dear?” Lady Minor asked as Catherine took up her sewing.

  “Yes. I’m pleased to be able to offer my assistance to help those in need.”

  “The poor lords who have been cheated out of their fortunes will thank you for your assistance. It should please you to know that my charity will also help people like your cousin.”

  Catherine’s head shot up. As far as she knew, Uncle Toban had managed to settle all of Kenneth’s debts before any news of him overextending his allowance could reach anyone’s ears. Considering Berwick appeared to be providing her uncle with a substantial income, Kenneth’s debts shouldn’t bring notice from the lady’s charity.

  “My cousin? How could he benefit from this cause?”

  Lady Minor’s face tinted red. “Well . . . I—I heard he enjoys a good game of cards.” She looked around the room, not meeting Catherine’s face. “I should go greet more guests. Thank you again for coming.”

  Without another word, she scurried away.

  Catherine reluctantly returned to her sewing, having less of a desire to help now. Throughout the remainder of her stay, Lady Minor avoided her. Every time their eyes met, the lady quickly averted her gaze. She obviously knew more about Kenneth than others did. Could Lady Minor have been the one she o
verheard whispering to Kenneth?

  The mystery still plagued her when she arrived back at her uncle’s townhouse. However, she set her thoughts aside as Chavin ushered her into the drawing room. Uncle Toban and Lord Dudgery stood as she entered. Considering Evelyn’s claims about the earl, she could hardly contain her surprise at his presence.

  “Catherine, please come in and sit,” her uncle invited, then excused himself as soon as she made contact with the chair.

  Leary of the situation, Catherine almost jumped to her feet and followed him out. Surely Lord Dudgery had nothing to say to her that couldn’t be said in front of her uncle. Feeling trapped as the drawing room door clicked shut, she turned cautious eyes to the earl.

  “Your uncle tells me you grew up with Lord Linwood,” he began without preamble.

  “Yes,” she answered hesitantly, unsure of why he would bring up Jonathan. When he’d found them at Lady Laramie’s ball, they were not even standing near one another.

  “I can see there is a closeness the two of you share. Has your friendship grown through the years?”

  The intensity in his voice combined with his searching eyes provided her with the explanation of his visit. As Evelyn claimed, Lord Dudgery worried over her possible relationship with Jonathan. Catherine sighed. Although she still wasn’t sure she wanted to marry again, she’d already raised her uncle’s expectations and at this point she couldn’t disappoint him now. In addition, she truly wanted to believe her uncle’s claim that the curse wasn’t real. Could she find happiness in marriage to Lord Dudgery? Could she allow him to take the chance with his life?

  “No, but we are attempting to forge a new friendship.”

  His searching eyes studied her closely. Resisting the urge to squirm, she focused her attention on him as well. When his face relaxed, he let out a sigh and smiled.

  “I’m glad to hear you can reclaim your childhood relationship.” Lord Dudgery cleared his throat and leaned forward. “My main reason for visiting today is to see if you would care to join me tonight for a musical performance. I understand you’ve never been, but the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens are stunning.”

  She hesitated before answering. Since she’d lost an opportunity to spend time with Jonathan in the oasis, she thought she’d be offered a similar opportunity at a ball tonight. Part of her refused to give up on seeing him.

  Searching her memory for any mention of Vauxhall, she recalled hearing the location made losing yourself within the gardens simple. If Jonathan were to attend as well, that could give her what she sought. With her decision made, she smiled.

  “I’d be delighted, Lord Dudgery.”

  His wide smile displayed his joy, but she only thought of Jonathan. If he helped her remove the curse, Lord Dudgery would be safe from her. After the earl took his leave, she wasted no time before writing a missive. She chose words that she knew would ensure Jonathan attended, just as he did to lure her to Hyde Park.

  Giddiness filled her, although nerves burned in her chest. If Jonathan came, this would be her opportunity. She would do anything in her power to sneak away with him and see if he could help put an end to her curse.

  Jonathan anxiously searched the crowd who seemed to be enjoying the orchestra at the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens. The location had been one of his favorites, and not just for the scenery or the beautiful music. A seasoned rake, such as himself, knew the amount of trouble or pleasure that could be found within the boundaries of the gardens.

  Catherine had invited him. The knowledge swam inside his body, filling him with anxiety. Did she know of the gardens’ reputation or was her request innocent? He hoped for the former.

  As the night wore on, the crowd became wild and the place began to morph into a less-than-reputable location. He still had time before the respectable people departed, but he had yet to locate Catherine. Where was she? Did she lure him here with the intention of recreating the past?

  Continuing to walk through the gathered people, he heard the soft melody of her voice. He closed his eyes for a second to allow relief to permeate his body. She had come.

  “I don’t think so, my lord. I would prefer to go on my own.” Her voice held irritation.

  Who was she with? To date, he’d never heard her address Berwick so formally. Perhaps her uncle stepped away and left her in the care of another gentleman. The idea made him clench his fists. Surely Berwick knew how dangerous it would be to leave her with a random man.

  “I can’t have you walking about by yourself,” Dudgery answered. “I will escort you to the withdrawing room, then you and I shall take a walk. There are many things I’d like to show you deep within the gardens.” His voice pitched low.

  Jonathan’s blood boiled. Where was Berwick? He needed to protect his niece, not disappear when she required help. Perhaps he left on purpose. Red tinged his vision, and he couldn’t move. If he did, he would kill the earl.

  “Please, I’ll only be a few minutes.”

  Her cajoling voice obviously won Dudgery over as he grudgingly agreed. Needing to distance himself from the earl, and not wanting Dudgery to catch him with Catherine again, Jonathan took the necessary steps to put himself in Catherine’s vision when she turned.

  After holding her gaze for a second, he strolled down the path that would take them away from the onlookers and eventually lead them to an unoccupied niche.

  Making his way down one of the more unused paths, he allowed the colorful surroundings and the floral scent of the air to saturate his body and calm his temper. As the haze of anger cleared, he realized the night couldn’t have been more ideal.

  He glanced back to see Catherine following several feet behind him. The delicate flesh of her lip was clenched between her teeth. With the proof of her nerves, he paused and waited for her to catch up with him. Her smile was tentative as she took his arm.

  When they arrived in a secluded place, he stopped and faced her.

  “You came.”

  Her voice held such happiness, he felt his chest swell.

  “Of course I came. When a beautiful woman invites me to Vauxhall, I find myself unable to resist. I only wonder where your uncle is tonight.”

  “He was unable to attend. Some business arose at the last minute, but he didn’t see any harm in allowing me to go without him.”

  Jonathan’s temper rekindled. He knew exactly why Dudgery wanted her alone at Vauxhall. The question was, did Berwick know as well? If Jonathan discovered he did, he would make the baron regret it.

  Moving away from Catherine, he tried to cool his rage. What if she hadn’t thought to invite him? She would have been left to defend herself. Maybe she didn’t care. After all, she had expressed interest in marrying the earl.

  Spinning around, he looked into Catherine’s innocent face. She probably didn’t know what Dudgery planned for her tonight. Just as she couldn’t know how he’d interpreted her request for him to attend with her. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

  “So, now that you have me here, what do you wish to do with me?” he asked.

  “We were interrupted in the oasis, so I thought tonight would be another opportunity.” Her voice sounded hopeful, but her wringing hands once again hinted at her discomfort.

  He wanted to ask her what her intentions were but didn’t wish to embarrass her further. Instead, he held his arms out on either side of him, palms up.

  “Well, here is your opportunity. Take it.”

  He raised his eyebrows and shot her a smug smile in challenge. Although he had no idea where she wanted to take this, he wouldn’t complain about whatever she offered.

  His heart pounded in anticipation as she straightened her back and marched toward him. She stopped only inches in front of him and placed her hands on his chest. Her fingers brushed under his jacket, sending a shock through his body. As she moved her fingers further under his waistcoat, he groaned.

  This was torture. Her touch, with only the thin fabric of his shirt separating them, became too much for him. How
ever, her satisfied smile kept him still. She apparently enjoyed the power, and he refused to take it from her.

  By the time her hands slid up his shoulders, he’d crossed the line of his control. Gathering her in his arms, he captured her lips, burying his tongue in her warm waiting mouth. She melted against him as her hands tugged on him. But it wasn’t enough. He felt as though a sensory dam had burst, and he would drown in the flood.

  His frantic caresses molded her to him while her fingers encouraged and pushed him further. Sliding his hand around to the front of her body, he cupped her breast and rejoiced when she let out a moan. With his body hard and burning, he stroked and kissed every inch of her he could reach.

  “Jonathan,” she breathed as he licked the top of her exposed breast.

  Her sensitivity and responsiveness only fed his desire, making him unable to hold on much longer. He needed her now. As he pulled up her skirts, she offered no objection. His chest tightened as his heart pounded.

  When his hand grasped her bare leg, she gasped and drew back. Her lips were red and her lids heavy. In the presence of such passion, he couldn’t force his arms to release her. He gingerly began to stoke her leg, loving the shudder that passed through her body.

  “Do you want to stop?” The strain in his voice couldn’t be mistaken, but he didn’t care. At this time, he couldn’t expend any effort beyond what he already used to stop from taking her now.

  Her eyes dropped to her hands that were pressed against his chest. One finger slipped under his shirt and touched his overheated skin. In order to remain still and allow her exploration, he closed his eyes and began breathing through his mouth. Every touch felt like fire burning him. For some reason everything seemed new to him.

  “No,” she rasped, then cleared her voice. “I want to see this through to the end.”

  Studying her eyes, he saw determination but also fear.


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