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Crazy Fast Love

Page 11

by MF Isaacs

  I had never been a fan of eating pussy. Her pussy was the exception, I couldn’t get enough of her salty, sweet taste. I grabbed both ass cheeks to hold her steady against my mouth, I buried my tongue into her darting in and out as quickly as I could. She paused in sucking me off to moan out her appreciation. Having just her hand stroking me allowed me to put more effort into eating her. When I added two fingers into her tight pussy, she circled her hips chasing her release. I wiggled my tongue on her clit before I sucked it into my mouth. She lost control of her body as her orgasm crashed. She was no longer stroking me, she was busy trying to hold herself up, with both hands on the mattress alongside my hips. With very little grace she rolled off me onto her back, I slowly stood up and pulled her ass to the edge of the bed where I was standing. With little concern for anything other than being buried deep inside her pussy I told her just that, “I’m going deep, tell me now if you aren’t ready.”

  Instead she begged, “Please Cal, fuck me. I’m ready.” I did just that, I slammed balls deep in one stroke. I lifted one leg to my shoulder and held onto her as I pulled her further off the bed. I pulled until her hips were free of the edge, then rotated her lower body, I pushed the leg that wasn’t on my shoulder between my legs. I could fuck her deep, deeper than any other position. Her pussy was so perfect I didn’t even want to pull out even knowing I was slamming right back in. I could feel the pulsing of her upcoming orgasm and couldn’t hold back. We reached bliss together, it was fucking perfect, life altering perfect.

  I knew in that moment she was the one, I just had to figure out how to ask her brothers.

  It was hard to say goodbye to Cal after sharing a bed with him for two nights in a row. I didn’t realize until after he left how much his presence boosted my mood. I couldn’t believe the amount of thought he put into the all gifts he bought me. I went back to running the day he left which helped, but was nothing compared to his presence. I know logically exercise increases the endorphins and I always feel better, but sometimes it’s hard to even do the things I know will make me feel better.

  I had my first appointment with the counselor. I thought by picking a young female counselor, I would feel more comfortable talking with her. I was wrong. I knew within minutes of sitting down in her office that it wasn’t going to work. I wasn’t rude, but I didn’t hold back my thoughts. In the end, she asked if I would like to meet any of her colleagues; at first I didn’t think I was interested, but she politely told me it was a common misconception among women that they wouldn’t feel comfortable with a male counselor. Only one colleague was available, when he walked into the room I was completely shocked at my reaction to him. Based on my initial reaction, I agreed to meet with him for a half hour since he happened to be free. I didn’t delve into my whole life story, I chose the topic of dropping out of school which he helped me walk through my decision. He helped me with ideas on how to broach the subject with Steve. I think Curtis is going to be fine with the idea.

  Cal and I text and talk throughout the day. He calls first thing in the morning, I call during lunch, he calls on his way to the gym and I call before getting into bed. Since making my decision to drop out of school, I never refused to answer his calls. If he called in the middle of a class, I would excuse myself to take his call. I figure the worse that is going to happen is I fail the class. If Hannah is in the room at night, I head out in the hallway to the window seat directly across from our room.

  Halloween fell on Monday, which was fine by me. I hadn’t really celebrated Halloween since before my parents and Sophia died. I hadn’t planned for this year to be any different. Steve asked Hannah and me to go out to dinner with him. It wasn’t my idea of a good time, but neither was eating in the cafeteria alone. Callie and Will drove up for the weekend so Curtis was out of commission as far as babysitting me went.

  As soon as we sat down at the restaurant, my phone started vibrating. I had never been more thankful for a phone call in my life. Clearly Steve and Hannah were off in their own little lover’s world and I could feel the sexual tension clear across the room. I walked to the end of the hallway by the bathrooms so I could hear what Cal was saying. I’m sure he could hear the disappointment in my voice, I hadn’t been shy about my opinion of being the third wheel. He apologized several times that he wasn’t there to take me out himself. We didn’t talk long, I told him I would call as soon as we got back from dinner or if he hadn’t heard from me by the time he was done at the gym he could call me.

  I tried to ignore the fact that I was pretty sure my brother’s hand was up Hannah’s dress all through dinner. I didn’t need confirmation, it was bad enough that I had the thought in the back of my mind. When dinner was over, we hit the costume contest at the school. It was crazy to see what some people are willing to wear in public. The winners were those dressed in the least amount of clothing. Thankfully, as soon as the winners were announced we made our way back to the dorm to watch scary movies.

  When Cal called, I took the call out in the hallway. “Hello?”

  “Hi Honey. How is it going?” Better now that I was talking to him.

  “Fine, Steve and Hannah are watching a scary movie.” my voice was flat, despite being happy that I was talking to him.

  “Is it okay if I come up this weekend to see you? Maybe we could go on a double date with Steve and Hannah?” Every part of what he just told me was formed as a question.

  “I would love for you to be here. I’ve told you before, anytime! You are welcome here anytime.” I could hear the breath he let out at my comment. We talked for a few more minutes about simple stuff. My mind was too busy running away with the idea that he was going to be here this weekend. I honestly couldn’t have been happier.

  As I made my way back into the room, my mood obviously improved. I let Steve and Hannah know that Cal was coming up for the weekend. They were happy, but their level of excitement is nothing compared to mine.

  When Steve announced that Curtis wants their room to himself, I knew that meant Steve was spending the night. I didn’t waste any time getting my headphones on and trying to fall asleep.

  In my mind, I know I need to talk to her brothers while I am in town over the weekend. I owe it to them both, Steve because he treated me with enough respect to talk to me about his relationship with my sister; Curtis because, according to Sierra, he’s been her best friend since losing everyone else in her family.

  I also need to give my parents the heads up as well. I want their blessing just as much as I want one from Steve and Curtis. My parents may have had a rough start in their relationship but they have a strong marriage. Their relationship is always one I have admired. When I allow my mind to wander to what I want my life to be like, it always ends up looking towards my parents.

  It was getting late so I knew better than to go looking for my parents. This time at night was a dangerous time to venture towards their bedroom. I have learned my lesson, do not approach their bedroom at night. I think they get a secret thrill knowing that there are people in the house and awake when they have sex. Thankfully, my bedroom isn’t even close to theirs so for the most part I can avoid the scene.

  I figured I would play it safe and contact Steve and Curtis tomorrow too. But just knowing what I had planned, I was too anxious to sleep. I figured I would see if Kyler was home. I haven’t been spending much time with him and I know he’s missing Hannah too. He wasn’t in his room, so I went downstairs to see if he was watching a movie. He was down there, but I wouldn’t say he was watching the movie that was playing on the projection screen. I don’t even think he noticed that I had walked into the room. Thankfully, he was still fully clothed; as was the girl he had next to him on the couch. I just slowly backed out of the room while making a mental note to get him a box of condoms.

  The next morning, I made my way to the kitchen where Mom and Dad were having coffee together. Dad was dressed for work and it looked like Mom was dressed for yoga. I greeted them while I made a breakfast shake for mysel
f. I wanted to talk to them both, but suddenly having them both present made me nervous. In my heart, I knew there wasn’t anything they could say to me that would change my mind; but my heart also wants their blessing. I know they are the only parent figures that Sierra and I will have, which could be why their blessing means so much to me.

  Before my dad got up from the table I asked, “Do you guys have plans tonight?”

  “Nothing special, why? What’s going on Calvin?” Mom instantly showed her concern.

  “I was hoping to talk to you. Can I take you guys to dinner tonight?” I could see my dad smirking.

  My mom wasn’t buying it, “Calvin, just tell me, what is going on? You have never offered to take us to dinner. Are you sick? Did you get someone pregnant?” With that question Dad started chuckling.

  “Just let him buy us dinner Sweetheart. This could be the only time he offers and I’ve been craving a big juicy steak. Better bring your credit card son, it’s not going to be a cheap dinner. 7:00 at Cutters sound good?” Figures he’d pick there, it’s only the most expensive place in town.

  “Sure Dad, I’ll call and make reservations. Mom, I’ll text you if the time changes. I love you.” I kissed her on the cheek and made my way to the front door. I could hear her frantically asking my dad questions as I shut the door behind me.

  The day was taking forever. I sent both Steve and Curtis separate messages asking to meet with them privately while I was in town over the weekend. Both responded that they would make time for me. If all else failed, we’d meet before I hit the road on Sunday, just like I’d done with Steve a few weeks back.

  I got to Cutters early so I was already waiting at our table when Mom and Dad walked in. Thankfully, the service is spot on and we were able to place our orders before Mom had a nervous breakdown. Seriously, she looked like a nervous wreck, while Dad just sat back with a cocky grin. Feeling sorry for my mom, I didn’t want to drag it out any further. I took a deep breath and just blurted it out, “I am going to ask Sierra to marry me.”

  Mom covered her mouth as she squealed in delight. “Oh, Calvin. I can’t believe you are growing up. Are you sure you are ready?”

  “I know it’s crazy fast, but I also know she’s the one. I have never felt like this before. I honestly thought I would be old before I wanted to get married. But I can’t imagine my life without her by my side. I want to keep her and protect her and love her. I love her more than I ever imagined I would love someone.”

  My dad just smiled his all-knowing smile. When my mom looked to him she narrowed her eyes, “You already knew didn’t you?” She looked at me and asked, “Did you already tell him?”

  My dad chuckled, “No Sweetheart, he didn’t tell me. But I know my son, I have seen him when women are around. In the past, his eyes have followed everything that walks by, the last time that happened was the day we moved Hannah to the dorm. Out in the parking lot as we grabbed the boxes, he was busy watching the girls walk by. I haven’t seen it since. I also know he’s a lot like me, I knew you were the one before I even kissed you.”

  My mom teared up as she reached across the table, squeezing my forearm. “Calvin, I am so happy for you. I love you son.”

  Before she removed her hand, I rested my other hand on hers as I told her, “Thank you Mom. I know marriage isn’t easy, but thankfully I have you and Dad as examples to look towards for help and inspiration. So, you guys are okay with it? I mean, um I have your blessing?”

  Dad started laughing as soon as I asked the question. When he calmed enough to talk he told me, “We aren’t the ones who you need a blessing from. It’s her family. Seriously Calvin, you have to ask her brothers for their blessing. Good luck with that, I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.”

  Shaking my head, “I know I have to ask for their blessing Dad. I’m not a total idiot. I already made plans to meet up with them while I am up there this weekend. I’m asking for your blessing because I want to know that you guys support my decision. I want to know that you guys are going to welcome her into our family. I want her to feel loved by more than just me. Hopefully both brothers will support us as well. She is unhappy at school, she is planning on dropping out of Western State at the end of the semester. I want her with me when that happens. If I get their blessing, I will start to ring shop and hopefully ask her on Thanksgiving when everyone is at the house.”

  Mom couldn’t hold her tears back any longer. Rather than saying anything, she hugged my dad’s arm and rested her head on his shoulder. “Son, we love you in a way that you won’t understand until you become a parent. That being said, all parents just want their children to be happy. If she is going to make you happy, we will accept and love Sierra because you love her. We haven’t spent much time with her, but we trust you and Hannah when you tell us how amazing she is. Mom and I will be here to love and support you. If you need any help, I know your mom would love to help you. Now, what is this about you going to visit this weekend? Maybe we can all go and surprise your sister. Mom said that they have basically canceled the rest of the football season since so many kids got busted.”

  “I bet Hannah would love to have everyone come. When I talked to Sierra earlier she said they wanted to go out to dinner Friday night and then to that Fall Festival an hour north of them on Saturday. You know Dad, Hannah would love you forever if you brought her a car.” It was my turn to laugh. Dad still wasn’t convinced that she was ready to start driving.

  Dad and I spent Friday morning at the dealership going rounds with which car was best suited for Hannah. He was hell bent on the RAV4, but I was convinced she would like the 4Runner better. He’s the boss and he was paying, so RAV4 it was.

  I took off straight from the dealership, knowing that Hannah and Sierra had salon appointments and would be busy when I got there. I made arrangements to pick up Curtis and then meet Steve at the nearby mall while the girls were at the salon. Dad knew my plans and made sure to poke fun of me as I was heading out. “Good luck son. I hope they don’t beat the shit out of you. If they don’t, it’s because of Hannah. Steve is still trying to win her over.” I couldn’t help but smile as I shook my head on the way out to my truck.

  I rolled into town a few hours later and headed straight to campus where Curtis told me he’d be. As soon as he was in the truck, we headed to meet with Steve. It wasn’t until both brothers were sitting with me in the food court that I got nervous. I had a lot to lose and I couldn’t lose Sierra. I was willing to beg, I was willing to be a total pussy if only they would give me what I desperately needed; their blessing to have their sister. “I am an imperfect man, I’ve lived a life doing some things I am not super proud of. I didn’t plan on meeting someone who would make me wish I could rewind and undo some of the things I have done. I figured someday I would want to get married and have kids but I didn’t think that day would come until I was in my thirties. Meeting Sierra, knowing what it feels like to love her, makes me wish I could erase all the women in my past. I want to marry her, I am here asking for your blessing. I am here asking for your permission. I will work my ass off to provide for her. I will love her unconditionally. I will support her in whatever she wants to do with her life. If she wants children, if she doesn’t; if she wants to work, if she doesn’t; whatever it is she wants I will give her. Please.” I made eye contact with Steve first, then Curtis; neither of them giving their feelings away.

  It was Curtis who spoke first, “I know she loves you, but I also know she has zero experience in relationships. Do you really think you guys are ready to jump into marriage?”

  It was a fair question, “I know she doesn’t have experience in a relationship, if I’m being honest I don’t have a lot of experience either. Sure, I’ve dated or whatever you want to call it, but for the most part I don’t have any relationship experience either. We’ve talked about that and agreed that it is up to us to determine what our relationship is going to look like. My parents were married very quickly, their story started mu
ch differently than Sierra and I but I hope we end up in the same place as them. They have taught us what a loving marriage looks like. I know I am ready to have Sierra by my side. I know I need her as much as I want her. But I need to know you both support us. I know she looks to you both and I know your opinions mean the world to her. I can’t ask her without knowing we have your blessing.”

  Steve smiles, I almost breathe a sigh of relief until he speaks, “I’ll make you a deal. I have plans to ask your dad the same question this weekend. The answer he gives me, is the same one I’ll give you. If you want my blessing, you better hope to God your dad gives me his.”

  Curtis just laughs. “Damn they are dropping like flies! Let me ask you both a question. What are you going to do if you don’t get the blessing?”

  Steve and I look at each other, then back at Curtis. I answered first, “I would take the next two weeks to convince you. I plan to ask her over Thanksgiving weekend when everyone comes to the house. You guys are all coming to the house, right?”

  Curtis was laughing until I mentioned them all coming for Thanksgiving. He told me, “I already agreed to having Thanksgiving with Callie and Will.”

  “When my mom hears that she’s going to tell you to bring them. Might as well change your plans now so you don’t have to listen to her bitch about it.” I looked at Steve, he still hadn’t answered the question, “What about you Steve, what would you do if you didn’t get the blessing?”


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