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Crazy Fast Love

Page 12

by MF Isaacs

  He just shook his head, I could see the turmoil rolling through him as he thought about it. “I would be tempted to kidnap her. I am not willing to live my life without her. I think I would probably ask a second time with her present. I don’t think he would be able to tell me no with her there by my side.”

  Curtis and I laughed, releasing some of the tension surrounding our topic of conversation. I told Steve, “Good call man. I am sure that would work. I’ll be on stand-by if it comes to that so I can also reap the benefit of that answer.”

  We hung out until Steve got a text message from the girls, letting him know they were almost ready. Curtis and I took off before Steve met up with the girls.

  Once in the truck, Curtis had a few more things to say. “I know you have already slept with Sierra. Not going to lie, when she told me that, I was pretty pissed off. I also know that she has been struggling. She has spent the last few years trying so hard to be tough. Last year really broke her and she hasn’t been the same since. Steve has been pretty focused on Hannah and I haven’t been there much either. That being said, I know she loves you. I can’t help but worry that it’s happening too fast but that has to do with our family’s experience, not because of you. I also worry about the pressure she is putting on herself. I hope that you will relieve some of that pressure and you will support her if she follows through with counseling or decides to take anti-depressants.”

  It was almost a question, one I had no issue responding to. “I will always support Sierra, I would do anything to take all her burdens from her. You have my word, she will be the most important part of my life.”

  “Fair enough man. We have all of our mom’s stuff: her wedding dress, her engagement and wedding ring. I don’t know for sure if she’ll want it, but I’ll get it out just in case she does.” He rested his hand on my shoulder just as I pulled up in front of the frat house. “I’m happy she found someone. She deserves happiness. She deserves the world. I believe you’ll give it to her. See you in a bit.” He climbed out of the truck before I could even voice a response.

  I saw Calvin standing on the sidewalk that leads from the parking lot to the dorm. I couldn’t get to him fast enough. Thankfully Hannah and Steve grabbed my shopping bags from the back of the Explorer. I was too busy launching myself into his arms to worry about my bags. I missed him and being in his arms like this was a harsh reminder of just how much. I could hear Steve clearing his throat which caused me to unwrap myself from Calvin’s hold. He turned to hug Hannah just as a small SUV circled the parking lot honking like crazy. It took me a minute, but I was pretty sure it was Cal and Hannah’s parents, “Hey guys, isn’t that your mom and dad?” then I saw Kyler, “Cal, Hannah, wait is that Kyler too?”

  Hannah was so excited to see her family. For one brief second, my heart hurt at seeing their whole family together, knowing I would never have that with my own parents. My sadness was quickly wiped away when Amy wrapped me in her arms as soon as she finished greeting Hannah. When Luke released Hannah, he hugged me as if I were his daughter too. When Luke released me, Amy hugged me again. After Kyler hugged Hannah, he started towards me. Before he could get close, Cal already had his arm draped over my shoulder staking his claim even though it was just his little brother.

  The guys hung out downstairs while Hannah, Amy, and I went up to our room to get ready for dinner. Amy didn’t beat around the bush in the slightest, first thing out of her mouth were questions about the relationships Hannah and I were developing with the others brother. I tried to focus on Steve and Hannah, “Hannah has become my best friend, as close as a sister. Knowing that she will one day actually become my sister when she marries Steve makes me so happy.”

  Amy quickly called me out on the carpet. “Do you have plans to marry Calvin? You know the two of you could become sisters that way.”

  Thankfully Hannah took the attention away from me with her mini panic attack. Amy talked her off the ledge by telling us how Calvin talks so highly of both me and Steve. The conversation turned to what was going on with Kyler’s football team. The tension disappeared as Hannah let me do her hair and makeup.

  I knew exactly what Steve was talking to dad about. I felt like a giddy teenager waiting for my crush to call. Seriously, I just wanted to go stand beside them and listen to the full conversation. Instead, I just watched until Steve stood and shook my dad’s hand. He laughed when I pumped my fist in the air and yelled, “Hell yeah!”

  Dad must have known exactly what was going on, because he started laughing as well. “You made him sweat it, didn’t you?”

  Steve shrugged his shoulders before admitting the truth. “Yeah, I told him my answer would be the same as yours. I guess I should thank you on behalf of us both.”

  Just then the girls walked into the room. Steve was respectful with his affection towards Hannah. Me, I couldn’t keep my hands off of Sierra. I pulled her into my body as I kissed her hard. I no longer cared that my family and her brother were there. I had what I desperately needed, permission to ask her to be my wife. I was on top of the world, until my dad announced that the girls were riding with him. Seriously, I know he was doing it to mess with me.

  Dinner was perfect. Curtis met us there and true to my earlier threat, my mom informed him that he was expected at our house for Thanksgiving and there was plenty of room for Callie and Will. I’m sure, until that point, he thought I was kidding about her.

  Mom and Dad rented a couple of suites at the Hilton so we could all stay in one place. Steve rode back to the frat house with Curtis and I took the girls back to the dorm to grab their stuff. Once we had their overnight bags, we picked up Steve since Curtis already had plans to meet Callie and Will half way between the two schools. Once we were on our way to the hotel I stopped at the liquor store. I figured it wasn’t going to get any safer than this for Hannah and Sierra to have a couple of drinks.

  Back at the hotel we played a couple card games and had drinks. I watched Sierra pretend to take one small sip of her drink before passing it off to Kyler, she thought I didn’t notice. He handed it back to her to set down on the table in front of her, she repeated the process until it was empty. Clearly she didn’t want to drink it, and Kyler was happy to have access to the alcohol. Kyler announced he was heading back to the room he and I were sharing so he could call his girlfriend.

  Hannah asked Steve to tuck her in, while Sierra asked the same of me. Nothing could have stopped me from following her into that bedroom. Once we were inside I quietly closed and locked the door. She pulled something from her bag before making her way towards the bathroom. “I’ll be out in just a minute.”

  I kicked my shoes off, sat down on the bed with my back propped up against the headboard. I was tempted to turn on the TV but didn’t want the distraction. She walked out a few minutes later in something that I imagine resembled what women wear on their wedding night. It was a short silky white nightie with spaghetti straps. I could see her nipples poking through the silky material. I swear my mouth actually watered at the sight of her. I couldn’t believe she was mine. I couldn’t wait to make her officially mine.

  She climbed onto the bed and slowly crawled onto my lap until she was straddling me. I could feel the heat of her core. Instantly, the semi I’d had all night started to grow. I couldn’t help but run my hands along the sexy silk pajamas. I slowly brushed my thumbs across her nipples, feeling how stiff they were. Before I used my mouth on her, I needed to know about the drinks, “Sierra, why didn’t you drink tonight?”

  She made eye contact with me, I think to gauge if she was going to get away with hiding the truth. When she realized I knew what she’d done, she confessed, “You know how I went to the Dr. I got the prescription for birth control that I can start taking when I start my period. I haven’t had my period yet. I’m not technically late, but the reality is, we haven’t used condoms so there is a chance I could be pregnant. I didn’t want to drink tonight if there is even the slightest chance. I’m sorry, I know we haven’t
really talked about having kids at this point in our relationship. I hope you know I would never get pregnant to trap you.” Tears filled her eyes as she spoke the last words.

  It killed me to think that she was stressing out about this. I pulled her into my body before I whispered the most truthful words I have ever spoken, “I love you. I will love you forever. I will love every single baby you give me. I will be honored to become a father. I will be honored to have you be the mother of my children. I’ve said it before, you drive me crazy. Each and every time I get your naked body next to mine, I lose my mind. I have never had sex without a condom until you came into my life. I’m telling you now, whether you are pregnant or not, I will never wear a condom ever again. You will be my one and only. I may not have done it on purpose, but in the back of my mind I think I knew and secretly hoped we were making a baby. I’m sorry, I know that wasn’t fair of me. I hope you will love me forever.”

  Her whole body visibly relaxed when I finished talking. I have never met someone who carried this much stress around. Rubbing her back I could feel the tension leave her body and within minutes I could feel her deep breathing turn into quiet snoring. I loved that it was me that provided her comfort and that she could fall asleep on me, even if I am ending the night with blue balls. I gently rolled her onto her back and kissed her good night before making my way to my own room.

  I woke up early feeling more rested than I had in weeks. It didn’t have anything to do with the number of hours I slept because we stayed up late and I could see the alarm clock on the nightstand, which told me it was still early. Maybe the term rested wasn’t the correct term either, maybe what I was feeling was relieved. I know how babies are made, I’ve known since the first time Cal and I had sex that we were taking a huge risk. The guilt of knowing what might happen and not doing anything to prevent it has been weighing pretty heavily on me. Last night, when Cal told me he knew what we were doing, and secretly hoped we were making a baby, was the biggest relief I have ever felt in my life. I don’t know if I’m pregnant but I’m not going to worry about it anymore.

  I made my way out of my room and was surprised to find Steve sleeping on the couch. I thought he would have slept in the bed with Hannah. He stirred when I grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge. In his rough sleep filled voice he ask, “What time is it?”

  “About 6:30, I’m sorry I couldn’t sleep anymore. I’m just going to go for a short run. I’ll wake you guys up when I get back.”

  As I turned to go back into my room he sat up, “Give me a minute and I’ll go with you.”

  I know he hates running, so I tell him, “You don’t have to. I will stay close and only do a couple of miles.”

  “I’ve heard that before. Then, before you know it you’ve gone 5 or 6 miles. Really, let me get changed and I’ll go with you. You haven’t tortured me with running in a long time. I could use it.” When he stood up and stretched, I realized he was serious about going with me.

  “I’ll be out in a few minutes. I wasn’t kidding about only doing a couple of miles.”

  Running with Steve is nothing like running with Curtis. Curtis is the athlete of the two and pushes me when we run together. With Curtis, I have to focus on my breathing, on my bodies movement; I have to focus on running. I work so hard that I can’t focus on anything else. Running with Steve is almost like being stuck in a car with him. It’s his chance to corner me, hold me captive so he can ask questions.

  We spent extra time stretching before we started out on what Curtis would call a pussy pace. We couldn’t have gone more than 10 yards before Steve got started. “How are things going with Calvin? Are you serious about him?”

  I didn’t want to make light of my feelings but I also didn’t want to have this conversation with Steve. I already went there with Curtis and I don’t want to go through it again. I think the only thing that is going to save Steve from having a major freak out is the fact that he now has Hannah. He’s going through a very similar situation in his own life. With my fingers crossed that he won’t freak out I lay it on the line. “I don’t know. I don’t have anything to compare it to. I think things are going really well. I think we have started something real, something special. I haven’t wanted to bug you with the details of my life because I know Hannah is your focus, I am happy you found her, so don’t think I’m complaining because I’m not. But Steve, I love him.”

  He has no reaction. Nothing. I was expecting something; big or small I wasn’t sure. We continued on our way for what I would assume was a quarter of a mile before he finally spoke up. “I know you say you are happy I found Hannah and I believe you. I want you to know that I am happy you have found Calvin too. I know things haven’t been what you thought they would be here. The happiness I was hoping to see on your face this year has only been truly present when Calvin is around. I can see the way you look at him. I want you to know you have my blessing, if that’s what you want to call it. I don’t want to think about my little sister being in a relationship, but if you’re going to be in one Calvin is a good choice.”

  “Thank you Steve! It means a lot to me knowing that you approve.” With each step, I could breathe a little easier. Apparently, Steve’s approval was just one more thing I’ve been stressing out over.

  “I need you to know something kind of big.” he paused until I glanced over at him. His face was serious so I knew it wasn’t just big, whatever he had to tell me was really important to him. “Last night, while you were getting ready for dinner. I asked Luke for his permission and blessing to ask Hannah to marry me.”

  I screamed like a little girl. I couldn’t help it. I was so happy for Steve; I was so happy for Hannah. I was also happy for myself, I would have a sister again. We stopped running and I wrapped Steve in the biggest hug I have ever given him. No shock to either of us, I started crying. I quickly assured him they were happy tears. He gave me a few minutes before asking if I wanted to keep going or if I just wanted to turn around and head back. I opted to turnaround and rather than running we walked back, talking the whole way about when he was going to do it, how and what I could do to help him.

  By the time we made it back to our hotel room, Kyler and Calvin were standing outside the door holding coffees and donuts. Inside, Hannah was just fresh from the shower, dressed with wet hair. I quickly jumped in the shower while they all drank coffee and ate donuts.

  An hour later everyone met up in the lobby ready to make our way to the fall festival.

  I couldn’t get enough of Sierra at the fall festival. My dad made a point to tell Steve and I that we should follow behind the girls and watch what they picked up; it will tell us what they liked. Then he instructed us to buy the items, as soon as they walked away, then save them for presents. It was good advice, I know my mom always loves the gifts my dad gets her.

  After last night, I couldn’t help but notice every single stroller that went by. I watched the parents; it didn’t matter if it was the mom, the dad, or them together. Each time, I couldn’t help but wonder, will we look like that? I decided right then that if she isn’t pregnant right now, I don’t want her to go on birth control. I want her to be round with my baby. I want her to be wearing my ring and carrying my child. The realization made me desperate for her.

  Holding her hand as we walked through the booths wasn’t enough. It wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have with our family around. But it was one we’d have tonight in the privacy of her room. I needed to get Steve to agree to switch sleeping arrangements with me, so I could stay with the girls. Tonight, I would spend the night trying to fill her with my baby. With those thoughts, I was ready to be done at the fall festival. Unfortunately, everyone else wasn’t ready to leave. We stayed until the booths closed and the street dancing started.

  Back at the hotel, Dad reminded Hannah he would be by first thing in the morning to take her out driving. With that knowledge, Steve gladly traded places with me and agreed to share a room with Kyler. He tucked my sister in and was out
the door in less than 5 minutes. I didn’t waste any time guiding Sierra to her room.

  She did the same thing as she had done the night before, grabbed clothes before heading to the bathroom. This time I wasn’t going to allow her to pass out on me. This time I kicked my shoes off then quickly stripped out of my clothes. I sat in the same spot as I’d been the night before, only this time when she walked out I was slowly stroking my cock. She had a new nightie on, this time it was even sexier than the one she’d worn the night before. I don’t know what it was called, all I know is that it was turquoise with black trim, it was see through and short. So short that if I had her turn around, I know I would be able to see her firm ass hanging out of the bottom. I could see what appeared to be black panties under the nightie.

  I didn’t stop stroking myself as I watched her slowly make her way to the bed. We’d had an amazing day and this was just making it even better. She smiled the most confident smile I have ever seen and climbed on the bed without any reservations. She crawled between my spread legs from the foot of the bed, giving me a perfect view of her tits. She slowly ran her hands from my knees to my hips, the feel of her hands on me caused me to falter my stroking pace. Rather than stop, I slowed my pace hoping her hand would take over or at least join mine. Instead, she softly cupped my balls, massaging them with the perfect amount of pressure. My hips lifted off the bed, my movement increased the pressure of her hand. Before I had to beg, her second hand joined mine stroking me in the same rhythm as I was. With full eye contact, she lowered her mouth to the tip of my leaking cock. She used the tip of her tongue to swipe away the trail of precum. With the help of her tongue, she pulled the tip into her open mouth, giving it the most sensual kiss ever. She wasn’t sucking, she wasn’t licking, she was kissing my cock. Each kiss softer and wetter than the previous one. Each kiss driving me fucking crazy.


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