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Blue Mage: Dark Seduction: A Fantasy Romance Adventure (Book 4) (Blue Mage Series)

Page 4

by Eden Redd

  Damon shrugged. “Disappeared a short time later like it always does. Off to find another library to haunt. The mage never forgot what he read but sadly he didn’t read the entire book.”

  “Is that why you left? Some rotten apples do a terrible thing and an entire city must suffer for it? It seems like you already punished them for their crimes.” Trystan said as he tried to not think about the horrific images conjured up in his mind.

  Damon leaned back. “I have spent many years trying to discover knowledge and truth in the world. I have seen dead ends and I have seen roads that would take me beyond this mortal plane of existence. The one horrible truth I keep noticing is humans are a blight to this new world. The mana cataclysm was only the beginning of the world trying to reclaim itself from humanity. With my help, it will finally win its long war.”

  Trystan stared at the mage across from him. “You’re human too. Will you kill yourself if you win this war?”

  Damon grinned. “Freya does not give you enough credit. When I met you, I knew something deeper lay below the surface. My destiny lies elsewhere. When I have successfully put all the pieces in place, I will leave and never return.”

  “Why did you use Vanessa and me to get the ritual from the Libro Nocte? What does it do?”

  Damon pressed his fingers together before him. “The Dead Mother was supposed to invade and occupy the city. You were supposed to retrieve the ritual needed before the black book disappeared again. Vanessa failed at her task but you succeeded at yours. I had to set my next plan into action.”

  “Bella.” Trystan said flatly.

  “I want you to understand something. Bella was my most prized familiar. Had she kept her jealousy under control, I would not have had her split and placed in those ruins. She had to redeem herself. I put her to use, collecting mana and storing it.”

  “So you could destroy each city? You had each version of Bella by a city. You didn’t plan on just attacking Stukarr. You wanted to hurt each college for things that happened in the past.” Trystan said sharply.

  Damon nodded. “My original intent was not for that purpose. All three versions of Bella were to collect mana so I could use that energy for greater goals. Only with Vanessa’s failure did I have to redirect their objectives. You and your colleagues quickened the new plan.”

  Trystan leaned back and crossed his arms. “And you failed. We stopped them and no life was lost.”

  Damon smirked. “I didn’t fail.”

  Trystan stared.

  Damon leaned forward and placed his elbows on the table. “Doubt lingers over Stukarr like a toxic haze. Deep in every citizen’s heart they no longer feel safe behind their walls. Yes, I have killed but I never took any pleasure in it. I commend you and your friends saving many people from an otherwise certain death. You fascinate me Trystan because you still hold a belief that good will always find a way. When Freya told me about your optimistic outlook on life, I didn’t believe it at first.”

  “Is the reason you’re here in my dreams, talking to me, a way to tempt me or be sympathetic to your side?”

  Damon shook his head. “No. I know the side you’re already on. I’m here to present another view point to a bigger problem. The ritual you procured for me will help ensure my success. The Night College is nearly complete. Monsters all across Lurth will see that humanity cannot stop what is coming. For the first time in eons, humans will become legend and myth. You helped me acquire the ritual, now I want you to witness when I use it.”

  Trystan couldn’t hide the shock from his eyes.

  Damon held out an empty hand and a rolled up scroll appeared in it. Moving the tea cups aside, the renegade mage rolled out the scroll. A map of Lurth was drawn onto the yellowish paper. Damon’s long fingers ran along some of the lines and stopped at the Broken Islands to the southeast.

  Damon’s lips curved into a small grin. “I’m having a gathering of sorts and you are formally invited. As I speak, the spell in your head is filling with commands from my mind. You will know the exact location of the gathering but will be unable to give that knowledge to anyone else. You will instinctually know how to get there but cannot point it out directly on a map. This is to ensure that no one else will be able to find it unless they follow you.”

  Trystan eyed the Broken Islands on the map. He remembered from Lurth History that the islands to the southeast used to be part of a peninsula until the cataclysm. The sea rose and broke the land into a number of islands. Some were small while a few were big enough to hold monster towns. The waters are treacherous due to many water monsters lurking in between islands and the ocean around it. Trystan felt a pit grow in his already queasy stomach.

  Damon eyed the mage. “I know what you are thinking. You could bring some of the more powerful mages from the college to stop me. An obvious but powerful option but who would save Gwen?”

  Trystan looked at Damon and his mouth curved in dismay.

  Damon sat back. “You will not have any of the professors or Gwen accompany you on this trip. You may however bring your friends. The way is dangerous and even with this knowledge, you may not survive the journey.”

  “I will not risk the lives of my friends!” Trystan nearly growled.

  Damon gave a slight nod. “The choice is always yours but I must warn you, if you bring Gwen with you, she will never make it pass the Stukarr city walls.”

  “What kind of man are you to threaten hurting her!” Trystan could barely contain his rage.

  Damon kept eye contact. “I know she is important to you as she is still important to me. I want you to witness all the hard work you helped me achieve. Gwen would distract you and frankly I will need your full attention. I still care for her but don’t take my caring as a sign of weakness. She can be killed just like any other person who stands in my way.”

  “And if I don’t go?” Trystan crossed his arms and leaned back.

  Damon smiled. “You have that choice but you will miss what I have in store for the entire world. Once the ritual is cast, any restrictions I place on you will be null and void. You can tell anyone you wish of what you witnessed as I think you should.”

  Trystan looked away, his mind mulling over everything he just heard. The mage knew deep down what was going to happen but he didn’t feel good about it.

  “You don’t have to give me an answer. The choice is in your hands but I know you will do the right thing. It is in your nature. You have two weeks to reach the location in the Broken Islands” Damon picked up his teacup and finished his last drop of tea.

  Trystan felt a nervous anger take over. He continued to stare at the renegade mage as he put down his tea cup.

  Trystan leaned forward and spoke very carefully. “I will stop you. I will stop this foolish attempt at power. You were mistaken to invite me and I will make sure you pay for it.”

  Damon returned the gaze with understanding eyes. “I know, young mage. I welcome the challenge. I believe we both can learn from the experience. Come by yourself or with your friends. I hope to see you on the night of the full moon. All will be revealed.”

  The dreamscape darkened. The bright sky turned black. Leaves fell off the trees, disintegrating the instant they touched the ground. The wine glasses and tea cups cracked. Damon gave one last long look before he turned to dust and spilled down over the chair and onto the dying grass. Trystan stood up just as his chair decayed into rotting wood. The young mage looked to the black sky. With a thought, he willed himself awake.

  Eyes blinking open, Trystan sat up. Looking over, Gwen slept peacefully at his side. The mage pulled the blanket off of himself, stood up and walked to the window. Peering past the edge of the curtain, the cobbled street below was silent and empty.

  Gwen sleepily reached over and found the bed empty. Eyes half opened, she slowly sat up and looked to Trystan standing by the partly open window, a summer breeze flowing in.

  “Trystan?” Gwen said as she blinked sleep from her eyes.

  “We have to tal
k.” Trystan said without turning around, his eyes looking to every shadow on the street, trying to pierce their darkness.


  Gwen pulled a bottle of wine from a small rack. Trystan sat at the kitchen table as the ink witch pulled two wine glasses from a cabinet. The young mage brooded as Gwen stepped over and placed the bottle and glasses on the wooden table. It was the middle of the night and the city slept on as the witch opened the bottle and poured red wine into each glass.

  “This will help calm the nerves.” Gwen said with a small smile.

  Trystan took hold of a glass as did Gwen. There was no toast as they both took a deep sip and placed their glasses on the table. Gwen smoothed down her silk robe as Trystan sat in his boxers. The mood was gloomy as the mage tried to work out what he was going to say.

  Trystan looked to Gwen and started talking. The witch sat patiently as Trystan told her of the dream, Damon Wick and everything they talked about. The mage did notice that he could speak of the Broken Islands but could not say exactly where the meeting spot would be. He tried numerous times to tell Gwen where Damon wanted him to go but he would close his mouth and stare. The mage had to change what he wanted to say and he could speak again.

  “I tried a few times to tell you the location Damon wants to meet but I can’t get the words out.” Trystan finished.

  Gwen nodded and took another sip of wine. “He has gone deep into your mind. I’m afraid there is nothing we can do until the ritual and time frame come to pass.”

  “He threatened to hurt you if you tried to come with me.” Trystan’s hands clenched.

  Gwen reached over and took Trystan’s hand into hers. “Sad to say, I believe he would go through with it.”

  “Gwen, I’m not sure what to do? Damon wants me to witness this event he has planned. I feel I should bring this to the Headmaster and Headmistress but I’m not sure what they will do. If they follow or intervene in any way, you and others may get hurt.”

  “What does your heart say?”

  Trystan held her hand a little tighter. “I need to go. I need to try and stop him.”

  “Trystan, you have a noble heart but he is experienced and has years of magical training. Do you think you can stop him?”

  Trystan’s head tilted forward, shadows covering his eyes. “No. But I can’t sit back and let him go through with this dark plot.”

  Gwen looked to the mage and her heart beat warmly for him. “I can’t tell you what to do but I can suggest that you go into this fully prepared. Take some time to plan. Talk to others who can help with some advice. Be ready for the unexpected.”

  Gwen took another sip before putting the wine glass down and continued. “The Broken Islands is a dangerous place. I travelled there years ago to speak with the sirens and mermaids. All manner of monsters lurk in the waters and islands. Even if you know the way, you will still need a guide to avoid the creatures there.”

  “The library has many maps of the territory. I will research it today and see if I can come up with a solid plan.” Trystan picked up his glass and took a sip. The red liquid sent a warming flow to his cheeks.

  Gwen’s eyes lowered and she stared at the table. “I don’t want you to go. I want you to stay but I know how your heart works.”

  Trystan could see the war of emotions in Gwen’s eyes. The mage was on his feet and took hold of the witch’s hands. Bringing her to her feet, the mage leaned in and kissed her passionately. Gwen held him close, not wanting to break their embrace. After all they had been through, terrible thoughts of losing each other stormed through their minds and hearts.

  Trystan broke their kiss and stared into Gwen’s deep blue eyes. “I wish I could just stay here with you. I don’t know if I’m really up for this quest. I have so many doubts.”

  Gwen held him close and whispered in his ear. “I know you do. I may not be able to join you but I will do everything I can to help you. Finish your wine and come to bed. I still have you for the rest of the night and I want us to spend every moment in each other’s arms.”

  Gwen broke away, turned and her hands went to the thin fabric tying her robe closed. She untied it and shrugged the silk robe from her shoulders. The witch’s back was to Trystan and he could not take his eyes off her womanly body. Gwen turned her head and gave a playful smirk before stepping from the kitchen and toward the bedroom.

  Trystan drank down the rest of the wine in his glass and placed it on the table. He chased after the beautiful witch. When he reached the bedroom, Gwen was on her side and beckoning him to bed. The mage slipped into bed, lustful wanting in his eyes. The mage and witch made love until the first rays of sunlight touched the horizon.


  Trystan sat at a heavy wooden table in a deserted section of the Stukarr Library. Maps lay out before him with a small stack of thick books to his right. The mage was supposed to be working but instead found a nice quiet spot and began his research. Trystan pulled out his spell book and filled a few pages with notes.

  Midafternoon sun spilled in from large cathedral sized windows. The light warmed the mage’s back as he worked feverishly on cramming every bit of knowledge in his sleep deprived brain. Time was of the essence and he could feel every moment tick by. Going over the map, he could see train rails going to the most east southern town, Lantern Beach. It was a two-day train ride to the town. From there he would have to book passage on a ship to take him the rest of the way. The mage sat back and wondered how he was going to do it. He didn’t have much coin and most of it would go to the train ride there.

  “So this is where you’re hiding.” Came a voice from behind.

  Trystan’s stood up straight, nearly flipping the chair under him. Turning around with eyes the size of saucers, he stared at his boss Jenny Warg as she stood with her eyes closed and arms crossed.

  “Jenny! I…..uh…..was making sure these maps were in order.” Trystan stammered.

  Jenny continued to stand, arms crossed under her overly large chest, a finger tapping at her arm. “I know it’s slow because of the summer but that doesn’t mean you can just go off and hide. We have to be accountable for every book and work still needs to be done.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ll put everything away and get back to work.” Trystan said as he turned to the table, fingers taking hold of the top map.

  Jenny walked over and looked down at several maps laid out. “Broken Islands? Planning a trip?”

  Trystan oddly picked up a few books while Jenny pushed aside a long lock of blonde hair from her cheek. The librarian leaned over the maps and traced her fingers over the symbol of a town.

  “I’ve been to Lantern Beach. It’s a great resort town. This is their busy season.” Jenny said matter of fact.

  Trystan took what she was saying and ran with it. “Yea, I was thinking of getting away for a few weeks. I was going to come to you before I left today to ask for some time off.”

  Jenny stood up and looked over to the nervous mage. “I suppose I should let you take your vacation time. When are you leaving?”

  “The day after tomorrow.” Trystan said hesitantly.

  Jenny closed her eyes and turned from the mage. “This is short notice. I’m not sure I can accommodate it. I have to think of the schedule.”

  Trystan floundered. “Jenny, I really need this time off. Can you see it in your heart to let me go for two weeks?”

  Jenny stuck out her chin. “You have done a lot for this library and the city. It would be cruel of me to make you stay. Are you going there with anyone?”

  Trystan felt his shoulders drop. “No.”

  Jenny opened one eye. “What about your girlfriends, the witch or the red head?”

  Trystan tried to keep Jenny in the dark about his love life and wasn’t sure how she knew about them. Quickly thinking back, he remembered that Nia or Gwen would sometimes call him at work. The mage wondered if his boss was listening in on his conversations.

  “Don’t try to deny anything. I know about them. They ar
e both beautiful women. I don’t understand why you would go on vacation without either one or both?” The corner of Jenny’s mouth curved into a smirk.

  Trystan tried to think fast. “Well….uh…..I have been stressed out lately. You know, from all the excitement. I lost one of my familiars and …..well….I think I need some time to unwind.”

  Jenny turned with stars in her eyes. “You poor dear! I heard about what happened. I’m sorry I’m being so insensitive. You must be so stressed and need some time to rest.”

  The stars in Jenny’s eyes faded and filled with a sly devious gleam. “I will let you take your time off on the condition that I join you. I have some time saved up myself and I could use a vacation.”

  Trystan stared dumbfounded. “Jenny I don’t think…..”

  Jenny kept talking as if he didn’t say anything. “I spent a lot of time island hopping. I can show you some real beautiful spots. I know the owner of the Lantern Hotel. I’m sure he could give us a discount.”

  Trystan eyed the busty blonde. “You know the Broken Islands?”

  Jenny nodded. “Oh yes. Years ago I back packed all across Lurth. It was my wandering phase. I know many people in many towns and cities. Lantern Beach was a fun place filled with icy drinks and hot sun. My skin is very pale from working here all the time. I could stand to darken up.”

  Trystan was tempted to agree to her terms but knew deep down he couldn’t put her in any danger. He had to do this himself.

  Jenny looked to the mage as he stood silently. “You don’t have to worry about your girlfriends. I can be discreet.” The librarian winked.

  Trystan still regretted the time he was with Jenny that one night. Against his will, he was forced into seducing her so he could snap a picture from a page in the Libro Nocte. Try as he might to simply be co-workers, the librarian took every opportunity to flirt with him. Trystan was gracious and politely turned away her advances but Jenny didn’t like taking no for an answer.

  The mage shook his head. Before he could say anything, Jenny was quick to respond.


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