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Blue Mage: Dark Seduction: A Fantasy Romance Adventure (Book 4) (Blue Mage Series)

Page 5

by Eden Redd

  “Trystan, it is very simple. You will get your vacation time if I go with you. If not, then you will be spending the summer working in the lower book vaults cataloging every book down there. It can get chilly down there so you should bring a sweater.”

  Trystan felt his face sag. The mage would have to figure out a way to leave before she could meet up with him. He would have to apologize later and hopefully still have a job when he returned. If he returned.

  “Alright Jenny. We can go together.” Trystan said, defeated.

  Jenny bounced and clapped her hands. “Yay! I will make some phone calls and pack my suitcase. Don’t think of trying to ditch me or you’re as good as fired. We are going to have so much fun!”

  Trystan stood with a few books in his hands and a gloomy cloud over his head. The blonde librarian looked to him and then to the books and maps strewn about.

  “It’s pretty dead here today. You can go back to your research. Keep your phone on so we can discuss and plan out the details. I’m so excited. You won’t regret it.” Jenny said and smacked Trystan on the butt. She turned on her heel and walked away.

  “I already do.” Trystan sighed under his breath.


  Trystan left work but not before Jenny talked his ear off concerning their trip together at the last second. She had already secured a room with a big bed. When Trystan said they should have two rooms, the librarian laughed it off. Jenny said that they were booked solid and only had one room left. Trystan didn’t entirely believe her but he would have to figure it out later.

  Walking toward the college, Trystan took in the warm evening air. The sun was just setting, a faint yellow glow reaching out across the heavens. The moment of peace was quickly replaced with knowing eyes. The mage looked to some of the damage the college had suffered during the slime attack. The grassy landscape before the actual college was ripped up with green grass and brown mud scattered everywhere. Giant footprints left their impressions. The stone paths lay shattered and disheveled. The main college buildings had some cracks but already the mage noticed that some of them were sealed up. The college didn’t look as haggard as it did a few days earlier. Trystan heard they were focusing repairs on the buildings before they start reshaping the landscape. Trystan wanted to see the beautiful college restored to its beautiful state by the time he was back for his second year.

  A twinge of worry struck the mage’s heart. Leaving the college to try and stop Damon Wick could end his very life. Trystan turned down a cracked path as he took one last look at the damaged college. He might not see it again and that caused the gloom around the mage that much darker.

  Pushing gloomy thoughts away, the mage continued to the college faculty housing. It was here Trystan noticed a lot of damage. At the end of the wide path was the destroyed Headmaster’s home. Judging from the damage, a whole new house would have to be built. Some of the other homes were destroyed as the slimes made their way toward the main part of the city. Trystan felt a cold chill spike down his spine as he felt he was walking through a warzone.

  The mage stopped in front of a modest two story home. A few moments later he was at the door and ringing the doorbell. Looking down, the mage smiled at the “All are Welcome!” door mat. The mage waited patiently and after a minute, he was going to ring the doorbell again when he heard footsteps.

  The door opened and Professor Hart looked to the mage with a beaming smile. “Trystan! So good to see you. Come in.”

  Trystan instantly felt relaxed and followed Professor Hart into his home. The professor was wearing a white robe, tied around the middle. The house was dark except for a light spilling down the stairs from the second floor. Professor Hart went about lighting lamps to his comfortable home. Trystan walked in but remained standing, feeling like he came at a bad time.

  “Please have a seat. What can I do for you this fine evening?” Professor Hart asked as he took a seat in a comfortable chair.”

  “Is it a bad time? I could come back tomorrow.” Trystan said while still standing awkwardly.

  “Nonsense. You came to see me for a reason. How can I help you?”

  Trystan nodded his head and took a seat on the couch. “I am taking a trip and I could use some advice.”

  “A trip you say. After everything you have gone through, a vacation is exactly what you need. I would be more than happy to help with any advice I can give.”

  Trystan felt a tightness in his chest. “I will also need you to not ask too many questions.”

  Professor Hart’s demeanor became a little more serious but positive energy continued to float from the professor. “Sounds like you have a problem. I will respect what you’re asking and try to not ask too many questions.”

  Trystan let out a huff before speaking again. “If a mage had to fight another mage, what would be the best tactic to use against them?”

  Professor Hart’s smile faded. The elder mage stood up and walked over to large globe of Lurth next to a desk. The professor flipped open the top to reveal glass bottles filled with different shades of liquids. He pulled out a bottle and two glasses. Closing the globe, he brought over the glasses and bottle and set them on the coffee table. Professor Hart poured into each glass and took one. Trystan reached down and took the other.

  “I assume you are speaking purely theoretical. If not, then I would have to report our conversation to the Headmaster and Headmistress.” The professor held the glass before his lips.

  Trystan nervously held his glass. He took a sip and the strong whiskey caused him to grimace. “Yes Professor. I want to get a jump on my studies before next year.” Trystan lied.

  Professor Hart took a long sip before speaking. “The college tries to wait when it comes to learning how to combat another spell user. You don’t start learning the basics until your 4th year. I don’t see the harm on having a chat about it but I recommend not using this knowledge until you’re properly trained.”

  Trystan nodded and took another sip. This time it went down easier.

  Professor Hart sat back in his chair. “There are two major ways of combatting another spell user. You have to either outwit or outlast them. As you know from your studies, all spell users carry different amounts of mana depending on how many familiars they have or how powerful they are. This can be a mage’s greatest secret because if you know how much mana your combatant has, then you would know how to deplete them until defeated. Any two mages can throw lightning at each other but the one with the most mana will overcome in the end.”

  “When we fought the slimes, I remember Headmaster Gloomis saying that they would run out of mana before the slimes would.”

  Professor Hart nodded. “Very good. I’m glad you noticed that tidbit. If we unleashed all our power, then we would have been defeated. The slimes had an incredible amount of mana filling their bodies. Our mana would have run dry long before the slimes lost their mana.”

  “Is that why we had to outwit them?” Trystan said.

  “Yes. We came up with a plan to halt their attack and stop them. But fighting giant slimes is different from fighting another spell user. Using magic to take down your opponent can be tricky. What you don’t know yet is that every spell user has a degree of magic resistance. If you threw a fireball at me, it would have less of an effect then if I threw one at you. Our mana is not just used for attack. It is there for defense as well.”

  Trystan thought of Nia when she made her shield to defend him and it was shattered almost instantly. “A younger spell user would not have a chance against an older, more experienced one.”

  Professor Hart finished his whiskey and set it on the coffee table. “Nothing is certain. I could show you many tales of young mages overcoming insurmountable odds. It comes down to outthinking your opponent.”

  Trystan could feel a dark question snake into his mind. “What do you know of Damon Wick?”

  Professor Hart poured himself another glass of amber liquid. “Gifted student. He was one of the college’s best. It
was a shame that he left us.”

  “He mentioned Fallen York and monster kind. What is the college going to do about his threats?”

  Professor Hart eyed the young mage and smiled. “This isn’t the first time the Elemental College or Stukarr City has been threatened. We will work to subdue any threat to its people and students. With so many people and para-humans across Lurth, there will always be those who want to tear down what others have built. We must stay positive or their negative energy will destroy everything we have fought so hard to build.”

  Professor Hart took a deep drink before holding his glass to his chest. “Trystan, is there anything you want to tell me?”

  Trystan’s hand tightened around his glass. “No professor.”

  Professor Hart nodded. “I heard about your new familiar and the circumstances behind it. The college is here to assist you if you need any help.”

  Trystan’s eyes lowered. “I have taken responsibility for the new familiar. It is my duty now to teach her how to be a force for good.”

  “You will make a fine mage. Let us toast to new beginnings.” Professor Hart held up his glass.

  Trystan gave a small smile and clinked his glass to his professor’s glass. The young mage had a feeling Professor Hart knew what was happening but being respectful. Trystan didn’t feel completely comfortable feeling that but he couldn’t risk anyone coming with him.

  “I hope you enjoy your vacation but before you leave, I have a favor to ask.”

  Trystan was all ears until a shadow appeared on the stairs. Both professor and student looked over to pale legs as someone took each step down. Trystan sat up straighter as he watched a pale woman reach the bottom of the stairs with only a blanket held to her front. Vanessa gave a shy smile to Trystan. The blanket covered her chest, stomach and the front of her legs down to the floor. The sides of her legs, bottom, waist and arms were devoid of any clothing.

  “Hi Trystan.” Vanessa said to him and then looked to Professor Hart.

  “I will be up shortly. I need to speak with Trystan just a moment longer.” Professor Hart grinned.

  Vanessa nodded and took the steps back up. Trystan had to look away from her firm round bottom.

  Professor Hart looked to the mage. “We reconnected. But I have that favor to ask.”

  “I will do what I can to help.” Trystan said innocently.

  Mist flowed from the top of Professor Hart’s robe. A moment later, Lana blinked into existence. The foxy kitsune familiar smiled and bowed her head to Trystan. The mage looked to the familiar and bowed his head from his seat.

  Professor Hart stood up and walked behind his familiar. “Since I have been indisposed with rekindling a past relationship, Lana has been a tad lonely.”

  “Ummm Professor?” Trystan asked with wide eyes.

  “I bring this up because Lana has asked about you several times. Since you’re here, I was thinking you could spend some time with her.”

  “Sir?” Trystan asked again with eyes still wide.

  Professor Hart pulled at the kitsune’s robe, opening it to reveal a stunning feminine form. Lana had fur on the outer parts of her thighs, calves and up her sides. The rest of her looked like a beautiful woman with pointed fox ears sticking up through her long hair. Brown nipples pointed from large round breasts. A triangular whisper of hair covered her sex between her womanly thighs.

  “Let yourself out when you’re done. I can’t wait to hear about your trip when you come back.” Professor Hart smiled and walked to the stairs.

  Trystan watched as the professor took each step until he was gone. Lana slinked forward, naughty thoughts showing in her smile. Trystan was about to get up and try to talk his way out of it but the foxy familiar had other plans. Lana bent to her knees and took hold of the mage when he was half way up from the couch. Trystan couldn’t believe her strength as she forced him back down onto his seat. Trystan tried to say something when Lana made a quick hand signal. The air around Trystan’s mouth turned white and solid. The mage blinked as the band wrapped around his mouth and clamped it shut, tying around to the back of his head.

  Trystan muffled something as the familiar took hold of his robes and began lifting them up. The young mage made the mistake of trying to hold them down. Lana made another hand signal and air turned to white bands around Trystan’s wrists. The bands pulled the mages arms back and held them against the back of the couch. Trystan stared and tried to speak as delicate long fingers lifted his robe and took hold of his boxers. Pulling them down, the familiar took hold of the mage’s rapidly growing staff.

  Lana stared at Trystan like a predator playing with its prey. The mage watched helplessly as she stroked his manhood up and down. Lana watched with inquisitive eyes as Trystan struggled in her grip. When he was fully hard, the kitsune took a playful lick of his throbbing head. The mage let out a muffled gasp, his body relaxing a second later. The familiar bent her head down but kept her eyes on the mage. Inches pushed passed moist lips. Trystan couldn’t fight the urges any longer. Lana’s tongue pressed along his shaft with long patient strokes.

  Trystan’s head leaned back, lost to blissful sensations. The kitsune continued to bob her head on his hard member. Delicate fingers made small signals over the mage’s thigh. A glowing symbol appeared over the mage’s leg, gently settling down and fading from view. Trystan brought his head up to look down at the foxy familiar increasing the tempo. The mage felt a strange oddness but it quickly slipped away as the familiar increased the rhythm. Tongue pressing along sensitive spots, Trystan had to fight the urge to orgasm. Lana had no such qualms as she licked him just the right way, forcing an orgasm. Trystan gave a muffled yell as molten come spurted into Lana’s waiting mouth. The kitsune greedily sucked it down, taking his mana into her body.

  Trystan breathed heavily through his nose as the familiar stood up and crawled on top of him. The mage couldn’t believe he was still hard as she mounted him. Pressing her full breasts into his face, the kitsune continued to play with the young mage. Hard inches speared her wet line and Lana cooed her approval. Trystan nearly suffocated as breasts pressed against him, bouncing into his face. The mage was so engrossed; he didn’t notice the familiar making another hand signal behind his head. A symbol appeared and faded into the mage’s hair.

  Lana squeezed the mage between her legs. A faint grunt flowed up Trystan’s throat. On and on they went, Lana teasing the mage into orgasm over and over again. The young mage couldn’t stop the surges of pleasure as the fox familiar continued her relentless assault on him. Lana made one last hand signal, hidden from the mage. When she was done, she focused on satisfying herself to the young mage’s muffled groans.


  Trystan finished packing his backpack of holding. The penthouse was eerily quiet as the mage kept putting his ear to his own bedroom door, wondering what his roommates were doing. He hadn’t seen hide nor hair of any of them and he was secretly grateful. The mage hoisted his back pack over his shoulder and stepped over to the night stand. A plain envelope sat on the nightstand with Nia’s name on it. The mage knew it was only a matter of time until she came into his room and find the note. Trystan hadn’t told anyone he was leaving this very night. Earlier in the day he stopped by Gwen’s shop to say his goodbyes. The Ink Witch was quiet and appeared to restrain herself as Trystan kissed her goodbye. He promised to return but they both knew how dangerous this trip was. Gwen asserted she would do everything she could to help him. Trystan held her close, knowing she would try but ultimately it might be for nothing. When they parted, Trystan had to fight back his own tears.

  When he reached home, he quickly disappeared into his room. Aside from packing and making arrangements by phone to the train station and the hotel he didn’t speak to anyone. Not too surprising, Jenny had lied about the Lantern Hotel. They had enough rooms and Trystan made a reservation. The mage didn’t feel too bad about leaving Jenny behind. He had discussed with her to leave tomorrow night and she agreed. If the horny librar
ian decided to follow him, he would have a full day’s head start on her. That would be more than enough time to find a ship to take him to Damon’s destination. Trystan checked his small purse of coins. It was barely enough to pay for the train ride and the hotel for a night. The mage was going to have to figure out how he could get a ship, otherwise he was going to be travelling by foot over dangerous waters. The only bright spot was that Trystan would be in his element. With water around him, he might be able to make the trip without a ship but he would have to figure it out when he reached Lantern Beach.

  Trystan picked up the note for Nia and held it in his hand. It was a simple letter telling her how much he loves her. Trystan tried in as few words as possible to explain that he was taking on this dangerous quest so no one else would get hurt. He ended the note telling her again how beautiful and wonderful she is and when he returns, they should discuss the next step in their relationship. With the heavy thoughts of possibly dying, the mage felt it was necessary to discuss their future when and if he returned. Trystan had some ideas but they would have to wait.

  Putting the letter down, the mage stepped quietly to his bedroom door. Opening and peeking out, he could see that the penthouse was still and quiet. The mage stepped out into the small hallway and closed his bedroom door behind him. Creeping pass Nia’s room, the mage made a beeline for the elevators. With one last look back, the mage surveyed the penthouse, hoping he could return to it. Hitting the button for the elevator, the mage waited for the doors to open and he stepped inside.

  On the street, the evening air was a little humid. Trystan quickly walked from the front of the building and toward the train station. He wished he could have hired a coach to take to the station but counting on every bit of coin, he had to walk there. Eyes peeled, the mage looked to people passing him by, making sure they weren’t anyone he knew. He felt bad enough for leaving on his own but he didn’t want anyone else fueling any rumors about him. It would be a simple walk to the station, board the train and sit back until he reached Lantern Beach. Trystan hoped it would be that simple.


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