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Rings of Atlantis

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by Tammy Williams

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters and events in this book are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Published by Gatekeeper Press

  3971 Hoover Rd. Suite 77

  Columbus, OH 43123-2839

  Copyright © 2016 by Tammy Williams

  All rights reserved. Neither this book, nor any parts within it may be sold or reproduced in any form without permission.

  ISBN: 9781619844476

  eISBN: 9781619844483

  Printed in the United States of America

  I dedicate this book to the Time that held me to create it, to my family and friends that encouraged me to continue it, and to Che who pushed me to complete it.

  A special thanks to my Mom who always believed in me. For us, Time is no barrier.

  To my Mother Hazel and siblings Antoinette, Cindy, Damon, and Kimberly: I give a little Mermaid Magic*

  Heart of a Writer,

  Love is Love is Love

  Table of Contents

  Part 1: The Sea Cosmos Sends Out a Siren Song Whisper


  Hum of the Siren Songs

  Sea Reckoning

  Doorways that Spoke Long Ago

  Hidden Golden Cup of Times

  Mer Faerytale Story

  Meet some of the Folks of Fairy Lands

  Fae Waters Cast a Mer Glow

  Merging. Wee Fairy Waters

  ...and the Wolf Runs Free

  The Daily Flutter Fairy Gatherers’ Newspaper

  I am a Great Gatherer of Things and Facts

  And Kings Shall Ponder My Very Ways: Forgotten Gods and Kings

  The Wee Little Fairies Return

  Sea Fairy Details

  The Fairy Daily Flutter is Captured Again

  Fairy Lands

  The Tall Fairies

  Time of the Fairy Days

  Faerytale Realms

  All the Fairies Play, Big and Small

  The Daily Flutter’s First Picture

  Fairy Homes Big and Small

  What Goes Up

  Dual Awakening: the Twin Princes shall Become Kings

  What’s Below the Waters


  Comforts Under the Sea

  Surprises of the Sea Unfold

  Sea Queen’s Rest

  Queen’s Morning

  Fabled Sea Combs Shine

  Outside Winds

  The Light of the Morning

  Swift Changes are Upon the Outer Realms

  Neptune Waters Shower Down

  The Wolf Comes Out

  Journeys of the Mind and Cosmic Flights

  The Wolves have their Own Ways of Reading the Stars

  Family Ties

  Neptune Speaks


  *Faerie Doors and Mermaid Light*

  Once long ago, Earth Existed with an Inner Realm that had Doorways linking it to the Outside World of Mortal Man. It was not surprising for a little wee fairy to be seen by a Human who still believed in them. As Time seemed to change and many things came to an end, the Final Descent of Man occurred, causing the Closing of an Ancient Way. Many fairies no longer desired to peek out and began lifting, as the Angels had and other Races now known to live more among the stars. One Faerie Kingdom remained, as others long gone now Existed in Cosmic Space far, far away with the Ethereal Winged Ones. The one remaining Faerie Kingdom held the last Books of Earth. Unbeknownst to the Human World, they were once their Guardians and Protectors; considered to be Earth’s Time Recorders. Man, having Risen in his Own Ways and without regard to the former Olde Wise Faerie Ones, decided that Politics and War moved Power further than Love—and the Time Recorders were forgotten.

  All was lost.

  Now as the Spinning of a Beginning and an End Set itself naturally and unnaturally, the Faerie Doors were asked to Separate as Neptune’s Eye roamed the Universe and a Mer-Made Light rose in the Fae Realms, heralding a New Way.

  The Royal Faeries were already considered very Ancient and quite Powerful, but the difference was the Force of Neptune —never seen before—that would come through once the Separation was complete.

  Light of Neptune would pour forth, breaking through the very Clouds that were now filled with Darkness and sifting through every space and crack of Earth. To break the Mountains apart was its thought, but it would not have the final say as it believed, because a New Day would be created in its Wake.

  Everything of the Human Realm would be touched by this Light as Neptune’s plans too were Set. The Faeries were forewarned that everything Outside of their Realm, including the Darkness, would be Rolled into the Brightness of the Trident; as too late the Realization dawned that what wasn’t calculated was that Sea God Neptune shook up the very Stars as he emptied the Heavens with His Cleansing.

  “Nothing shall remain untouched,” were His Words, spoken through Triton; words which indeed lifted the Faerie Realms to New Heights never seen before. Atlantis that never Lowered to Earth showed itself far off among the Stars of Mer, making it possible for the Ethereal Faeries to Materialize again on Utopian Worlds.

  As the Clouds broke apart, the Trident and Lightning Bolt of Zeus joined as One. Hades pushed the very Thoughts of Earth down; what once seemed big fell apart, as only a hint of the Power and Knowledge known as the True Day of Love showed Beyond.

  Nothing would rise that was not of Love and this World had truly Created something Dark, never to be Created again. Neptune judged its very sources of long ago that heralded themselves as the very Way and Voices of Life. It echoed its falseness through lifetime after lifetime, as Mer Light trickled down and Faeries lived on, with a Wolf Moon slowly casting itself unknown to the Mortal World and unknown to this New Force of Evil.

  Before this Dark Creation, nothing else was thought to stand; it pulled hearts one by one out of bodies that had opened through the Wisdom of Man’s Mind, linked with Creating an Ascension of an Alpha and Omega. It left nothing of Hope. Neptune couldn’t even pull one Ember of Life’s Light from Man who no longer believed in anything else; as the Sun, Moon and Stars of the Milky Way gleamed with a false shine as a Higher Realm. It was indeed Consciousness and Creation, but not of Love’s Light, as it could not truly lift. The thing Created by Man himself now believed itself Separate of Man and more Powerful than he.

  But what of the Faeries and Others in wait of what was now meant for them? What went on behind the Faerie Doors and that of the Werewolves?

  As Neptune’s Light broke through the clouds and showered down, touching Man’s World and the Darkness that it had created in its quest for power, the very waters were shielded and emptied of all sea life; not even one flying creature remained as its essence and energy were pulled away from the grasp of the darkness.

  They were all lifted in one swift Move, led by Hermes and his Winged Ones, as Neptune answered the Darkness as the Power of Man and a New Story of Life began on the other side.

  Part 1

  The Sea Cosmos Sends Out a Siren Song Whisper

  Hum of the Siren Songs

  The Ocean Air Blew—

  Sea Water flew everywhere in little droplets and fanned out as if Alive. This was no ordinary shower. It was a Mermaid spray.

  Do not come near. The Mermen and Mermaids are here was the echo that touched every Faery Door of the Hidden Inner Realm as the outside World was read. Soon what was decided would be known.

  The Siren Melody had begun:

  Hmm hmm hmmmmmm

  Hmmmm Hmmmm Hmmmmm

  Her eyes moved around the whole Ocean though she scanned much further with her thoughts. Lifeless air filled the World. The waves of the
Ocean rose up high at her command and crashed back down without a single move or sign from her, obeying the omnipotent power radiating from her eyes. She didn’t even bob with the swaying waves but showed by her stillness that she dominated the Sea. Her hair dripped wet as it streamed down her back and into the water as she dipped low and rose back up, revealing first her eyes only, then exposed her upper half as the Siren Melody also plunged itself into the Ocean than rose back up.

  The Ocean is indeed vast and deep, holding many secrets as the blue-green of it cascaded and fell down; its rippling waves hiding something more menacing than the delicate flora and benign fauna of its deepest levels.

  What else is there? thought the Mermaid as her Sound echoed with a multifaceted tone, more so felt than heard as she read the minds of the occupants of the boats of this time period and times past.

  Don’t come near.

  Don’t go near, seems to repeat this little boat, now just an obscure dot nearing the horizon, being buffeted by the Ocean. It creaks and jolts in another direction, not that of the waves’ pull; but alas, what is a mere boat? What of the occupants and their contents? What of their minds? Is there fear? Is there ego? Is there belief in Man only? The deeds of their Ancestors and those ingrained in their Descendants seem to rise from the rocks, buried long ago and thought hidden as lifetime after life renewed, but with less and less breathing in of Spirit light.

  Even as caution seems to settle in the boat occupants’ hearts, old desires for wealth and adventure still draw them near, as uncovering the many treasures of the deep seas seemed a certainty. Even the rocks tempt them, breathtakingly alluring as the Sun’s shimmer glints off of them, forming different shades of green and pink mingled with other colors and shapes among the algae.

  Now that the occupants of the boat really look, there are many rocks around. Were they there before? they wonder as surety leaves them.

  What is real? asks the Mermaid upon a Sea Mist, and as a Water Whisper—not audible to humans unless Granted— her subliminal message is sent.

  “What is real?” says the crew, each upon his own lips; one man voicing his fear after the other. Astonishment and surprise surely form.

  As if waterlogged, the crew appears confused; although they mire in this water for a mere few minutes, it seems like an eternity. They look around with blank faces wondering, then lost without thoughts, just staring out into the waters, unable to move or make a sound. Only the boat rocked back and forth as a reminder of movement seemingly of the normal World. But the Mer—

  Mer. “Mer,” they whisper, but who will hear? What will be their fate? “What’s in the boat?”

  What’s in the boat?

  Did they touch the water?

  Did they enter a cave?

  What did they do?

  Did they touch anything or take anything?

  Their minds begin to scramble as the Mers allow them to think.

  But, did we go very far?

  I don’t think we moved much.

  “Search every man. What is upon us?” one stammered, patting his coat pocket. There was once something there, though it had been taken long ago.

  A Vision, not of the men today, but of Ancient boats pops up; filled with sailors and treasures that they had dug up and indeed stolen from Sacred Places all over the World, including Temples of the Mer—once united with Man—as statues crumbled with the theft of each item.

  Are we near land or are they more near us...somehow?

  How are they near? What do they want?

  “What did we want?” says one of the men audibly, though only intending to think it. Blindly, he stares out and mumbles.

  All at once, walls—nonexistent—seem to pop up everywhere, pulling the men inside, deeper and deeper as if sinking underwater.

  “It’s a cave!” one mate yells.

  We entered a cave. We did not say another word, but surely these are cave walls.

  Swimming by, as if right in midair, are sea turtles and fish all around, surrounding the little boat, so near that the crew can reach out and touch them. Are we truly under!?

  “Caves have pockets of air, so do we breathe or do they make it seem as such?” another asks.

  The fish and sea creatures of all sorts now swim away in a rush, leaving the men behind to ponder the incongruity.

  Light breaks through, but it seems as if it is from up above rather than right beside them, obscuring reality so that the men aren’t sure how they can steer the boat out.

  What shall we do? What can we do?

  Soaked soil seems to emerge within the cave from below the waters, beckoning the men to climb out and discover or do what they desired to do in the first place.

  —In this first thought of touching land at this peculiar time or seeming moment, caught within the first Spin of the Curse, Neptune sent out an Accounting that was first Written long ago in the Book of the Faeries, and now glimmers of what was to come have been etched more boldly into the Faerie Enchanted Pages, as if now a Storm Blew.

  It was indeed encoded in every Seashell and carried by every Wave through the rocks uprooted and brought to Land. The thoughts of Man and his Actions, touching New Lands and Oceans for the first time, rose from the Pages in a different Dimension. Neptune Rolled the Seas of the Future that dripped to Triton as the Picture of an Hourglass Timer held its Proclamations safe. They would tumble down through the Stars once the Glass Broke and now was its beginning, as Sea Water rather than Sand poured.

  It seemed as if the Men were thinking about their very lives and ways since old enough to think and judge for themselves, but why now? Had they not lived long enough and done what they wanted to do? Reincarnation spoke, as many Books of Life were Read in the Realms of the Voids that the Mer used to divide Untouchable Space from the Other Crossable Divine Heavenly Realms.

  What is this!? thought one as he touched the soil. It seemed real enough, but his mind wondered as soon as he set both feet firmly down.

  Don’t get out, thought another; but who could survive long without food and drinkable water?

  Was it drinkable?

  Was there food?

  What did they have?

  What did they think they had?

  No merman, nor mermaid, nor any sea creature could be seen now as a small fire was lit. Were there others that had been here—before—lost? Did they get out or was it a trick? Surely someone had been here, because there were items to build a fire—even materials to lie upon were found.

  They could sleep—tonight—but what of tomorrow and what of the Mer; seen, yet not seen clearly? As if only a thought, she—they—were not there; yet trapped the men were.

  Now dim, the cave sat as if Life itself had left. No sound permeated the walls, not even an echo of the voices of the men; but there were tunnels. The very fish had disappeared somewhere. The men would follow at first light if there truly was a path; for they knew not where they were, but only that their hearts were read.

  Mermaid Realm

  Sea Reckoning

  Realm of the Fae

  A Sea Breeze blew. Prince Serian knew something was different. He stood by the Water’s Edge skimming the Unseen Spaces in the Shadowed forested area. He had enchanted it himself. Something was different, but what?

  “It has already been done,” whispered a breeze of water that misted up.

  They are Here.

  The Air around him seemed a bit charged more than usual, and it wasn’t his or his parents’ Fae Light. It wasn’t very pronounced but his Ears perked up to a point anyway, just to be sure he wasn’t imagining things. These were his Lands; his Created Waters and he knew every space, every crag and rock. Nothing could enter without his Knowing; at least, he didn’t think so.

  The Air stilled as the Waters gently swayed back and forth and the familiar faery magic appeared. Prince Serian paced back and forth too, as if synced with the water itself, then stood still. Foam swayed in his direction, mingling with Sea Water and Land that rushed up toward his feet.
Tiny sparkles glinted and gleamed as if speaking of something within his Waters.

  He bent down and touched the tiny trickles left behind as the waters receded, returning back to the mouth of the Water’s Opening. The tiny lake did span out beyond the mountains to tumble back into the vast Ocean that was flowing and moving beyond what the Normal eye could see, but not his Eye.

  He used His Fairy Gift quite often to look within His Lands and Seas. He saw everything and was quite diligent, but something still piqued his curiosity and stirred his Fae Senses.

  They are Here, his Mind said.

  Prince Serian felt the Pull of the Mer’s Watery Words: The Outside Worlds shall know. Beyond the Doorways and Borders sits Time, watched by our Time Guardians.

  As he listened, he heard the faint footsteps of the King and Queen, His Parents. They too felt a difference, but not in the Air. Their hearts were touched to feel the Siren’s Secret Sound that no other within their Kingdom Walls could. They came to a stop near Serian, feeling an urgency that moved as smooth ripples, so as not to cause panic to roll as Energy into their Realm. It was like a Pull had called them all forth. At that very moment, the Waters of Mer changed and charged the very Air.

  Now, as the sky lay stretched in stars and darkness, the Three Royals stood; waiting for what was to come Forth.

  Again, the edge of the Lake rose and gently moved toward them, as if speaking with its own Magic that Filtered through the Air to be heard by those Chosen. The Prince rested an Enchanted Cup against the ground. As the Waters rolled up and filled the Cup, he decided to examine it later, when he could think a bit more about this rising mystery of Moving and Speaking Water; but he wouldn’t have long to wait, nor any need to further examine it.

  Standing now, ready to leave with his Parents who were speaking softly to one another about the Waters meaning, he spied a few Tiny Lights swiftly moving about among the darkness of his Lands; Lands meant to be clear of all visitors. He knew well what the Lights were and laughed to himself about his inquisitive little friends. He heard the familiar twinkling through His Fairy Hearing as the little lights whispered than flew away.


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