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Rings of Atlantis

Page 2

by Tammy Williams

  About to leave, he turned to speak to his Mother when the Waters suddenly rushed in again and an Image Appeared.

  A Woman—a Mermaid—and a Merman’s Face became visible; then disappeared as the Waters Enchantingly Swayed.

  It Has Begun. The Sirening of Mer.

  The Watery Vision swayed back and forth as the Image of a Man and Woman’s Face weaved interchangeably together. The two magically spoke between a maze of Sea Sprays and Foam Bubbles, giving no clue of a true division. Was it really a Mermaid or a Merman?

  The Time is upon the air outside and in the breadth and width of the seas and oceans of the times not Beheld. It is coming.

  Doorways that Spoke Long Ago

  “They’re coming; they’re coming!!” said the idiot outside; then promptly behind his hands he did hide his eyes.

  Is this what they think of Truth? Is this the Herald of this Day? Outside and within, the Heart shall have its say.

  Gods and Goddesses

  Who believes in idiots and perils spoken of so long ago? Who also saw the Angels’ Wings behind the clouds, as Ones said—they’ll never know? Dost thou not think of the liars in Light who hide Truth in plain sight; or the crier’s thought made even when it was not at night, holding broken hearts as they carried their plights?

  Truth is Light. Pierce through it; thou must, to clear away the fog.

  A Sea Mist Once came, but who still felt alarm?

  Who became gentle, caring not for which level or which way; for a Door is a Door, no matter who holds the Power of the Day?

  Your Days and Nights are but One and do join the Many

  When Love is spoken rather than a token of which Way sent

  And which King’s lineage a First bore

  A Light does come into the World, fore in Truth, many did such a Door.

  But now, the Seas have Spoken, the Wings of the Fae and those of the Angelic Flap

  From afar off—

  Do you hear the tap?

  It is your own foot hitting the ground as you go, rather than seek Knowledge

  Angel Held; beckoning you on to grow

  Mend you must, or shall we say that a Book is Open?

  —ask your King.

  Light Doorways have Spoken.

  Hidden Golden Cup of Times

  A mighty Force blew. A gale Wind indeed.

  Who can stop my Gust? A mighty breed are we! So heard the Ancients of Sea God Triton.

  As the Arcs of the Mermen, Faeries and Angelic Realms Swayed, what beyond the Doors beckoned for others to look and listen as its Mighty Sound, a Rumbling and a Hissing, moved; making Gaia herself tremble as landslides and falls became normal occurrences?

  “Makers, I am the Maker,” said this "Thing", standing Tall as its Darkness hid itself behind the natural light of the Clouds. Words and chants filled its Essence and puffed it up more as leaves swirled. It touched the Ground again and again as Lifetimes it remembered as its own.

  It thought itself the Highest Height and wanted to be surely seen as a remembered Time; creating a Day for others to take heed as a God would.

  “Outside is surely mine, to do with as I please. What is a beginning without my Name fore I can surely breathe and take away a breath. I Cause Life and Take it in Death.” The trees swayed back and forth as its Sign as many Days became Nights. No longer did a chime blow in the breeze; for this "Thing" made itself heights to cast a glow, blocking out others’ shine.

  —and so the Story goes as a somewhat rhyme.

  But quite to the contrary, this is very real. Life upon the Threshold as renewed or forever sealed.

  What do Dreamers dream of and what do Believers say?

  Is there a God among mortal man holding up his day?

  Is it the Thoughts of Man himself, Creating such a Being!!

  Think ye of your heart for the telling of this seeing.

  Seeing within this time of movies and stories of laughter;

  But holding a Key to a bit of Sadness, as Wars still follow after.

  As bones still break and brittle with Age and even as Ones still make as a Pillar,

  Smoke to go up and say, “We are here as the Makers of this Day”.

  True they are, as the Days surely crumble.

  But many quite humble

  Call out to the Ones thought Gone,

  “Oh how, oh how did We go so wrong?”

  There were many faint Voices not quite heard, but as a Voice this still did occur.

  What of life Eternal and of being Free

  Even the Fae wondered,

  “What will Mortal Man be?”

  Made wondrous and of Light, They did start out; but along the way was a parting of the Heart as Crept in many egos to say we—Oh yes, Ouranos heard—

  “We are the Makers that bore thee.

  Through us wage War and do fight

  For Lands, goods and birthrights.

  Zeus!! A Mountain

  Neptune!! The very Sea

  Gone for so long, no one remembers ye!”

  Oh yes, quite Old were these Makers whose Form no longer were carved out to be.

  They thought they were beyond Form, so they made claims to all thought not to see

  The Stars, the Moon, and the Sun I Am

  Oh Image of Man

  Rise through my creating and be

  A Breath—but in this telling, don’t you see

  The very Breath is what holds you to your mold; not made by you, nor your Divine Ones, as you Are very connected. Oh Guide, Heart Speak and let Show

  The Truth of what is beyond the Written

  The Truth beyond what used to be Form

  The Truth beyond Smoke Speaking

  The very Planet shall cry out and mourn

  As Faeries with Wings Look Out

  And Angels with Decrees Shout

  Up toward the Heavens as a Mountainous Water Flows

  Continuing to give Life of Days to all that truly Know

  The Love beyond the Ego

  The Lands beyond the Wars.

  These Lands, newly touch and kiss the Seas, as Life is Forever sure

  Of being Birthed and Rebirthed

  And in fact always continue to be

  But without the false pacts of those made on bended knees; at times when Light wasn’t shining and when Truth wasn’t told.

  Who stands within the Night listening for the Voices beyond the Silver and Gold?

  —and this shall be the Beginning, the Test to see what will be, what shall be Beyond the Light Doors, as the Mermaid Sirening now listens and the Mermen surely still Sing with Triton; Heralding the Faery Blend of Lights Nearer to listen for what He Today has Decreed.

  Mer Faerytale Story

  Meet some of the Folks of Fairy Lands

  Faer Lanes, Hills and Valleys

  Fairies of the wee ones and the Gatherers:

  Nelk Dell

  Neely Ander

  Nelly Connor

  Mixie Grandfather Kenil, one of the Elder Gatherer

  Trixie Fairies

  Mari Kenter, another Elder Gatherer Fairy

  Polly Kentelle, His Wife



  Arthur & Pieta Groog & Meeka

  Gramps & Martha, the Elder Gnomes Herndel & Seeta

  Grimly & Gerta

  Sea Fairies:

  Leela Sealen

  Sea-elle Floreena

  Kristen & Kristelle, Twins Floren

  Corianne Finlin

  Corelle Finly

  Coreene Finelle


  Whether buzzing around, flying on the bees, gliding through the oceans on seashell fragments lined with pearls, or riding on the backs of their little seahorses; the wee little ones are family of the Land and Sea just the same.

  Fae Waters Cast a Mer Glow


  “Be quiet,” said the wee fairy children, listening. “Shh!!! You’ll surely scare him. Why, it’s a wee little baby Mer swimming.”

“He isn’t wee. He’s just a little baby,” said a Twinkling little Light.

  The little children fairies of the wee folk all formed a great circle as they carefully hid behind the Faery Garden Fountain to see.

  “A little wee baby Mer—not quite wee as we,” said the little fairy again, as an adult wee fairy father came to hover near the children to listen to the splashing sounds and giggling of the Mer baby.

  “He’s just a little boy. Just like us,” said the littlest wee fairy of them all. “He’s just like me,” said he with a smile quite proud.

  Splash!! Swoosh.

  “Hey! It’s a tail!”

  “Well, of course it is,” said a little wee girl fairy. “Ha!! There’s another. Over there!!”

  “Are there more?”

  “Well, of course, there must be,” chimed in the others.

  “Shh!! Be quiet. You might scare them. They’re just so little and cute; just like us,” said the littlest one of the fairy children.

  “Come along,” the Wee Father Fairy Twinkled in their Language, as the Mother Fairies all now gathered around the fountain, hiding out of sight as the little baby Mers played.

  As the children began to move along with a little grumble, the wee fairy adults lingered back to see for a moment, just as their little wee children had, what the Mer babies were doing.

  One by one, they giggled and splashed. They even came very near to the water’s edge without a care in the World, then abruptly dived fast undersea as their Mer Mother’s Sea Song called them back under.

  “Fly fast. Fly faster,” said the little wee fairies. “Tell the Fae Elders, there are even mermaids’ children here.”

  As the twinkling and whistling of the wee fairy bells herald their arrival, the stairs light up with a haste and a rush of their little winds so that even a few of the Tall Fairies stop to wonder:

  What could be the great haste?

  “They’re here; they’re here!” yelled the littlest wee fairy boy, before his father could Fairy Shout.

  “We know they are,” said one Tall Fae Guard leaning near one of the Fairy Gates. “Prince Serian alerted us.”

  “No. No. The babies are here too.”

  The Mer babies are here, but why? Is this an Official Call, thought the Guard, or more?

  Even though he was updated about the changes upon their Lower Waters, Prince Serian was very vague and even his Fairy Ears seemed to twitch into points with curiosity building.

  “Are they upon the surface of our Waters?” said the Guardian Fae to the Twinkling Lights of the little wee Ones, dressed in their Official Garments given by the King. They also had Guardians among them, but in all of the excitement, many rushed toward the Tall Guide to speak.

  “Yessss,” fluttered the wee fairy girl as she spoke in a rush. “Below our Waters much goes on. We are sure of it! Come. Come quickly.”

  “We saw them and we surely heard singing and dancing with a splash,” said another. “There have to be others under the Seas.”

  “What do you think we’ll find below?” said another fairy with a twinkle. “A Grand Mer Castle perhaps—singing Mermaids? Maybe even a Chariot to ride in.”

  “Take us there!” begged the fairy children. Even the wee fairy adults looked with a longing.

  “It will take a Fae Enchantment,” said the Guard, “that I am unable to create. The Birthright of the Royal Fae can.”

  “Will us there and even change our wings so we can go below without damage to them!”

  Off the fairies flew as fast as they could to reach the Tall Fairy Prince’s Window upon the Opening of His Private Gate. The Tall Fairy Gate Guardian shifted a bit of magic and higher up the little Ones drifted pass the Enchantment and into the first Inner Floating Courtyard Windows that were stationed quite high along the Castle’s Wall.

  They all dashed in, once the flight of their wings returned, as the Tall Fae Guard signaled them on with the fairy wave.

  Finally, they reached Prince Serian’s bedroom windows that sat between light-filled Faery Enchantments and floating gardens that seemed like Colorful Clouds bursting with Land all at once. It was truly a sight to see as the Palace sat high and low upon many levels with the Walls disappearing and reappearing between the Clouds.

  “He will hear us. Flutter your Lights. It will wake him.”

  “What if he doesn’t want to wake up?” said the little wee fairy boy, speaking of the Prince of their Faery Realm. He was kind and gentle and always listened to the wee folk and their needs; even their wants he tended to with careful thought and mindfulness.

  “In just a moment, we’ll be flying below the Seas,” said the little wee folk with a cheer.

  Inside the window, the Prince, now no longer asleep, already knew what brought the wee folk to him this day. Even he could hear the laughter and play of the little Mer babies of the Sea that seemed to fill in the small Picture he had in his head of the Sirening Waters that had come to him and His Parents a little while ago. His Fae Ears perked up to a higher point to listen more intently.

  Nearby, a White Wolf Howled the sign of its Master’s Presence Nearing as the Fae Prince opened His Window. Many, many Lights were now near as the Sea Wolf’s Inner Moon Door Cast a Specific Star Light this Night for the Wolf Energy to speak its Cause as a Fae Secret finally coming to light.

  Inner Moon Showers. . .

  Merging. Wee Fairy Waters

  The little wee folk flew as fast as they could, pulling the Fae Prince along with them, so fast that his wings almost showed.

  “Come. Come! It’s this way. We’re almost there,” they all said in a rush as Twinkling’s of colorful Light flew everywhere.

  “Slowdown,” Prince Serian’s voice was only a whisper as he Sighted the surrounding area; a Special Way that the Older Faeries used to Patrol their Lands as their eyes lit up to see more than what showed. “Aren’t we traveling down my Secret Paths? My private Lower Gardens that no one is supposed to know about?”

  “No one knows the way but us,” said the littlest wee fairy child. In truth, the Prince’s Guards each had a measure of the Sight to view the parts of the Faerie Lands of the Upper and Lower Levels and the Gates that they patrolled even when they were away. At any moment, they could swiftly return and they always knew what moved or tried to enter. They were among the most powerful of the Faerie Guards, equivalent to the Archangels, and could swiftly return even from among the stars of their Inner Realm when using their wings rather than walking. Not all possessed wings though all were swift.

  “I’m going to place stained glass windows over all my Private Rooms, so you wee ones can’t peer in,” the Prince said laughing.

  “We know. We know!” the little wee ones Twinkled all at once as their little lights began to flicker with their emotions. “We don’t do it much.”

  “I spy you near my lower windows and even the hidden rooms every day,” said the Prince.

  “Well, not quite every day,” said another wee one, “but we are your guardians,” he beamed brightly.

  “Yes, and appointed as such by the King, your very Father says it is just so,” the Wee Elder Fairy announced in his most Official Voice and very proud indeed.

  “I know. You’ll never leave my side or my Private Lands, apparently.”

  They all laughed shyly with their cheeks becoming red as they continued to move on, but a bit more slowly now, enjoying the Prince’s company. “We are what we are,” they agreed, as all knew that the curiosity of the fairies was born in their very blood.

  Quite young though the Prince still was, he was Ancient among Human Numbers and even among the Fae of Other Worlds not yet seen. Many Secrets existed out among the stars that still twinkled with a bit of mystery.

  Prince Serian wasn’t even sure if he knew his real age as his parents moved among their Stars. They Spun with Mystery and Wonder as their Stories were Written and Weaved Beyond, forming the Faery Cosmic Colors as they grew. The Faeries breathed with their own stars and secret Sun Syst
em as they aged with its Ethereal Level. It wasn’t Solar, but much remained hidden.

  His Father and Mother, the King and Queen, were away on one of their Spinning and Expanding Home Stars, considered a Planet now because of its size, though he secretly thought they only left briefly to give him a chance at the Helm. They were like that; very loving, doting parents. He was their Eldest known here but in truth, they held many Lands of the Other Star Planets with maturing Dimensions and were no doubt visiting one of them and his other siblings as a break from the Official Duties there and to give a little support to their Daughter who would be appointed soon fore here. Ones didn’t wait until a parent died to be Bequeathed Power and Status but simply were Appointed when the King and Queen Willed it. They moved on to their Other Star Kingdoms and the next child ‘In Waiting’ to be Appointed as ‘King-in-Standing’ or ‘Queen-in-Standing’ as the Parents happily looked on, ruling from the Main Kingdom and continuing to train them to be among the Wisest of the Wise and Strong Kings and Queens of the Fae Stars. The Rule of the Largest Kingdom was passed on when the King and Queen returned to the Stars of the Ethereal Faery Mist. This was the only thing that they knew of as Death.

  This in Truth did end the thoughts of War for position and power, as these Ones lived very long lifetimes. You could not always determine their age or lineage, as much was hidden to protect ‘The Line of the Reigning Kings and Queens’ and Ways of the Just and Fair was Star Read.

  Those of the Ethereal Faery Stars were duty-bound and of a different Light than the Worlds that they once Protected and cared for. This is why the wee little fairies loved the King and Queen so much and even they were ‘Granted’ a measure of Love’s power to dream anew. The King and Queen seemed to be living on Borrowed Ethereal Time.

  Their children grew to be quite the wonders. No one came to the Prince without first meeting with his wee little fairy folk, who took space among the King and Queen very seriously and secretly whispered among their Lighted Homes their very desires to one day transition and move to one of the Other Worlds if the Prince ever left. If indeed it was really true—who knew? One shouldn’t be surprised to see a World with only the wee little ones twinkling there, but know that the Tall Ones are still watching over them.


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