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Rings of Atlantis

Page 3

by Tammy Williams

  They often peered and listened too much, as the King and Queen knew well; quite curious they were, but their very curiosity was the reason that they did their jobs so well and were such a delight to the young Prince when just a boy, still running among the wolves with his brother.

  They entertained him with many stories of the goings on beyond the Castle Walls and often hid behind curtains and vases, with young Serian and Kerian hiding too. The little wee fairies looked for anything that would hide their little twinkle and glow, even among the Fairy Realm. They were all fairies of different makes and sizes, but the littlest ones of them all were quite resourceful and could find the tiniest of spaces to peep from, while the Tall Ones had become accustomed to Shielding their Light. Eventually, no one would know what a fairy looked like, as many came and went about their business pretending to be human.

  The little wee ones couldn’t change their appearance, so they were carefully guarded as their curiosity brought much mirth to the Realm. They could move about with such ease; even as some of the taller elfin-size fairies could disappear and move between the very walls. They weren’t the tallest of the lot but tall enough to fit in with a small child of seven. Yes, still quite small, but with such a wondrous gifts without having wings. They saw no need for such as they simply loved to disappear and reappear with their found things. They were, in fact, ‘Gatherers’. Many unique bowls and pots of all sizes they collected, and did indeed trade and sell so that a sort of commerce thrived between them and the Taller Ones that did like to entertain trade and keep their little Ones busy. Anything you wanted, they could retrieve; so very useful they became as they too served their Purposes Granted, as they were moved along and made from Love’s fairy Light too, to be what they were.

  As the children of the Fae Royals grew to great heights and learned much about Faery Light and Creating with Ethereal Enchantments, by their side were always the Fairy Helpers. Ranging in different sizes and colors to help and assist them, support them and keep a watchful eye on the Royal young, sometimes rambunctious ones as children tend to be, the little wee folk were always ever near listening, laughing and never forget protecting fore they never forget and will remind you if a lesson is meant.

  Wealth and growth was attained through the camaraderie of the wee fairy folk of all sizes through mutual respect and joy, as wished and indeed, instilled by example of the Royal Fae King and Queen and their little children that grew up side by side with the wee fairy folk. The Wee Folk ate together and shared many things of materials and goods. Each wee fairy brought a different gift and talent and shared different items as each one found different things among the ‘Finding Realms’ that they could reach.

  It was such a joy and contentment as each one of a different Make would push his and her abilities and little wings to reach Other Realms, mostly within their protected space, to find things. These very Realms were Spaces of the Fae Kingdom right next door, but never tell a wee little fairy folk! They shared stories among each other of Traveling to the far distant stars, just to bring back a coveted golden spoon and trade it for the brightest, shimmery stockings and swaddling for a newborn wee baby fairy.

  Yes, these were the ‘Days of the Faeries’ that Held Time and Dimension within their Thoughts and Borders, far from the Outer Worlds still warring with emotions and lands, not even fully grown in spirit yet.

  Even among coins of silver and gold there was no squabble, as a little wee one would simply find it and trade it as easily as one would trade yarn. That might be what an unsuspecting one would get if greedily searching for their Fabled rainbows. Even the little wee ones had cousins, friends and acquaintances among each other that weren’t against tricks and fun for the lesson, of course, if you happened upon an angry fairy child.

  At least that’s the fairy version that the King received from his little ones. Everyone knew that among the many fairy realms, big and small, were little windows for the peering fairies and a little thunder as they traveled by their Ways to this Realm or that Dimension; “between here and there” is all that the Wee Grand Fairies would say.

  So, all lived well with the King and Queen as their Stars continued to Turn.

  The wee little folk loved their Lands and dreamed of moving on to the Other Planets and Spaces that they secretly heard about and dreamed of finding as their own hearts yearned for a Quest, if only they could have their Own Little Door to pass down to their little Ones coming up. Even the fairies had a ranking system as off some did fly.

  You could often hear them whispering, “I know I specifically heard the King and Queen speaking of Other Realms—beautiful beyond compare and full of Things for us to find.”

  Of course, King Norlin and Queen Faerleena knew all that was heard within their Faery Kingdom and bordering inner Dimensions. In one of the Dimensions, still quite young, lived their son and the twin of Serian, just beginning to move with a new fairy kind that had emerged in that area. It was showing promise, to King Norlin’s delight; but no matter how much time passed, Kerian still favored the Wolf, as its Moon and different Light seemed to flow through him wherever he went. It sat more cloaked within Serian, who didn’t seem to mind as he grew.

  Along with the fairy attendants and advisors to Prince Kerian as a Transitioning Ruler of his new domain was the Light of the Wolf that seemed to move in its own mysterious ways. Despite his Fae Heritage, it magically stretched, pushing the borders of the lands and oceans even further, adding to the new territory. At the same time, his Parents, not fully understanding the Wolf Energy, kept its secret and loved Kerian no less.

  Because of the blessing of the expanding Wolf Light, the Fae Stars—already Glowing to be lived upon—filled with water, land creatures, fairy hills and valleys more beautiful than anything you have ever seen before; a blueprint existed with possibilities not yet discovered.

  The Wishing Faery Royals

  Prince Serian‘s Lands were the next in line to be honored, now that Kerian was all settled and he would be Set to Rule alone. His Parents contemplated their next Child and Star to Groom for Faery Life to flourish and the wee little ones couldn’t wait, although they would miss the Presence of the King and Queen.

  “Mer! Mer! Mer babies, we’re here!” said the wee little fairy girl in a rush of her own light and wing winds. “This is the very spot. We saw a little Mer baby boy and others.”

  “Right here?” asked the Prince, “Near my Secret Waters?”

  “Well, yes,” said the little wee fairies, “but we weren’t snooping. No. We definitely weren’t snooping. We were visiting. Yes, that’s it. Just visiting what you would soon let us see.”

  “We heard you,” yelled the littlest wee baby fairy. “We heard you say you might open it—”

  Before he could finish, his mouth was promptly covered as the Prince hid his smile.

  “Well, we are here now; so let’s investigate,” said Prince Serian.

  With a flutter of their wings and excitement in the Air, the little wee fairies moved as close to the Water’s edge as they could and finally stilled in a slow hover over the waters as a light breeze blew.

  “See,” said the fairies. “This isn’t the normal breeze.”

  “Well, this isn’t normal, even for a Fairy World,” said another. “It seems to blow only in certain spots, like skipping rocks, then it just disappears.”

  “Yes,” said an Elder Wee Fairy. “It disappears below.”

  “Ah ha! It’s a Path,” said one of the Wee Elder Mother Fairies.

  “An Enchanted Path, but not of my Making,” said the Prince, almost to himself. “Let me think a little—“

  With a Wave of his hands and a Perking Up of his Ears that now Arched from rounded to a Point—a trick of the Fae that hid their lineage—he listened carefully beyond the wee fairies hearing. Sure enough, he heard the sound of pooling waters further below the surface that were distinct and seemed connected to the invisible skipping rocks. It had to be a deep tunnel space below that ran quite far. A si
gn for his Ears and Senses alone. . .

  Unknown to Prince Serian, a Merman stood below, watching the Channel of Water that the Prince could hear.

  “We want to see! We want to see! What is it?” said the little wee fairies in singular chorus to the Prince.

  “Okay. Okay. Be patient! If I do this, you must promise to listen and not go too far.”

  “We promise, we won’t rush off!” they all said with a flutter and lift of colors from their magical wings.

  “Hold still,” said the Prince as he closed his eyes and formed a Dream, at which a Sprinkling of Faery Enchantment lifted the very Waters, forming a circular Ringlet. It turned a brilliant white as if the very Stars of their Heavens had come down. As the little wee fairies began to twirl and spin, not of their own accord, they were spun into the Water Ringlet; tiny droplets of water and light showered their gentle wings that disappeared and reappeared, but this time they didn’t appear the same.

  “Open your eyes,” said the Prince.

  They all at once gasped and smiled with glee. “Our wings, our wings!” They shouted with joy. “Why, they’re all light. Are they attached?”

  “Yes and no,” said the Prince. They are of a Light Essence, so that your little wings are tucked away and protected while these light wings will carry and protect you under water. Now remember, don’t go far. You are just to look today, not play...and don’t pick anything up. No finding anything.”

  “Okay. We promise,” they all said as they lined up in a formation to dive under, with the littlest wee ones in the middle, surrounded by their mothers. Not one would stay behind as excited they were to see everything.

  “I have one more surprise for you,” said the Prince.

  “Once under, there will be someone waiting to meet you. A few actually,” said Prince Serian.

  “Who? Who? Tell us!”

  “You’ll see,” and with that he blew a gentle breath and his wee little ones went under.

  Afterwards the Prince lay down on the soft ground and Dreamed a Dream of his own. It was a Creation Vision actually. He saw the very Space under Water where the wee little ones were going and Opened the Space for the water pixies and devas to come through and meet his little Ones. They were all excited as they had heard whispers of their Land Fairy Family who lived far away.

  ...and the Wolf Runs Free

  As the Fae Prince lay still, as still as He was trained, capturing the Vision, a light wind blew near. Who goes there? He sent out a Thought, knowing for sure that it was another Fae Blend, for He himself was not as He appeared.

  Only the still of the quiet touched his senses, so he sent it out again. A Wind thought. Several times he did so without a word, only a breeze. He sent a Protective Shield to surround his little wee fairies and a light thought to some of the larger Gatherer Fairies to watch out for his little ones traveling under water while he left the Bubble of the Vision to more fully sense his surroundings that now seemed disturbed or changed somehow.

  His ears now Transitioned to a point slowly as he bared his now sharp teeth...

  Two actually. His Hidden Fangs.

  “Who’s there?” he said aloud, this time expecting an answer. Then something strange happened. He felt a tug on his light. His very cells felt pulled somehow, but not of His Will. “It cannot be. Come out.”

  “Brother!” he said smiling.

  “It is I,” said Prince Kerian, his fraternal twin. From the Shadows now appeared the silhouette of a Form, not quite physically set.

  First, the Face of a Wolf Appeared as a White, Light Mist; Eyes Glowing. Then it vanished, as the sound of a Wolf howl could be heard, and one suddenly appeared out of a burst of Light on all fours in the distance, running at full speed. It then disappeared, seeming only as a Shadowy Glimmer hidden by the darkness of the Moon’s Mystery.

  A Face—this time Human—similarly appeared. The Shadow of His dark hair waved back and forth, framing his face until his whole form emerged out of His Light.

  “Brother!!” They embraced; so glad to see each other after such a long period away, learning in different Star Dimensions that sat side by side, but closed to each other as each was poised to become the King Next of that Space.

  Oh, the Urge surged strongly now, as Prince Serian—more given to the faery ways—just couldn’t hold back when his brother was near; so close they were and the only ones in fact, to carry the Wolf Blood too.

  With Teeth fully formed to reveal Fangs, and the light of the faery blood still pulsing, they Transformed into the Wolf in part, appearing somewhere between Half Man, Half Wolf as their skin remained the same. Only their teeth and hands seem changed, as fangs grew larger of the Wolf and claws appeared, until the Wolf Form was allowed to Merge and Flow Free. Two Gigantic Wolves of different colors appeared, running at full speed on Fours, quite larger than Prince Kerian’s traveling Wolf companion.

  They held Dominion over the Meaning of the Wolf’s Howl and possessed a skill and mindset beyond the animal kingdom but even then, their Full Force was not shown. Just as quickly as the Change occurred, out again was thrust another Great Light. The Wolves seemed to smile as a Human would, with the exhilaration of the experience and the Leap of Light causing a Shake of their cells; again, Transforming their Bodies to Simultaneously Change into Wolves of Upright Light—semi-physical, Fully the Wolf—as this was the Truth of the Wolf.

  As they both moved, their Form Burst Forth through their Light; growing Taller, broader, and of White Hair to run at full speed through the Private Realms away from prying eyes that they might embrace their Wolf Blood with the Freedom of the Run. The Thought of the Wolf allowed each to express himself in solitude, without need to answer to anyone but the Moon’s Call and the Run.

  The sheer moment allowed for a Merging of the Twins as they linked to fulfill the Wolf Task. As their Minds Met, small orbs of Light appeared and became what was of their Destiny’s Making. Five images of white, ethereal wolves appeared, one being the largest of them all, the one that would lead, and then they disappeared into the forest to be later Called.

  It was natural for the spirit of the Upright Wolf to push them to run with the Breeze of Their White Light, just as the wolf on fours ran with the wind. It was as natural as the wings of the Fairies carrying them about at night. It was the very Air and, interestingly, the Sea for them. It was Life’s Light coursing through their Veins, which they in turn used to create their companions among the stars that have accompanied many in times of need—unbeknownst to them—as Sea God Triton sat, with the very Image of them not yet visible.

  It was indeed the Mystery of the Wolf.

  Mergers made long ago—even before this Enchanted Time of the Faeries.

  The Twins ran for what seemed like an eternity, until one finally slowed to a final stop to stare at the Moon and Call his wolf on Fours closer. Ever connected, his wolf came running; as Prince Kerian shifted between his form of Light and physicality and Serian did the same, changing back into what appeared as Human Form, with all signs of pointy ears, fangs and claws now hidden out of sight.

  “Ever the Dramatic, I see,” said Prince Serian. “You couldn’t just say that it was you?” He smiled, already knowing what Kerian would say.

  “Well, I had to pull on your Light just a little bit to get you to Change or you would have made me sit and talk before the Run.”

  “Ah, the Run of the Wolf! You know we aren’t supposed to do it here. We are still hidden.”

  “I know. I know. That’s why I sent Scout out first to look.”

  “Not fair. You still run with your wolf on Fours.”

  “Yes, but you have the wee fairies. They both serve a purpose in our Dual Dimensions not merged yet.”

  “True. I do miss the Run, but the wee fairy Ones keep me entertained.”

  “I know,” said Kerian. “A few pop in and out along the Borders of the Star Void. They aren’t yet aware of My Other Side but they are looking and hoping. I can sense their dreams. They leave a trail of
light each time they come, so I can track their tunnels of light. It’s a great Gift to have, because we can track their whereabouts when they say they’re finding things,” continued Prince Kerian, now laughing, “and add to what their Quest. . .and it does make for a better Ruling King. That brings me to why I visit—I’ve heard the wee fairy chatter.”

  “Listening?” his twin of the Fae Lands asked.

  “Yes, it must be in our blood, just like the little ones. What fairy doesn’t listen and peer a bit? So, what has come up upon your Waters?” asked Kerian in a more serious tone.

  “Apparently, we have more than an official visit of Mer.”

  “Hmm, they don’t appear often nor stay long. Do you have any clues, other than what is to be done to the Outer World that didn’t Ascend?”

  “I plan to discuss it when Father and Mother return. I saw one Mermaid and She has already started Sirening; so a type of Water Ascension may start, along with many things shifting. A Neptune Shift has never occurred during our Parents’ Reigning Times, nor any Time I’ve read about in our Library Records; so I don’t really know what to expect.”

  “Well, what is below your Seas exactly?”

  “We don’t know yet. She only sent a Water Vision, not her full self and it was a twin sight. Not necessarily a Mermaid. There was a Male and Female Face. I wasn’t sure just how close they were or if another Water Thought would be sent. My little wee fairy Ones saw the babies, so they feel comfortable enough to allow Mer children to swim above.”

  “Hmm. It might be time for an Alignment of our Doorways. What of the Other Dimensions and Alignments already scheduled?” asked Prince Kerian.

  “I don’t know yet. We have moved quite a bit on our Own, with Fae and Angelic Light Ones recalibrating their Wings; but the Mermen could add another Space and another Dimension to the Sky Realms, and the Mermaids could Siren among our Waters for the Rebirths. We could have a broader Space than Father has yet to build.”


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