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Rings of Atlantis

Page 7

by Tammy Williams

  The taller Gatherer Fairies, while not as tall as those standing near to the King and Queen—I suppose some would say these were what was considered a normal size among Fairies, but what was normal anyway? Do pardon me as I sometimes ramble a bit. It must be my fairy blood.

  The Gatherer Fairies often made their Homes appear similar to the Homes among the King and Queen’s structures and buildings, but fitting their size. Everything was a tad bit smaller, but fine indeed; as Ones among them all would and did visit, no matter the size or how big or small. Love flourished among them all.

  Yes, their Homes were quite colorful, with chimneys that smoked with the smell of food as laughter spilled through the Windows and Store Houses. Why, they even constructed a Market Place outdoors. Sometimes they could barter with the very Tall Ones themselves, or the little wee Ones might Twinkle through to share a short walk or a long stroll with the little wee One’s children in tow. They all chatted and enjoyed the Day as others would, though it did carry its unique charm. The Taller Ones could not fit into the Doorways of the Gatherer Fairies’ Homes and Stores, but the Market Places were quite acceptable. Outside, they could chat about the things and wonders surrounding them.

  So enjoyed was this time that many Gatherer Fairy Market Places were created; the Taller Ones could enjoy their company more often in their out-of-doors areas built by them, with a few additions. Chairs and Tables were stationed about just for the Taller Ones’ comforts, and a mushroom or two Enchantingly sprouted to stay around for their little Twinklers, the wee fairy Ones.

  As Night came upon them and the light of the Day left, the very Lands of the Fae would shift. The Gatherer Fairies nestled in, as were the little wee Ones, but in their specific Mounds. These Mounds would hide the Gatherer Fairies’ Homes, as if all that was there were the chairs and tables of the Tall Fae. Upon the Rising of the Fairy Light Orb, why again the Lands and Springs would part, revealing their wonderful Homes and Things to be told, bartered and shared.

  So, no, they did not live within the tiny mounds as the wee fairy Ones did, but they did live upon the Shifting Lands that were created as such, to be a mound when it needed to be.

  Goodnight, Fairy Lands. Fairytale Dreams!

  What Goes Up

  Sea Thrones

  Neptune awaited word, as His Sea Son Triton surely Sat somewhere, among Stars that mimicked the Cosmic Oceans and its Waves.

  This was Triton’s Sea Light; Triton, who was the very Image of Neptune, his Father. Quite Grand were his Waters and quite hidden also. His Domain was well above Darker Waters acting as Space Voids, so that Ones of the Angelic Sight might Protect the Spaces, while getting glimpses of endless waves and scattered Islands and Lands themselves to report back to Archangel Michael. The Mer Guards alone allowed entrance, for only Mer could enter there. Nothing was as it seemed, even of Triton’s Realms; Secret Water Passage was allowed for the Prince of the Fae and the Wolf, his twin brother, between Mazes and Doors not clearly seen, but always felt by the Wolf Heart.

  It actually seemed as if non-existent. Mer Spaces were, for quite some time, a Fable among the living Fables. Just as Triton had not been heard from in many Planet Risings or Fae Years, the People of the Mer could be quite Mysterious and Secretive. When allowed and in a good mood, Triton let a Heavenly Water Way Open. There would be much surprise about what could be seen on each Level, and that surprise explained the very reason why the Sea Doors didn’t Open much.

  Why? The Sea Babies were the reason. The Children of the Mer moved about quite carefree and frequently in all parts of the Heavenly Waters, playing and going about their Sea Day. Babies Sea crawled as Enchanted Kelp swayed them this way and that, but to outsiders it might just look like stars. Even the adolescent Mer boys and girls rushed about playfully, as Triton’s Light danced, creating moving flora and fauna in beautiful arrays for the Mer Babies to play and create. Meanwhile, below the Seas, the fairies picked Things up to be found.

  Mermaids were the Stationed Guards of Triton’s Seas. They didn’t allow a Door to Rise or Appear as Open until it was considered through Mer Times, which is where the thought of Mermaids, Calculations and a connection with the Moon came from. A tide’s rise and crest was sometimes used, along with the phases of a Moon Cycle, as a Door for the Ethereal Mermaid Light to flow through. Softly as an Above and Below Sea Thought, while the Oceans could rise to great heights. Easy for a Mer to move in if a Dimensional watery Door opened, but not so easy for traveling Mortals. Adjustments were made to soften the Sea Transmissions that weren’t always in the waters as some thought. Mer Beings had an Ethereal Space too, just as the Angels; as well as homes, literally in the Sea of some Planets.

  The Mermen of Triton were the Ones encountered first. Unbeknownst to many, they indeed walked the Lands, secretly belonging to the Above Sea Worlds and Lower Realms without the Sight or Presence of a Fin. One would see the Image of a Wolf and Fae of the Winds without forewarning, if they did indeed intend to come or find the Myth without invitation.

  With so much Creation Light and enthusiasm of the little wee fairies and Mer babies moving about in play, One could almost forget the serious Nature of the Seas now moving Above Triton. His Father Neptune quietly allowed a repeat of the frequency heard over and over—what’s in the boat?

  What’s in the boat? The Mermaids and Mermen were listening.

  The Words resonated on Multiple Lower Earths and their Ethereal Spaces. A Signal had been sent out and the Mermaids’ Sea Sirened. Sirening actually began without a Sound, as Ancient Mermaids and Mermen Watched the goings on of Planets and reported word back to Triton and Neptune; more so Written rather than sung, as many Sea Worlds were alerted.

  It was a Secret and a hushed Sound for the Ears of Cronus and Ouranos only, and seen by Neptune. Neptune himself was only seen by Triton Officially. Triton was the very first one, the very first born of Neptune; the One who led the Wolf and Fae, the Twin Princes born for this job, for this purpose of Neptune’s Cosmos Created so long ago, unknown by many.

  The Twins swam in a Bubble of Watery, Glowing Sea Light of Neptune, waiting to be birthed, as a Great Spark of Lightning did indeed Herald itself Forth. The Fae King and Queen were deemed the Ones to receive this New Birth Given for Triton’s Day. Very Guarded and Protected was this Light in its infancy; now stood two fully grown, wise Guardians of the Way of Neptune, unbeknownst to the Fae King and Queen for a time.

  Questions were now asked and pondered over. The Wolf’s Eyes lit up with his Twins’ knowledge, as they were synced regardless of the Dimension. Prince Serian now gently spoke with his little wee fairies who had newly emerged from Underwater, with great news to bear—all that a little wee One could gather anyway. The Twins were fast gaining their own Sea Light Quest, separate from this Water’s Rise and separate from their Fae Lineage.

  Much time passed before the Fae Prince could secretly move to his Brother’s side. His little wee Ones now slumbered for the night in their own little wee village, full of fantastic dreams of their voyage Undersea with their newly discovered Sea Family and the Mer People.

  After Speaking for some time, the Air seemed to change as Triton himself Opened a Space.

  A Quickening began that was Timed and Written to occur as Prince Serian and Prince Kerian seemed locked in thought.

  Neptune’s Realm of Time had indeed Clicked. The Opened Memories connected the Twins’ Minds to their True Home of the Oceans and Seas, spanning Universes of Stars beyond their Royal Parents’ Borders. This allowed Passageways below the Ocean where the Sea Message was first heard, through the Secret Sea Doors that were not of the same Stars, nor Royally Connected through their Fae Lineage but through their Star Lineage of Mer.

  A Returning of Neptune’s Ways

  The Quickening started out as a gentle trickle of Sea Light, flowing to the minds of Princes Serian and Kerian, granting them the forgotten knowledge of Neptune Written long ago as Triton held Dominion. In unison a Vision was given, showing the Creation of a smal
l flow of water upon Spinning Planets that looked like Earth. The Energy was larger than anyone knew, as it could grow or lessen, depending on the Reports sent back. Things looked favorable at first; the Seas Showered down in many places, Creating Life as the Mer Children desired. Then, the Vision wavered; it appeared not as concrete or solidly made, as a shifting of Times occurred and Earth spun downward.

  The Vision within the minds of the Twins now showed a downpour of Water filled with Neptune’s Words that lay on Glowing Tablets below the Sea Dwellings of the Fae. This is what the little wee Fairies had indeed spoken about. They had been there all along, Underwater, sitting unlit and buried, until the Trident sent a Spark. Many Mer Worlds synchronized and the Mermen and Mermaids of Royal Seas saw the Message Lights of their Ancient Ones, giving the Accountings required to petition a Neptune Space.

  The Royal Mer assured that these Signals went Up and Sea God Neptune answered in His own Way. The Mer Royals Robed themselves again to come down, even as Hermes was sent to alert Zeus.

  The Glowing Tablets of Neptune

  The Unique Creation Energy, given to the Royal Mer Class who possessed Fins and Feet, now Opened as the Cells of the Twins turned. The Royal Mer could Sight Swim, done by sending an Organic Vision of themselves as Mer where they wanted to—without actually leaving their Realms—to Walk with Feet, emerging right out of the Oceans. Who could tell what was actually real? They did, at times, send out Representatives that acted the same as the Winged Ones. To show their hidden fins to anyone not Mermaid or Merman was rare. As the life of a Mer moved in dual ways, the fin wasn’t Lit Up until Coronations were set. Fin Light established Mer Worlds, not those of the Faeries, nor those of Mortals. It was interesting that this Sea Quickening was, in fact, occurring on a Faery World rather than a Sea World.

  The time had become dire for the Doors that were now looked at by Triton, because they were dormant rather than Open. It was wondered why they even still existed if no longer used. Many Mer now felt an alert. Not Given their fins to move yet, these Mer were already working in secret, appearing just as an Angel might. Small Sea Features would Transition them from Angelic Appearance to Merman and Mermaid to Cross the Cosmic Sea Chasm. Not surprisingly, swimming was still required, because the Neptune Star Dominion Beyond was not of the same Make up as the Angelic Realms, where the swiftness of wings could carry you through. Only Archangel Michael knew of the Mer Walking as Angels within His Heavenly Court.

  Many Blended Worlds did Exist though and did Move Physically Undersea of the Domes of long ago, reminiscent of Triton’s Atlantis. Many, many Fae and Wolf Kingdoms would Sail the Skies of New Stars Born but the Mythical Doors of Earth lay firmly closed. The Gatherer Fairies stretched their ears and talents to hear words and read about it through their Daily Flutter as it told of the goings on Outside beyond their Rainbows.

  What’s in the boat?

  What had Earth metaphorically stored up and, indeed, physically accrued?

  All kinds of Treasures had once lain strewn about, buried deep Undersea and in Caves; as Ones sought to dig them up, full of stories of the Ancient People of the Mer and Others.

  Many of the Statues that lay broken and buried under the Seas of the Ancient Sea Gods and Goddesses of Mount Olympus were now sought after by Archangel Michael’s Guardians. They could Talk to the One Granted; what was broken were the lines of many frequencies, as the Statues were Called Forth by Lesser Mer with their Angelic Companions. They Emerged Undersea from lower levels of Dark Waters without anyone knowing that they had Risen or that anything at all moved below of the Mortal World. Anchors had been shifting. It was very dangerous as the very One Offending Love’s Light moved, Calling itself the Beginning and Destroyer, bouncing everything in the winds. It moved, not so much subtly, but built upon each day as words and meditations of Mortal Man’s Mind grew. The Energy Breathed as it too thought itself superior and even more scientific than Man, as if Ones of Long Ago held no true Star Knowledge.

  Mere Statues of Antiquity had become the Actual Voices of Neptune, who did listen as his children spoke of what had become of His Day. The very Angels read Mortal Man’s Oceans, as the Statues retold history and time while the Mer Angels arranged for the Cosmic Sea Crossing.

  The very Statues stood for the Times of the Olympian Gods and Goddesses and of the Titans who distantly Watched on through the Frequencies and Days made. What went up was paramount as the Image of the Statues and the care of the Thoughts of the Mer People were considered. Very important also were the Stories of the Titans and the Olympians whose Truth wouldn’t herald a New Day until what was a lie came to the surface. A Softening would occur for those not involved. In this case, the movement of the Negative Energy seemed to Spin and Swirl, mimicking Man’s Light. It was a falseness empowered by the Thoughts of Man himself and an End, rather than a Beginning, was Created instead. One by One, the True Lights Left and now the final One of the Fairies would leave as Neptune allowed an End.

  Truth had a way of being forced through. What went Up became Splintered and Untrue, to be unraveled and sent back down. The Angels were the first line of Defense and Protection for Ascension and they held back the Herald Call for Earths’ to go Up until all was settled.

  The Mer People had waited a long time, though not even thought of now as the Siren Calls went out. What’s in the Boat? An Echo chanted through the very Heavens and stars as Neptune waited, and those aligned of the Fae and Wolf Prince were set to Ascend.

  Part 3

  Day of Mer

  Dual Awakening: the Twin Princes shall Become Kings

  It seemed as only a moment. A mere flash of Light within time and within the Faerie World, but how long the Twin Princes were actually under, no one knew. The Royal House became worried as the King and Queens’s visit away seemed extended.

  The Quickening now caused a jolt of Energy to Surge through and surround them. They no longer sat where they were. As if in between Time, they now sort of floated in and out of Sea God Neptune’s Thoughts as he Merged Triton, his first born heir with his Image. Now the twins, his younger Sons, Serian and Kerian—not known by many of Mer—stood bowed before Triton as Sacred Crowns were placed upon each of their heads.

  They were actually in a Sleep State where each twin could view himself and the other. They both stood side by side as Grand Doors were placed before them once they both accepted their Crowns.

  “—and you shall Rule by Moon, as the other Rules by Sun to proclaim forever Neptune’s Ways. Hearts of my Heart, you both are, as you carry within your blood the Faery and Werewolf ways.” In this surreal dream, both twins could feel their emotions as the Wolf Crest entwined with the Faery Sunlight of their hidden birthmark. It revealed itself for the first time since they were mere babies, Lighting a New Day as the Werewolf blood surged with a stronger force through Prince Serian’s veins. His twin brother Kerian, who carried more of the Wolf’s ways, felt the Pointing of his Faery Ears peak; Hidden Wings that he’d never used before Emerged fully spread out, with the Strength of the Faery Angelics now linked with his Wolf.

  A signal was sent out to the Awaiting Angels as the Arch of Michael Swung. It was time.

  Before they both entered their Doors, Archangel Michael’s Light blazed the Sign of His Coming and His Unity with them, forming Ancient Lettering of Golden and Purple Hues as a Protection Seal of his Guardian Angels around both Doors now formed. As the Massive Doors opened, it was like peeking into Another World, with Lands as vast as the eyes could see, full of Enchantment’s Light that could create whatever they wished at a mere thought.

  These would be the Lifted Realms that they both ruled. A Doorway of Neptune that Triton, His First born Mer Son, installed to act as a Support for the other ascended Realms of the Angelics.

  As they both stepped forward, closer to the Doors, a Great Light cast out and caused them to move back. Both Doors all at once merged into Oneness creating the look of One Door.

  “You shall forever be connected, my Sons, and Ru
le Day and Night as One. I am your Father and you have matured well. Guard your hearts, the little ones to come and I shall forever watch over you.” With that, Sea God Neptune’s Voice faded. A Water Flow of Light passed across the Doors, now turned back into two, but entering One was like entering the Other.

  Prince Kerian and Prince Serian Rule Together each Kingdom, one of the Faeries and one of the Werewolves as they both displayed the Ways of the Sun and the Ways of the Moon as Unified. No one has seen the Werewolves in eons of time. They too seemed as only a Myth, but alive and well they were as surely as both Princes’ hearts beat.

  Triton now pulled their Thoughts to him. Both twins saw themselves already playing, boys of maybe only five years old, within the Doorways. They smiled happily without a care in the World as the Doors were slowly swinging closed. Now within the hearts of the Twins lay Neptune’s Promise and a New Life for their future to come. They both witnessed their Mermaid Mother full of Neptune’s Sea Light and Streaming with Colors pick them up, little Mer boys with fins. It was like a tug on their hearts, as a flash of their former selves before they were born jolted their Minds and Triton brought them back.

  Neither Twin showed signs of being Mer. It was the very beat of their hearts that propelled their Life’s Energy just as the very blood of their faery Parents gave them breath. They were born for a purpose, once only a Forgotten Whisper, but now they stood as a Sign. Until Written, their true Sea Lineage would remain a secret, kept by Archangel Michael himself, until Triton Decreed its announcement.

  The Faery and Werewolf Reign could be heralded now.

  Both twins’ eyes lit up a different color as Triton settled them down. All signs of their Fae Ears and Wings vanished just as the Wolf crest left no mark. They came back to their own senses but the Memories of the Quickening remained. They had Changed though not apparent. They were stronger and even more unified as brothers.


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