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Rings of Atlantis

Page 6

by Tammy Williams

  “I know,” he said, smiling. “I’ll thank them later. We feel more than they realize.”

  “Perhaps we should go look on the deer. You know, a new doe was born!” she said, as they disappeared within the hollow of their Special Fae Tree home just beyond the bush.

  A Tall Guardian Fairy closed his ‘Way of Looking’ at the Gnomes and Fairies, as he assessed his report to be given to Prince Serian and gauged the amount Fairy Light that they needed.

  Faer Realm Landscape

  As carts of the Tallest Fairies moved about upon the hills and valleys, up and down, not one straight path could be seen. No, not many existed; nor were they around if any at all existed. The Tall Fae, just like their little Ones, were quite resourceful at hiding things. This included Lands and Homes that could seem as if Invisible and even Nonexistent as the most Powerful of the Fae Made it so.

  They were among the richest of Beings ever made. Their Star Paths of long ago, Created by the ‘Fae in Hiding’, were Aligned to Meet this most precious Day, as Time was never as it seemed. Traps were set to catch so-called travelers of the Mortal Worlds, who no longer searched for treasures of gold but for the very Essence of Life itself.

  As these very words were written, a baby not even born yet—yes, of Fae light and something more—did already sit cradled in his Fae Father’s arms; not old enough yet to speak, but stars spinning in the Universe he could make upon sight and through the very thought of it.

  These were the Fae, in Alliance with the Wolf, whose Secrets ran deep Among the Stars and indeed would spread their Wolf King wide among the Creations. The Stars, farther than this Faery Day, held many secrets; just as every bend of the road held a hill or bump that fairy Light of the wee Ones might glow, and the Tallest of them all might say, "Be careful, the littlest wee ones are here; don’t you know?"

  With a rhyme or two, Riddles were set. The Ones of the Highest Heights showed great Humbleness that flowed into this story, allowing Days to Merge when Willed.

  The desire to move Will could be tricky, as egos were looked at even as the lightness of the Creators held sway; pushing all other creations of the lower Realms even lower and giving the thought of Worlds within Worlds that no Heavens of Haughtiness might ever be created. This, in part, Created many of the Realms and Worlds now seeming as One. In truth, there was a separation, as Love was the only Height in Existence and allowed to be physical. Here, in the Faerie Realms of King Norlin and Queen Faerleena, Love’s Light existed as an Invisible Separation, now meant to Move further away and become part of a True Upper Space. Love’s Light Created many things not even believed to be possible in the Mortal Realms. The Faerie Lands revealed this day with its hills and valleys that Twinkled Dimly and Misted Over with their Secrets and Things forgotten as the little wee Ones—believed nonexistent—still moved on.

  Why, they might be sweeping at their door or chatting while they sat, and with a little twinkling of their light, the Tall Ones did catch a bit of their conversations. Oh, they liked to chatter and drink and play! If you wanted to hear a bit of their music and laughter, just leave out a berry or crumb of your cake; even a small jug, fancied just for them, holding a bit of ale and they might sit and stay—stay for a while and even bring their very littlest Ones, the wee children and the baby Fae. Just set aside a little milk, or even a bit of your news on the paper of the Day, and they just might ‘Twinkle Around’ to read and share with you the tidbits that they picked up in their ways.

  As up and down all the hills went, why even the very Waterfalls seemed to move with a curve rather than as they usually went.

  And this is how the Story and Rhymes of the Fairies go, for these are fairy Lands of lanes, hills and valleys, quite unique and sometimes mysterious; yes, where Wonders are made, as the peeking little ones of the Waters do part them just to be curious.

  Oh yes, they were indeed meant, but by doing this, allowing these wondrous and miraculous things—even of the littlest Ones created and Born—this did indeed create the very ‘Things’ that caused the Tall Ones to query such and carefully move, as they looked about in search of the Prince’s Waters. These Waters did indeed Enchantingly move, but these movements the very Tall Ones did not mistake.

  Oh, they have their Ways; their Ears do bend to a Point and Perk up and do listen upon the Other Inter-dimensions as allowed, receiving the Waves of news and wonders mentioned. Ears to hear what some Others may not of the Lands where they did play, work, and roam about.

  Yes, the King and Queen, along with the Gods and Goddesses Beyond, Hidden in Obscurity had blessed them with many New Ways and Places to discover, as a harsh Ruling Class didn’t sit upon the Lands. From afar, the King and Queen Spoke and sent many Sons and Daughters out to Rule as Gentle Whispers of the Day’s Faerie Ways. This was done to create a space where the Natural Wonders of the Fae might flourish and, yes, grow; becoming a Law of Love as their Hearts they did get to know.

  Ahh! There were indeed many Lands of the Fae not even lived upon yet, as the King and Queen Assessed their Star’s Dimensional potentials. The ones in growth, but not yet Seated by the Princes and Princesses, were in wait of their Arrivals; but moved on as if the Presence of King Norlin and Queen Faerleena was already there. Signs of each Dimension’s growth and Love’s Light did Travel as the Fae Guardians Caught their Words and in many Miraculous Ways.

  Fairy Rhyme

  These Other Lands were quite Connected, beyond the Twinkling’s and curiosity of their little wee Ones of the Fae Royals.

  As Worlds within Worlds did become quite a reality, back when Other Gods and Goddesses they knew

  Yes, when they, the Tall Fairies desired and were of the mood, then a few little wee Ones upon their shoulders they might carry through

  To look at the Giants thought not to any more roam.

  To even see a few Creations that are no longer seen at home.

  Why, the little wee ones would love this, and in whispers did talk of such,

  “Who wants a Quest—An Adventure?"

  Within their hearts, it became a must

  When in the Quest they did Trust.

  Faerie Lessons

  So many Fairies came to be, of all sizes and talents quite unique

  Though the Divines thought it best to hide each one’s very gift and some of their features

  That for each Other, each one might seek.

  The Tall Fairies

  The Tall Fairies of the King and Queen’s Heralded Seated Ruling Realm were much like the smaller fairies in appearance. They possessed the Ears of the Fae that did Arch into a Point at Will and were part of their natural features, granting them a special and unique Gift. They held the gift of hearing, superior to the Other Fairies, which reached just beyond their Light Borders. They could hear into the Other Realms of the Fairies, beyond the Light Door, and answer them swiftly if need be. They were also of a Taller Build and could move a bit faster and very agilely so. They were, in fact, the ‘Guardians of the Faery Mist’; for the Other Fairies did call upon them when in need. The King and Queen did ponder when and if a Time was meant for a greater role. The Angelics were very interested in them, for they could alter their appearance to a degree, to look somewhat Humanlike, as the Angels sometimes did when so desired by the Gods and Goddesses. No one would know of their True Lineage, nor of their Strength and Powers.

  The Fairies were indeed Brethren and Friends of different Dimensions that they called the ‘Other Lands’, and all did thrive just the same and felt a kindship; although some were less able to alter their appearance and unable to Open the Fabled Doors and Star Spaces the same as the Fairies of the King and Queen’s Palace.

  They were of different heights, yet very near the same. The Lesser Fairies’ Ears remained with its point and were quite keen to hear the goings on among the Enchanted Forests of their Homes. For some within the very Waters, the slightest of sounds could be made out. The difference lay within the very Borders of the Forest or Sea Lands that each Group inhabited. S
ome thrived more with Water, so that a structure and system of being occurred; Star-sent and in harmony with the Distant Ruling King and Queen and their sons and daughters still thought young, the Ones Known of anyway as some were quite far away. The very Star System of Memories for the Fae kept all Dreaming and Connected with each other. Many, many existed in the different Realms of the Fae; which was actually one Planet, but rather large as it housed many Dimensions.

  Over a Period of Time, the Fairies of the King and Queen and those Native to the ‘Lands beyond Their Light Doors’—but still a part of their Expanding Kingdoms—began to intermarry. These marriages produced a beautiful variety of fairy children, of many different and unique features and gifts now that sort of blended, to the King and Queen’s pleasure.

  Some were even considered the Heavenly Ones of the Faeries as they grew in Strength and waited to meet the Royal Ones of their Kind. This was to the delight of the King and Queen, who looked out most closely as they guarded their Lineage Libraries and the heart of the faeries because one day perhaps—who knew?— a Cloud City might be formed.

  Of their now separate Lands, Perhaps a ‘Grand Opening of the Doors’ should take place, thought Queen Faerleena, instead of the Guardians traveling between the different Dimensions or Ones living on one side or the other. An expansion of sorts, she thought. They had grown much and could move forward a bit more. The differences of each Dimension would remain, as the Chasm could not be removed; but the Magic of the Gateways could become solid rather than Light and Mist, as Doors now simply appeared when needed.

  Though different, each faery space was beautiful in its expression of uniqueness. Different dress styles along with different eating habits developed in harmony with the weather patterns, types of wildlife, and unique foods that grew within each Enchanted Forest area. Misty Water Spaces sometimes lit up with rainbow colors that became like small cities to themselves, connected through trade and tunnels made by the lesser fairies. One thing the Dimensions had in common was the camaraderie they shared with the Fae of the King and Queen’s Realm, who were now intermingled among them and held keys to the Hidden Doors. The children and families did indeed grow and prosper within the Fairy Realms of the One Spinning Planet, now Crystallizing as the Mortal World separated.

  The main Separations that were now Divinely Set were the Secret of the King and Queen; these allowed Travel between the inner Stars. These Stars became like mini-Planets as Life was expanded through Dreams and the Flow of the Gods and Goddesses. Travel too far beyond simply wasn’t allowed yet for all; some things of long ago still needed to be settled as Archangel Michael Watched the Heavens.

  Until then, many still moved and thrived; with care and compassion flowing among each other and with much freedom among the Carefully Made Stars. The Gods and Goddesses had Created them to look very, very real; but were they? Even the Tall Fae Wondered as Time Moved and sometimes didn’t.

  But this is the very reason—in part—for the Twins themselves.

  “Well, enough has been said until more is given and received,” whispered the Gods as the Goddesses sat near.

  Moving Suns, Moons & Stars...

  Things aren’t always what they seem.

  Time of the Fairy Days

  In those Days, not many actually thought of the word ‘Guardian’ as Peace had filled the tiny Planet, its Inter-dimensional Lands, and the Closed Doorways of long ago that lead to the dimensions of the lower Worlds. Once seen as spinning on their own but not much spoken of anymore, they were all but forgotten until the Mermaids showed up.

  These very Doors had been closed as even the very Heavens appeared different. Heavens upon Heavens were displayed within each Level of the tiny Planet, so that they appeared big to its occupants. The King and Queen knew well of what they had left and the times of the End Days of the Doors.

  They were all but forgotten among the Mortals looking at their Level of Space. Of course, there were always whispers and tiny ripples of moments allowed when the Gatherer Fairies read their Daily Flutter and when the wee little ones stood quietly peeping in the Prince’s Window or hiding in cupboards of the King’s Court to catch a Knighted Tall Fairy or two chatting with their Prince. There was no room in existence without a wee little one around, as everyone well knew. They tried their best to speak in whispers or but disappear altogether as sometimes the Prince did. Now, a Messenger stood near, wings spread out but not yet Speaking, as the King who lay upon his bed seemingly far away Dreamed of His Coming.

  The Winged Angels Appear

  Faerytale Realms

  Fae-llennia shall be its name

  and Faeradome

  Alas! Fairadore/Oceandor

  A dual city, housing fairies of the Lands and Sea

  Faery Levels

  Part 2

  And What Shall it be Called. . .

  All the Fairies Play, Big and Small

  The Fairies of King Norlin and Queen Faerleena did go about their Day quite busy with work in mind, but they always had time for play. They laughed and enjoyed each other whether working or sharing a meal. Why, even at the Grand Story Times known and attended by all, no matter the size, big or small, each and every one of them had a story to tell.

  Like: ‘Who actually colored the Skies, Day or Night?’

  And ‘Who actually made the Waters swell?’

  Why, even the King and Queen—on Special Occasion and quite waited for—shared a Story or two

  Of the Days when they were quite young, and in love they both grew.

  The Queen herself would blush as her Husband did remember well, the many stories of how their two Clans met and how peace did indeed ensue.

  “Tell us about your Wings,” said the wee little ones, and even the Gatherer Fairies among them did listen well.

  For it was a Grand Story indeed that did make the little ones of the Tall Fairies swell.

  Why, they would laugh with a mighty rumble

  And perhaps take a tumble if not for the flight.

  “Yes, tell us and show us,” the little wee ones would say

  As many did not see or remember the Wings of the Tall Fairies, as they were safely tucked away.

  They did not Twinkle as the wee little fairy Ones did, but upon the rush of adrenaline and near misstep of a Foot, a hovering—low above the ground—would take place. Just then, the Wings Emerged, taking over for what was mistaken for a fall, and quite quickly; as if it didn’t happen at all.

  In a moment thought a misstep, they wouldn’t touch the ground at all. There were Tall Fairies that flew and Tall Fairies that walked as if they were flying, quite swiftly as if wings carried them. They jumped and hovered a bit above the ground and all did their part to maintain the Realm.

  Their part to keep peace and be examples among the Dimensional Lands; however, as Peace had ensued, the many Fairies of the Skies saw no need to Fly as much. They settled into their Kingdoms and hid what was High for the Day of the ‘Faery Guardian’s Cosmic Return’ to take a much needed rest and tend to their families.

  Yes, this was thought best; as they roamed a little less and tended to home a little more.

  As their little ones peeked behind their backs for the wings that they knew would show there,

  they would stay upon the now Sacred Grounds while the children took their turn to explore.

  Remembering the ‘Winged and Wingless Among the Guardian Fae’

  The Daily Flutter’s First Picture

  “Wait, Nelk!” yelled Grandfae. “The Flutter is shaking again.”

  “Well, what could it be?” Nelk said, as he came to a halt.

  “It’s a picture,” said Grandfae. “We’ve never had a picture before. Superb work,” he continued aloud. “I’ll have to commend the Three Gatherer Fairy Witch Lights and their apprentices.”

  “We have a picture?” said Nelk’s best friend as he dashed from behind the bush, not able to hold his excitement anymore.

  Nelk’s Grandfae looked up and gasped. “—and just
what are you doing here? We’re becoming more and more like the little wee Ones every day.”

  As the Daily Flutter began to lift in the Air, ready to take Flight, Grandfae yelled, “Grab it, Nelk! Don’t let it reach the Air, for off it will go and in a matter of time, it will scatter; becoming vibrant leaves joined to the Trees once more but without a word upon them. Hold it tight and we’ll share with the others Gathered,” he said, with just a glance toward Nelk’s friend, whose face blushed a vibrant red.

  They can make it Mend and Fly, but who can hold it still afterwards? It seemed to have a mind of its own, wanting to be read by all, thought Grand Father Fae as he whistled and moved on cheerfully.

  The Gatherer Fairies could seemingly jump through solid walls, appearing on another side or Realm, but could not jump or disappear as if vanishing within the very Air. They actually utilized solid mass to move, to the delight of the little wee ones who liked to follow them after their Journeys, along with the younger Gatherer Fairies and the Gatherer Women. These groups had their own Secret Places and shared Meeting Spots of the Men and Women Gatherer Folk to join, speak and Sight Travel to Other Places, Spaces and Stars of their Mind. All was remembered and recorded, but the Outer Realm was particularly forbidden.

  But every Fairy Kind and Kindred had its ways.

  They also thought it polite—unless dire circumstances called for it—when casually visiting among each other, to enter through the Doors of their Homes rather than popping in through the very Walls. A Right to Wall Travel was taken very seriously and its laws obeyed. Do drop in for a visit, but knock first, Brother and Sister Fairies.

  Fairy Homes Big and Small

  Many of the little wee Fairy folk could make their Homes among and within the tiniest of mounds of Fairy Lands. Nearby they could draw from the smallest of Dropped Enchanted Waters, amounting to a dribble that never dried up and even became a part of the very landscapes of the Fae.


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