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Years of Upheaval

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by Henry Kissinger

  Deng Xiaoping (Teng Hsiao-p’ing), 70, 699

  Denmark, 131, 703, 731, 903n

  détente, policy of, 55, 176, 177, 204, 235–246, 255, 982, 1160

  and US defense spending, détente 998

  declining US domestic interest in, 1168

  European views on, 135, 136, 167–168, 169, 710, 711

  Jackson’s views on, 991

  HAK on, to Zhou Enlai (November 1973), 685

  and Middle East, 594, 599–600, 753, 943–944, 1135

  Nixon Administration accused of being soft on, 531

  selective, 746

  Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings on, 1199

  successes of, 237

  and Vietnam war, 235

  Watergate and, 235

  see also Soviet Union: relations of, with US

  Detroit News, 634

  DiBona, Charles, 871

  Diego Garcia, US base at, 669, 1006

  Diem, Ngo Dinh, 345

  Dinitz, Simcha, 453, 463, 464, 477, 483, 484–486, 830n, 952

  and Nixon’s visit to Israel (June 1974), 1137


  Egyptian-Israeli disengagement (meetings with HAK), 829, 830, 831, 832, 833, 836, 838

  and Geneva Conference, 752, 759

  Syrian-Israeli disengagement, 939, 946, 950, 960, 1076–1077, (meetings with HAK) 961, 962, 1073, 1084, 1102–1103

  and PLO approach to US, 627, 629

  and six-point plan, 652

  and violations of Egyptian-Israeli disengagement agreement, 1041

  AND MIDDLE EAST WAR, 485–486, 488’489, 490, 491–493, 495–496, 499, 501, 504, 506, 509, 510–511, 512–513, 518

  and possible cease-fire, 536, 538, 539, 540, 542, 543, 545–546

  and cease-fire violations, 571–572, 573, 574–575, 578, 579, 580

  and possible superpower intervention in Middle East, 582, 585, 587, 588, 590

  and situation of Egyptian Third Army, 603–604, 607, 608–609

  diplomatic corps, US, 424

  disengagement of forces. See Egyptian-Israeli disengagement; Syrian-Israeli disengagement

  Dobrynin, Anatoly, 156, 207, 231, 300, 569, 605, 612, 940, 1059

  and Agreement on the Prevention of Nuclear War, 275, 276–277, 283

  and possible Cambodian settlement, 362

  and Soviet emigration policies, 249–250, 252, 253, 986, 991, 992, 996

  and HAK’s visits to Soviet Union, 230, 233, 545

  and Middle East negotiations, 752–753, 755–756, 785, 804, 805, 818, 830, 844

  and possible Middle East superpower intervention, 582–583, 584n, 585, 588–589, 590, 591, 597, 601

  private meeting of, with Nixon (December 13, 1973), 771–772

  and nuclear test ban, 1166–1167

  and SALT, 268–269, 271, 272, 1007, 1014, 1015, 1020, 1146, 1170

  and proposed unconditional treaty of nonaggression, 1174

  and violations of Vietnam agreement, 317–318, 322

  and 1973

  Washington summit, 280–281, 291, 292, 298, 299

  and Watergate, 1153

  AND MIDDLE EAST WAR, 451–453, 458–459, 471–472, 473, 474–475, 479, 480, 487, 489, 494, 498–499, 502–503, 504, 508, 509–510, 511, 519, 521, 522, 532

  and cease-fire initiative/resolution, 516, 517, 520, 525, 539, 540, 542, 543

  and cease-fire violations, 577, 578, 579, 580, 581

  Dodge, Joseph, 418

  domino theory in Southeast Asia, 82

  Donaldson, William, 906, 907

  Dong, Pham Van, 28–29, 42

  HAK talks with, Hanoi (February 1973), 28, 29–37, 40–42

  Nixon message to, regarding aid to North Vietnam, 39–40

  Douglas-Home, Sir Alec, 709, 711–712, 723, 852, 862

  and Arab oil embargo, 891, 900, 902, 927

  on European unity, 732

  and Middle East war, 509, 511, 516–518, 568

  and US-European relations, 154, 702, 721–722

  and US-British relations, 143, 721, 725

  and Washington Energy Conference, 908, 913, 917, 918, 919–920, 921

  Downey, John, 70

  Drinan, Robert, 1121

  Dubs, Adolph (Spike), 559

  Dulles, John Foster, 434, 438

  Dunsmore, Barrie, 820n, 1086n

  Eagleburger, Lawrence, 366, 441, 1132, 1206, 1210

  on HAK’s trip to Israel (October 1973), 559, 560, 565

  on HAK’s trip to Moscow (October 1973), 556–557

  and HAK’s Salzburg press conference, 1118, 1119

  on HAK’s trip to Syria (February 26–27, 1974), 957–958

  Eagleton, Thomas, 1121

  Eagleton amendment, 357

  East Germany. See German Democratic Republic

  Eastland, James, 328

  East-West relations. See détente

  Soviet Union: relations of, with United States

  Eban, Abba, 464, 465, 627, 830n, 1112

  and Egyptian-Israeli disengagement negotiations, 816, 829, 833, 836, 837, 838, 842, 843

  at Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 796, 797

  and Middle East war, 454, 455, 458, 463–464, 474, 475, 487, 489, 509, 513

  and Syrian-Israeli disengagement negotiations, 1043, 1073, 1084, 1103, 1108

  Eban, Suzy, 833

  EC-121 incident, 322

  Egypt, 6, 199, 935, 936

  and Algiers summit, 756, 757

  and Arab oil embargo, 890–891

  HAK invited to visit, 527, 567, 578

  Nixon visits (June 1974), 1125–1130

  population of, 634, 647

  and Six Day War, 196–197

  relations of, with Syria, 848

  see also Sadat, Anwar el-

  HAK VISITS: November 1973, 632–634, 635–645

  December 1973, 766, 767–773

  January 1974 (Egyptian shuttle), 810–815, 821–829, 834–836, 844–846

  February 1974, 966–969

  April-May 1974 (Syrian shuttle), 1051–1052, 1060–1061, 1070, 1108

  AND MIDDLE EAST CEASE-FIRE, 480, 481–482, 499–500, 553, 565, 575, 596

  and possible superpower intervention to enforce, 583, 588, 591–592

  violations of, 568, 573–574, 575, 576, 577–578, 579

  AND MIDDLE EAST WAR: attacks Israel, 454, 455–458

  HAK’s message to (October 16, 1973), 530–531

  losses in, 506

  military situation during, 475, 476, 479, 502, 511, 518, 522, 525, 532, 541, 546

  preparations for, 206, 450–451, 453, 459, 460, 461, 462, 464

  see also Third Army, Egyptian

  AND PEACE NEGOTIATIONS: Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 757–758, 769–770, 773, 792, 795, 796–797

  Kilometer 101 talks, 610, 611, 666, 752

  military talks at Geneva, 797, 800, 803–804

  six-point plan, 642, 666

  view on, before Middle East war, 199–200, 213, 215–216, 225, 227

  possible West Bank, 1140

  see also Egyptian-Israeli disengagement: negotiations

  RELATIONS OF, WITH SOVIET UNION, 209–210, 469, 497, 504, 511, 532, 589, 1036

  Soviet Union airlifts dependents out of, 465, 466–467

  friendship treaty, 201, 768, 829

  Soviet troops expelled (1972), 204–205, 637

  RELATIONS OF, WITH UNITED STATES, 205, 598, 616–619, 768

  formal diplomatic relations restored, 640–641, 969

  joint economic, scientific, and cultural commission, 1108

  before Middle East war, 206–209, 210–216, 223–227

  during Middle East war, 475–476, 481–482, 487–488, 496–497, 499–500, 506–507, 522–523, 527–528, 529–531, 541

  under Nasser, 199–200

  and nuclear energy, 1129

  “Principles of Relations and Cooperation between Egypt and the United States” signed, 1129

  and situation of Third Army, 601–605
br />   Egyptian-Israeli disengagement, 751, 753–754, 799–800

  Dayan plan for, 800–804, 816

  AGREEMENT: Israeli cabinet approves, 838

  HAK news conference on (January 22, 1974), 853

  signed, 844

  violations of, 1040–1042

  NEGOTIATIONS: Egyptian proposals/positions on, (November 7, 1973) 636–637, (January 12, 1974) 813, (January 14, 1974) 824–825, 826–827, 828–829, (January 16, 1974) 834–835

  Israeli proposals/positions on, (January 12, 1974) 816–817, 822–823, 824, (January 15, 1974) 831–832

  issues for, 812–813

  “United States proposal” on force limitations, 828, 832, 838, 840, 841, 844

  Egyptian Museum, 633

  Ehrlichman, John, 77, 93–94, 105, 107, 869

  and JCS liaison office investigation, 806, 807, 808

  relationship of, with HAK, 93, 94, 98, 99, 118

  relationship of, with Nixon, 94, 419

  and “Plumbers,” 117, 118, 1113–1114

  and wiretapping, 103n, 119

  AND WATERGATE, 75, 77, 78, 79–80, 98–99, 102, 323, 324

  convicted, 1180

  indicted, 470, 970

  Nixon considers firing, 90, 99

  Oval Office taping system, 111

  resignation of, 102, 103–104

  sentenced, 1198

  Eilts, Hermann, 774, 785, 969, 1037, 1040

  and Middle East negotiations, 753, 754, 802–803, 838, 939–940

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., and Eisenhower Administration, 292, 418, 434, 437, 708, 818

  and doctrine of massive retaliation, 133

  and oil import quotas, 855

  and security leaks, 119

  and wiretapping, 1123

  Eisenhower, Julie Nixon, 3, 294, 1212

  Elazar, David (“Dado”), 562, 830n

  and disengagement negotiations (meetings with HAK), 818, 833, 962, 964

  receives list of Israeli prisoners, 962

  and Middle East war, 477

  HAK visit to Israel (October 1973), 561

  resigns, 1039

  Ellsberg, Daniel, 115, 117, 353

  Elslande, Renaat van, 501

  Elysée Palace, Paris, 128

  Enders, Thomas O., 347, 348

  energy: Nixon address on (November 25, 1973), 881

  Nixon message to Congress on (June 1971), 865–866

  US policy on, 869, 870

  mentioned in Year of Europe speech, 153

  in Pilgrims speech, 896, 897

  see also oil

  Energy Action Group, 726, 728, 896–897

  Energy Policy Office, 870

  environmental warfare, ban on, 1165

  “equal aggregates” approach to strategic arms limitation, 264–265, 270, 271, 1011–1014, 1015–1016, 1028, 1173

  Erhard, Ludwig, 928

  Ervin, Sam, 78, 113, 115, 288, 319, 323, 1121

  Ethiopia, 1030

  Europe, 6

  Chinese views on, 56–57

  relations of, with Soviet Union, 146, 148, 710, 715–716, 731

  see also Atlantic Alliance; European Economic Community; NATO; individual countries

  AND MIDDLE EAST: and Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 750

  response to Palestinian attack on Kiryat Shmona, 1049

  and Middle East war, 537, 707–722

  and oil crisis, 874, 875, 880, 885, 890, 897–898, 933

  and oil imports, 715, 860–861

  and Saudi Arabia, 975

  see also European-Arab dialogue

  RELATIONS OF, WITH UNITED STATES, 131–194, 237, 700–735, 924, 925–926, 931–934

  Chinese views on, 67, 685, 686, 691

  and European defense, 133–135

  domestic US views on, 719–720

  economic, 135, 745–746

  in 1973 Foreign Policy Report, 160–162

  improvement in (1974), 933–934

  HAK’s Pilgrims speech on, 725–726

  HAK’s press conference on (November 21, 1973), 720

  and Middle East war, 707–722

  North Atlantic Council meeting (December 1973), 722–723

  and response to oil embargo, 899–900

  differences in policy and political objectives, 716, 720

  principles of US policy, 725

  proposed Presidential visit to (1973), 152, 156–157, 188, 701, 705

  need for reassessment of, 131–133, 136

  and Soviet Union, 135–136, 731–732, 746

  US troops in, 134, 307–308, 694

  and Watergate, 704, 1161

  see also Year of Europe

  European-Arab dialogue, 898, 899, 900, 926–927, 928–930

  European Economic Community, 137, 156–157, 174, 733

  and Atlantic Declaration, 178, 188–189, 931, 932

  Common Agricultural Policy of, 135

  and France, 139, 174, 907, 908, 925

  members of, 131

  and NATO, 722, 724, 929

  political unity of, 154, 157, 165, 731, 900

  summit meetings of, 132, 898

  relations of, with United States, 135, 157, 165, 183, 188–189, 930–931, 933

  and Washington Energy Conference, 901, 903, 905, 908, 912–913, 914, 917, 923


  July 23, 1973, 188–189

  November 6, 1973, 718

  November 20, 1973, 719

  December 1973 (with HAK), 723–724

  AND MIDDLE EAST, 528, 718, 719, 727, 879

  the European-Arab dialogue, 929–930

  policy on, 635, 717, 884

  European Security Conference, 186, 293, 702, 710, 1164–1165

  Evans, Rowland, 195

  Evron, Ephraim (Eppie), 796, 831n, 833, 836, 838

  Executives’ Club of Chicago, 932

  Export-Import Bank (Eximbank), 380, 385n, 994, 996, 997

  F-4 Phantom jets, 491, 512, 514

  F-5E aircraft, 399

  F-14 aircraft, 669, 670

  F-15 aircraft, 669, 670

  “Face the Nation,” 1121

  Fahd, Prince, 528, 665, 879, 882, 974–975

  Fahmy, Ismail, 601, 612, 642, 1037, 1041

  on HAK’s visits to Egypt, 632, 633, 643, 645, 766, 767


  Egyptian-Israeli disengagement, 837, (meetings with HAK) 810, 812, 821, 822, 828, 834, 835, 836

  Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 757–758, 795, 796–797

  six-point plan, 653, 654

  Syrian-Israeli disengagement, 940, 1033, 1036, 1043, 1051, (meetings with HAK) 968, 969, 1051, 1070

  VISITS WASHINGTON: October 1973, 614, 616–619

  February 1974 (with Saqqaf), 946, 949–951, 952–953

  Fairlie, Henry, 27

  Faisal ibn Abd al-Aziz Al Sa’ud, King, 657, 659, 660–665

  and Arab oil embargo, 876, 879, 882, 884, 890, 893, 894, 945, 947

  and HAK’s visits to Saudi Arabia, 660–661, 663–665, 774–775, 776, 975–976, 1069

  and Middle East war, 454, 490, 494, 500, 523–524, 528, 538

  and Nixon’s visit to Saudi Arabia (June 1974), 1130–1131

  and Sadat, 760

  visits United States (May 1971), 865


  Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 775, 791

  Syrian-Israeli disengagement, 1061, 1066, 1069, 1089

  Fallaci, Oriana, 354

  Fatah (PLO group), 972

  FBI, 117, 319

  and wiretapping, 119, 120, 121, 1115, 1123

  see also Hoover, J. Edgar

  Fedayeen. See Palestinians: terrorist acts of

  Federal Bureau of Investigation. See FBI

  Federal City Club of Washington, HAK speaks at (April 13, 1973), 72–73

  Federal Republic of Germany. See Germany, Federal Republic of (West)

  Federation of American Scientists, 988

  FitzGerald, Garret, 7

  Flanigan, Peter, 389, 855–856, 858, 867, 868

  Ford, Gerald R., 359, 649, 840, 1071, 1179, 1200, 1214

  at Cabinet meeting of August 6, 1974, 1203

  HAK meets with (August 8, 1974), 1211–1212

  statement of, dissociating himself from Nixon, 1202

  at Nixon’s farewell to White House, 1213

  becomes Vice President, 509, 511, 514, 586

  Ford, Mrs. Gerald R., 1213

  Ford Administration, 194, 203, 377n, 430, 670

  and Cyprus crisis, 1192

  and Helsinki conference, 1165

  and removal of HAK as security adviser, 435–437

  and US weapons programs, 260

  Foreign Affairs, 83n, 124

  Foreign Assistance Act of 1973, 338, 412

  foreign policy, US, 37–38, 50, 168–169, 238–240, 446–447, 981–982

  need to institutionalize, 434

  Foreign Service approach to, 444–445

  effects of Watergate on, 76, 122–127, 300–301, 416–417, 982

  post-World War II, 84–85

  Foreign Policy Reports, 159–160, 260n

  for 1972, 38, 388

  for 1973, 159, 160–162, 305

  Foreign Service of the United States, 6, 442–446

  Forsman, Billy, 476

  Fortas, Abe, 586n

  40 Committee, 382, 395, 403, 859–860

  “Forty-third Message to the Khmer Nation,” 365

  Four-Power Agreement on Berlin (1971), 146

  France, 1092

  relations of, with Britain, 163, 171–172

  recognizes Chilean junta, 408

  Chinese views on, 57

  and economic summits, 745–746

  and European Community, 139, 174, 907, 908, 925

  response to 1973

  US Foreign Policy Report, 161

  relations of, with Germany, 731

  de Gaulle withdraws from NATO, 132

  internal politics of, 128–129

  relations of, with the Soviet Union, 711n

  and Washington Energy Conference, 901n, 903, 904–905, 916, 921

  and Year of Europe, 130–131, 149, 154, 187–188, 189–190

  AND MIDDLE EAST, 708, 709, 713, 727–728, 792–793

  relations of, with Iraq, 1129

  relations of, with Libya, 860

  and oil crisis, 872, 897, 898, 899, 900, 903–904, 913–914

  RELATIONS OF, WITH UNITED STATES, 148–149, 163–181, 286, 728, 732–733, 910, 924, 925–926

  Iceland summit, 175–180, 723

  improvement in (1974), 933–934

  and Middle East, 556, 714, 830

  during Nixon’s first term, 5–6, 129

  and Vietnam negotiations, 130

  and Watergate, 734

  see also Jobert, Michel

  Franck, Paul, 712

  Frangieh, Suleiman, 788

  Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 157


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