The American Terrorist: The Revenge Continues

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The American Terrorist: The Revenge Continues Page 11

by Ron L. Carter

  * Wikipedia - the fee encyclopedia

  Sam interrupted him as he said, “I wish it was that easy, but it's not. We still have to follow protocol and do things the way the law will permit us to do them.” He ignored what Sam said as he continued talking, “It’s bad enough that we have to worry about them coming into the United States from other countries, but we now have home grown terrorists that are Americans that may be your neighbors that are here, ready and poised, to commit jihad against us. These radical terrorist cells and lone wolf individuals are operating in 40 states here in America, just waiting for the orders and the funding for new attacks on United States soil. These radicals believe in the Quran and believe their religion is above every other religion in the world. Their long range goal is to destroy America from within and they’re willing to die to do it. I believe, that if we have an American that leaves this country to go fight against us or our allies in another country, then we should NOT let that person back into the United States. Let’s gladly let them go, live, and fight, and die for any country they want to support, but stay out of America. We don’t want them back here, born here, or not. In my opinion, when they align themselves with one of those terrorist groups that we’re fighting, they’re denouncing their citizenship to America. They’re no longer true Americans and no longer welcome here.”

  Sam told Doug, “There’s a lot of things we could do if we had the resources, the manpower and the backing of the United States government to do them. Unfortunately we don’t. Because of all the different groups, against what we do in America, we have to be very careful we don’t step on any toes and that we don’t kill a lot of innocent people in the process. It’s a fine line we have to straddle. These people are smart and they’ve found a way to use our own constitution to protect themselves. One reason you’re here talking to us right now is that we believe you can help us find some of the terrorist cells and get them before they get us and that's the bottom line."

  Doug sat back in his chair and resigned himself to the fact that the FBI's hands were tied in dealing with a lot of issues with the radical terrorists. He also realized it was going to be a never ending battle against the terrorists. He knew the government agencies couldn’t stop all of them, but at least he wanted to try his best. He very calmly and quietly said, “I’ll do whatever you want or need me to do, even if it gets me killed in the process. That’s how dedicated I am to doing my part to stop these radical terrorists here in America.”

  Sam continued, “Within the next three to four weeks I want you to pick out some targets, just like they were one you would hit if you were working alone. I want you to take your time and figure out how you can get inside the operation, training camp, or their mosque and find out everything you can about what they have planned. You can tell them you’re a terrorist that worked with one of the other groups that’s been fighting the United States or whatever you want to tell them. I don’t care, I just want to find out what they have planned against us. During all your work you have to remember one thing. If you get caught by them or by one of our other law enforcement agencies, we won’t claim that we know anything about you or your activities. You’re basically on your own. Do you understand?” That irritated Doug a little as he lifted his eyebrows, “That's a little crappy, don't you think?" Sam just looked at him with a big frown on his face, so Doug just said, "Okay, I got it. The FBI is not involved. You don't know anything about me and what I'm doing. As far as the FBI is concerned, I'm working on my own.” Sam said, "That's right, you're on your own."

  "During your mission of finding targets, you’ll have a credit card in the name of Donald Peters, along with several fake I.D. cards with Muslim names on them, that you can use when you go into the mosques or camps. You’ll get a minimal amount of cash so that you can purchase meals and lodging. The credit card and the cash is not to be used for foolish personal items and we’ll be keeping track of everything you spend." When Sam got up to leave, “In case I don’t talk to you before you leave, good luck and good hunting. I wish you a lot of success in finding the terrorists.”

  Doug was escorted back to his room and given a computer to use so that he could find his next several targets. As soon as he was alone, he got on the internet and started checking out all his favorite social networks. He checked out the jihadist sites where he’d gotten a lot of his information from the terrorist sympathizers. He would soon be back to his original mission of finding the terrorists and hopefully killing them. He might be working with the FBI, but his number one goal was still to fulfill his own satisfaction for revenge of Michael’s death. He knew he would have to find a way that he could accomplish both, his goal and the FBI’s.

  He spent several days searching through information and lined up several targets. He had a meeting with Terry and Krista to get them familiar with his targets and how he wanted to approach them. During the meeting, he had things all laid out on the table for them to take a look at and see if they approved. They were amazed that he’d found so many potential targets that were suspected terrorist cells although a few of the targets were already on the FBI’s known terrorist list.

  Doug told Terry and Krista he needed to get a few changes of loose fitting. dark clothing and cotton underwear. He said, “I can’t wear any type of gold jewelry or silk clothing, nothing that is too “glamorous,” when I enter their mosques or compounds. I also need an old worn copy of the Quran that I can carry with me during my surveillance.” Terry told him they would get him whatever he needed before they left on one of his missions.

  Doug’s first target was going to be an individual that was only about 6 miles from Washington D.C. He wanted to use this target to see how things would work out with him and the FBI as a team. He told Terry and Krista “My first target is going to be a Hamas charity organization in Alexandria, Virginia. It was founded and is run by Mauka Amed Morzum, a Palestinian by birth, who has ties to Syria. His organization is suspected to be involved in a real estate scheme designed to defraud affluent Muslims and other individuals into purchasing development property not too far from the White House.” He could see that all the proceeds of this man's fraud was being siphoned off to fund Hamas terrorist activities both in the United States and overseas. “I want to get out there and see if I can put a stop to this guy and his funding of the Hamas terrorist organization and the sooner the better.”



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