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The American Terrorist: The Revenge Continues

Page 15

by Ron L. Carter

  Chapter Eleven

  A month had passed and Doug had gone out on a few terrorist targets he'd set up with Terry and Krista and had gotten the men arrested, just like the FBI wanted. Sam was very happy with him and what he was doing for the FBI. It was during one of his days off and he was in the cafeteria when he was once again approached by Mandy. When she first sat down, she had a big smile on her face, like the cat that had just swallowed the canary. She leaned forward and whispered, “I have it Doug, I have everything you wanted.” Doug was a little shocked as he leaned toward her and whispered, “You’re kidding, you have everything?” Mandy leaned back in her chair and puffed up her chest, “Yep, I told you I’d get you what you needed. I have the rifle, the ammunition, the suppressor, the Garrote, and vials of potassium chloride with syringes." Doug said, “Wow! Now that's impressive but what about getting me in and out of the building?” She chuckled, “I have that covered too, Doug. I had a name tag made for you where you can come and go from the employee entrance whenever you want.”

  That’s when she told Doug, “There’s only one catch to all of this, and that is, you have to take me with you when you go after Midilaki and Hassaq and kill them.” Doug’s first reaction to her was, “No way! I’m not taking you with me! I’m not putting your life in that kind of danger!” Mandy insisted, “Look Doug, I’m not a kid any more, I know what I’m getting myself into. Besides, I’m doing this for my brother Brian, just like you’re doing it for Michael. I know everything about these guys. I know when and where their most vulnerable. You have to take me with you or the deal is off. It’s the only way I’m going to let you out of this building.” He didn’t say anything to her as he looked in her eyes and realized she was serious. In his heart he knew she was right, she would make it a lot easier to kill Midilaki and Hassaq if she knew where they lived and where they were most of the time.

  He finally broke his silence saying, “Okay Mandy, but we have to kill them one at a time. We can’t kill them both on the same night. Do you have a plan on when you want to go after these guys?” Doug was surprised when she said, “If they don’t have you doing something else, we can leave here this Friday evening at 5:30 and go after Midilaki. We’ll leave the same time as some of the other employees are leaving the building, from the employee entry. Once we’re on the outside, we’ll take my car to my apartment and get the weapons you need and then we’ll go find the target.” Doug replied, “That all sounds good, but what about getting back into the building?” Mandy said, “It won’t be a problem, since you’ll have your own nametag pass to get back in. The building's open 24 hours a day and employees come and go through there at all hours of the day and night. Just put your hair in a pony-tail, wear some dark clothing and you’ll be fine. Everyone will just think you’re working under cover, like I did when I first saw you. Meet me here in the cafeteria at 5:25 on Friday evening and I’ll give you your pass and we’ll walk out together.” Doug replied, “Okay, I’m leaving it all in your hands and I’ll meet you back here on Friday.” They split up and he went back to his room.

  Doug had been anxious all day on Friday, anticipating on getting out the building and going after Mandy's target. It was almost like being on one of his target stakeouts and the time passing real slow. When the time finally came around they met in the cafeteria and she gave him his nametag. They casually walked down the hall and got on what he thought was a service elevator and it went down to the basement below the building. There were a couple of armed guards that checked everyone out as they scanned their passes. They didn’t question Doug as he handed them his pass and they scanned it and then let him pass through. He and Mandy walked up a ramp about sixty feet to where you had to swipe your pass once again to get through another outside door. You had to do it one at a time so there was a line waiting to get out. Once they got out of the building, it opened up into a secured private parking area used just for the FBI personnel. Doug followed right next to Mandy as they made their way to her car. Once inside the car, they drove through the checkpoint and were on the outside. She looked over at him and said, “See, I told you I could get you out of the building. Wasn't that easy?” Doug grinned, “Yeah, it was a little nerve racking, but so far, so good.”

  They drove to Mandy’s apartment building in Alexandria and parked out front. When they went inside, it was a small one bedroom, one bath, 800 square feet apartment. As Doug looked around she said, “I know it’s small, but it works perfect for me. It’s all I need.” He smiled, “Then that's all that matters. As long as you’re happy with it.” Mandy excused herself and went into her bedroom and shut the door. After a few minutes she came back out all dressed in black and wearing a black wig. When Doug first saw her dressed like that he said, “WOW! Look at you! Mandy replied, “I’m ready to go get them, what do you think?” She made a twirl in a circle so he could take a full look at her. He almost laughed out loud because she reminded him of one of the old episodes of Superman. He thought she looked a lot like Lois Lane, Superman's girlfriend. Doug lied to her and said, “You look great."

  Doug quickly changed the subject, "You need to tell me what your plan is and where we’re going to go and how were planning on killing your first guy.” Mandy pouted, "Man, You're no fun Doug. You're way to serious all the time." Doug said, "I'm sorry, It's the only way I know, Mandy. Especially, when we're killing terrorists."

  Mandy brought out a large sheet of paper with a map of the area where Midilaki lived. She had all the streets and buildings mapped out and how far it was to the nearest police station. She’d already picked out a shooting position and how long it would take to walk from there to where she planned to park her car. Everything was put together in intricate detail. Doug looked at it, “Now you’ve impressed me again. This is very well done and I can tell you've put a lot of work and time into this.” She smiled, “I've impressed you? Wow! That's the second time and that makes me feel good. You have no idea how much time I’ve spent on this and how long I’ve waited for this moment.” Mandy went over her plans with him and told him that Midilaki walks the eight blocks from his apartment to the local mosque on Massachusetts Avenue every Friday at 6:45 PM. She said "He just lives down the street from the mosque on Belmont Street and it's an easy walk there and back for him." She had drawn his exact path on the map that he took to and from his apartment. She also knew that he would walk back from the mosque around 10:00 pm.

  She told Doug, “We can park our car on Potomac Parkway and walk to an area across from his apartment. We can hide there until you decide to kill him. Once he’s outside we’ll have two chances to do it. You can do it when he leaves at 6:45 or when he gets back at 10:00. You should be able to kill him during one of those times. Once you shoot him, we’ll quickly make our way back to the car and head into town on Massachusetts Avenue.” Doug nodded his head, as if in agreement, "Okay, it all sounds and looks good to me. I think we can do this."

  Mandy went over to a closet and brought out a case and bag and set them on the kitchen table. She opened the case and exposed a sniper rifle with a suppressor muzzle. The rifle had a few parts, but it was easy to assemble. Doug took it out and quickly put it together and then took it apart again. Inside the bag was a 45 pistol and ammo for the pistol and the rifle. After Doug looked everything over he said, “This is nice. They should work just fine. Too bad we don’t have time to be able to site in the rifle somewhere. We’ll just have to hope that it’s accurate.” Mandy replied, “It’s not a problem Doug, I took it to the FBI firing range when no one was around, and tested it myself. It’s accurate within a few inches up to a hundred yards.” Doug replied, "OK! That helps a lot, thank you." He put the rifle back in its case and said, “Well its dark outside, are you ready to go.” She grinned, "I’ve never been so ready in my life. Let’s get out of here and get this guy.”

  When they got to the spot where Mandy wanted to park the car, Doug
got out and quickly assembled the rifle. He attached the suppressor and made sure it was loaded and ready to go. It was a perfect spot to hide the car, dark and hidden away from the main road.

  When they were ready, they headed on foot into a park-like area, that looked secluded. They were within eighty yards and across the road from where Midilaki would have to walk to the mosque. Mandy said, “This is the spot where I’ve watched him for the past year. It should be perfect.” There were a lot of brush and trees for cover. Doug looked it over and could tell that it was pretty well trampled down, “Yeah, this looks good. I can get a good shot at him from here.”

  When they were in position Doug looked over at Mandy, “You can wait in the car for me if you’d like, especially if you don't want to watch me kill this guy.” She replied, “Are you kidding me, I didn’t go through all of this to just sit in the car.” He loaded the pistol and handed it to her, “Ok then, keep this on you just in case someone sees us and tries to stop us on the way out.”

  Midilaki was right on time as he came out of his apartment and casually strolled toward the street. There was another man with him and they were busy talking and not aware that Doug and Mandy had them in their sites and were waiting for them from in the woods across the street. Just before they turned and started to walk toward the mosque all those familiar feeling of rage came over Doug once again. He could almost hear Michael’s voice saying to him, “There he is, Grandpa, take him out.” He quickly took aim and slowly squeezed the trigger. The bullet, instantly found its mark and Midilaki went down. After he was down Doug shot him one more time, just to make sure he was dead. The other man with Midilaki had already ducked and started to run back toward the apartment building.

  After he shot Midilaki the second time, Doug and Mandy turned and started to run back to the car. Once there, Doug quickly took the rifle apart and put it and the pistol back in the case. He quickly threw it in the trunk while Mandy started the car. They turned the car around and headed back toward Massachusetts Avenue and into town just like Mandy had planned. On the way back to Headquarters Mandy's body was trembling and shivering from the excitement and fear as she asked Doug, "So do you think he's dead? Doug replied, "Yes, I'm sure of it. He took two bullets and the first one was to the heart." She was scared and apprehensive as she said, "Man, that was nerve racking and scary, but I'm glad you got him." She looked over at Doug and said, "When do you want to go after Hassaq?” Doug replied, “Let’s just hold our horses and see what kind of repercussion we get from killing this guy first and then we’ll go from there?” Mandy seemed a little disappointed as she said, "Okay, you're right, we have to just wait and see what happens. We don't want to get too anxious and make some mistakes."

  Mandy took Doug back to the Headquarters and the secured parking lot where she dropped him off. She said, “Once you get inside the building I’ll head home and catch you sometime in the next few days.” Doug replied, “That sounds good to me. Thanks Mandy.” When Doug was getting out of the car, Mandy leaned over, “Thank you for doing that for me, Doug. You don’t know how much that meant to me. You got rid of one of the worst terrorists in America and I feel like I got a little justice for Brian.” He leaned back in the car and whispered, “I didn’t just do it for you Mandy, I did it for me too and for Michael.”

  Once Doug was back in his room it was after midnight. He hid his nametag and laid down on the bed to relax. He was reflecting on the killing of Midilaki and felt very justified in what they’d done. He knew their actions took an evil person out of his quest to destroy and kill innocent Americans. He was happy because he knew that he no longer had to just leave everything up to the FBI, he could count on Mandy to help him find the evil terrorists in America and stop them before they had a chance to fulfill their plans of destroying America from within.



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