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The American Terrorist: The Revenge Continues

Page 16

by Ron L. Carter

  Chapter Twelve

  It was three days later when Doug was in the cafeteria again and Mandy came and sat down at his table. She was all smiles as she leaned forward and whispered, "Everything looks good, they haven't been able to figure out who killed Midilaki. I don’t think our agency is going to look very hard to find his killer. Everyone seems to be glad that we don’t have to worry about him being a credible threat to America anymore.” He was pleased to hear that, but he didn’t say anything, he just sat there deep in thought. Mandy was a little irritated that he didn't show much emotion about her news as she leaned back in her chair. She finally spoke up and said, “Well, say something. I thought you'd be happy to hear what I told you. Are you happy, mad or what.” He realized he had ignored Mandy for a minute so he chuckled, “No, I'm happy about your news, I was just thinking that Terry and Krista aren’t putting a lot of pressure on me right now. Maybe we could go get your next guy, Hassaq.”

  Mandy's attitude instantly changed and she was excited as she leaned forward again and whispered, “That would be awesome, Doug. When do you want to do it?” He softly said, “You tell me, you know his schedule. When do you want to kill him?” She thought for a minute, “What about next Friday night, that’s the night a lot of the Muslims go to prayer. Hassaq usually goes to the mosque every Friday night.” He told her that would be okay with him, unless something comes up with Terry and Krista. He smirked and said, “I’ll bring my Quran and maybe I can go to the mosque and do a little praying to Allah. Can you get me a set of black, loose fitting Middle Eastern clothes, extra-large?” He knew that if he went into the mosque he wanted to fit in with the rest of the people that were there. Mandy assured him she would get him what he needed. Just before she left she said, “Okay, I’ll see you next Friday at 5:30 sharp.” He gave her a thumbs up as she left.

  Doug spent the next few days just relaxing and looking up information. He pulled up some propaganda information on Hassaq from a website and a few blogs. It said Jameel Abdullah Hassaq was born Donald Lee Jones in Morocco and grew up in Florida. He converted to Islam at age 16 and took the Muslim name. He moved to Washington D.C. in 2008 and joined the radical group Hamas and worked as a taxi driver. He has taught classes during underground meetings to the young people and encouraged them to join the radical groups in an effort to promote Jihad and a Muslim revolution in America. He has made this statement many times, “America cannot and will not win against Islam.” He has used the websites on the internet to put people in fear of serious bodily injury. According to the information, his group has distributed anti-Israeli literature and regularly protested outside the mosque that he attended. The websites also served as a source of threats against the Jews and Jewish organizations. Some of his postings encouraged visitors of his websites to seek out the leaders of Jewish Federation chapters in the United States and confront them directly at their homes. He provided names and addresses of synagogues and Jewish organizations in Washington D.C. on his website. The law enforcement officials that monitor those type of groups say there was nothing they could do to stop him from doing that because that type of activity is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

  After reading all the information on Hassaq, Doug was now, more than ever, anxious to find him and kill him. He wanted to stop the hatred that Hassaq was promoting. When Friday night came around, he was anxiously waiting for Mandy in the cafeteria. When they met up he said, “Let’s go do this. Let’s get that worthless piece of crap off the streets. I've done a lot of research on him and you're right, we have to kill him.” She was happy to see that he was so eager and willing to carry out their mission.

  They made their way off the FBI property and went to Mandy’s apartment once again so that Doug could change his clothes and they could pick up their weapons. He told her, “We’ll have to come back here afterwards so I can change back into my regular clothes before you take me back to Headquarters.” Mandy replied, “That won’t be a problem. By the way, do you know how you want to take this guy down?” He said, “I was thinking about taking the syringes full of potassium chloride and see if I can get close enough to him so I can inject it into his neck. With that amount of dosage, he will immediately go into cardiac arrest and die.” Mandy thought it sounded a little risky to her, “Do you think you can get close enough to him to do that?” Doug replied, “If I can’t do it inside the mosque, I’ll meet up with him on his walk home and make sure he gets what's coming to him.

  I want you to take the pistol and have it ready just in case things don’t work out the way I have planned. You can wait in the car and down the street just a little ways. Just make sure you pick me up once it’s done.” Mandy told him she would be there and not to worry.

  Doug took two syringes and filled them with the deadly substance, making sure the protective caps were on tight. He then stuck them in his large front pocket. Mandy checked the pistol and made sure it was loaded and put it in her purse. Once they had everything ready, they drove to the mosque and Mandy let him out a few blocks away. She handed him a picture of Hassaq and told him, “This is our guy and this is the street that he’ll walk back on, once the service is over. If you come out alone then I'll know you killed him. If not, then I’ll come back and park right here and wait for you and him to pass me by.” Before he left, Doug said, “If anything goes wrong, just leave me and get out of here. Don’t worry about me because I’ll be okay, I’ve done this type of thing before. I'll be able to find my way back to Headquarters.”

  Doug had his hair combed down, his face was covered with his beard and he had on the loose fitting clothing. He fit right in with some of the other older men that were making their way into the mosque. He very casually walked right in and made himself at home. Once he was inside, he started searching for his target. There were a lot of men that resembled Hassaq and it took a while before Doug was able to positively identify him. He slowly made his way over to where Hassaq was standing and started talking Arabic to some of the men near him. As he looked around the room one of the members asked him if he was new to the mosque. He said, “Yes, this is my first time. I’m a little nervous, because I don't know anyone." After talking to a few people, he made his way over to Hassaq and introduced himself, using one of his fake Muslim names. They talked for a while and Doug stayed close to him, just waiting and looking for the right opportunity to kill him.

  There were too many people gathering around inside the mosques to pull out the syringe in front of them without being seen. When Hassaq took his seat Doug was able to maneuver his way to the seat directly behind him. He wasn’t paying much attention to what the Iman was saying as he waited patiently for the right moment to sink the needle deep into his neck. He waited the entire service, but couldn’t get the right opportunity to do it. He felt like there were just too many eyes watching to get away with what he had planned.

  Once the service was over, Doug slowly followed Hassaq out of the mosque, making sure he didn’t let anyone know Hassaq was a target. When they were outside and Hassaq was through visiting with several people, he headed up the street toward his house. He followed him for a few blocks from a safe distance. When they were away from the mosque and Hassaq was completely alone Doug briskly walked up behind him and said in Arabic, “Hey brother, Do you mind if I walk with you for a while? Hassaq replied, “Not at all, you’re more than welcome.” As they walked along the sidewalk for about a block they passed Mandy sitting in her car. She pretended that she was looking at a map. When Doug was about a half block past her, he took out one of the syringes and quickly took off the protective cover of the needle. In an instant, he grabbed Hassaq around the shoulders and stuck the needle into the vein of his neck. He squeezed the syringe until it was empty. Hassaq immediately grabbed for his neck and let out a yell, but Doug had already given him a full dose of the deadly substance. He was starting to stumble toward the g
round when Doug immediately turned and walked back toward Mandy’s car. It only took a few seconds and Hassaq was down on the ground taking his last breath. Mandy drove up to Doug and bent over and opened the passenger side door. As soon as he jumped in the car they turned around in the street and took off in the opposite direction. There were a couple of people walking home from the mosque that were about a block ahead of Hassaq when they heard him yell out in pain when Doug sunk the needle into his neck. By the time they turned around he was already stumbling toward the ground. Doug had his back to them and walking away. They immediately started running to Hassaq's aid.

  Once in the car Doug and Mandy made their getaway. They went back to Mandy’s house and Doug changed his clothes. They were high fiving each other, for accomplishing their second mission together. Before he left her house, he threw the empty syringe in her trash can and said, “Make sure you get rid of that stuff where it can’t be found. We don't want any evidence getting back to the FBI, linking us to Hassaq's death. I'm going to take the potassium chloride and the Garrote back with me. I’ll tape them to the inside of my leg so I won’t be carrying anything in my hands when I go inside the FBI building. I may need them on one of my jobs with Terry and Krista.” At that point Mandy didn't really care what he did with the Garrote and potassium chloride. She was too hyped up to even think about what he was saying. When they got back to Headquarters Mandy dropped Doug off just outside the employee entrance and waited for him to go inside. After he swiped his card the guard recognized him and waived him on through.

  A few days later Mandy caught up with Doug and told him what she heard from a few of the people that worked with her. “The FBI believed Hassaq was murdered by someone, even though it first looked like a heart attack. One of the investigators said a few witnesses saw, what they thought was a Muslim man that had been walking with Hassaq. He jumped in a car and it sped away, right after Hassaq fell to the ground. It was dark and too far away for the witnesses to see what kind of car it was or to get a license number. After hearing that Doug said, “I wouldn’t worry about it Mandy, it doesn’t look like they have anything to go on.” Mandy was shaken by the whole ordeal and a little nervous, “I sure hope your right, Doug. I'd hate to go to jail for killing a piece of crap like Hassaq."

  It wasn’t until about a week later that Doug ran into Mandy again. She was still a little out of sorts with herself. She told Doug, “This killing people thing is way too scary and nerve racking for me. I thought I could handle it and I even thought I could do it myself, but I found out I can't. I think I’m going to lay low and leave the killing of terrorists up to you. I don’t want to go to jail for the rest of my life for killing one of them.” Doug replied, “I don’t blame you Mandy, but if you're going to give it up, could you do me a favor before you do?" She smiled, "Sure Doug, I'll do whatever I can for you. You know that." He said, "Will you get me the list of names and places of some of your top ten suspected terrorists that is on the “FBI watch list?” That would save me a lot of time and trouble when I go out with Terry and Krista on some of my missions with them. That way I can get the worst of these terrorists, when I'm hunting for them.” Mandy agreed, but told him it would take her a few days to get the list to him. He thanked her for her help and told her to hang onto the rifle and pistol just in case they ever needed it again. They agreed to part ways for now, but decided to stay in touch with each other.

  A few weeks later it was a Sunday morning and things had been real quiet for Doug. He hadn't been out with Terry and Krista or done anything with Mandy for a while. There hadn't been anyone in to check on him for over four days and he was starting to get a little antsy. He figured he had to get out of the building or he was going to go crazy. He thought about it, and made up his mind that he was going to put on his employee pass and leave the building for the day. He thought that maybe he could just enjoy a leisure Sunday walking around. He always wanted to go take a look at the Capitol building and now would be the perfect time.

  Once Doug was out of the building it was a fairly short walk to the "Whitehouse." He was feeling good about not being locked up for the day. He almost felt like he was a free man as he was walking along Pennsylvania Avenue toward the Capitol building. When he got almost to the front of the Whitehouse it started getting a little crowded with people that were gathered on the outside of the capitol grounds. They were taking pictures and just enjoying the view. There was a lot of activity going on and Doug happened to walk upon a young Middle Eastern looking man and woman that were passing out pamphlets. He reached out and grabbed one of the papers and noticed it was some of that negative propaganda about the Jews and Americans. It was just like what he had seen in some of the mosques he'd blown up in the past. Doug stepped aside from the crowd to read what it said. As soon as he read about half of it he became outraged that these two people were being allowed to pass out their hate material right in front of the Whitehouse grounds.

  He couldn't contain his anger as he went over to the young man and said, "Do you really believe the lies that are written in this pamphlet?" The young man replied angrily, "There not lies old man, they are the truths of what the Jews and Americans are doing to the Muslims of the world. They've been killing Muslims all over the world and getting away with it. Look what they did in Iraq and have been doing in Afghanistan and other Muslim countries. People of the world need to open their eyes and see how they kill our people and then justify it by calling them radical terrorists."

  Doug was furious by then and tried to reason with the young man when he said, "What about the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, right here in America. What about the Boston Marathon bombers. Who do you think blew them up? It wasn't the Jews, it was the radical Muslim terrorists. They've been blowing up people and cutting off people's heads all over the world. They've been killing anyone that doesn't believe in the Quran or go along with their beliefs."

  He and the young man continued to argue for several minutes and then the young woman chimed in and gave Doug her two cents worth. She got right in his face and was making a huge scene as she got louder and louder. They continued to argue with each other until a policeman walked over and broke it up. He told Doug to leave the two young people alone and told him to either walk away or be arrested for being a public nuisance. When he heard him say that, he instantly turned from the couple and started to walk away, but he was still extremely angry as he left.

  He didn't go far when he found a bench about a hundred yards away from the two young people and just sat and watched them. He stayed there for a few hours and contemplated what he wanted to do to them. The longer he sat there the angrier he became. He was upset with them, but he was also upset that the policeman made him leave and not the two young people passing out their propaganda to the public.

  When it was close to noon Doug watched as the two young people took a break and headed for their car. He followed them at a safe distance to see where they were going. He wasn't far behind as they turned off of Pennsylvania Avenue and onto a side street. There were a lot of trees and bushes on both sides of the street and it created a dark tunnel affect for a few blocks. They continued walking just a little further until they arrived at their car. They got inside and spent about forty five minutes having lunch. Once they were finished they got out and headed back to their spot where they were giving out the propaganda pamphlets.

  Doug went back to the same bench where he was sitting before he followed them to their car. He sat there for another four hours just waiting for them to leave. When it looked like they were packing things up he left the bench and found the place where the trees were real thick on the sides of the road. He hid in them and waited for the two to make their way toward his position. When they got to his location the young man was walking in a hurry and about five yards ahead of the young woman. Taking advantage of the situation, Doug quickly jumped out of his hiding place and ran up behind
the young woman and grabbed her from behind. He put his hand over her mouth and quickly gave her neck a quick snap and she instantly fell to the ground dead. He laid her body down on the sidewalk and ran up behind the young man. When he got close enough, he knocked him to the ground with his fist. Once down Doug then hit him several times in the face and knocked him unconscious. After he was out, Doug bashed his head into the concrete sidewalk several times until he heard his skull make a cracking sound. He felt the young man's body go limp and so he immediately felt for a pulse. He wasn't able to feel one so he just left him lying there on the sidewalk. He stood up, turned around and headed in the opposite direction, toward Pennsylvania Avenue like nothing had ever happened.

  Doug was still angry as he made his way back to the FBI building and went to his room. Once there, he laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling as he said, "Dumb, stupid terrorists. They can't get away with that in America. Not with me around. When will they ever learn?"



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