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The Girl in Between

Page 6

by Miranda Silver

  Ian’s fingers tightened on her breasts, his body tensing above hers. Anger flashed across his face. She’d never actually seen Ian mad. Intense, yes. But between the serious moments, Ian made a joke of most things.

  Then his expression and touch softened.

  “I’m gonna keep telling you, then.”

  “Are you all talk?” she murmured. “Or are you going to take my bra off?”

  Ian palmed the full curves. “What do you say, baby?”

  She wasn’t in the mood for games right now. She didn’t feel like playing or pushing back. She just wanted to be as close to Ian as possible.

  “Please,” she said simply. “I need you.”

  His eyes slitted. A hand slid under her back to unhook her bra. The lacy cups peeled away, exposing her heavy breasts to Ian’s view. He rubbed his thumb over one puffy nipple.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered. “You’ve always been so beautiful. Everything about you.”

  Her breath caught. Her nipple was exquisitely sensitive under Ian’s slow caresses.

  “Even that time that I made a mud pie and snuck up behind you and got it all over both of us, and you were wearing your brand-new jersey?”

  “Definitely that time. Lift your ass for me.”

  The sweetest words possible. Eagerly, she raised her ass off the seat. Thumbs hooked into her shorts and panties and pulled them down her legs. They dropped on the floor, a bright heap on the growing pile of clothes. All she had on were white socks and tennis shoes. A breath hissed from Ian as he stared down at her.

  “Such a nice ass.” He cupped her cheek in one hand, squeezing the generous curve. “Your body’s perfect, Diana. It’s always been perfect, even when you didn’t think so.”

  Pleasure heated her face. “Nobody’s perfect,” she protested. “Definitely not me. I don’t expect you to be.”

  “Don’t argue, baby.” When he gave her a good hard pinch, she gasped. “I’m telling you the truth.” A light smack followed.

  Oh. God. She wanted more of that sweet sting, but she moaned when his fingers found the sticky warmth between her legs.

  “Mmmmm, and here’s the sweetest little pussy. Just right for my fingers and cock.”

  “I trust you so much,” she said abruptly. Ian looked up from her pussy, startled.

  “Where’d that come from?” A finger brushed her clit, as if by accident.

  She knew. Say you trust us, Brendan had whispered that first night in the treehouse. “I just do. I trust you completely, Ian. I’d do anything with you.”

  Ian’s eyes widened. He stroked her opening, then worked inside her, fingering her slowly, making her quiver. “Good. Because sometime, Diana…”

  “Yes?” she whispered.

  “I really want to see you fucking lose it. No booze or drugs. Just you, letting go.”

  Diana’s stomach lurched. “I will if you will.”

  “Nah.” Ian massaged her clit until she relaxed and melted against him. “You don’t want to see me lose it.”

  “Trust me. I do.” When his strokes lengthened, the “do” turned into a breathy moan. “I know who you are,” she murmured into his skin. “You’re Ian who's so good. Ian who deserves kisses everywhere.” He inhaled sharply as she explored his chest, nuzzling the patch of hair. “Ian who makes me want to learn everything and do everything.”

  His fingers flexed inside her tight warmth. “You already are.”

  “Take your pants off,” she whispered.

  He flashed a sudden wicked grin that gleamed in the moonlight. “You do it.”

  She unzipped his jeans, too excited to go slow, and pulled down his boxers. His cock sprang free, dark in the dim light. She wrapped her fingers around the warm shaft, letting Ian deal with pulling his pants off as she stroked the velvety skin. Clear dew spilled from the tip. When she massaged it in, Ian let out a grunt. His heavy length twitched against her palm.

  He was naked now, half-kneeling over her on the back seat. Parting her folds, rubbing his fat head over all her secret places. She lifted her hips, excited and eager. He found her entrance and pushed.

  “Ooh…” She wriggled on the seat, slippery but tight, taking him in. “You feel so big like this.”

  “Mm-hm.” He crushed her nipple between his fingers, making her dizzy, holding himself inside her. “You want that?”

  “Yes!” She welcomed the stretch and the twinge of discomfort. “More,” she urged.

  He gave her more. And more. And she wanted to push back, but there was barely room to maneuver in the back of the Jeep.

  “I can’t get the hang of this,” she gasped. “I’m trying to move, I promise.”

  “I know, baby. I got you.” He pushed her knee against her chest and held her in place on the seat. Flexing his hips, he sank deeper. “It’s an awkward position. That’s why you need to keep coming to the gym.” His voice was soothing, hypnotic, and so much like his brother’s that she spasmed on his thickness in surprise. Wrapping her other leg around his waist, she let out a cry when he hit a sensitive spot. “Soon, you’ll be able to take me inside you in every way.”

  “Fuck,” she groaned. Her pussy clutched Ian’s cock. “I need you every way.” Fingers tightened around her ponytail, pulling. “Yes. Harder.”

  Ian’s eyes, smoky with lust, widened. He gripped her hair, yanking it, just as he drove into her with a ferocious thrust.

  “Oh God.”

  “Like that? Is that what you need right now?”


  “You need it a little rough?” He growled and plunged into her, his body heavy and slick. “You need me to fuck you into pieces?”

  She gasped and tightened around him, because it was so right. “Yes. And put me back together.”

  Ian was fucking her so deep that it almost hurt. But she wanted the intensity. She needed the hugeness of him pushing inside her with all his male weight.

  “I’m — I’m going to cry,” she panted.

  “Do it.”

  “It won’t be cute.”

  “Let it out.”

  The ceiling blurred above her. Tears spilled down her cheeks, hot and fast, and pooled in her neck.

  “Ian,” she sobbed.

  “Let it all out.” She could barely see Ian’s face through the tears clouding her eyes. But his deep growl, his heavy strokes, his hard pull on her hair, made her shudder. “Let it out while we fuck.”

  The mix of feelings threatened to overwhelm her. She clutched Ian’s hard waist, fingers digging into his bulk, tears still falling, pushing back. As fiery pressure built, her hand worked between them to seek relief.

  “Oh yeah,” Ian muttered. “Touch yourself, you bad girl. You’ve done it so many times, haven’t you? All alone in your room, playing with your hot little pussy, wishing and waiting so long to be fucked. Waiting for the guy who wants the real you. Show me how you come on my cock.”

  Breathless, she circled her clit, soaked and spread open to Ian. The pain dissolved, and every juicy plunge felt good now. Her cunt quivered on his thick shaft.

  When a finger probed her ass, pushing into her rosebud, she cried out. She surrendered to the pleasure of Ian’s cock, her own touch on her clit, the intimacy of his finger buried in her slick cleft. She couldn’t get enough of his hot breath and hungry lips on her tearstained cheeks. He was a sleek weight on top of her. She bucked into him as a spasm shook her body, then came in a long, rippling orgasm.

  “That’s it, baby,” Ian whispered, husky. “Just let it all go on me. Do another one. You know you want to.”

  Oh. Oh God. Her fingers slipped over the swollen bud of her clit again and again as his words spurred her on. Tightening again, releasing again.

  “Mmm. Christ,” he grunted. “You’re having such a huge fucking orgasm. You have so many dirty needs, don’t you, Diana?”

  “Yes.” The words dropped from her lips.

  “Do you want my cum?” His thrusts sped up as he held her firmly on the seat. “Becau
se you’re going to get it. You’re going to get it all.”

  “Wait.” She gripped his shoulders. “Not yet.”

  Ian halted, his face dark with desire. He breathed in and out hard. “You better have a good reason, girl.”

  “In my ass. Please, Ian…” The begging just got her hotter.

  His cock jerked in her tight embrace. “Fuck, yes. But I don’t have lube.”

  “I do,” she breathed. One hand scrabbled on the floor as she tried to keep her perch on the seat. Unzipping her purse, she rustled around inside until her fingers closed on a tube.

  She put it in Ian’s hand. Through the haze of lust on his face, she saw an unmistakable smirk.

  “Damn. You really are a horny girl, Diana.” A swat on her ass made her jump. “Turn over, baby.”

  The Jeep floated around her. Dazed, she felt Ian’s cock slip out. Hands helped her onto her stomach. Fuzz tickled her breasts and belly, sending shivers over her skin — the towel.

  Sure fingers spread her cheeks and rubbed lube into her rosebud. The glide of the slick liquid made her shiver. A knowing finger slid inside, massaging her in the most private, intimate way. More fingers surrounded her clit. Ian caressed the sensitive opening of her cunt, stroking her everywhere. Her ass squeezed down on his finger, then relaxed.

  “That’s it, beautiful.” Ian’s deep voice was heavy with desire. “Just let me in.”

  More pressure opened her rosebud, but not enough to be Ian’s cock. Diana sucked in a breath as her ass fluttered around sudden thickness. The touch felt strange. Willing herself to trust Ian, she slowly yielded to the firmness sinking inside her.

  Then she realized — two fingers. Twisting and stroking, massaging in and out. She let out a low cry. Her cunt was absolutely dripping.

  Suddenly, Ian withdrew, leaving her empty. Warm flesh pressed against her cleft. Diana focused on opening to Ian completely, focused on his cock, huge and hard, the friction of his velvety skin.

  No words. No moans. Only the sound of their breathing. When her ass clenched sharply on Ian’s cock, his lips found her neck, soothing her until she relaxed around him. His shaft was so hot and slippery and silky smooth, easing in and out. In the sweet silence, every nerve in her body felt Ian’s impossible thickness moving in her ass.

  “Ian, oh God… talk to me, Ian,” she pleaded. The sudden twitch of of his heavy cock made her cry out. Fingers closed over her clit again. A comforting hand surrounded her breast, rolling the tight bud of her nipple.

  “You’re amazing,” he rasped. “You’re so sexy. Your ass is so soft and hot and right.” She whimpered, spasming on his cock and fingers in a surge of pleasure. “This is what we need to be doing right now, Diana. This is where we need to be. My cock, your ass. Fucking over and over and over and over.”

  “I love you so much.” Saying the words made her ass flutter around Ian’s cock.

  A low groan was all she heard. That, and ragged breathing. “I love you too,” came a murmur near her ear. “Go ahead, baby. Make some noise.”

  She moaned louder as Ian rubbed the tiny bud. Her face pressed into the backseat of the Jeep, the towel imprinting her cheek. Her ass rippled around his cock. Ian eased deeper inside her, slick and pulsing, murmuring soft words that blended together. Soft, unspeakably dirty words. Loving words.

  She caught sexy ass and your first fuck and belong to me. Beautiful was in there too. And slut, and bad girl, and I love you.

  It was all so right, and her moans shook the car now. Her clit was so swollen and sensitive under Ian’s fingers. Her ass opened to accept his sinking cock again and again. She couldn’t take it, it was too much sensation, too much sharpness and sweetness, she was teetering on the edge, until she gasped and her body clenched and she exploded in an orgasm. Warmth flooded her body as she convulsed with pleasure.

  “I’m yours,” she panted.

  “Fuck yes, you are.”

  His cock throbbed inside her tight channel. And then, oh God, hot spurts of cum soaked her from the inside. She would never get over how that felt. More than anything else, feeling Ian come, buried in her most secret place, made her completely his.

  Her ass tightened around Ian in little aftershocks. She shivered when he pressed down on her clit, guiding her through more ripples of pleasure.

  “And you’re mine,” she whispered as their breathing slowed.

  He laughed softly. “That too.”

  Exhausted, Diana collapsed on the backseat. She was dimly aware of the rumpled towel beneath her, against her cheek and naked skin. The emptiness as Ian eased his cock from her cleft, the brush of his skin on her back as he climbed over her.

  Moonlight outlined his arm as he reached down, and fleece settled over her body. She breathed in a familiar clean scent — the blanket. Sleepily, she reached for Ian.

  Somehow, they fit together in the backseat, curled up in the confines of the car. The dark freckle under Ian’s left eye stood out against his skin.

  “Fuck, Diana,” he breathed into her hair.

  “You’re beautiful,” she whispered. “I can’t take it sometimes.”

  The moonlight showed just enough of his grin. “Blame my brother.”

  “Oh, so you got his face?”

  “It’s a joke.” He closed his eyes, his heavy body relaxed against hers. “And you’re dirty. Sweet and dirty, like I always knew you were.”

  “Always?” She pinched one tiny hard nipple, and Ian’s eyes flew open. “We were kids together. I know you were a gross boy, but always?”

  He laughed softly. “Long enough.”

  “Now you say that.” Diana sighed when he tugged her hair. Then she saw the tube of lube on the floor, and the sigh turned into a groan.


  “One of my friends saw the lube tonight.” Her face flushed hot. “She knocked down my purse in the middle of a diner and it fell out. I thought I was going to sink through the floor…”

  Shaking. Ian was shaking. With laughter. Grabbing his shoulders, she pushed herself up to glare at him, then dissolved into laughter too.

  “I made her promise not to tell anyone,” she wheezed, collapsing onto Ian’s chest. “I didn’t tell her about you. I said I needed to keep things private.”

  “Oh yeah? You didn’t tell her your boyfriend’s brother gave you some lube and a butt plug for a little graduation present?” He smacked her ass.

  “Jesus, Ian. That present wasn’t so little.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.”

  “Shut up,” she giggled. “You feel huge. Enormous. Immense. Happy?”

  Instead of answering, he kissed her. “It’ll be okay, Diana. We don’t have to tell anybody right now. Brendan knows and that’s cool. I like it this way too.” Ian’s voice was low. Soothing. A warm palm covered her stomach. “You probably made your friend’s day. Which one?”

  “You don’t know my friends.” She tickled his abs, following the trail of hair downward.

  “I saw you with them at graduation. Right? Those kids with a million cords around their necks, who were almost as good at school as you? I bet they never left their rooms either.”

  Diana pinched his waist. “They left their rooms more than I did. It was Marissa. Brendan gave her his phone to take pictures of, uh, the three of us.”

  “Oh, her. The girl whose hair is three different colors? You’ll be fine. The one who forgot how to talk ‘cause she was drooling over Brendan — you’d be in trouble there. She’d tell everybody.”

  “Janelle? Yep. She would.” Diana looked at Ian curiously. “She was drooling over you, too. She went to your basketball games to lust after you guys—” She broke off. She’d asked Marissa to keep her secrets. She didn’t have any business spilling other people’s private comments.

  “Whatever.” Ian shrugged. “What else are you hiding in that purse? Your butt plug? Or do you keep it in all day at the lab?”

  “You wish.” She snorted with laughter. “Lifesavers, lipstick, phone
, and random napkins with poems. Totally innocent.”

  “Got anything to clean up with in there?”

  Blushing, she felt around until she found a little bottle of hand sanitizer and dropped it on Ian's stomach.

  “Strawberry. Cute.” He poured it out. The fruity scent mingled with the sweat and sex perfuming the Jeep.

  “You didn't come prepared,” she teased.

  “Sure I did. See?” He leaned down and handed her another towel. The soft drag spattered goosebumps across her skin. She started to pull it between her thighs, then stopped. “Oh, you need help, baby?”

  Holding one leg up, he wiped her clean with quick strokes.

  “Okay...okay...that's good,” she said breathlessly. Ian bundled up the towel and dropped it on the floor. “I just didn't know if you wanted me all over your towel.”

  He squinted at her like she was crazy. “I want you all over my everything.”


  All through high school, her friends had talked about being careful with guys.

  Don’t put all your feelings on the table right away. Make them sweat. Keep them guessing.

  Forget that. There was no being careful with Ian.

  He picked up the thermos from the floor. As he unscrewed the lid and held it out to her, the scent of hot cocoa met her nose. Little marshmallows bobbed on top.

  “You did it again,” she murmured. “The blanket, the thermos, the note from last week.” They’d sat in a neat pile in her backyard while she blinked awake late at night — lovesick, confused, convinced she and Ian would never work. .

  “Yeah, I remember this used to be your favorite. Seemed pretty sad that you didn't drink any last time.”

  “Is it spiked?”

  “Nope. Do you wish it was?”

  “That's okay.” Diana sipped. The night was sticky. Her heart still raced and sweat was cooling on her body, but the cocoa took her back to cozy scarves and snow angels with the twins. “This is just right.”

  As she licked melted marshmallow off her lips, Ian sprawled in the backseat with a stupid grin on his face.

  “Damn, baby.”

  Diana passed the cocoa to him. “You better drink up,” she said sympathetically. “You look worn out. I guess that’s what happens when you’re old.”


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