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True Ghost Stories: Real Short Tales of the Supernatural (The Real Paranormal Psychic Series)

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by Unknown

  For some reason I looked over at my parents’ room and there was someone sitting up in their bed. I thought it was my Mom but then I put on my glasses and there was a spirit or ghost staring at me, and sitting next to my Mom. It was white and had holes where the eyes should have been. I laid right back down in my bed and didn't move until my Dad came back in to get me up.

  The Abandoned Property

  I was nine years old and we used to play on the property of an old house. The house had no floors or windows; the doors were all boarded up.

  One day, while raiding the cherry trees in the front of the property, we spotted an old lady in a long black skirt, white shirt, apron and cap. She marched out of the front door of the property and raised a shotgun towards us. She fired a shot that seemed to hit the tree close to us, but we didn’t go and check. Instead, we high tailed it out of there quick smart.

  I came back the next day with my cousin. We checked the house out thoroughly. There were no windows, curtains, or floorboards, and the door was barricaded shut. This time we did check that tree that copped the shot. There was no bullet mark.

  To investigate further we went around the back, to the barn. The door to the lock up was open; we went inside; took the stairs to the attic. I crossed the attic floor and my cousin followed.

  The floor gave way and he landed in the stables below. I fell backwards and landed on a book, that wasn’t there before. The book was about the supernatural and ghosts. I took the book home and read it three times at least. After that, the book disappeared!

  My interest in the supernatural has grown ever since.

  Southern Drawl

  I was visiting family in Louisiana about a year ago, and I stayed in my aunt's home.

  One evening, the family was gathered together and we were watching the children play with a puppy. I saw, what I thought was, my cousin walk past a doorway in the hallway, next to where we were seated.

  I assumed my cousin was going to hide from the children and scare them by jumping out at them, when they least expected it.

  After several minutes of me waiting for the surprise to happen, the children left to go home with their Mom. That left my aunt, my uncle, another cousin, my husband, and myself in the room.

  After the children departed, I yelled to the cousin, who I assumed was still hiding, to come out. I casually mentioned to her mom (my aunt) that I had seen her walk by some time ago, and that she must have wanted to scare the kids.

  My aunt, sat calmly and stated in her southern drawl, 'Honey, there's no one back there'. I was certain, and without a doubt, that my cousin had walked right past me in that hallway. I saw her! My aunt looked at me again, with a slight smile, and said, 'I'm tellin' you honey, nobody's there, go see'.

  So adamant was I that she was wrong, I marched out with the remaining cousin and checked the guest room and bathroom. There was nowhere for anyone to go; it was a dead end hallway.

  I walked back to the living room, with disbelief and a dropped jaw, and stuttered, 'But, I saw her, right there’.

  In an attempt to calm me down, my aunt told us the history of the house and all the previous activity they have experienced over the last 20+ years. My aunt has never felt malice from the ghost, and in fact, welcomes his presence. She thinks he's there looking over her family. However, other family members think differently.

  Upon retiring for the night, I walked into my guest room, announced that I knew the ghost was in there, and asked that he let me alone to get some sleep. He did leave me alone, but I didn't sleep well. How could I?

  The Goat-Man Comes A Calling

  I was sitting on the bed getting ready to watch some DVDs (not going to sleep, light was on) and I had the DVD player off.

  I was still getting settled in and thinking about getting a snack from downstairs before starting the show. It was around 2 a.m. and my normal bedtime is between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m. so I wasn't tired yet.

  I turned towards the dresser next to the bed and, as I did this, I had an image flash in my mind. I 'felt' a presence. Behind me, at the bathroom door, there was a goat-man sitting on the floor smiling at me. He was about four foot tall, if he'd stood up. I was completely overcome with fear.

  I'm not frightened of ghosts or demons, and I believe they're around us all the time. Up till that night, I'd never had a vision sighting before, and I was paralysed with fear. Something told me not to turn around, even if it was to prove to myself there was nothing there. But, I so desperately wanted to!

  The whole experience lasted almost a full minute. That's how long it took me to gather the courage to move and go to the kitchen. I never did glance towards the bathroom door before I left the room.

  I tried to forget about this whole thing but a few days later, I looked online for people who had had similar experiences. I discovered that there is a goat-man demon from Europe who is sighted around mine, digging, well disaster sites and, what I saw fits the description exactly.

  This research was even more unsettling for me because that bathroom, in the basement, has faulty plumbing and is unusable. Since the room is in the basement, the piping runs under a false floor, with the sink and commode raised about a foot off the actual basement floor. To access the pipes would require the tearing up of the bathroom floor.

  This happened about four years ago, and generally, I try not to think about the experience too much. Unfortunately, retelling the story has brought it all back to me, and now, I do not care to dwell on it any more.

  I'm not prone to experiences like the one I had that night, and, it was so out-of-the-blue, I believe something awful was trying to frighten and torment me.

  It hasn't manifested again since.

  I am not a devout textbook Christian but I do have faith in God and Christ, and I believe that faith can shield people from the demons manifesting. I believe God allows demons to exist, so that we are tempted and tormented, to test our faith and quite honestly, it made mine stronger.

  Three Ghosts And A Shadow Person

  I was 20 years old, sleeping in my bed. I shared my room with two others who slept through this whole experience.

  I woke up to find someone standing over me.

  Immediately, I sat up and I called out thinking it was my friend. As I sat up and stared into a dark shadow, I slowly became more lucid, and realised this wasn't my friend.

  Soon after this shadow dissolved and I became aware of an apparition standing in the corner of my room. Next, my attention was brought to that of a young girl in a dress, perhaps five years old, who was running through the bedroom door. As I followed her with my eyes, she ran toward the first ghost I saw in the corner, who had by then been joined by a third ghost.

  All three stood with their back towards me, and the little girl stood between the two adult females. I looked at the digital clock next to my head - it was 4:00 a.m. I settled (that is hardly the word) down into my bed and rested back on my elbows. I was shaking and sweating.

  I remember wondering what I was seeing and what had woken me in the first place. I pinched myself so many times I lost track of the small bruises I inflicted. All three of the ghosts were talking to each other. I could clearly hear them whispering, but was unable to make out any distinct words.

  They seemed distressed or agitated, and I got the sense that they were a bit worried that I was watching.

  I kept my eye on the clock until it was 4:45 a.m. They were still in the room.

  I switched on the lamp next to my bed and poof – they were gone. Suddenly, there was neither hide nor hair of the trio!

  I turned the light off, and never saw them again.

  In total, there were four entities in the room that night. First, there was the one who woke me up, and that was a Shadow person. There were also three normal (is there such a thing?) ghosts. This night was the first of two times that I saw a shadow person. In neither case was I afraid of it. In fact, the second time, I sensed it was deeply concerned for me.

  I am certain this was not a
lucid dream.

  The White Lady

  I grew up in a house where we all saw the White Lady. She never spoke, but she always watched.

  I started seeing her around the age of 12 years and the sightings continued until I moved out, when I was 18 years of age. I used to see her both when I was alone and when I was with others.

  To this day, I still won't stay in that house alone.

  The White Lady never spoke to me, and I never got any sense of what she wanted, only that she watched us.

  We have all seen her, both inside the house and outside, in the back yard. I am now convinced that she may have been murdered on the property, due to other ghostly experiences that happen in that same house.

  The Rocking Chair With A Life Of Its Own

  I was living in a very old brick home in England at the time this experience happened.

  The house was built in the 18th century. It was a two storey home, with a ground floor central hall way and there were smaller rooms that ran off that. There was a stairway in the hallway that lead to the second storey where two bedrooms were located.

  One of the rooms downstairs was quite small but it contained a fireplace and an antique rocking chair. I bought that chair at auction in a nearby town. It had a split in the seat that ran from the front of the chair to about halfway up the seat. That split did not reach the bottom of the seat. When weight was placed on the chair it rocked and it creaked. If no weight was on the chair seat, it did not squeak at all.

  One evening, about two days after bringing the chair home, I was awakened by the muffled sound of the chair making a noise (the door to that room was closed). I walked downstairs, quite puzzled and wondering who would be seated on the chair.

  As I stood by the door, still in the hallway, it did cross my mind that I had a burglar in the house. I finally summonsed enough courage to open the door quickly and jumped back out of the way. What I saw was the chair cease its rocking movement in a darkened room.

  I turned on the light and looked around and, of course, there was nothing unusual there. The chair was still. I pushed it with my hand and it was silent as I rocked it. I then sat down on the chair and rocked it a few times. As expected, the creaking noise started with my weight on it.

  I sat there wondering what could possibly have caused the noise I heard and then I decided to go back upstairs to my wife and bed.

  As I left the room and closed the door, the rocking chair started to creak again. I opened the door as fast as I could and caught the chair, once more, slowing down its movement to a standstill. Now, the goose bumps and fear really hit me.

  I stood in that doorway with the door open. My wife called down from the top of the stairs wanting to know what I am doing. I told her what was going on and she came halfway down the stairs to take a peek into the room with me. I decided to leave the door open and assured her all would be well. I wish I could say that I believed what I was telling her.

  As I walked behind her and reached the top of the stairs, the rocking chair started again and the creaking was much louder, as the door was open. I literally fell down the stairs and picked myself up to watch it rocking before my eyes. It made no effort to stop this time and continued for about an hour.

  I never left the doorway. I never saw a ghost or spirit but this continued for about a month until I took the chair and tossed it on the local dump. I couldn't take it anymore!

  The Uninvited House Guest

  In 1987, I was living in a rented house in Georgia, USA along with four roommates.

  We lived there for just over a year and, during that time, we had several experiences with what we later became convinced was an actual ghostly presence. The house was well over a hundred years old and was built sometime just after the American Civil War.

  The house was an old two storey, five bedroomed home with both an attic and full basement. One week after moving in, we were all asleep in our rooms when we were all awakened by the screams coming from a roommate. We all jumped out of bed and rushed into her room. She was sitting up in bed, saying that she'd woken up to see the dark figure of a man standing next to her bed, looking down at her.

  She also said that when she screamed, the figure turned and walked out of the room. She was very scared and highly agitated! I and the other male roommate immediately checked the inside and the outside of the house, but we could find no intruder. (This happened around two or three o'clock in the morning).

  We finally got her to calm down and everyone went back to bed. We later chalked up this first incident to nervousness about living in a new home that just happened to be old, creaky and somewhat spooky. However, our flatmate would not hear of that explanation and continued to insist that she had seen the dark figure. She also refused to stay in the house alone after that.

  About two weeks after this first incident, we were again all asleep when suddenly there was a very loud crash and the sound of tinkling glass from the hallway that separated the bedrooms.

  Again, we all jumped out of bed and ran out into the hall where we found a mirror that had been mounted on the bathroom door, shattered into hundreds of pieces all over the floor. Since everyone had been asleep, we could not figure out how this had happened, as the mirror frame was still securely fastened to the door and only the glass had broken.

  Later, similar poltergeist activity occurred. There was one instance when I was home alone watching television. Three candles that were on the fireplace mantle suddenly fell to the floor, as if someone had swept them off with a hand.

  Then, there was the phenomena that we all experienced at one time or another where personal objects and other items would go missing, only to turn up later in a place where the owner would swear that he/she had not left them. On one occasion, missing car keys were found right in the middle of the person's bed, even though a thorough search had been previously conducted by everyone who was home at that time.

  Other unexplained instances came in the form of tapping sounds coming from the attic and the basement.

  There was only one sighting of an entity, and that was by someone other than those who lived in the house. We were having a party at our place and a houseguest, who none of us had met prior to the party, was taking a personal tour of the place on her own. She suddenly came running up from downstairs saying that she had just seen a man standing in the corner of the basement. She said that when she had called out to him, he disappeared!

  We went down to the basement to check and found nobody there. There was only one entrance leading into or out of the basement and someone trying to play a trick would not have been able to escape past anyone without being seen. The houseguest was a new acquaintance whom we determined had no prior knowledge that our place might be haunted.

  Toward the end of our time in the house, my wife and I were out at a restaurant one evening having dinner. We struck up a conversation with another couple sitting at a table nearby, who were complete strangers to us and we met them by total chance. They asked us where we were living and when we told them they said, 'We used to live there. Which street do you live on?'

  We told them and they replied, 'We used to rent a house on that same street. What is your address?' We gave them our address and they said, 'We used to rent that exact same house,' immediately followed by, 'Have you seen the ghost yet?'

  Well, you can imagine that both my wife and I were completely flabbergasted to receive such validation about our 'ghost problem' from two complete strangers! We compared notes with them and they told us about many strange happenings they had witnessed in the house.

  The Guest Who Keeps Other Guests Away

  As a child (until I was nine years of age) I lived in a haunted house with my parents and sister. However, it wasn't until years after we moved out that our parents told us that the old house was haunted.

  Apparently, late at night, usually well after us kids had gone to sleep, someone could be heard walking around in the bathroom, but when Mum and Dad investigated this they found the lig
hts off and the room empty.

  Even though us kids didn't know about the haunting at the time, we were always terrified of passing by that bathroom door at night, on the way to our bedroom.

  When I was about five or six years old, I awoke one night to see the faintly luminous face of an old woman (with no body attached) peering around the doorway into the room I shared with my sister.

  She appeared to be around 50 years of age, or so and her hair was tied up in a bun. I remember thinking at the time that her hairstyle reminded me a bit of a Japanese geisha. There was nothing startling about the experience. I got the impression she was just checking in on us kids. I went back to sleep and thought nothing of it until years later when our parents told us about the ghost in our old house.


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