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True Ghost Stories: Real Short Tales of the Supernatural (The Real Paranormal Psychic Series)

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by Unknown

  For all I know it may have been just a dream, but me dreaming of a ghost, just the once, while in a house that I didn't even know was haunted at the time seems too much of a coincidence.

  Our immediate family weren't the only people to experience the hauntings.

  Apparently, as my parents told me later, friends and family who stayed the night only ever did so once. Our Aunt once came to stay for a week. After one night in the house she insisted on sleeping in the caravan in the backyard for the rest of her stay.

  Of course, my experience and the fact that we kids were terrified of the bathroom at night, could have been all due to us picking up our parents' feelings, on a sub-conscious level. On the other hand, could everyone else who ever stayed the night also be expected to be sensitive enough to do the same?

  The last house that I lived in had a very strong impact on my belief in the paranormal.

  A Happy House Gone Wrong

  We rented this house, which was built in 1917, and within a week of moving in I witnessed an apparition.

  Besides experiencing a few small things as a child, I had never had any major experience like this before.

  I watched, out of the corner of my eye, as a well dressed, moustached gentleman in a long coat walked through my desk. He was a pale image but nonetheless, he was there one moment and gone the next.

  A few weeks later, while cooking dinner, my boyfriend patted me on the bum and I turned to return the gesture of affection, only to find he was standing 12 feet away on the other side of the room.

  There was no way possible it could have been him. He saw nothing either.

  Shortly afterwards, following on from this incident, I awoke in the early hours of the morning to find my bedroom completely altered.

  The lighting was lighting; there was old wallpaper and antique furniture.

  I blinked and the room returned to normal. I am certain I was not dreaming.

  As time progressed, both my boyfriend and our roommate began to experience phenomena as well. There was the sound of the front door opening and closing for hours, when it was quite obviously locked. Doors would open and close for now apparent reason.

  During this time, we began having severe problems with our landlord, despite being good tenants, to the point of having to call the police because he was robbing our back shed.

  The energy in the house kept growing heavier and darker and our landlord became more irrational. Eventually, we had to seek a lawyer and to end our tenancy.

  I was devastated because I had fallen in love with the home, despite its ghostly inhabitants. I remember as we left, feeling that if we couldn't have that home I didn't want anyone else to live there. Strangely, the house remained unrented for six months following our tenancy, in a town with a .03 per cent vacancy rate.

  Following that, it was demolished and a new home is now underway.

  I have no explanation for what we experienced, but it has drastically affected the way I view the world.

  An Oriental Experience

  I was sleeping, and awoke to find a horrifying face approaching me. I was not able to move or call for help. This all lasted perhaps a few minutes only.

  I had to mentally fight the face, though and, only when it started to fade away, was I able to move and I ran to my parents' room.

  Until this point in time, I had seen many apparitions and heard many unexplainable noises such as the doorbell ringing and knocking sounds on the front door (when there was obviously no one there), and our dog's footsteps on the stairs when in fact the dog was sleeping.

  I wasn't frightened of these occurrences. However, this particular experience was terrifying. I was living in Japan at the time and I now know others have had similar experiences.

  He Walks But Without Legs

  My husband and I were walking our two dogs before sunrise. He had walked on ahead of me and didn't see what I am about to describe. Furthermore, I couldn't call out to him because I was in such shock that all I could do was just stand there and watch.

  What I saw was in a field. It moved and, as it did, I saw it from three different angles. It was definitely three-dimensional.

  At first it glowed bright white. Then, it grew dimmer as it moved towards me. It was shaped like a slender young male, but it had no legs. It glided above the ground rather quickly. It covered about 125 feet in 15 seconds or so.

  Then, when it was about 30 feet from me it turned away towards the fence and dissolved.

  It took a good full second for it to dissolve; that didn’t happen instantaneously.

  Then, I broke into a cold sweat and took off to catch my husband and tell him about what I'd just seen.

  At first, I wished I hadn't seen it! Now I have come to accepted it and, in fact, wouldn't mind seeing that thing again.

  We have had strange poltergeist experiences in our home also.

  I have also had strange feelings and dreams but what I’m describing here is the strangest and most unexplainable of them all, and the most life changing, for me.

  My husband now wishes he had seen it, too. I wish I could find an explanation for this.

  A Case Of Mistaken Identity

  I have been told that I appear at different times and in different places when, in fact, I know I am somewhere else.

  Apparently, I appeared on board a steamer going from Hull in the UK to Holland. A friend of mine, who was travelling on that ship, related to me that she had seen me (I think at about 7 a.m.) and she described my costume completely, a description that tallied with the clothes I was then habitually wearing.

  I do not know whether I was asleep at the time of this sighting. I also am ignorant if I, or rather my simulacrum (likeness), said anything. I do know, however, that I was in England at the time.

  The Fox Sisters Revisited

  Probably the most convincing and strangest experience I have ever had followed a seminar I attended on the formation of the Spiritualist Church.

  I have had many premonitions etc. in my life but most of them would have been hard to prove. This particular experience followed after my viewing of a film at an Spiritualist seminar.

  The film was shown to around a dozen people. In the film, the Fox sisters who formed this church saw an apparition come out of the wall after hearing a lot of knocking. The apparition was that of a man. It was witnessed by the Fox sisters’ parents also.

  The sisters formed the church after seeing this 'man' appear and, later in life, one of the sisters went insane and the other committed suicide.

  I felt a bit disturbed by this film, just as the pastor warned we might be.

  The following day (or day after) I took my ex-husband's stepmother out for afternoon tea. She was in her late eighties and was going a little senile. She had few social contacts. Probably, I was the closest person to her at this time.

  Anyway, she started to relate a strange experience that she had on the night I was at the seminar. She had heard knocking on her wall, followed by a man coming out of it. She felt it was the spirit of her late partner.

  I was freaked out, to say the least, as she described precisely what I had seen in the film. There is no way anyone could have told her about what I had seen that night.

  Had she not been going senile I do not think she would have told me this story because it sounds improbable or like a psychotic hallucination. I warned her (as a Christian) that the vision she saw was not her late partner, but rather a demonic spirit.

  My atheist ex-husband confirmed the story with her.

  Gettysburg Soldier

  I saw an apparition of a Civil War Union solider. He was marching, and in a flash of light, he turned and looked straight at me as he marched past. This took place in Gettysburg. I was so overwhelmed by this experience that, when I tried to describe what I had just seen, my voice changed.

  A Planned Sleepover For Two – Plus 1

  My daughter had a friend visiting and they were playing in her bedroom (both were girls about eight years of age).
  It was early in the morning. My husband and I were still in bed spooned, both facing the same direction, looking through the open bedroom door down the hallway.

  A tall, young girl walked out of a doorway and down the hall into the stairwell. The two girls came to see us a few seconds after. There was no other child in the house at the time.

  My husband and I both saw the apparition. The girl appeared taller and older than the other children in the house. We were both extremely surprised and felt that it was probably a spirit of some sort.

  I do remember feeling agitated when my husband said he thought the apparition was benign. That is not what I felt and, our daughter, from an early age has felt uneasy in that room.

  I was eight years old and staying with my Grandparents. My stepfather has recently passed away. My Dad passed over to spirit when I was only 11 months old.

  Looney Tunes To The Rescue

  My "Dad" came to comfort me. He showed up as a tall, tall as the doorway, Bugs Bunny - his favorite character. I'd forgotten this fact for a moment after he appeared and it scared me! When I finally screamed, I was told that it was an apparition and not possible. It was only years later that I came to understand its significance, when I finally shared the experience with my Mother.

  The Grim Reaper Comes Calling

  I twice saw an apparition of a man, the same man.

  First time was in the afternoon. I was in my bedroom at my vanity table (which my father had built). I turned around and the apparition was there. He wasn't life sized, but small like a portrait would be.

  About two weeks later the second event happened. I was in the shower. I felt a cold breeze and the shower curtain opened up and there he was again. Only this time he was much bigger in size. This time I was so scared I actually ran screaming out the shower.

  Many years later, I was somewhere else – can't think where – and I read a description of the Grim Reaper. From that description, I would say that my visitor was indeed he. I also remember reading that he is supposed to appear as a warning of impending death.

  Coincidence? Or not? My Father, who had been ill many years, died at this time. His death was a shock to us, but not unexpected.

  The Baby Is On Its Way

  I was staying in a hotel with my wife. We were both asleep when I awoke to see a person standing at the foot of the bed.

  He held up his hand in much like the way as Vanna White does on Wheel of Fortune. He was showing me something. Next to his hand I saw a baby sitting in a high chair, eating. The apparition looked at me and his eyes seemed to say 'it's all right, everything will be fine'.

  Two days later my wife and I found out that she was pregnant.

  Living and Working With the Other World

  My first visual, paranormal experience was when I was 17 years old. I was living with my parents.

  At around 3 a.m. and I awoke suddenly to see what I first thought was my mother sleepwalking into my room. I realised it wasn't her. In fact, I soon realised that my bedroom door was still closed, and that the bells that were hanging from it were not ringing.

  A sense of shock then filled my body and my heart raced as I began to take in what I was seeing.

  I watched a perfectly formed apparition stand at the foot of my bed looking out of the window for approximately five minutes. My room was dimly lit and I could see the clothing and the hair quite clearly. I was completely shocked at this point … being an agnostic, and all that!

  After about that five minute period elapsed, the figure turned around and walked past me, as I sat in bed. The figure completely vanished as it went past me. My door remained closed. I freaked out!

  That experience changed my life, and my opinion on life after death.

  Since that time, these occurrences have become more frequent. In fact, as a young man they happen daily, and are so commonplace that they are a part of my every day life.

  I work professionally as a 'soul rescuer'. In layman's terms, I get rid of ghosts for people. I also work as a psychic or medium, trance channel, healer etc. but I tend to use those skills as part of my work, rather than for public audiences.

  A Premonition

  My Grandmother passed away suddenly when she was 76 years old and I was just 17. I remember feeling when I hugged her goodbye for the last time that I would never see her again. She passed away within 12 hours of that hug.

  Three months later, she appeared to me in an apparition, dressed in the clothes that she was buried in. She spoke to me in her broken English and said that she was all right, and that I would be all right too.

  Psychokinesis I

  I've had many different experiences that started early in life, as far back as when I was three years old.

  I've experienced apparitions, poltergeist activity, etc. Typically, things happen soon after coming home from work or when I wake up in the morning. Examples include: dry dog food appearing in all the pot plants; washing machine starting up in the middle of the night; electrical appliances being turned off at the wall; things disappearing and then reappearing in different places, oftentimes with witnesses.

  I've seen people physically attacked by unknown forces. They bear scratches and bite marks on their backs, in places they could not reach themselves (try biting yourself on the back). Admittedly, these are extreme cases but, generally speaking, this has been my experience for 40 years.

  My close friends know that these events happen around me but I've never needed to seek help. Rationally, I just accept that these things exist and they exist around me. It has led me on a life long spiritual study, though!

  Psychokinesis II

  I am able to move objects using only my mind. I have done this not once but dozens of time. I can do it on demand. I have a friend who has been learning this technique with me and we are both getting much better at it, with practice.

  I have also seen a ghost in the house I own and my wife saw the same apparition at the same time. We compared notes immediately afterwards and we saw the same figure.

  Poltergeist Activity On The Home Front

  I had a poltergeist experience in an old apartment that I lived in. Coincidently or not, it manifested itself around the time that my then boyfriend began to be abusive towards me.

  At first, the TV set would come on every morning around 3:00 a.m. It would be so LOUD that I'd be woken by it and I'd have to get out of bed and turn it off. I called the TV company to see if it was a malfunction and they told me it could be someone else's TV remote interfering with our own signal. I found this interesting but unlikely since it never happened when the neighbours were awake or watching their TV sets.

  Anyway, things got stranger and stranger the longer we lived there. Things went missing; there were unexplained noises; things even fell off the wall. Then, something or someone started tripping up my boyfriend. Twice he nearly fell down the stairs because of the ghost (by then he'd started calling it a ghost).

  It never harmed me though. Sure, I'd seen it in action (e.g. all the lights coming on at the one time) but it never tried to harm me or make me feel scared. However, my boyfriend said he feared for his life.

  Interestingly, it was around this time that my boyfriend was becoming more verbally and psychologically abusive of me and I was looking for a way to escape the relationship. One night a friend of my boyfriend decided to crash out on our couch. He wasn't even asleep when the light came on in the office, the chair moved across the floor and the PC started dialling up the internet, of its own accord. The friend left the apartment almost immediately. He wouldn't stay a moment longer than he had to.

  I got rid of the poltergeist when I got rid of my ex-boyfriend! However, it has occasionally popped in for a visit, even here in my new home with my husband (who is not abusive!) When I get really angry or start to feel that helpless, overwhelming feeling that we all get at some time, usually the power will go out (sometimes only in one room) or something will fly across the room (one time right at my husband).

e Dead Cat Who Comes to Visits

  Two experiences: once, with a Christian group, we prayed together and I felt what I could only describe as a presence come into the room. It literally filled the space around us, making it difficult for me to even breathe. This presence stayed with me for about three minutes.


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