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True Ghost Stories: Real Short Tales of the Supernatural (The Real Paranormal Psychic Series)

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by Unknown

  Second experience: I saw the ghost of my beloved pet - a cat - that showed himself to me and other people in the house that I was living in.

  Not Without Grandmother, You Won’t

  Pictures were taken of my husband and me walking into our wedding reception.

  In one particular picture (taken by a friend of the family) there appears to be some smoke around us, particularly over my head. In the same picture-setup that was taken by the photographer, the background is clear – there’s no smoke at all. There was no smoking in the hall where we had our reception and there were no candles in the room to create any smoke.

  I got married on my Grandmother's birthday. I was very close to her until she died about a year before the wedding and the reception was held in a very old inn.

  My family and I all believe this smoke was my Grandmother's ghost who had come to watch over me.

  Note: there are many other pictures taken at our wedding reception that have orbs in them. These orbs are usually floating over various people’s heads. This picture of the 'smoke', as we call it, is different. Feeling that it was my Grandmother watching over me at my wedding makes me feel very happy. I like to think that she was there with us, enjoying our special day.

  Energy All Around

  I seem to be able to pull energies out of any object I chose to using eyes only. I am constantly surrounded by these energies and began to photograph them and learning more about them. Some are thought forms (influences) that seem to come from other people while other energies have manifested as actual ghosts, who seem to know that I see them.

  I can be placed in total darkness and still be surrounded these energies and the rule in my house at night is that all of them much turn purple so that I can sleep.

  There is just too much to tell about these entities in this writing.

  A Ghost for Comfort

  I was lying in bed one night, unable to sleep because my mother and my grandfather were arguing.

  I had never heard them do that before, and it upset me very much. All of the sudden, I felt the edge of the bed go down in one spot, and when I looked, I actually saw a depression on the edge that looked exactly as though someone was sitting there.

  I somehow *knew* that it was my Grandmother and, even though it was freaking me out more that the argument, I knew she was there to comfort me. That was my first experience with the ghost of someone I knew.

  And Comfort From Grandpa

  My experience had to do with when I was living with my parents shortly after another bad relationship had ended. I was feeling very alone and like I was never going to be able to provide a nice home and family life for my daughter besides just living with my parents my whole life.

  One night I was lying in bed and I could smell cigarette smoke and my Grandmother's house. I had not been around anyone who had been smoking that day or for weeks, for that matter, and I also had not been to my Grandmother's house recently.

  I fell asleep with these scents in the air and, all of sudden I sensed that everything was going to be all right. I believe I was sensing the presence of my Grandfather. We used to live next to him when I was growing up and I was always close to him. He actually died of lung cancer, when I was about 10 years old, and he smoked.

  Even though I am slightly frightened of paranormal things and ghost this experience did not frighten me.

  Narnia Revisited

  It was at a birthday party and I was about eight years old.

  I had told all my cousins my house was haunted and they didn't believe me. Of course, they wanted me to prove it was so, by making a ghost appear.

  There was a closet in the center of my house that was notorious for having different ghosts popping out of it (closet dimensions being about 3ft deep x 4ft wide x 7ft tall). When I opened the closet with my cousins standing next to me, there was no closet space there at all!

  Instead, what we found was a completely new room where the closet should have been. There was a white grand piano in the center, several paintings decorating the walls and an open window from which a breeze could be felt.

  A Present From Beyond The Grave

  My mother passed away when I was eleven, and my alcoholic, womanising father was given full custody of us children.

  For my 21st birthday I asked my father for my Mother's tiny rose gold cross, to which my father responded that he had hocked it, along with all her other jewellery some six years earlier.

  I knew my father was going bankrupt and I was aware that he had sold the expensive jewellery. However, I didn't think he would porn a $75 rose gold cross. My father ended up buying me a replacement cross for me but I was so upset I refused to accept any gifts from him.

  A few weeks after my 21st birthday, I was watching a program on ghosts in London, whilst getting ready to leave for my Grandma's house. It was making me furious! I was thinking to myself, if there are such things as ghosts there should be one who is looking out for me, all things considered.

  Then, the phone rang. It was my father and he was freaking out. He said he'd gone to his medicine cabinet (he's also fond of painkillers) and sitting on the shelf in front of his tablets was my Mother's gold cross.

  He was still white when I picked it up that afternoon! So, I ended up getting a 21st birthday present from Mum, after all!

  Ouija Board

  My very first paranormal experience happened when I was living in an upstairs apartment with my boyfriend.

  He found a bunch of old stuff on a hauling job and in it was a dirty ouija board. I shoved it under my daughter's bed and the day that thing came into our house was the day everything started happening.

  I started to hear people walking about when there was no one else at home; things would go missing and then they would turn up on the selves; my daughter would say there was ghost under her bed. She was only five at the time.

  It got to the point when I was scared to even be in that apartment by myself. My neighbor downstairs told me to pray, tell whatever it was to leave us alone, and to throw that devil board in the trash. I did all this, but we have moved several times since then and it seems like the thing follows us.

  There is more but I cannot fit everything in here.

  Another Dimension

  I was driving along a country highway with my partner (later my husband) in the passenger seat. I was in my mid-twenties.

  I suddenly saw, in front of me an image of my Grandfather in his hospital bed. Suddenly, I knew something was wrong or was happening to him. I didn't see anyone else there, just him. The image was located about 2-3 feet in front of my eyes, like a TV picture or a hologram. It was there one moment and then it went away.

  The experience only lasted a short time, maybe 25 seconds?

  The vision didn't stop me looking at the road. I could see through it and kept driving, but I was aware that I was seeing two things at once. Of course, I was very surprised and had a strong feeling of concern for my Grandfather, but I was not frightened.

  I immediately told my partner what had happened. Later, I found out my Grandfather had died at that exact time.

  I have never experienced anything like this before or since - not even when my own father died or anyone else, for that matter.

  I am an atheist and don't believe in ghosts. Instead, I believe there is a logical, scientific reason for everything that happens in life, but we just don't know enough yet about the way our brains/bodies/the world works.

  Old Residents Return to Their Home

  My father was a nurse who worked at a nursing home. I was 10 years old at the time this experience happened.

  Sometimes, I would go into work with him because I disliked staying home alone. I would sleep in the physical therapy room. We were very poor at the time.

  On time I awoke in the middle of the night, for no reason at all. However, when I sat up, I saw in front of me three people. At first I was angry and confused because I had locked the door to keep all of the patients with dementia from entering th
e room, while I was asleep.

  I called out, 'Get out of here' to these people who, by this time, were turned away from me, facing the wall. When I said this they turned around toward me. I believe they were two men and a woman, and all three were old. As they turned toward me I also realized that I could see right through them – right through their torsos. They looked at me. I looked at them. I wasn't frightened.

  In fact, I was more excited than anything. I thought, 'wow, I'm seeing ghosts!' Anyway, they turned away from me, and I went back to sleep, and that was that.


  Rosemary Breen is an author, appreneur, Internet marketer, and founder of two websites.

  The first website is This site is a natural extension of Rosemary’s academic research into paranormal phenomena.

  The second website is In this website, Rosemary explores love, life and relationships from most angles, including zodiac compatibility.

  Rosemary lives in Australia with her husband, two children and their Border Collie.


  Horoscope Compatibility

  Find Love in Your Astrology Star Sign














  Horoscope Compatibility for All the Zodiac Signs

  The Real Paranormal Psychic


  True Ghost Stories Volume 1


  Thank you for reading this book and allowing me to share with you some of the experiences and insights that people, just like yourself, have encountered as they go about their everyday, way of life. Proceeds from the sale of this book are used to maintain the online paranormal survey.

  As you can see from the accounts you have just read, the paranormal doesn’t just exist in old cemeteries, abandoned apartments and medieval churches (though, these do make excellent backdrops for scary tales). For many people, the paranormal has become a way of life for them. Some have lives that are enriched by ghosts, poltergeist activity and other types of paranormal phenomena and they genuinely embrace their experiences. Others are literally haunted by experiences that they alone encounter and, for them, life seems to be much harder.

  Thus, good or bad, real or imagined the paranormal is a way of life for many. And, what about you?

  If you would like to be part of my anonymous paranormal survey then click the following link Spontaneous Paranormal Experiences.

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  Who knows, we may even meet one day - in this life or the next!



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