Book Read Free

Night Kiss

Page 25

by E. T. Malinowski

  “The… the food is… going to get cold,” Jin-woo whispered.

  “I’d rather feast on you,” Ki-tae purred.

  “Ki-tae,” Jin-woo moaned as he leaned into him, sliding his arms around him.

  “I want to make love with you again,” he whispered.

  “You’re being evil again,” Jin-woo whimpered. “We have to go to work. Well, I have to go to work, and then I have school, and then… then I have to go back to my apartment….”

  “You’re determined to be responsible right now, huh?” Ki-tae said with a chuckle.

  “I have to be. Otherwise we’d spend all day in bed,” Jin-woo pointed out as he stepped back.

  “Why is that a problem?” Ki-tae said with wicked smile. “I’m sure I can make you forget all about being responsible.”

  “I know you can, which is why we’re going to stop,” Jin-woo said. “Now sit down and eat your breakfast.”

  “Later, then?”

  “Later,” Jin-woo promised. With the words spoken, Ki-tae took his seat. He dug right in.

  There were certain foods Ki-tae adored, and usually only HanYin made them. Mainly because HanYin knew more about cooking and more recipes than many professional chefs, and he knew them as they were originally created. He adored HanYin’s steamed dumplings and Oi-sobagi. While he did enjoy red meat and chicken, Ki-tae preferred seafood, crab and shrimp being his favorites. HanYin made some of the best seafood dishes Ki-tae had ever tasted.

  “It smells delicious,” Ki-tae said, giving Jin-woo a smile.

  “Your kitchen is very well-stocked,” Jin-woo said as he served. “I didn’t know what you would like, but when I saw how much of the leftovers were seafood, I figured it was a safe bet to go with bokimchi. I did see one thing in there that surprised me.”

  “And what was that?” Ki-tae asked absently as he took his first bite of the kimchi. He moaned loudly. It was perfect.

  “Dammit, don’t moan like that,” Jin-woo grumbled, his face bright red and his pupils blown. He was staring at Ki-tae, and Ki-tae grinned at him, biting his lip.

  “You keep staring at me like that, and I’m dragging you back to the bedroom, breakfast be damned.”

  “You… you’re not making this any easier, you know,” Jin-woo said, shifting restlessly in his chair.

  Ki-tae made a decision at that moment, and it wasn’t the responsible one. He grabbed Jin-woo’s wrist and pulled him out of his chair, turning his own in the process. Then he yanked Jin-woo down onto his lap and took possession of his mouth.

  Breakfast got cold, and Jin-woo was late… again.


  JIN-WOO LAUGHED as he walked out the front door of Ki-tae’s apartment building. Ki-tae was right behind him, looking hot as fuck in tight light blue jeans and a long-sleeved blue Henley with blue Converse high-tops. He turned around, walking backward as he dodged Ki-tae’s hands.

  “No, no more tickling!” Jin-woo cried as he jumped to the side. “I’m late as it is!”

  “You could call in, and we could go back upstairs,” Ki-tae purred before licking his lips. Oh, the evil bastard.

  “You’re a horrible influence. You know that, right?” Jin-woo said, dodging another grab. He knew Ki-tae could catch him anytime he wanted, and it was an incredible turn-on.

  “Yes, and you like it.” Ki-tae chuckled. “I want to take you back upstairs.”

  “Well, I have to go to work,” Jin-woo said, coming to a stop next to the car. Ki-tae was standing a few feet away, a bright smile on his face that crinkled his eyes. He loved that smile. Jin-woo froze. No, he didn’t just love that smile… he loved Ki-tae. Oh crap, when had that happened? It was a shock, but a good one. Jin-woo looked at Ki-tae and smiled. He loved this amazing man.

  The screech of tires was incredibly loud, mixed with the roar and rev of an engine. The car drifted hard around the corner, fishtailing as it reached the intersection. It jumped the curb, heading straight for them. Jin-woo watched Ki-tae turn his head in slow motion. He saw those beautiful eyes widen and flash silver. Jin-woo stretched out his hand, not realizing the screams were coming from him as Ki-tae moved. As fast as he was, the distance was just too short, and the car clipped him. He spun with the impact, and Jin-woo lunged forward, catching him as he hit the sidewalk. The car continued, screeching around the next corner and speeding away.

  “Ki-tae!” Jin-woo sobbed. “Dammit, are you okay? Oh my God, Ki-tae!”

  “Shhh.” Ki-tae’s voice was calm amid the pounding in Jin-woo’s ears. “I’m okay. A little broken, but I’ll heal quickly.”

  “Not funny,” Jin-woo said as he held him.

  “Into the van,” Shin-bai said, his voice brooking no argument. “You are not driving today.”

  “Goes without saying. They clipped my driving leg.” Ki-tae chuckled. “Bastards. My hip’s busted, and there’s a fracture in my upper thigh at the very least.”

  Shin-bai pulled Ki-tae’s arm around his shoulders and easily lifted him. Ki-tae hobble-walked to the van, his grip on Jin-woo’s hand tight but not painful. Jin-woo winced when Ki-tae slid into the seat, his face scrunched in pain. Durable but not invulnerable. Jin-woo wished that weren’t the case. He wished Ki-tae were invulnerable because then his heart wouldn’t be beating like a dubstep mix on fast-forward. He wouldn’t feel like throwing up and passing out at the same time. He wouldn’t feel this horrible nausea-inducing sense of déjà vu.

  “Get in before you pass out,” Ki-tae murmured, his voice sounding sleepy.

  “Go, Jin-woo dongsaeng. You can help him,” Shin-bai whispered.

  “You… know.”

  “Of course. I have been with them… many years.” Shin-bai smiled with a hint of fang. “Get in and let him feed. It will heal him.”

  “I’m surrounded,” Jin-woo muttered as he climbed into the car and settled carefully next to Ki-tae.

  “You have no idea.”

  “That is not reassuring,” Jin-woo grumbled.

  “Help him,” Shin-bai said. “Just do not make a mess of my van.”

  “Oh em gee, you people,” Jin-woo snapped. “As if he’s in any condition….”

  Shin-bai chuckled as he closed the door and then went around to the driver’s side. The glass was up, so Jin-woo at least had that semblance of privacy. However, he had a feeling it really didn’t make a difference with Vampires.

  Ki-tae’s eyes were closed when Jin-woo looked at him. When he gently brushed Ki-tae’s bangs, they popped open, a beautiful glittering silver. Jin-woo could see the tips of his fangs and shivered in anticipation.

  “Come here,” Ki-tae purred, patting his lap.

  “Oh hell no,” Jin-woo said. “We are not having sex with Shin-bai hyung in the front seat, and definitely not when you’re hurt.”

  “So if he wasn’t here….”

  “Jung Ki-tae, no,” Jin-woo said firmly.

  “But I want your neck,” Ki-tae whined softly.

  “You’ll get my wrist for now. Then we’re heading for the police station,” Jin-woo said.

  “We don’t involve the police for things like this,” Ki-tae said. “It’s too difficult to explain why I’m not in traction.”

  “Oh,” Jin-woo said, realizing how stupid going to the police would be for a Vampire. “I should have thought of that.”

  “It’s okay, Jin-woo. You haven’t been around us long enough to have such thinking be the norm, and we haven’t really sat down and talked about what I am,” Ki-tae said with a smile as he stretched out his hand. “Now give me your wrist. Heal me, Wŏ de xīn.”

  Jin-woo gave him a soft smile as he placed his hand in Ki-tae’s. “What language is that?”

  “Mandarin. It’s HanYin-a’s native language. We all learned it,” Ki-tae murmured as he brushed his lips over Jin-woo’s wrist. It was such a light sensation that it tickled and tingled at the same time. His cock hardened as he watched Ki-tae drag out the anticipation of his bite. He started panting, and the car was getting way too hot. His ey
es snapped open when Ki-tae chuckled. He hadn’t even realized he’d closed them.

  “What’s so funny?” he said, his voice low and husky. That’s what Ki-tae did to him.

  “I wonder if I could make you cum just from feeding,” Ki-tae murmured, flicking his tongue against Jin-woo’s skin, tormenting him with little bolts of pleasure that shot straight to his groin.

  “Ki-tae,” Jin-woo moaned. “I have nothing to change into.”

  “You’re going to cum for me, Jin-woo,” Ki-tae said as he slowly sank his fangs into Jin-woo’s wrist.

  There was nothing quite like the sensation of Ki-tae’s bite. When he did it slowly, it was a building of sensations; tingles began where his fangs met Jin-woo’s wrist. Then he pushed, and an overwhelming rush of pleasure shot out from that point of contact and slammed into Jin-woo’s body like an ocean wave. It swamped his senses, and his entire body shook with it. He couldn’t stop his moans any more than he could stop his body from spilling his seed in his pants. He lost track of where he was, floating on the river of pleasure Ki-tae threw him into. Jin-woo chuckled softly. He didn’t mind at all.

  Clarity returned with Ki-tae’s sweet kisses to his temple, his cheek, his forehead. He registered the feel of Ki-tae running his hand along his side, down over his hip, and then back up. The car was filled with their mingled scents. He snuggled against Ki-tae’s chest, a sense of peace settling over him, knowing Ki-tae was healed, but he asked anyway.

  “You’re okay now?”

  “Yes,” Ki-tae murmured against his hair. “I’ll be a little sore for about another hour or so, but other than that, I’m fine… thanks to you.”

  “Anyone could have—”

  “No, Jin-woo.” Ki-tae’s voice was suddenly very serious, and Jin-woo immediately lifted his head to look at him, giving Ki-tae his full attention.

  “What do you mean, no?”

  “There’s something we need to discuss,” Ki-tae said with a sigh. “I’m not sure how to begin.”

  “At the beginning usually works.” Jin-woo sat up fully, feeling the sticky mess Ki-tae had made of him. He shot a glare in Ki-tae’s direction and was met with a completely unrepentant wicked smile. “You made a mess of me… again, and I have no clothes.”

  “Check your backpack.” Ki-tae smirked.

  When Jin-woo opened it, he found a change of underwear and pants. He turned and raised his eyebrow at Ki-tae, causing him to laugh. The sound filled Jin-woo with joy, and that scared him a little bit. After only a moment’s hesitation, Jin-woo pulled his essentials pack out of his backpack, grabbed the wipes, and stripped out of his pants and underwear. He cleaned himself as best he could, batting away Ki-tae’s “helpful” hands.

  “Ugh,” he said as he pulled up his pants. “Min-su-ya’s going to take one sniff and know.”

  “My scent is all over you, and yours is all over me, just the way I like it.”

  “You mean to say I smell like you?” Jin-woo asked, tilting his head as he really thought about the idea. He found he didn’t mind. In fact, he liked it a lot.

  Ki-tae, his brows furrowed, said, “Well, you smell like us.”


  “Yeah,” Ki-tae said as he sat up, looking at Jin-woo intently. He was serious again, and Jin-woo didn’t know if he liked it.

  “You said we had something we needed to talk about,” he said as he pulled a shopping bag out of his pack and stuffed his dirty clothes in it. Before Ki-tae could respond, the privacy glass slid down, and Shin-bai glanced back at them.

  “Soon-joon-nim just called. You and Jin-woo dongsaeng are to go to the president’s office upon arriving.”

  “Seriously? I have today off,” Ki-tae whined.

  “He says it is very important, Ki-tae dongsaeng,” Shin-bai said quietly. “And I think, after recent events, you have something to discuss with him as well.”

  “You think it was deliberate?” Jin-woo said, hearing the tremble in his own voice. He heard Ki-tae’s sigh. “Wait, Ki-tae? Why don’t you seem surprised by this?”

  “Would you mind waiting until we get to the office?” Ki-tae said, sounding exhausted. He shifted to lean against the side of car, away from Jin-woo. It hurt, and Jin-woo looked down at his hands.

  He didn’t know what to say. There was so much going on inside his head. Now that Ki-tae was going to be okay, he could feel the fear setting in. He’d never been so scared in all his life, watching that car careen toward Ki-tae. He didn’t know how much it would take to kill Ki-tae, and he never wanted to find out.

  Jin-woo moved to the other side of the car, bringing his feet up and wrapping his arms around his knees. He rested his chin on them. Obviously there was more going on than he knew, and that didn’t sit well with him. Jin-woo preferred knowing things up front. If he knew about them, he could prepare and plan. He didn’t like being kept in the dark. He remained silent for most of the ride, but when they finally reached the offices, he couldn’t stay silent anymore.

  “I….” Jin-woo paused when he felt Ki-tae’s eyes on him. “I know I’m new to all this. I’m just a regular guy, a regular human being. But I don’t like it when people treat me as if I can’t handle things.”


  “No, just listen,” Jin-woo snapped. “I know I’m extremely young compared to you and the others, that I haven’t had as much experience and doubtfully ever will, but you don’t know my story any more than I know yours, the things that made me who I am. I won’t be coddled. I won’t be sheltered from shit. I’m an adult, and I refuse to be treated as if I’m still a child. When you can accept that and not hide things from me because you think they might upset me, then you let me know. Until then, I think it’s best if you just leave me be.”

  Jin-woo didn’t let Ki-tae say anything further. He opened the door and got out, walking quickly inside the building. It hurt that Ki-tae was keeping things from him. It might not seem like such a big deal, but it was the idea that Ki-tae thought less of him, thought he couldn’t handle unpleasant things. Jin-woo knew about unpleasant. He knew about pain and loss and betrayal. He just refused to let these things make him a bitter, jaded person who saw the world as a dark, nasty place where everyone was out to step on anyone else to get what they wanted. Yes, there were people like that, but Jin-woo refused to think everyone was. He chose to believe most people were good. Everyone had a dark side, and some people chose to indulge that side often. Jin-woo was not one of those people, and he would not paint everyone with the same brush.

  Did it hurt to walk away from Ki-tae like that, especially after what happened and how he felt? Of course it did. It hurt like hell, but Jin-woo wasn’t going to let it slide. A relationship couldn’t be built on one person hiding things from the other. If they couldn’t be open with each other, then they simply couldn’t be. Either Ki-tae would accept it or he wouldn’t. It was better to know now than to find out much later in the relationship. At least, that’s what he kept telling himself all the way to his desk.


  KI-TAE STARED at the open door, his mind too confused with the need to sleep and heal to think clearly. What had just happened? It sounded an awful lot like he’d just been dumped, but that didn’t make sense. He wasn’t sure what to make of Jin-woo’s words. Granted, he had been keeping something rather important from Jin-woo. It wasn’t exactly easy to tell someone you either had to kill them or turn them into a Vampire to break the bond you’d inadvertently made with them. Not exactly a common topic of conversation. Ki-tae slowly slid out of the van. While feeding from Jin-woo had repaired the major damage to his busted hip, there were still fractures all down his thigh and into his calf, and it still hurt. He would be able to walk, but there would be a limp for a couple of hours, days if he didn’t allow his body to slip into its healing state to repair the damage. Being highly in tune with his personal energy flow because of his Vampiric nature made finding all the little breaks and bruises easier.

  “Where is Jin-woo dongsaeng?” Shin-bai
asked, glancing from Ki-tae to the car interior.

  “He’s already inside,” Ki-tae said softly.

  “Why didn’t he wait for us?” Shin-bai asked as he helped Ki-tae out of the car.

  “I… I think I made him mad, although I’m not exactly sure how,” Ki-tae said. “Damn, this hurts more than the last one.”

  “Last one? What last one? You need to stop getting hit by cars,” Shin-bai said as they maneuvered through the front doors. The receptionists began to fuss the minute they saw him, but a quick word from Shin-bai had them back at their stations.

  “No, people need to stop trying to run me over,” Ki-tae grumbled once they weren’t surrounded. “We might as well head up to the president’s office.”

  “What of Jin-woo dongsaeng?”

  “I… I don’t know,” Ki-tae said. “He probably went to put his stuff in his desk before he headed upstairs.”

  “I will get you settled and then make sure he is okay,” Shin-bai said as they entered the elevator.

  It was going to be a long day. Ki-tae sighed. It had started out with such promise too. If he had told Jin-woo from the beginning, would they ever have made love? Of course not. Jin-woo would have run from him as fast as he could. It wouldn’t have done him any good because the bond would have still been in place, but Jin-woo would have run. Who wouldn’t? Ki-tae absently rubbed his chest. It hurt to not have Jin-woo beside him. No, it was knowing he was why Jin-woo left him. That wasn’t a new scenario for Ki-tae, but it was the first time having someone leave him hurt so damn much he felt as if there were a gaping hole in his chest.


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