Book Read Free

Night Kiss

Page 26

by E. T. Malinowski

  “What the hell happened to you?” Cheongul demanded, rushing over to Ki-tae’s side and taking his other arm as the three of them entered the elevator.

  “I’m fine,” Ki-tae said. “Stop making such a freaking fuss or you’ll draw attention. I’m just a little bruised.”

  “Bullshit,” Cheongul said succinctly. “Bruises don’t make you limp this badly and need assistance walking.”

  “Well, it may be because I had a busted hip until about, oh, twenty minutes ago, give or take,” Ki-tae said casually.

  “What happened?” Cheongul said, his hands shaking as he held Ki-tae.

  “I’m too damn tired, so I’m only going to tell this story once. You’ll have to wait until we reach Huijang-nim’s office,” Ki-tae said. “I figure if I’m being called in, then you and HanYin-a would be as well. So any idea what the heck is so important I have to give up part of a day off?”

  “You’re just mad you can’t spend the morning seducing Jin-woo dongsaeng,” Cheongul chuckled. “You reek again.”

  “Well, that may not be an issue anymore,” Ki-tae said softly.

  “What do you mean?” Cheongul said, trying to catch his eye. Ki-tae refused to look at him. “Ki-tae-ya?”

  “Just… not right now, Cheongul-a. I need time to process everything,” Ki-tae said. “I….”

  He had to stop talking for the tightness in his throat. He felt the tickle of a tear sliding down his face and cursed silently. Ki-tae detested crying, or, more precisely, he hated it when he cried. Tears were a waste of time. They didn’t resolve anything. As a child he never cried. That had been beaten out of him within a month. He’d always been stubborn. He barely registered when Shin-bai departed and Cheongul took his full weight.

  Jin-woo had left him.

  What had he done wrong? He’d been so tired in the car, he just wanted to sleep. When he was hit before the concert, it was more of a sideswipe, and there wasn’t as much damage, just torn muscles that hurt like a bitch. Broken bones and shattered hips took a little more to heal. Jin-woo’s blood had accelerated it a lot, but the need for rest, for inactivity to allow his body to finish knitting his bones back together, had been almost overwhelming. He’d wanted to answer Jin-woo’s questions, but he started having difficulty focusing as his body fought to put him to sleep. It was still fighting him, and it was winning.

  “Cheongul-a… I’m… so tired. I just…. Sleep…. Jin-woo.”

  Ki-tae passed out.


  JIN-WOO PUT his head down on his desk and took several deep breaths. Had he done the right thing? Was there any other way he could have handled the situation? He’d been second-guessing himself since he got off the elevator. Now sitting and staring at the top of his desk, he was even more unsure. Was he too unyielding when it came to secrets? He hadn’t really given Ki-tae a chance to say anything. The man had just been hit by a car, for Pete’s sake. He could have waited until they reached the office and asked the questions again. Now he’d made the impulsive decision to tell Ki-tae to leave him alone. He didn’t want Ki-tae to leave him alone. He wanted Ki-tae to harass and seduce him every chance he got.

  “I’m such an idiot sometimes.” Jin-woo sighed.

  “You won’t get any argument from me,” Min-su said as she set her backpack on her desk. “What’s got you all upset?”

  “I… I broke….”

  “You did not,” Min-su said, putting her hands on her hips. “Don’t even complete that sentence, or I’ll feel the need to smack you more than I already do.”

  “You don’t even know what I’m going to say,” Jin-woo snapped back.

  “Well, if it has anything to do with the way you smell and the scent of pain and despair that filled the elevator I just rode up in, I figure you just did something stupid, like pushed Ki-tae oppa away,” Min-su hissed after glancing around the room, noting they were alone.

  “I might have had good reason,” Jin-woo said defensively. It sounded weak even to his ears.

  “Jin-woo-ya,” Min-su said, pulling a chair around to sit facing him. “A relationship takes work, right?”

  He nodded.

  “That work can’t happen if you guys don’t talk before making stupid, rash decisions, can it?” She smiled, and it was the “I’m containing my urge to hit you” smile. “Did you give him a chance to explain or did you make some sort of stupid statement like ‘unless you accept blah, blah, blah, stay away from me’?”

  Jin-woo felt his cheeks heat up and he saw her eyes narrow.

  “You’re going to fix it today,” she said, grabbing the front of his shirt. “You have never been happier than you have been with Ki-tae oppa these last few weeks. Don’t fuck it up because of things that happened in the past.”

  Impulsively Jin-woo hugged her. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” she said softly. “Just remember, the past is the past. It makes us who we are, but it doesn’t control how we live our lives going forward.”

  “I, I can’t have him keeping things from me, Min-su-ya,” Jin-woo said softly.

  “I understand, but you can’t just shove him away without at least trying to talk it out either,” she said. “It’s not fair to him, Jin-woo-ya. If you expect full disclosure from Ki-tae oppa, then you need to give him your story too. Your go-to response can’t be to push him out of your life constantly. Otherwise, one day, you’re going to push him away and he’s not going to come back.”

  Jin-woo nodded. He turned at the sound of someone clearing their throat to find Shin-bai standing a few feet away. He looked… very official, and it was kind of creepy. Jin-woo smiled hesitantly, but it didn’t seem to get him anywhere with the big man.

  “Jin-woo dongsaeng, Soon-joon-nim has requested you meet him in Huijang-nim’s office,” Shin-bai said.

  “What’s going on, Shin-bai oppa?” Min-su asked as she rose with Jin-woo.

  “I am not sure at present,” Shin-bai said. “We will know more after the meeting. We must hurry. He does not like to be kept waiting, especially when it is an important matter.”

  “Okay,” Jin-woo said, rising. “Let’s go. I’ll talk to you later, Min-su-ya. Will you let Hyung-jun seonbae know where I am?”

  “Of course,” she said with a smile.

  Jin-woo followed Shin-bai to the elevators in silence. He didn’t know what it was, but something had changed since he got into the car that morning. When the doors closed, he turned to Shin-bai.

  “Have I done something to upset you?” he asked directly.

  “Yes,” Shin-bai answered. Jin-woo waited a few more moments for him to continue, but he remained silent.

  “What have I done, Shin-bai hyung?” he finally asked.

  “Did you know if a Vampire is injured badly enough, he or she will go into a comatose state after a healing feed to allow their bodies time to complete the repairs it needs to?” Shin-bai said, turning to look down at him. “Bones take a long time to knit together.”

  “I didn’t know that,” Jin-woo said, having an inkling of why Shin-bai was upset with him. “I hardly know anything about them.”

  “It becomes very hard to focus,” Shin-bai continued. “Thinking coherently is a struggle because our bodies are trying to put us in an inactive state.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” Jin-woo asked, confused.

  “It is something you should know,” Shin-bai said. “I am mad at you for getting out of the car without waiting for my men and me to make sure it was safe for you to do so. It was an incredibly stupid move considering someone just tried to run Ki-tae dongsaeng over not forty minutes ago.”

  “I… I didn’t think. Joesonghaeyo, Shin-bai hyung,” Jin-woo said with a bow. “Am I forgiven?”

  “No. That is not the only reason I am mad at you,” Shin-bai said.

  “What else did I do?” Jin-woo said.

  “You made Ki-tae dongsaeng cry. I don’t know if I can forgive that.”

  “What?” Jin-woo barely heard his own whispe

  “I will not repeat it,” Shin-bai said.

  “No, that’s… that’s not what I meant. I’m just surprised,” Jin-woo said.

  “I have been with the Jungs for over one hundred and fifty years,” Shin-bai said quietly. “First as a human retainer and then as a protector, not that they really need one. They are good men. Ki-tae dongsaeng is a good man, but he is still a man. He makes mistakes. He does not deserve to be abandoned because of them.”

  “I didn’t—”

  “You did,” Shin-bai said. “You left him in that car, door wide open, and walked away, leaving not only yourself but Ki-tae dongsaeng exposed, vulnerable. You abandoned him physically and emotionally. You walked away because he didn’t live up to a standard he probably had no idea you had.”

  “Shin-bai hyung.”

  “I tell you this because you are a part of this family now, and our family speaks plainly at times,” Shin-bai said. “If you care for him as much as I think you do, you will make this right, and you will never make him cry again.”

  Jin-woo nodded as the elevator doors slid open. Shin-bai gestured for him to go first, and he walked out. Hyun-jo was waiting by the door. He bowed to Jin-woo, which still seemed so very odd, and then opened the door. The room was filled with tension as he walked in, and Jin-woo glanced from one person to another until he spotted Ki-tae on the divan, eyes closed, unmoving, Cheongul standing like a bodyguard at his head. With a soft cry, Jin-woo headed in his direction, only for HanYin to stop him. He blocked Jin-woo’s way, shifting when he would go around him.

  “I like you,” Jin-woo said softly. “But you’re in my way.”

  “Yuănli tā,” HanYin growled, actually growled at him. His eyes were bright silver, and his fangs flashed from between his lips.

  “That would be great if I knew what the heck you were saying!” Jin-woo snapped. “Get out of my way, HanYin hyung. I want to see Ki-tae.”

  “You will not get by him,” Soon-joon said quietly. “HanYin dongsaeng will not allow you near Ki-tae dongsaeng until he is satisfied you pose no danger to his little brother. He is at his most dangerous right now, and it would be best for everyone involved if you withdrew and came to sit by me.”

  “But Ki-tae….”

  “He is in a healing sleep, nothing more,” Soon-joon said with a gentle smile. “However, since he was brought into the room unconscious, we do not know why, and that set HanYin dongsaeng off. Please. If he hurts you, he will never forgive himself.”

  “I thought he was healed,” Jin-woo said softly as he took the seat Soon-joon offered. He watched HanYin move backward until he crouched beside Ki-tae. His eyes still burned silver, and his fangs, slightly longer than Ki-tae’s, pricked his lips. “He said he was fine.”

  “Never believe Ki-tae dongsaeng when he uses the word ‘fine.’ Invariably he’s lying through his teeth.” Cheongul snorted.

  “What happened, Jin-woo dongsaeng?” ChenBao said, speaking for the first time from behind her desk. “Shin-bai dongsaeng said there was an incident outside Ki-tae dongsaeng’s apartment building?”

  “We had just come outside and were about to get into Ki-tae’s car when another car came careening around the corner. The engine revved, and it jumped the sidewalk, heading straight for Ki-tae. There was no time for him to get completely out of the way, and it… it, oh my God, it hit him,” Jin-woo said, letting the tears finally fall. He covered his face with his hands and curled into a ball on the chair. The tears streamed down his face, but he barely made a sound. His body shook as memories long buried tried to push to the surface. “It hit him, and I couldn’t do anything to stop it.”

  Gentle arms wrapped around him, and Jin-woo was pulled into a solid chest. He buried his fingers in the soft white shirt as he cried out his fear and helplessness. Words he didn’t understand, but were soothing nonetheless, brushed against his ear. He didn’t know how much time passed while he bawled, but Jin-woo was mortified to realize the person he’d used as a tissue was Soon-joon-nim. He jerked backward.

  “Joesonghaeyo, Soon-joon seonbae,” Jin-woo exclaimed, searching for something to clean Soon-joon’s shirt with.

  “Do not worry about it, Jin-woo dongsaeng,” Soon-joon chuckled. “It is nothing.”

  “Except incredibly embarrassing,” Jin-woo murmured, forgetting for a moment that four out of the six people in the room could hear him anyway. Soon-joon handed him a handkerchief with another smile.

  “What happened after Ki-tae dongsaeng was hit?” ChenBao pressed gently.

  “Well, um, we got him into the car.” Jin-woo looked around the room desperately.

  “Oh, Jin-woo dongsaeng.” ChenBao laughed, drawing his attention back to her. He nearly jumped out of his seat when he saw her eyes were completely white and her fangs were… much more impressive than any he’d seen so far. A loud snarl came from HanYin. “While your efforts are admirable and appreciated, there is no need to keep their secret from me. You see, I am Soon-joon dongsaeng’s sire.”

  “I really am surrounded,” Jin-woo whispered, overwhelmed by everything. “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I’m going to pass out now. It’s a thing.”


  “ENTER,” CHENBAO said, smiling when Shin-bai slipped quietly through the door. He glanced around the room, taking stock of the situation within seconds. He bowed to ChenBao and then to Soon-joon. Then he positioned himself before the desk, but with a clear view of HanYin, should his skills be needed. He hoped they would not, but when HanYin was in such a state, he was a bit unpredictable.

  “Is Jin-woo dongsaeng okay?” Shin-bai asked.

  “He was a little overwhelmed by me.” ChenBao smiled. “He thought I was human and was trying very hard to keep Ki-tae dongsaeng’s secret. That is a good sign. How badly was Ki-tae dongsaeng injured, Shin-bai dongsaeng?”

  “He said his hip was broken, and he had a fracture in his thigh. I believe he downplayed the extent of his injuries in Jin-woo dongsaeng’s presence,” Shin-bai said as he straightened. “After he fed from Jin-woo dongsaeng, I believe most of the damage was healed during the twenty-minute drive from his apartment to headquarters, but he was still in extreme pain and had difficulty moving. Given his current state it is more than likely only the hip was healed enough for him to walk with aid.”

  “Was anyone able to get photos of the car?” Soon-joon asked.

  “Yes, they are a little blurry, but I already have my digital monitoring team working on the license plates. Although it is more than likely stolen,” Shin-bai said as he shifted into an at-ease position. “Hyun-jo seonbae was also able to provide me with copies of the CCTV from the parking lot outside the stadium. He has a list of everyone with access to the indoor security footage archives.”

  “Why is that needed?” Cheongul demanded. “What’s going on?”

  “I had Soon-joon dongsaeng request both you and HanYin dongsaeng to meet with us because this will, more than likely, affect you as well,” ChenBao said. “Jin-woo dongsaeng is here because he is a part of it, but I would prefer to wait until Ki-tae dongsaeng regains consciousness before we discuss it.”

  “And for HanYin to calm down,” Soon-joon said as he settled Jin-woo more comfortably in the chair. “Jin-woo dongsaeng should wake up shortly.”

  “This is all really freaking frustrating,” Cheongul said angrily.

  “I know, but they are the focus,” Soon-joon said. “However, I will not doubt that you and HanYin could be pulled in. We must prepare for all contingencies.”



  Ki-tae’s voice seemed far away and very sad. Jin-woo frowned. He didn’t like Ki-tae to be sad. Shifting, he struggled to open his eyes. Finally he blinked and winced as light filtered in before he was ready. He brought his hand up to shade his eyes and tried again. When he felt he was ready, Jin-woo moved his hands to find Ki-tae sitting next to him, filling his vision, a uncertain smile on his face. Jin-woo reached up and cupped his cheek. Then he curled his h
and around the back of Ki-tae’s neck and yanked him down for a deep, aggressive kiss.

  “I think he’s feeling better.” Cheongul chuckled.

  That caught Jin-woo’s attention, and he reluctantly withdrew. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Jin-woo,” Ki-tae said.

  “No, it’s not,” Jin-woo said. “I was unfair to you. I didn’t give you a chance to say anything and laid into you right after you’d been hit by a fucking car. It is most definitely not okay.”

  Ki-tae pulled him into a hug, and Jin-woo wrapped his arms tightly around him, no longer caring who saw them. He didn’t ever want to let go, and he wouldn’t unless Ki-tae told him to go, and then he’d be stubborn about not going. He hoped that would never happen, Ki-tae sending him away. After several moments, Ki-tae pulled back slightly, looking down at him. Jin-woo could feel his eyes and looked up at him. Ki-tae smiled and kissed his nose. He scrunched it, the kiss tickling and making his nose twitch.

  “Much better,” Shin-bai said quietly. Jin-woo smiled at him hesitantly. He didn’t know if he was on Shin-bai’s good side again, but the amusement in his eyes had to be a good sign, right?

  “Ki-tae dongsaeng, Jin-woo dongsaeng,” ChenBao called. When they looked at her, she signaled for them to approach her desk. What he saw there nearly made him pass out again. With trembling hands, Jin-woo picked up one of the pictures. Heat flooded his face and the back of his neck. He looked like such a wanton little slut.

  “Hm, I might have to have this one blown up and placed in my bedroom,” Ki-tae chuckled, looking at another picture. Jin-woo gasped and smacked him in the arm on pure instinct. “What? You look amazing!”

  “I look like a whore,” Jin-woo grumbled.

  “Nope, there’s no way to fake that expression,” Ki-tae teased, and while his voice was light, the twinkle wasn’t quite in his eyes.


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