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Remember Love: Saints Protection & Investigations

Page 16

by Maryann Jordan

  Backing up while trying to dislodge the angry kitten, she tripped over Ransom and ended up on her ass on the floor, bare legs flying upward. Talon ran to the back room, leaving Grace with red, bleeding claw marks on her neck as she tried to scramble up. Managing to stand, albeit awkwardly, she shushed Ransom but remained behind Gypsy’s protective stance.

  “Who are you?” she asked, her mind whirling. The younger, statuesque woman was breathtakingly beautiful. Long, blonde hair flowed about her shoulders and her sky-blue eyes stared back at Grace, laughter dancing about her lips. The older woman was also a beauty, similar to the younger woman.

  The younger woman grinned widely, as she spoke, “I’m Bayley…Blaise’s sister.” Before Grace had a chance to speak, Bayley continued, “And this is our mother, Barbara.”

  As the women’s eyes trailed down Grace, from the top of her sex-messed hair to the t-shirt that was obviously Blaise’s, to her naked legs which only a moment ago had been prominently stuck up in the air, she processed the introduction. Oh, my God! His sister…and his mother!

  Before she could speak, the front door slammed open and Blaise stalked in, halting as he viewed the scene in front of him, before turning his angry eyes to his family.

  “I…I…” glancing down, Grace said, “Quiet, Gypsy.” The dog immediately came out of protective, growling stance and sat. Determined to make the best of the awkward situation, she tried to plaster a smile on her face as she stepped forward and said, “Hello, I’m Grace. I…I apologize. I seem to have made a mess,” she blurted out, noticing the spilled coffee on the counter and the toast on the floor. Her eyes searched Blaise’s, uncertain of his anger.

  He crossed the space in two steps, tilting her head gently, saying “Babe, what the fuck happened to your neck?”

  “Uh…I had Talon in my…uh…arms…I guess I…startled and she got scared,” Grace babbled, feeling like an idiot. Blushing bight red, she wrapped her arms tightly around her waist. She lifted her gaze to his and mouthed, I’m sorry!

  Furious, Blaise turned toward his family and barked, “Bayley, why don’t you keep your phone on? I got your text saying you were stopping by and tried to call you back to say not to come!”

  Bayley fumbled in her purse and looked up, her face a mixture of mirth and regret. Her eyes sought Grace’s and she said, “I’m so sorry we startled you.”

  Barbara stepped around her son and moved to Grace, her hand out. “My dear, please don’t be embarrassed. Bayley and I are the ones at fault. It is very nice to meet you and I do apologize that we frightened you.” Her eyes dropped to the bleeding scratches on Grace’s neck before lifting to her forehead. Smiling genuinely, she continued, “But it is so refreshing to see someone at my son’s house besides another stray he’s picked up.”

  Jerking back at Barbara’s words, Grace’s face crimsoned even more. “Ex…excuse me,” she said before turning to rush up the stairs, taking them two at a time. Running into the hall bathroom, she closed the door, sliding down, leaning her back against it. Resting her face in her hands, she could feel the heat from her blush. After a moment, she pushed herself up and looked into the mirror. Dark eyes, with yesterday’s mascara smudged underneath. Tousled hair. The scar on her forehead, still red and jagged. And let’s not forget the cat scratches marring her pale neck. Her gaze dropped to Blaise’s t-shirt, her nipples prominently showing through the thin material. Oh, my God. What an impression I made. Hell, I look like a stray, so why does it matter? Grabbing a washcloth, she gently cleaned the scratches, hoping the rest of the household would magically disappear before she had to leave the safety of the bathroom.

  Downstairs, Barbara’s eyes widened as she searched her son’s angry visage. “Oh, Blaise, what did I say? I was shocked to see her here, but so glad you have someone in your life. I wanted to make her less embarrassed.”

  Dropping his chin to his chest, his hands resting on his lean hips, he said, “Jesus, mom. I know you’ve got no idea what’s happening, but this could not have been more fuc—, messed up. You two need to leave. Let me go take care of Grace and I’ll call you later.”

  Barbara placed her hand on her son’s arm, stilling him momentarily. “She’s important to you. I can see it. At first, I was mortified thinking we had walked in on a…um…well, um…pickup, I suppose would be the right word. But I can see she’s different.”

  Meeting his mother’s eyes, he nodded. “Yeah, mom, she’s different. And we’ve been making progress, but I have a feeling this may have just set things back. So you and sis need to go—”

  “Nope,” Bayley pronounced, stepping forward next to her mom, watching her brother. “We made this mess and we’ll clean it up. So you go take care of your woman, and y’all come back down and let’s meet properly.” Seeing him about to refuse, she softened her command, “Blaise, if this woman is going to be in your life then mom and I want to meet her properly. And if we don’t do it soon, the embarrassment will be the only thing Grace remembers. So let’s give her a chance to meet us without the embarrassment.”

  Without agreeing, Blaise turned and headed up the stairs. At the bathroom door, he knocked, softly saying, “Babe, let me in. Let me check on you.”

  “I’m fine,” her voice called through the door. “I’m just washing my face.”

  “Let me in,” he repeated, “I want to check your scratches.”

  “Blaise, I’m fine. It’s not as though I haven’t had worse cuts…that much should be obvious by my face.”

  He heard the defensive tone in her voice and cringed. “Honey, they feel really bad and you’ve got no idea how fuckin’ sorry I am about this. I just need to—”

  The bathroom door opened and he almost fell forward from leaning on it. Straightening himself, he looked at Grace, seeing a mixture of anger, embarrassment, and doubt on her face. The first he could deal with, the second would pass in time, but the third emotion shot straight to his heart.

  “Sweetheart, I’m so fuckin’ sorry,” he repeated. “You should feel safe in my house…I promised you that, and I know they scared you and I’m taking their key today so they’ll never do that again. And I know you’re mortified to be seen like you’d been loved well all night long…” he put his hands on her shoulders and gently pulled her forward before continuing, “but I did love you all night long and I’m proud as fuck you’re still in my t-shirt.” He felt her body melt into his slightly, and took a fortifying breath.

  “And, the sight of doubt on your face kills me.” He felt her stiffen again and tightened his hold, pressing her against his heartbeat. “You are no stray. Not to me.”

  Sighing heavily, she slowly encircled his waist with her arms. “Maybe that’s not so bad,” she finally said. Before he had a chance to refute her claim, she lifted her gaze to his, explaining, “For people like you and me…a stray isn’t a bad thing. It’s just a creature that needs love and hopes someone special will find them. That was me…and you’re the someone special.”

  Placing his hands on either side of her face, he kissed her as his heart pounded out his love for the woman in his arms. You’re perfect…fuckin’ perfect for me.

  Finally remembering his mom and sister downstairs, he pulled back reluctantly. “They still want to meet you formally,” he said, worried about her reaction.

  Standing straight, she grimaced for only a second before pronouncing, “Then I guess we’d better stop kissing and let me get ready.”

  Fifteen minutes later, her hair combed, simple makeup applied, dressed in jeans and a pink tank top, she followed Blaise down the stairs and into the living room. Bayley and Barbara were sitting on the sofa, both jumping up as soon as they laid eyes on Grace.

  Before she was able to move, Barbara noted her son’s arm around Grace’s shoulders—as protective as the dog had been earlier. Smiling, she stepped up to Grace and held out her hand. “My dear, please accept my and Bayley’s apology for our untimely entrance this morning. You have nothing to be embarrassed about…it was entirel
y our fault for not ringing the bell first. You must think the worst of us.”

  Barbara’s hand held hers gently and Grace felt the sincerity of the kind words. Returning the smile, she said, “If you can forgive my undignified introduction to you as I tripped over the dogs and had a cat claw its way up my body, then I can certainly forgive your entrance. Perhaps we can start over.”

  “Oh, I would so appreciate that!” Barbara exclaimed, shooting her son an approving glance. “Hello, my name is Barbara Hanssen and I’m Blaise’s mother.”

  Bayley, jumping into the group, piped up, “And I’m Blaise’s sister, Bayley.”

  Laughing, Grace shook their hands, saying, “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Grace Kennedy. I’m…uh…” suddenly realizing she had no idea how to introduce herself, she floundered.

  Stepping in easily, Blaise answered for her. “Mom, Bayley, this is Grace…my girlfriend.”

  Bayley’ blue eyes sparkled just as Grace could have sworn Barbara’s twinkled. Before she had time to think on that too hard, Blaise ushered them into the living room, while Bayley headed to the kitchen.

  “Well, my son has kept you a secret, but I can tell you that I’m thrilled to meet you,” Barbara said.

  “We haven’t been…I mean, I haven’t really been…um,” Grace stammered, her gaze jumping between Blaise and his mother.

  Once more, Blaise came to her rescue. “We haven’t been together too long, so there was no reason to introduce her to the family yet.” His arm tightened around her shoulders as he grinned down at her. “But, I wanted to rectify that situation, so as awkward as this was, I’m glad you get a chance to meet each other.”

  Just then, Bayley came back from the kitchen with a plate of toast slathered with butter and jam and carrying another cup of coffee. Handing them to Grace, she said, “Here, we totally interrupted your breakfast and I didn’t want you to go hungry.”

  Grinning at the blonde beauty, Grace accepted the plate.

  “So how did you meet my brother? He’s not exactly Mr. Sociable out here with all his animals.”

  Grace hesitated, deciding to let Blaise answer for her. His eyes searched hers as he whispered softly. “We can trust them, Grace, but only if you’re comfortable.” Nodding her acquiescence, glad for his lead, she smiled in return.

  “I met Grace when she was having some difficulties,” he began. “She’d had an accident and subsequently lost her memory.”

  Bayley and Barbara’s eyes widened in surprise, clearly not expecting such a dramatic answer.

  “Oh, my dear, how horrible,” Barbara gushed.

  Grace noticed Barbara’s eyes moving to her forehead and she nodded. “Yes, that’s where I got this,” she said, fingering the puckered skin gently. “I’m afraid I treated it myself and so, while it is healing, I have a rather large scar to contend with.”

  “Nothing mars your beauty, babe,” Blaise said, leaning over to place a kiss right next to her scar.

  Grace faced Blaise’s family and added, “So you see, I am like the strays he has found…only this time, I’m a human stray.”

  Blushing deeply, Barbara leaned forward, grasping Grace’s hands once more. “I have bungled this entire meeting, haven’t I? I’m so sorry I made such a statement.”

  “Mrs. Hanssen, it’s fine. Really. I accept what happened to me and we’re working to piece my past back together, so it’s all good. After all, a stray is when you find something worth protecting so much you bring it to your home.”

  “Brother dear, you’d better keep this one!” Bayley laughed, before turning her eyes back to Grace. “Girl, I think you and I are going to be good friends!”

  The awkwardness of the morning sliding away, Grace grinned. Maybe, just maybe…this day will be a good one after all.


  Several hours later, Grace walked through the Midlands Memorial Gardens, a bouquet of pink mums clutched in one hand, Blaise’s fingers linked with her other hand.

  “I can’t remember their death, but I remember that mom loved pink mums,” she said, as they wandered through the gravesites.

  They made their way to the site, the double headstone carved with entwining roses and vines. Kneeling, she placed the flowers in the middle of the marble then bowed her head while placing one hand flat on the surface.

  Blaise stood back, far enough to offer privacy and yet close enough to provide comfort. Wrapped in the warm blanket of the summer sun, Grace sat for several minutes listening to the sound of birds in the nearby trees. Finally sighing, she lifted her head as her hand slid down to trace the words on the gravestone.

  Martha Graham Kennedy and Thomas Carl Kennedy

  Together in life…together in heaven

  As she glanced at their birth and death dates, she sighed as she thought about their deaths. “They died on the same day…together. I remember being told by the police about their deaths, but I don’t remember details.” She twisted around to look at him, observing his face registering sadness, not surprise. “Do you know?”

  Nodding, he knelt beside her. “Babe, I found out everything I could about you when we were first learning who you were.”

  He watched her carefully as she digested this information, relieved when anger did not present itself. Only resignation in her slumped shoulders. “Do you want to know?”

  She met his gaze and said, “Yes. The counselor said that my most traumatic memories may be the last to come back to me. Was it…particularly traumatic?”

  “I think the sudden, unexpected death of any parent would be traumatic, sweetheart. You can tell by the dates that it was over two years ago, so at least you were an adult. They were killed in a car accident. Icy road and they…” he hesitated, searching her face to keep his pulse on her emotions, “slid off the road and down a ravine.”

  “Just like me,” she said, eyes wide.

  “No, baby,” he corrected. “You didn’t die that night.”

  Sucking in a breath through her nose before letting it out slowly, she nodded. Turning back to the tombstone, she said, “Right now, I can’t remember the horror or the aftermath…but I remember how happy they were together.”

  With her hands in his, Blaise stood, gently pulling her up with him. Kissing the top of her head as his arms encircled her, he added, “Then just keep remembering that, sweetheart. Hold on to those good memories as we make new ones together.”

  Arm in arm, they left the cemetery and headed over to her apartment. This time, stepping inside, she felt more at home. Smiling, she walked over to the family pictures on the wall, now recognizing the young girl and her parents. Blaise stood back, his smile equaling hers as he watched her move about the room. Tossing her dark hair over her shoulder, she bent to look at the books on the shelves below the TV. He walked over and said, “Babe, as I’m standing here, I realize what a change this is for you. You’ve just remembered some of your past and I’m taking you from this.”

  Smiling, she shrugged. “It’s not like I haven’t had a lot of change in the past month.” She glanced around, adding, “And, while I like this place, from what you tell me, I only lived here about a month before my accident anyway, so it’s not like I would have a lot of memories built up with this place.”

  Kissing her forehead as he pulled her into his embrace, he asked, “What would you like me to pack up, babe?”

  Looking around she said, “I guess more of my clothes, books, and any personal items, such as pictures.”

  For the next hour, they worked side by side, laughing at old photos of her as a child, most pictures of her with her own menagerie of animals. “Wow, we’ve packed most of my stuff, except for the furniture and kitchen items.”

  “We’ll figure out what to do with everything later,” he said. “You’re paid for awhile so we don’t have to rush.”

  Walking out, locking the door behind them, Grace took a look around, but nothing seemed overly familiar, while not feeling completely foreign either. Following Blaise to his truck, she smiled. None
of this was in my life-plan, but here’s to the next step!

  Chapter 20

  Blaise stared at the video-conference with Mitch and the Saints, his jaw tight as he listened to what the FBI’s investigation was proving.

  “Ms. Kennedy’s car definitely sustained an impact on the left bumper and back side that would not have occurred when it came to a halt against the trees. The lab was able to determine from paint chip fragments, she was hit by a Range Rover, color match was Fuji White.”

  A few whistles were heard around the table, as Bart exclaimed, “Kind of pricey vehicle for some farmer to have, isn’t it?”

  “After the fiasco with the ATF a couple of months ago, I lit a fire underneath my counterparts at a few of the other agencies that have a presence down here. I’ve since found out that the DEA is looking into drug cartels using some of the obscure farmland around the state as landing strips for moving their drugs. Cam, I hate to even mention this, but it looks like the Sinaloan Cartel has a presence.”

  “Fuckin’ hell,” Cam exploded, the memories of fighting the Mexican cartel to rescue Miriam from their clutches still fresh in his mind. “Those ruthless bastards’ll stop at nothing.”

  “So what are you saying?” Blaise bit out. “That they are the ones who were after Grace?”

  “We don’t know. We have no evidence of that at all, but I wanted you to be aware of what you might be up against. I know you’ve checked on that mountain, and the Saints never back down. I just need you to be aware of the possibility of what’s there. I don’t suppose she remembers why she was on the road?”

  “No, not the reason…just that she was there.” Blaise looked at Mitch and then at Jack. “I want to go back up there to see what we can find.”

  “I’m working on the satellite images of the area,” Luke added. “Got lots of farmers’ fields that could be used, but so far I don’t have an image of someone flying in.” He slurped a sip before setting his coffee cup down, sloshing a bit over the side. “Damn,” he said, grabbing a tissue to dab at the spill.


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