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For His Eyes Only

Page 39

by Lexi Blake

  Her face wrinkled up so sweetly. “I wasn’t talking about the shoes. I know about the shoes. I was talking about the fact that you apparently tied up a CIA operative and left him somewhere.”

  “And gagged. Remember when I threatened to gag you? This was a bluff. I had already used the ball gag on Ezra. Do not worry. I’ll buy a new one for you. We can buy one together. A whole new kit chosen just for you.”

  Hayley put a hand on her hip, her eyes taking on that steely gaze that let him know she was completely serious about whatever she was going to say next. “Nicky, I need you to tell me where you stashed Ezra. Is he out in the hallway? Is he vulnerable? You admitted that there are professional criminals looking for us. Did you leave him out there to be murdered?”

  She wasn’t being any fun. “I told you, I will only murder him to please you. Otherwise, I was ordered by Damon not to pull him into many pieces, urinate on the pieces, and feed to alligators. Do they have alligators here or is it crocodiles? It doesn’t matter. Any large reptile would have done the job. In any case, I did not do this. I was kind. I tossed him in the wardrobe. He’s perfectly safe there.”

  She went completely still and he watched as her skin went a lovely, vibrant shade of pink. “The wardrobe in the bedroom where we recently had sex?”

  She turned and strode out of the bathroom.

  Nick followed her, feeling the need to correct certain parts of that statement. Words were important to her. He’d learned this. “Where we made beautiful love. Yes. I captured him, took him down, and then placed him in the wardrobe. See. He was safe. If something had happened, either Kayla or I would have rescued him, though he doesn’t truly deserve it.”

  Hayley was standing in front of the wardrobe, staring at it like it was a snake about to bite her. “Kayla? How would Kayla have helped?”

  The door to the outer room of the suite came open and there was his partner. He’d given her Ezra’s key to the room and she’d been ensuring their safety when Nick was otherwise occupied. “Thank god. I thought you guys were going to fuck forever. Does anyone mind if I order the tapas? Like all of them. I’m starving and I bet Ezra could probably use a drink.”

  The wardrobe shook slightly.

  Hayley turned to him. “How could you do that? He heard everything.”

  “That wasn’t too hard,” Kayla said. “You’re incredibly enthusiastic, but I kind of think that was part of Nick’s point. I believe he wanted to prove to our friendly neighborhood CIA guy that you’re his girl.”

  Nick stalked to the wardrobe. It was obvious his fun was over and it was time to get down to work. He opened the wardrobe and pointed at the man who was kind of squished into the bottom of it. Cool blue eyes looked up at him.

  He stared down at Fain, pointing a finger at him. “You are never to mention this to Hayley. You heard nothing. You saw nothing. You do not even know that she has sex at all. She’s a virgin to you.”

  Hayley groaned. “Could someone bring Broody Nick back? I miss him.”

  He started to turn to her, but suddenly he found himself jolting forward as Ezra’s legs came out, kicking him squarely in the small of his back and sending him to his knees. How had the fucker gotten his ankles untied? There was no time to ponder that question as Ezra was on him in an instant. His hands were still tied, but that didn’t seem to bother Fain. He wrapped them around Nick’s neck and started to squeeze.

  “Nick!” Hayley screamed.

  Nick merely threw himself back, landing right on top of the CIA agent.

  Kayla was leaning against the bed, not at all ready to jump into the fray. “You promised not to kill him.”

  He hadn’t promised not to maim the man. He threw a quick elbow into Fain’s gut and hopped up. As much as he would enjoy pummeling Fain, they had other things to discuss, and he might prove helpful.

  He punched Fain square in his pretty-boy face. He wasn’t going to be that helpful.

  Fain made a sound Nick was sure would be quite threatening had it not been for the ball gag in his mouth.

  “I promise not to punch you again if you’ll calm down. You know damn well you deserved this. She is mine. She has chosen and I expect you to respect that. Now do you want me to get rid of the ball gag? Or should I let you do it? You’ll have to tell me how you got your feet undone. I’m usually pretty good with knots.” Now that he’d had several hours of truly filthy, beautiful sex with the woman he loved, he was feeling rather indulgent. “We can work together, you and I. I hear that you need the information to find the man who betrayed your brother. I promise I will help you find this. You help me clean up Hayley’s problems, and I will be your partner in this. I vow this on the souls of my family. You will find a good helper in me.”

  It was the most sacred vow he could make. He needed Hayley to see that he was going to be different. He was going to be honorable. He was going to be a good man, the kind she would want as a husband.

  Fain went still and then slowly nodded.

  “I’ll help you with that. Ball gags suck, man.” Kayla expertly twisted the ball free. “You’ll probably want to brush your teeth. Damn things taste like latex. I once had a really nice Dom get me a strawberry-flavored one. Unfortunately, it tasted like strawberry-flavored latex.”

  Nick quickly got his hands untied and then stepped back.

  Fain merely wiped his mouth and massaged his jaw. “You’re a bastard, Markovic. And I would have gotten out of the hand ties in another few minutes.” He turned to Hayley. “And I’m not sorry at all about killing those fuckers. They were coming after you and I promised I would keep you safe.”

  “You lied about it,” she shot back, coming to stand at Nick’s side.

  It was good to know his boundaries. She could handle murders, but he mustn’t lie about them. He put an arm around her, drawing her close. “Yes, you see I told her about the murder I was forced to commit this afternoon.”

  Fain groaned. “I thought I recognized that guy at the beach. Yeah, he had a partner he always worked with.”

  “Not anymore,” Nick replied. “His partner is now in the dumpster, and I hear we’re going to a casino tonight.”

  “Yeah, we should probably talk about that.” Fain put a hand out. “I’m sorry. I’m only trying to do my job, but I was never going to let her get hurt.”

  He shook the other man’s hand. “And that is why you live.”

  Hayley sighed and pulled away. “I don’t understand men at all. Kay, I think I’m the one who needs the drink. And food. I’m super hungry.”

  “Yeah, let’s get all the tapas.” Kay started to lead her out to the living room. “And hey, don’t look so sad. We might get to murder someone tonight. We can’t let the boys have all the fun.”

  Hayley groaned, but when she closed the door she was smiling.

  He looked back at Fain. “We should put all our cards on the table. I know things you don’t. I’ve thought this through quite carefully and I have a plan that might get Hayley out of this mess we find ourselves in without anyone firing another shot at her.”

  Fain nodded. “All right. I’m willing to listen, but you have to understand that I need her father alive.”

  “I would like to speak with him as well.” Nick had been ruminating on the plan ever since that moment when he’d realized why a bunch of contractors had been sent after Hayley. Hayley herself was utterly useless except as a pawn, but that heart around her neck was everything.

  Sometimes sacrifices had to be made to protect the queen.

  “The truth is I wouldn’t mind having some backup,” Fain replied. “But you’re still a bastard. You know you could have simply had a conversation with me.”

  What fun would that have been? But he merely nodded. He was in an agreeable mood.

  There was a knock on the door and he barely managed to get there in time to keep Hayley from throwing it open.

  Fain stood back and shook his head. “I’ve been trying to teach her. At least now she’s your problem. The gir
l doesn’t seem to understand how dangerous our situation is.”

  Hayley frowned his way.

  Nick looked through the peephole in the door, his hand on the Ruger he had tucked into a holster on his belt. One man, dressed in a bellman’s uniform. No visible weapon. The kid looked fairly young and completely at ease with his current job. As one of the maids walked behind him, his smile went douchebag lothario and he winked her way.

  He stepped back and nodded to Fain, giving him the all clear.

  He looked back at Hayley, who was quite calm even as Kay stood in front of her.

  “I do take it seriously,” she whispered to Nick as Fain greeted the man at the door. “Of course I would have taken it way more seriously if Ezra hadn’t killed a bunch of people behind my back.”

  He was going to take every opportunity to show her the differences. He lifted her hand up, bringing it to his lips and kissing her fingers softly. “I will always murder them in front of you because I would never want you to feel left out.”

  Her jaw dropped again, but this time she laughed. “You’re such a weirdo.”

  He would take it because she was smiling.

  Ezra closed the door, locking it again. “It looks like a slot opened up for tonight. This is an invitation from the head of The Palace.”

  Hayley’s hand tightened in his. “That’s great.”

  Nick didn’t think so. Fain’s jaw was tight. “What’s wrong?”

  Fain held out the invitation. “It’s for the four of us. This invitation requires that we bring our lovely friends.”

  There was a picture of the two of them attached. He and Kayla were walking together on the street in front of their hotel.

  Things had just gotten more dangerous.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Hayley nodded to the man who stood in front of the nondescript metal door. It looked like any other office building in downtown Rio, though they weren’t going through the main doors. They were in a quiet alley at the rear of the building, the darkness only held back by a single light above the doorway.

  “You’re sure?” Nick’s hand was firmly in her own, their fingers tangled together.

  It wasn’t the first time he’d asked. And no, she wasn’t sure. She was walking into a gangster’s den, and a gangster no one could find any intelligence on except for the rumors of what happened when people crossed him. She turned her face up, giving him a serene smile. “I’m sure.”

  Because she knew if she didn’t give him every indication that she was all right with her place, she would likely be the one tied up and gagged and left somewhere that Nick felt was “safe.”

  The only reason she was walking into The Palace was the fact that the invitation required all four of them to be there.

  Were they walking into a trap? Almost certainly, but it wasn’t something they could stay away from.

  She felt completely out of place in the Prada dress Ezra had bought for her. Nick had been the one to zip her into the tight-fitting sheath, telling her the whole time how beautiful she was and how she would be safe because he would be watching out for her the whole time.

  “She’s going to be fine, but we should try to keep up our cover.” Fain looked perfectly comfortable in his three-piece suit. His hair was slicked back, showing off his Hollywood-worthy face.

  Nick’s hand tightened on hers as though he was afraid she would get away. “If they know about Kayla and myself, then they know about your cover. There is no need for Hayley to not be at my side.”

  It was something else they’d endlessly discussed.

  “Come on, handsome. I’ll take care of you.” Kayla looped her arm through Ezra’s.

  The invitation had informed Ms. Hayley Dalton that if she wanted to learn the truth, she would seek it at The Palace, but she wasn’t to come alone. She was to bring her friends, and all were promised safe passage.

  Apparently that was gangster speak for no one was going to be murdered tonight. Then again, gangsters didn’t always tell the truth. Despite the fact that all three super spies had decided it was all right to take the chance, they were all armed to the teeth.

  They stepped into the light and she couldn’t help but notice the bulge at the guard’s side. His jacket couldn’t quite cover the gun he wore on his belt.

  Was this what Nick felt every time he went on a mission? Did he feel this rush of excitement combined with a complete and abject horror?

  Ezra gave the man with the gun a confident smile and said the words he was supposed to say. They were in Portuguese and were some sort of code word that would get them in the building. Her heart pounded in her chest as he opened that door and Nick led her through.

  They followed behind Ezra, whose suit fit so much better than the guard’s since there wasn’t a hint of the arsenal he was wearing. And Kayla’s stunning designer gown hid at least one gun and a couple of knives.

  Nick’s arm went around her waist as they entered the lobby, his gaze constantly moving around the area seeking threats. She took a moment to get a lay of the land. The lobby was decorated in a lush old-world feel, but she could hear the thumping of industrial music coming from behind heavy oak doors.

  “Had I known Nick was going to be in charge of your jewelry, I would have selected another color,” Fain complained, under his breath. “That necklace doesn’t at all go with the dress.”

  “That necklace is one of the reasons we’re here,” Nick shot back. “Are you going to be an operative or is your next job going to be fashion designer?”

  They’d snipped and sniped at each other all evening. It had driven her to shut both men out and spend her precious time with Kayla, who had done her hair and makeup and given her tips on how to handle anything physical.

  But mostly she’d stared at herself in the mirror and realized that her time was rapidly running out and she had a decision to make.

  Maybe the best way to handle things this time would be to walk out on him before he could do it to her. Nick would get bored or something would happen that would send him into protective mode and then he would push her away to keep her safe.

  She reached up and touched the heart at her neck. Nick had inspected it earlier, the first time she’d taken the thing off since she’d gotten it back. It had been odd how she’d felt naked without it, and yet shouldn’t that stupid heart be the symbol of betrayal? She’d given it to Des in love and friendship, and apparently Desiree had turned it into some kind of key that opened the door to her blackmailing business.

  Had she done it as a joke?

  Or out of some odd sentimentality. Desiree’s letter to her…she could still see the delicate handwriting on the page. When she’d read it she’d heard Desiree’s voice.

  Your only problem, my dearest, your only true enemy is and always has been your insecurity. Find a way to beat it and the world will open up to you. Find a way to beat it and still remain your own sweet self and you can be his queen in a way I never, ever was. And he’ll be yours in a way he was never mine. He’ll be yours forever.

  “Good evening. Would you care to make a donation tonight?” There was a well-dressed man who stood behind a desk right outside the casino doors.

  Fain stepped up. Hayley noticed that Kayla moved to a place in front of Hayley while Nick stayed at her side.

  Everyone had agreed that protecting her was their ultimate mission. All these people willing to step in front of a bullet for her. They had lives. They were all beautiful and strong and yet they were protecting her.

  “We don’t need to make a donation,” Fain was saying. “We were invited by the management.”

  The concierge’s face went a polite blank. “Ah, you’re the boss’s special guests. Yes, I’ll have Mr. Jones escort you up.”

  Mr. Jones turned out to be a large man who looked like he ate raw meat on a daily basis, and not in a caged-lion kind of way. He was a dude who hunted down his supper. Mr. Jones was roughly six and a half feet tall, with pale skin and flinty eyes. He was carved from mar
ble, cold and unmovable. “You’ll need to leave any weapons you have with my team.”

  That was the moment she realized they were surrounded. The men in Mr. Jones’s “team” had moved in silently, like stalking panthers.

  Nick tugged her closer to his side. “I’m not giving up anything. Please tell your employer that this is not an acceptable way to greet his guests.”

  Fain had moved back, his hand going under his jacket as he and Kayla maneuvered so that they formed a sort of triangle with Nick, giving them visibility on all sides. “Yes, I think we’ll find a more courteous host for the evening. And should you decide to attempt to force us to do something we don’t want to do, you need to understand that Ian Taggart and Damon Knight have been informed of our whereabouts this evening and my personal employer has also been made aware of where I am and who I’m meeting with.”

  It was their only way to check the potential threat. The hope was whoever the boss turned out to be knew those names, knew who Fain actually worked for and didn’t want to mess with them. Or the boss couldn’t care less who they worked for and he would simply kill them all, take the necklace, and hope he could find the box it opened.

  Mr. Jones touched his ear. “Yes, sir. Of course, sir.” He nodded to his men. “The boss is certain this party isn’t carrying weapons of any kind. I’ll take them through and up to the office. The boss says they don’t need more than a simple escort. You may all stand down.”

  The men around them seemed to shrink back into the shadows.

  Hayley was able to breathe again.

  “It’s all right.” Nick leaned over as they began to walk. “We have something to bargain with if we need to. I think he wants to talk. Know that I won’t allow anything to happen to you. I love you, Hayley.”

  It damn near broke her heart. Those words were all she’d wanted to hear and they stuck in her throat when she wanted to say them back. Instead, she turned and walked after Ezra.


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