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Spin Out

Page 11

by James Buchanan

  Kabe was in the shower and I had the TV, bolted to the wall across from the bed, on for the noise. Mr. Potter taunted Jimmy Stuart at half volume. It’s a Wonderful Life seemed slightly less depressing than the news when I turned it on. Now, it just annoyed me, but not enough to go switch channels.

  I paced between the little area with a sink on one wall and a coat rack on the other and the bed. Couldn’t go too far, tethered like I was by the phone cord. I fussed over my uniform with some poor gal at the front desk about finding me a dry-cleaner. “What do you mean, there ain’t nobody open?” Even hung up in the suit bag, the drive down didn’t do my uniform no favors. One of the dark pocket flaps on the shirt had done gone and curled up, and the creases I’d asked the laundry to put in the sleeves and pants seemed to have disappeared during the drive. I wanted to look my best tomorrow morning. My uniform was the first visible sign of who I was. If I looked spit and polish then, well, maybe, that’d carry through.

  “They all close at seven,” she explained…for about the seventeenth time. “It’s half past seven now, they’re all closed for the night.” I could hear the clicks of a keyboard on the other end of the line. “Look, I found one in South Salt Lake that opens at like, six-thirty; they might be able to do it while you wait.”

  I slammed my fist against the excuse for a headboard. “What am I supposed to do, stand there in my shorts?” I shouted so loud that I’m sure folks three rooms down heard. Then I remembered myself. Weren’t her fault that I was in this predicament. “Sorry, ain’t your fault.” I managed to back my voice into something almost contrite. “Thanks for looking.” I hung up the phone, took two deep breaths and then kicked the nightstand so hard it rocked. “Shit!”

  “Oh my fucking God, you cussed!”

  I spun. Kabe stood there, nekkid as the day he was born. Water beaded on his brown skin as he mussed his hair with one of the thin hotel towels.

  “Knock it off, boy.” I didn’t want him reminding me that I’d lost my temper.

  “I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard a bad word out of your mouth.”

  Trying to shove my shame down, I ordered, “Put some clothes on or something!”

  “I was going to suggest you take yours off,” he laughed, “and then something.”

  “Don’t mess with me.” I kneaded my forehead with my fingers. “I got too much to think on right now.”

  With a smirk, Kabe grabbed his junk. “You could think on this.” Then he came up at me, grabbing at my hands and my middle.

  Normally, not something I’d mind much, him being all frisky, but tonight I just weren’t for it. “Back off.” I growled and tried move past him to where I’d been sorting my uniform.

  Kabe tossed his wet towel and hit me cross the shoulder with it. “Butt head.”

  Pulling the towel off, I shot him a paint-peeling glare. “Don’t you take that tone with me.” Then I started checking my gear. Lord, I wished this dive had a safe for storing my weapon. As it was, my duty belt was going to spend the night on the night stand, since this place didn’t even have no dresser.

  I grabbed the whole mess up and headed towards the bed. Kabe’d flopped on top of the covers, still all nekkid, and flipped though channels of nothing much on. When I came up next to the bed he lunged out, grabbed my middle again and tried to drag me onto the bed.

  “Good Lord, boy!” I managed not to spill over on top of him. “I had my piece in my hand!” I had just pulled it from the holder to check the safety.

  He leered. “I’d hold your piece for you.”

  Safety on, it had been, I shoved the weapon back into the holster. “What has gotten into you?”

  He darn near purred out, “Nothing yet.” Like he hadn’t caught my tone, Kabe slid his hand over my crotch.

  I grabbed his wrist. “Knock. It. Off.”

  “Make me.”

  Normally his pawing at me would get me interested…and he knew it. Tonight, though, the thoughts about tomorrow pulled me six ways to Sunday. Dinner weren’t sitting right in my stomach. Already felt like I’d been rode hard and put away wet. All my nerves jangled. I let him go and went back to sorting things. Tried to whittle off some of that energy by fussing with my gear: weapon, pepper spray, flashlight, handcuffs and the like. And as I’m all wrapped up in that, Kabe decided to come up behind me and grab at me again.

  At that point I didn’t even think on it. I yanked out my handcuffs, whipped around, caught his shoulder and spun Kabe. As he fell towards the bed, I got hold of his right wrist. Used that grip and his own momentum to land him face down on the mattress.

  “What the fuck!” Came out kinda muffled since his mouth was full of covers.

  I jammed my knee up against his butt. “Shut up!” I might have even caught his nuts by the way he grunted. I wrassled his hand around behind him and slapped the cuff down across his wrist. Kabe used his left hand to try and push off the bed. Couldn’t quite manage that…what with my weight on top of him. It took me a bit to catch up his free arm, but I’d cuffed enough drunks and guys with a piss-load of vinegar in them that I managed alright with Kabe. Got the second cuff locked down on his left wrist.

  I struggled back off the bed; didn’t even remember getting all that way up on it. I guess all that tangled up energy just took me along for the ride, ‘cause I was breathing hard and broke out into a sweat, and it weren’t half enough of a tussle for that.

  Kabe rolled onto his back, “Joe…” He trembled just a bit. On top of it all, his dick held proud; stiff and bowed up towards his belly.

  If’n I weren’t so irritated by his attitude and everything else, I might have obliged him right then and there. But I weren’t right ready to admit to myself, much less him, how perfect the sight of him was—him all needy and turned on by me roughing him up like that.

  I took a step back from the bed…and ran into the wall. I shifted my dick in my jeans since it had gone and decided to follow Kabe’s lead. Took every ounce of my mule headed nature not to strip off my clothes and join him on the bed. Sucked in a big ol’ lungful of air and then another. “You don’t move none, boy.” Least I sounded something like I was in control. “I got to get myself a shower.” Didn’t actually plan on it, I just needed a minute and that was the first thing that came outta my mouth.

  As I walked off, Kabe called on after me, “Joe!”

  I didn’t respond or nothing. Just walked straight on into the little area with the sink and all. Knew Kabe’d be alright since I hadn’t put the cuffs on too tight and I’d kept suspects cuffed far longer than I intended to keep Kabe shackled up.

  I braced myself with my hands on the counter. Then I set my head against the mirror and shook. Part of me was all coiled up like a snake poked by stick; tight, winding in and over itself and ready to strike back. Kabe was one to get me all riled up, that was certain. But I knew that this anger, frustration, and all of it, well it weren’t about him. That clawed up sense came from where I had to be tomorrow and feeling all like I was walking off onto an icy lake and not knowing how solid it was froze. Going at him, when I was all like this would just be nine kinds of wrong…a recipe for something to go bad.

  Lord though, that boy drove me to things I never thought I’d do. I ain’t never used my cuffs on him before. I mean, they weren’t toys or nothing…they equaled part of my uniform, my job, who I was outside of him and me. But that, the fact that they were part of the Officer me, got me all kinda excited.

  Just ‘cause I knew I had to take it back a notch, didn’t mean I didn’t want him like all get out. Fact, the thought of him lying there on the bed all trussed up boiled my blood something awful. ‘Specially since I used my handcuffs for it. Now, normally, they ain’t for play. But it all seemed so sinful and wild a moment back. And then to watch him roll over all wanting and hard with his dick bowed up and his nuts all tight. Shot me right in the gut with want. Slowly the picture of Kabe’s eyes wide and kinda shocked worked with the heat in my veins to push the worries abou
t my hearing out of my head.

  Licked my lips as I fished in my kit for a moment. No. No! Got a might frantic looking, but I couldn’t find nothing we needed in there. Dumped all the stuff out and did the same with Kabe’s things. I grabbed my junk through my jeans and shorts and shifted myself just a bit. Already, my hard cock ached to be all up inside him. I needed it bad and I didn’t know as a suck-off would do right then. Nothing for it but to make do. I grabbed the little bottle of lotion from the tray—at least it was something to fuel the glide for a stroke-off later—and tucked it into my front pocket.

  Shucking my shirt, I walked around the corner to look at my boy. He was still lying where I left him, but he’d got his feet up on the bed and spread them wide. That rolled his butt up some so I could see his taint hiding behind his balls and put his ass on display. Kabe knew me well, knew I’d never be able to resist that invitation. Wouldn’t think of resisting it right then, but I weren’t about to let him know that.

  As I tossed my shirt onto Kabe’s face, I walked around to the far side of the bed. Kept my eye kinda on him and watched him flip his head back and forth to get it off. Took the pillow from that side and the one from the middle and pitched them both beside Kabe. Then I did another slow walk. I could feel his attention locked on me as I moved. That’s where I wanted him focused. The skin on my back pricked up almost like he actually stroked me with that stare full of worship. When I got up next to him, I hooked the toe of my boot behind his ankle and pulled his foot off the bed.

  “Didn’t say you could get comfortable.” I growled it out through a grin before I knocked the other foot off like I’d done the first.

  Kabe hissed in a breath. The sound traveled down through my own chest and nestled into my balls. Pretending like I didn’t hear him none, I piled up the pillows at the head of the bed one on top of another. I smacked the top one with the back of my hand. “Get yourself on up here.” I took a short step back around the nightstand, crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the wall so’s I could watch him struggle. I even managed to get a smile across my mug seeing him twist and fuss. He finally managed to sit up and get his feet on the bed, then he pushed himself back to where he could lean against the pillows. Propped him up some and would keep me from smashing his hands.

  When I unbuttoned my jeans and started tugging down the zipper, Kabe stilled, his gaze riveted to my crotch. Meant I had to slow down some, ‘cause I wanted him watching. Fly open, I slid my hand under my shorts and messed with myself a bit. Knew he could see my hand working my dick under the denim. Kabe shuddered and bit his lower lip. Bet he thought he knew what was coming. I knew he wanted it by the way his hazel eyes ate me alive. I sucked up the sight of him too; that warm brown skin of his all covered in sheen of sweat that made it almost glow under the flicker of the TV and the light from behind me.

  ‘Nuff playing around, it was time to get this show started. I tugged my cock up, it’d gone kinda left, and pushed my shorts down with my wrist. Hooked the thumb of my other hand over the edge of my jeans and the band of my shorts so I could get myself properly freed up. Then I moved back over to the bed. Kabe watch me as I bent over him. He tipped his chin up and breathed out my name. Oh, heck yeah, that deserved a kiss. I obliged with my mouth all hard on his. Managed to get my jeans and briefs down off my butt before I sat down on the edge of the mattress.

  Thought for a moment about taking off the cuffs and making him jack me, but I kinda got worked up a little hotter by the whole idea that he couldn’t touch me but I could touch anywhere I wanted on him. I wanted to touch him, feel him and just drown in the sense of him. He smelled of soap and the warm, musty want of that shine oozing out the tip of his prick. I slid one arm ‘round behind his shoulders and pulled him close. His skin darn near burned me he was so hot. With my other hand I pulled his butt halfway onto my lap. Then I pawed his chest, tangled up my fingers in his wild black hair and stroked down his arms just to feel where that cold metal cut across the warm skin of his wrists. Now and again, I’d run my thumb over his prick; not hard, but enough so that it’d tease him.

  He was all mine to do whatever I wanted with.

  I couldn’t pound him, but I figured could still feel myself inside of him. Without breaking off the kiss, I fumbled around in the mess of my jeans a moment and found that cheap hotel lotion. Not the easiest thing, unscrewing that tiny cap with my big fingers and only using one hand, but I managed. Shook and squeezed the bottle until I got a decent bit out. Then I started circling his hole with two of my fingers. Kabe spread his legs as wide as he could manage. The gentle touch teased both of us—we never went at things slow and easy. When I had him kinda rocking towards me, worked up some, I just shoved ‘em on in.

  Kabe’s head went back and his back arched, pressing his shoulders against my arm. I worked on licking the skin along his throat. That tight, silky ass sucked on my fingers…I could imagine how it’d feel on my dick. I pulled out and jammed back in. Kabe’s, “Awe, fuck,” drove heat all through me. Boy was so bad with his mouth—sometimes I just had to shove my prick in it to shut him on up. Tonight though, I grinned and quieted him up by working my bites up his neck and jaw until I met his lips. Kissed him hard.

  His body was cradled all against me. I kept my left arm behind his shoulders, bearing his weight and feeling his biceps strain from being cuffed behind his back. His butt rested on my thigh and I tipped him back into the stack of pillows just enough to roll his ass up a little. His body was mine. I controlled it. If I wanted him up against me, I’d pull him there. Or I could decide to let him freefall back on the pillows and get nothing if I chose to. I’d never felt anything like that need to keep somebody so controlled, before I met Kabe.

  I pulled my fingers out of his ass and reached between Kabe’s legs to play with his balls a bit, ‘cause I could. He couldn’t stop me. He could ask, but had to trust I’d make the right decision. If I wished, with him cuffed up, I could put serious hurt on him and there weren’t nothing he could do to stop me. I wouldn’t. But the fact that I could made my gut all hot and my dick throb.

  And I wanted to mess with his nuts…just ‘cause. The weight of them fell all soft and solid at the same time. When I tugged on them a bit, Kabe grunted against my lips. The sound vibrated through my mouth, up my fingers right down into my soul. I squeezed just to hear him make that sound again; discomfort, a touch of pain all wound up with a need that said, don’t stop. Wrapped my thumb and finger around the neck of his sac, balls in my palm and the butt of his dick right up against my knuckles.

  Then I pulled that skin taut and was rewarded with a word that might have been, “Fuck.” Hard to tell with my tongue down his throat. Kept exploring his mouth like that. Each time I pushed on his balls, stretching his sac, Kabe moaned. I had to keep that sound going. I let go his balls and shoved my fingers back in his hole. He grunted again. For the longest time I moved from pounding him with my hand to yanking his sac. Kabe opening up and letting me in, almost felt as good as having my dick in his ass.

  And the sounds he made when I’d give him the pain he wanted made the hair on my arms stand up with the charge of it. Got to where I was plugging him with three fingers. Then I’d grip his sac with my whole fist as I pulled down, those nuts of his all purple and swollen against the base of my hand.

  I’d lost how long that I played with him like that, when Kabe broke off the kiss by turning his face away. “Fuck,” Kabe rolled his head back and panted. “Joe, please.” That begging outta him poured kerosene down my spine and lit it. “Quit teasing, and fuck me.”

  Desperate for it myself, I breathed, “Cain’t,” against his jaw. Wanted it bad, but I couldn’t.

  He almost shouted, “What?” Felt the desperation in him as he shook in my arms. “Shit, come on.” All excited and shaky like a hunting dog on a scent, he huffed out, “Fucking tease me, but not like that.”

  “We forgot it all, rubbers and stuff.” I stopped, my fingers still in his hole, and pulled back to whe
re I could look him in the eyes. “I cain’t.”

  Lord, Kabe looked like I’d shot him or something. He licked his lips and swallowed hard. His eyes skittered back and forth a bit. Then he swallowed again before he relaxed a hair. “Joe.” Kabe smiled up at me. “I trust you. You’re negative. You want it.” His chest heaved with all the excitement in him. “I want it. Just do it.”

  I couldn’t take this risk, that I’d been honest with him, on me. “Kabe…” I knew I had, but he was willing to take that leap of faith on my word. Although, I knew he’d done a three month and a six month since he got out.

  “August, Joe. Since the end of August, just us.” He reared up just enough that he could work his mouth along my jaw. “I’m sick of messing with it, come on.”

  Lord knows I was sick enough of it myself. Four months was a long time to be together. “I don’t know.” Barely realized I said that out loud. I wanted him bad. Real, real bad.

  “Fuck, please, Joe.”

  The please, Joe did it. I couldn’t resist that desperate pleading. That vibration in his voice that said I want you now, I’d do anything to have you now, shut off the parts of my brain that barely functioned at times like this anyhow. I dropped him on the bed and then pulled and twisted us until Kabe lay on his back with his legs off the side of the mattress and I stood on the floor. Somehow I managed to shake out what was left of the lotion along my dick. I hissed a bit when it hit my sensitive skin, ‘cause it was colder than I’d expected. A couple strokes and I was as slicked up as I could be. I grabbed up both his legs in my arms and rocked forward. That brought his ass off the bed more. Then I pushed my cock into his hole.

  Even after I opened him up some with my fingers I had to work to get my dick up inside him. Hot. Tight. Velvet skin barely hid those muscles.

  “Shit yeah.” Kabe writhed under me. “Awe fuck.” Each twist drove him harder onto my cock.


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