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Nobody's Lost (Rescue Me Saga #5)

Page 13

by Masters, Kallypso

  She wanted to feel his callused hand and whatever toys he brought to play with rubbing against her bare skin. Her face flushed thinking about what he might introduce her to on their first night.

  Her nipples strained against her bra. The thought of him pinching them to even harder peaks made her wet between her legs. Dear God, just thinking about him and what he might do had her near the point of an orgasm. How would she last if he chose to torment her too long?

  His footsteps sounded in the hallway, and she straightened her back even more, worried she might have slacked off from maintaining the position he’d asked her to hold. She wanted him to be impressed with her eagerness to please, at least. The thought of disappointing him made her stomach churn.

  “Very pretty, Baby. You did well.”

  Her nervousness dissipated at his words of approval. She met his gaze. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Where is your gaze supposed to be?”

  “Oh, I forgot!” She stared at the invisible spot on the floor about where he’d indicated earlier.

  “It takes time to learn discipline, Megan, but try to concentrate on the few commands I give you. I will try not to overload you all at once.”

  Those words made it sound like tonight was only the beginning. God, she hoped so.

  “Now, I want you to avert your gaze and look at the window.”

  As she followed his new command, Ryder proceeded to the bed. It was dark outside, but she wasn’t asked to look out the window, just at it. She listened for the sound of chains or metal clanking, but heard nothing. A few minutes later, he pulled the chair from the desk closer to where she knelt and sat down. She started to look toward him, but remembered she needed to wait for instructions.

  This submission stuff was harder than she’d anticipated.

  “Look at me, Baby.”

  She turned her head toward him. If he kept calling her Baby, she was going to lose her heart. Red was a fun nickname, but Baby just made her melt.

  “Are you feeling any discomfort?”

  She brought her focus back. “Well, now that you ask, my knees hurt.”

  He reached onto the bed and tossed a pillow onto the floor. “Crawl onto the pillow and turn your body toward me when you get back into position.”

  She complied and waited. He had removed his shirt and donned a leather vest. His chest muscles peeked from between the lapels of the vest, making her want to reach out and see if they were as firm as they appeared to be. His abdominals were just as ripped. The man hadn’t let his body go to pot after his service ended.

  She became aware of his scrutiny and waited for him to say something, but he remained silent. His gaze made her aware of her body in ways she never had been before, and she hoped he saw something he liked. Her breasts were tiny, and her waist thicker than she’d like. He couldn’t see her hips, but he seemed to enjoy the view when they were down at the Rio Guadalupe wading in the water.

  As he continued to stare in silence, she felt her nipples grow hard again. She’d never had a problem with them being so responsive before, but they seemed to react to Ryder at the drop of a hat.

  He reached out and pinched them, and she gasped, not expecting such intimate contact so soon.

  “Your breasts are beautiful.”

  Should she answer him? It really wasn’t a question or command.

  “How would you feel about baring them for me?”

  Her stomach flip-flopped. “I…I would like that, Sir.”

  “Remove your tank top.”

  She brought her hands forward, not expecting them to be so stiff. How long had she been in this position? Not wanting to disappoint him, though, she grabbed the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head. Her shirt having the bra cups sewn in, she was bared to him in one fell swoop. The cool air brushed over her skin, and her nipples bunched even tighter.

  Once again, he reached out, brushing his knuckles over her bared peaks. “Very nice. I’d like to clamp them. Would that be a limit for you?”

  “I’m not sure what my limits are yet. I haven’t tried anything. I don’t think I like whips or knives.” Would he have thought of using his lethal-looking knife on her if she hadn’t put that on her list of limits? She shuddered. “Needles would be out of the question. I can’t even stand getting shots or having blood drawn.”

  “What else would be your limit? Would you enjoy being spanked bare bottom?”

  Not even her parents had spanked her. “I’m not sure. But I could try, and if it’s a problem, I’ll just say scarlet.”

  “Good girl. You remembered your safeword to stop. You also can have a word to tell me you need to slow down. Yellow is common. It’s easy to remember from traffic signals. Any time you use scarlet or yellow, we’ll stop and discuss what you’re experiencing and how to proceed—or not.”


  “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

  She didn’t think so. Scarlet to stop everything. Yellow to slow down. Oh, crap!

  “Sir! I keep forgetting.”

  He laughed, letting her know he wasn’t annoyed. “You’re actually doing better than most newbie subs would.”

  Without warning, he took her nipples between his index and middle fingers and squeezed harder than before. This time, he pulled her toward him by her nipples. She tried to hold her position until the pain became too much, and she leaned forward to ease the tension.

  “Did I give you permission to move?”

  “No, but it hurt.”

  “Why didn’t you use one of your safewords?”

  “To be honest, I didn’t think about them in the moment.”

  He stood up and walked away, and she thought he was going to end their session. She wanted to plead with him to give her another chance, but didn’t want to appear whiny, either.

  Soon he returned carrying two spring clothespins. “We’ll have to work on getting you to think about using them rather than disobeying my command.”

  She had no clue how the clothespins were going to help, but at least he was willing to work with her even after she messed up. “I’ll try to do better, Sir.”

  “Thank you. Why don’t we test your pain limits? It will help me to know how far to take you.”


  “Is that how you address your Top?”

  “Oh, sorry. I mean, yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.” He reached out and clamped a clothespin onto her already sensitive nipple. The pressure surprised her, but didn’t hurt after the first pinch.

  “Does that hurt?”

  “No. Well, at first. Now it feels…kind of nice, Sir.”

  “Thank you for your honesty.”

  He placed a clothespin on her right nipple, and it grew more swollen. The pressure made them pinch even more, but she tried to smile through the pain. She wanted to please him and not wimp out.

  When he reached out and pinched both clothespins harder on her nipples, she bit her lip. Holding them so they wouldn’t slip off, he pulled her nipples toward him.


  He continued to torture her nipples until tears rolled down her face. “Yellow!”

  “I wasn’t sure you would ever give in. Why did you go beyond your obvious limits?”

  “I…wanted to be a good submissive, Sir.”

  “Don’t ignore your body’s limits. That will please me more.”

  Crap. She’d messed up.


  He held out his hand to help her to her feet and wrapped his arm around her until he was certain she was steady.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “It’s a Dom’s job to take care of his submissive’s needs.”

  “Well, I appreciate it.” She smiled at him.

  He walked toward the bed again and came back to stand behind her. His lips were close to her ear when he whispered, “How do you feel about blindfolds?”

  A frisson of electricity ran down her spine at his nearness. “I don’t have a problem with my sleep mas

  “How about when you aren’t in control of when it goes on or comes off?”

  “Well, you blindfolded me on our hike this afternoon with your hands, and I found that…exciting.”

  “Interesting.” Without another word, he placed a cloth over her eyes. It seemed to have an elastic band like her sleep mask, but then he took a scarf or tie or something and placed that over the first blindfold. He really didn’t want her to see anything!

  He tightened it into a knot at the back of her hair, pulling some of the strands, but she didn’t complain. “Too tight?”

  “No, Sir. Just right.” His hands lowered to her breasts again, and he cupped them from underneath almost reverently.

  “Beautiful. Perfect. Now, I think you’ve worn these long enough for the first time. Prepare yourself.”

  She had no idea what he meant, but he pinched open the clothespin on the left nipple first. When he pulled it away, her nipple became engorged. She screamed in pain, but he rubbed the nipple with the palm of his hand to quickly disperse the pain. When he reached for the right one and began to pinch it, she tensed.

  His fingers stopped just when the nipple began to swell. “Breathe, Baby.”

  “Please, just hurry and take it off!”

  “I. Said. Breathe.”

  She drew a quick breath.

  “Again. Deeper this time.”

  Wanting him to remove the offending pin as fast as possible, she did so again. He squeezed the clothespin, and once again pain shot from her nipples throughout her chest.

  “Crap, that hurts!” His hand brushed the nipple again as he’d done before, and the pain faded.

  Ryder cupped her breasts again almost reverently and bent toward her cheek where he placed a kiss. “You did well, Baby.”

  The pain eased even more at his words of praise, and she smiled. “Thank you.”

  “If we have further sessions together, we’ll push your boundaries for pain.”

  While she couldn’t imagine taking any more pain than she had today, often going beyond her limits, the thought of future sessions with him made her happy. “I’d like to have more sessions together, Sir.”

  “We’ll see.”

  She wanted to groan at those noncommittal words.

  He stepped away, and his body heat deserted her. “Now remove your shorts, but leave the panties on.”

  At least this session wasn’t over yet. She grinned. “Yes, Sir!”

  “And you are to remain silent unless asked a direct question or you need to use your safeword. Is that clear?”

  Her heart raced in anticipation of what this night would hold. She would never be the same after this.

  “Yes, I understand.”

  When he saw the lacy thong she wore instead of panties, he probably was going to wish he hadn’t given her this command, but she tried not to clue him in to her secret. She only hoped he would enjoy looking at her body as much as she enjoyed his.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Megan pleased him with her progress. He hadn’t been sure he’d remember how to dominate a woman anymore. The last time had been so long ago. While Ryder was stationed at Camp Pendleton in the late nineties, he’d studied the art of Dominance with Jerry Patterson, a Vietnam vet who ran a private BDSM club in Los Angeles. They’d kept in touch until Ryder had been deployed to Fallujah. With his marriage on the rocks after returning, once he’d been discharged, Ryder had headed back to New Mexico and lost touch with Jerry.

  Ryder hadn’t been the only recon Marine who frequented the club, which he and others deemed to be far enough away from Pendleton and private enough to be as safe as could be expected. Shortly after 9/11, he talked a new roper in his Marine recon unit, Gino D’Alessio, into going up there with him and Sherry. D’Alessio had tagged along a couple other times, too. He’d liked one of the girls who bottomed there. Bianca or something like that.

  True, Marines couldn’t spend a lot of time in a club like that because, if they’d been caught by an MP, their asses would have been hauled to the brig. But Jerry was a hero to a lot of active-duty and retired Marines, as well as other military personnel. Ryder thought he’d somehow been given a pass from being raided or patrolled by MPs because he was helping a lot of them deal with post-combat issues.

  Ryder and his wife had been at Jerry’s when he heard the news about what had happened to D’Alessio in Kandahar.

  Ryder took a deep breath. He needed to get his head back in the game if he was going to continue this scene with Megan. Besides, he didn’t like dwelling on the—

  Holy fuck.

  Ryder’s attention was brought back to the scene with a vengeance when Megan peeled her shorts down her legs, revealing two round globes divided by the thin strap of her thong panties. He took several deep breaths to ground himself in the scene. If he let his mind stray once more, he’d need to end this scene.

  Looking at her beautiful body, he sure as hell didn’t want this to end anytime soon. Unable to help himself, he reached out, placed one hand on each cheek of her ass, and squeezed. “Thank you for that surprise, Baby. Any others I should know about?”

  “Surprise, Sir? I don’t know what you mean.”

  He slapped her ass with his hand. Firm ass. Jesus, he wanted to take her over his lap and paddle her good, but that position would be more intimate than he cared to go with her. Besides, he needed to initiate her more slowly to the way pain could turn to pleasure.

  “You know damn well what you’re doing to me, brat.”

  “Probably no more than what you do to me, Sir. In case you were wondering, I enjoyed that smack on my butt.”

  Why did he get the feeling they’d just crossed into new territory where they could both find fulfillment, at least for the duration of this scene? For him, he had rediscovered control.

  Control over her level of pain and pleasure.

  Control the types of play he introduced her to.

  Control how her body responded to him.

  He turned to gaze at the implements he’d placed on the bed. He hadn’t given her a chance to choose what she’d like to try. Perhaps being blindfolded, she’d be open to trying things that might have scared her at first glance.

  He’d leave the blindfold on.

  “We’ll do some more impact play on your ass then.” He took her by the upper arms. “I’m going to lead you to where I want you. Just relax and trust me.”

  She moved in the direction he indicated without hesitation. She trusted him so blindly? Of course, that’s what he would want in a submissive—but he didn’t want any attachment to this submissive beyond a couple of days. He couldn’t let her get under his skin, because he’d have to send her home soon.

  He sighed.

  “Is everything all right, Sir?”

  He realized he’d paused longer than necessary. “Yes. I want you to reach out in front of you and grab the iron footboard.” She did so, leaning forward until she made contact. “Good girl.” Her body was bent over slightly, exposing her ass cheeks to him beautifully. The implements were displayed on the bed before her, but she wouldn’t know what he would try on her.

  “Remain still.”

  He returned to the bed and looked at what he’d selected earlier. Paddle, crop, even the belt. Which should he use first? He reached down and picked up the paddle. It was wider than some, which would blunt the worst of the sting. Still, with enough strokes, the wooden paddle should redden her ass nicely. He hoped she enjoyed it, too, because paddling was one of his favorite things.

  He wouldn’t take her too far their first time. He mainly wanted to gauge her limits for pain, so he returned to the foot of the bed where he set the paddle on her back.

  “Oh, that’s cold!”

  His hand smacked her ass. Man, he loved the feel of his hand on her cheeks. “What were your instructions?”

  “Not to speak unless spoken to, unless I needed to use my safeword. I’m sorry, Sir. It just surprised me.”

  “You can expect to b
e surprised by any number of things tonight, Megan. You’re asking to be taught discipline, and one of the first rules of discipline is to follow your Dom’s simple instructions. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Sir.” The breathlessness in her voice made him rock hard in seconds.

  He grabbed one cheek with each hand and squeezed hard, bringing the blood to the surface. He kneaded and squeezed her ass for several more minutes until she moaned.

  So responsive.

  Time to see where her limits lay for the paddle.

  * * *

  Ryder’s hand came down in several smacks on each of her butt cheeks. Not hard enough to sting, but her butt soon grew warm. She didn’t count the blows because he hadn’t asked her to the way some of the Doms in her books did. The spanking stopped, and whatever he had laid on her back a moment ago glided down her back to her butt. Flat and hard, it warmed to her body temperature quickly.

  Ryder surprised her with a number of light, quick taps that made her butt grow warmer, too. He paused again and she no longer felt the object against her skin until—


  A scream nearly spewed from her mouth at the impact, but she caught herself in time and gripped the footboard. What the hell had he hit her with? God, it stung.

  Wow, this shit just got very real, very fast.


  The first strike had begun to burn when the second hit. Her knuckles hurt from gripping the iron bed frame, and she gritted her teeth to keep from screaming.


  He’d returned to hitting the first cheek again and once again, it stung, but this time it became a burn much more quickly.


  He laid the offending implement on her back again, and his hands rubbed her burning butt cheeks. She wasn’t sure if that made them feel better or not.

  “How are you doing?”

  “O-okay, Sir.”

  “Would you like this paddling to continue?”

  How should she answer? No, or hell no?

  “Shall I take silence as a yes?”

  “Yes, please. May I have another?” God, how cheesy did that sound? She read too many books.


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