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Nobody's Lost (Rescue Me Saga #5)

Page 15

by Masters, Kallypso

  With daylight gone, the room took on a chill, and she felt her nipples grow hard as an air current passed over her. Where was Ryder?

  She couldn’t wait for—

  “Beautiful, Baby. Thank you.”

  She smiled. “My pleasure, Sir.”

  His voice came from near the doorway, but the next time he spoke, he was closer to the bed. “Are you ready to try some new things?”

  “Very ready, Sir.” If only he knew how wet she was thinking about this time together. Maybe—

  “Take my hand. It’s in front of your breasts.” She reached out and made contact with his warm hand. “Stand.” She let him help her to her feet. “Hands behind your back again.” She complied. “Very nice. Let me inspect you.”

  Inspection? Would he find her body exciting or lacking in some way? He moved so silently that she hadn’t realized he now stood behind her until he spoke once more. “So beautiful. Mine. For tonight, at least.”

  She went from euphoria at being claimed to sadness because he would only allow her to be his submissive for a short time.

  The heat of his body warmed her backside before he wrapped his arms around her and cupped her small breasts. She wondered if his wife’s were more ample.

  He pinched her nipples. “I love how responsive you are to my touch, my gaze.”

  She smiled. He liked them.

  His lips brushed the side of her neck. He’d instructed her to tie her hair into a top bun tonight. She supposed so he could do things like kiss her neck without a mouthful of hair. When he nipped at her skin, she moaned.

  “Nice. Thank you.”

  She wasn’t sure what she’d done to elicit his praise, but his words made her happy.

  “Ready to play?”

  She nodded.

  “Speak. You can’t know if I’ll see a nod or shake of the head. I need to hear you consent verbally.”

  “Yes, Sir. Your submissive is ready.”

  The hands that had been stroking her breasts stopped, and she worried that he hadn’t liked her referring to herself as his sub, but she didn’t know how else to name it, at least in this moment and this scene.

  “We’ll explore some more boundaries tonight. See where to set more limits.”

  A tiny frisson of fear flashed through her mind as she remembered how much the paddling had hurt yesterday, but he cupped her chin and turned her head sideways while remaining behind her. “Remember your safewords?”

  “Yes. Scarlet and yellow.”

  “When do you use them?”

  She repeated what he’d taught her yesterday.

  “Good. Use them if you need them. Don’t wait until your breaking point, and don’t compare yourself to anyone else. What’s right for you doesn’t have to be what’s right for anyone else, but it’s just as valid.”

  “I understand, Sir. I’ll remember to use the appropriate word if I need it.”

  “Good girl.”

  He lifted her into his arms, and she squealed in surprise, but quickly regained her composure. He laid her on the bed. A moment later, he was fitting something on her right wrist. She smelled leather. He manipulated her hand and wrist. Something clicked into place before he slipped his finger between her and the cuff.

  “How does that feel? Not too tight?”

  “No. Feels like someone hugging my wrist.”

  He stretched out her arm toward the headboard. He seemed to be using rope again. She didn’t hear any chains.

  “If you feel any tingling or numbness, you’re to tell me using yellow at the first sign. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He laid her arm back on the mattress and did the same with her ankle, tying her to the footboard before moving around to the other side of the bed to secure her other hand and foot. If Carlos’s grandmother could see how her iron bed was being used, she’d probably flip over a few times in her grave.

  Despite being unable to move, the restraints didn’t scare her. She trusted Ryder to take care of her, whether they were in a kink scene or walking down the aisle in the grocery store.

  He pinched her left nipple, and she soon felt something cold clamping around the peak, growing tighter and tighter. Definitely not the clothespin from last night. He did the same with the other nipple. He tugged on a chain between her nipples a few times, harder with each pull. While it stung a little, she couldn’t get over how it excited her, as well. Her clit spasmed with each tug.

  “Like that, do you?”

  “Oh, yes, Sir.” The huskiness of her voice surprised her. She sounded almost sultry.

  “Let’s see what else you might like.”

  If he moved, he did so very stealthily. She waited, wondering what he would do next. When he spoke again, he was at the foot of the bed.

  “Wiggle your fingers and toes.” She did so. “Any numbness or tingling?”

  “No, Sir. They’re fine.”

  Instantly, she felt something softly move up the sole of her right foot. She jerked in surprise, but had long ago perfected a mind over matter technique for when anyone tickled her feet. Patrick was a terrible tease and loved to torment her as a child. When Ryder moved to the other foot and tried to tickle her, she didn’t flinch.

  “That’s some self-control you’re showing.”

  She wasn’t sure if his words were complimentary or if he was sorry he hadn’t gotten her to scream. She smiled and decided to take it as a compliment.

  Whatever he had used to tickle her feet now traveled up her left leg. What was it? Too light to be his finger. Perhaps a feather? Whatever it was, it continued to make its way up her body. When it reached her upper thigh, she wondered if he’d touch her mound or clit, but he continued to move upward. Anticipating his touch, her nipples grew harder, and the clamps bit into them. She bit her lower lip, trying to keep from screaming out. But she didn’t really want him to stop. She just needed to regain her self-control.

  “Very nice.”

  The object left her body, leaving her wanting more. She strained upward with her torso, hoping to feel it just a moment longer.

  “Lie still unless I tell you to move.”

  “Y-yes, Sir.”

  The silence stretched out, and about the time she wondered what he was going to use next, he placed something extremely cold against her clit. “Oh, God!” She jerked away, not caring one whit about composure. She just wanted to get away from whatever he’d put there.

  “Lie still and remain silent, unless you want to have another impact session.”

  She took a deep breath and regained control of herself. Thankfully, she heard what sounded like an ice cube clink into a glass bowl or cup. Maybe he was finished with that torture and would go back to something more pleasurable.

  Something sharp poked her side. “Yellow!”

  The object was removed immediately. Ryder rubbed the spot and dissipated the pain. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  “Was that a needle?”

  “Not the kind you’re thinking of. I remember that is one of your hard limits.”

  What kinds of needles were there other than the metal ones? Pine needles? No, it was too hard for that.

  “If I assure you that I’m not going to puncture your skin, would you like to explore this kink a little more?”

  She trusted him. “Can I say yellow again if I need to?”

  “Of course. Yellow and scarlet can always be on the table, no matter what we’re doing. Even something we’ve done before without needing a safeword.”

  “Okay. I’m willing to try again and see if it’s something I might enjoy.”

  “Thank you for trusting me, Megan.”

  “You’ve never done anything to make me question your trustworthiness, Ryder. I mean, Sir. I just panicked for a minute.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Ryder’s gaze took in her alabaster white skin. He’d confirmed during their sessions that she did have freckles in places other than on her cheeks, including her upper chest and thighs. Seei
ng her stretched out on her bed for him, awaiting his touch, made his heart swell with pride. She trusted him. Implicitly.

  No conditions.

  No hesitation.

  No fear.

  What a gift to grant him. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve it, but hoped he would never shatter her trust.

  He noted several one-inch sized surgical scars on her body and wondered what she’d had to undergo.

  Anxious to begin again, he took three African porcupine quills into his hands again and positioned them evenly so that he could skim them over her skin with multiple pressure points. They probably were sharper than the needles she feared, but he wanted to see if she might enjoy scratchy sensation play, and he’d never had a chance to try these out.

  “Do not move, and you won’t be hurt.”

  Her body stiffened, but she held herself rigid. Taking the quills, he applied the sharpest ends to her skin and raked them down her side hard enough to leave red trails, but not to puncture her. A sharp intake of breath was the only movement she made as her chest rose and fell. He continued down the side of her hip to her leg and then the inside of her thigh where he swirled them around. He watched as her muscles bunched, probably wondering if he’d go near her sex with them, but he lifted them away from her.

  “How does that feel?”


  “Is that a sensation you enjoy?”

  “Yes, I think so. I’m just a little nervous. Sorry.”

  “No need to apologize. You’re doing very well and lying beautifully still for me.” She smiled briefly before he applied the quills to the inside of her other thigh and made more red swirly scratches. He moved to the outer thigh and hip and up her body until he reached her breast.

  “Breathe. Not too deeply, though.”

  She took several shallow breaths, and he watched the quills poke her skin, but she always stopped inhaling before the quills could cut into her tender skin. “Good girl.”

  He lifted the quills away from her and placed them on the nightstand to show her later what he’d used. He’d have to give her the quills he used to keep or toss, because reusing them would be unsanitary. Not that he planned to be playing with anyone else anytime soon.

  Only Megan.

  With the pointy items gone, she took some deeper breaths. Her nipples remained rock hard. Perhaps he’d left the clamps on long enough. He knew the pain would be greater for her than last night.

  Distracted for a moment, he just stared at them. Jesus, she had gorgeous breasts. High, firm, perfect—just enough to fill the palm of each hand.

  Tonight he wanted to taste them, too. Sitting on the bed beside her hip, he reached up and tugged the chain up and watched her breasts strain. As he pulled beyond her limit, she arched her back. Oh, that wouldn’t do.

  “I’m sorry, Sir! I didn’t mean to move, but—”

  “No worries, Baby. We’ll work on some discipline techniques that will help you to remain still in the future.”

  “You mean punishment?” She worried her lower lip.

  “Some subs see it as a punishment, but I prefer to call it learning discipline. Much as parents train up their children to learn right from wrong.”

  “I’m not a child.”

  His gaze moved lower to the red curls covering her mound. “No, you certainly are not.” He wanted to touch her, but feared she would take it the wrong way and expect more from him than he planned to give.

  Better to focus on her breasts. Less intimate. After all, a woman’s breasts weren’t solely sexual objects. They nurtured babies, too. An image of Megan nursing a baby flashed across his mind.

  Whoa. Tonight, Megan’s breasts were solely here to bring them both pleasure, well, after he gave her a little pain. He reached out to unscrew the clamp nearest to him.

  “Oh, God! That hurts! Shit! Shit! Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!”

  The mashed nipple begged for relief, and he bent toward her to take it between his lips. He sucked the flattened nipple into his mouth and flicked his tongue over it until her squirming and cussing ended, and she relaxed against the mattress once more.

  “We’re going to have to work on that mouth of yours, too. You cussed like a Marine.”

  “Well, you would, too, if I did that to you.”

  He chuckled. “See if you can’t control yourself better when I take off the next one.” He reached for the clamp—

  “Scarlet! Yellow! Take your pick, but please don’t remove it!”

  He grinned. “Now, this is quite the predicament, Red.”

  “You’ll stop, won’t you?”

  “Of course. I already have. But you do realize that one of the reasons it hurt more tonight is that the nipple remained pinched longer than last night. And that last night was just a training clamp—a clothespin.”

  “In other words, I’m screwed.”

  He grinned, enjoying her sense of humor about the situation. “Pretty much. But I’ll wait for you to tell me when you’re ready and I’ll help the pain dissipate as quickly as possible as I have each time before.”

  “With your mouth—and tongue?”


  “I did like that part, Sir.”

  He smiled. “Glad to be of service. Let me move to the other side of the bed so that I can take care of your tender nip as quickly as possible.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Still, when he held the clamp in one hand as he began loosening it, she nearly bit her lip until it bled trying not to let out another string of curses. The woman had great potential for becoming a well-disciplined submissive.

  She hissed as the blood rushed back into her nipple, and he bent down to minister to it as he had the other. Wanting to reward her for her discipline, his hand lowered to her mound, and he slicked his middle finger in her wetness before bringing it up to her clit. The nub was almost as stiff as her nipple.

  “Oh, yes!”

  He smiled around her nipple. There wouldn’t be time to work with her on orgasm control, so he had no intention of making her ask permission to come. He let her nipple go with a plop. “Baby, I want you to come for me tonight as loudly as you want.”

  “Yes, Sir! Oh, please!”

  “But we didn’t talk about penetration.”

  “Penetration, Sir?”

  “Just my finger, but I wanted to be sure you consented to that before I went that far.”

  “Oh, I think your finger would feel wonderful right now, Sir.”

  “Have you used dildoes when you masturbated?”

  “No, I mostly concentrated on my clit with the vibes.”

  The girl knew what she wanted. He chuckled before taking her nipple into his mouth once more. His finger teased the sides of her hood before he moved down her slit to press against her opening. Her virgin opening.

  He teased her hole until she relaxed her pelvic muscles, and his finger slipped inside. In and out, deeper each time careful not to rupture her barrier.

  The things he’d learned from Carlos, who had gone to school to become a gynecologist after his stint in the Navy.

  Not wanting to overdo it, he retreated and returned to playing with her clit.

  “Yes, there! I like that best of all.”

  “I’m sure your clit has had many a workout with your Hitachi.”

  “Um, yes, Sir, it has. Not nearly so much as since I met you.”

  He grinned. Jesus, she was so responsive. He wished—

  Wanting to get her off and put an end to his torture, he increased the strokes against her swollen clit and sucked harder on her nipple.

  “Oh, yes! Yes! Keep doing that! Oh, please don’t stop!”

  Stopping was the furthest thing from his mind. If they’d agreed to having sex in their negotiations, he’d be on top of her now. Good thing he’d been thinking with his uppermost head then.

  * * *

  Megan felt as though her body would come apart when Ryder let go of her nipple. She started to ask him not to stop when he t
ook her other nipple between his teeth and pulled. Hard. She arched her back and wiggled her pelvis to get the maximum contact with his finger.

  Alone in bed with her Hitachi, she had no trouble zeroing in on what gave her the most pleasure and took care of business in no time. Ryder seemed to be prolonging her release. Why didn’t he hurry? Couldn’t he tell she was near the breaking point?

  The heel of his hand pressed against her mound, and his fingers spread her lower lips open. She exhaled the air she’d pent up only to gasp for more when his finger began flicking rapidly against her clit.

  “Yes! Yes! Don’t stop!” Please don’t stop this time. So close. Just when she thought she’d fly off the cliff, he slowed again, and his finger stopped touching her clit.

  “Ayeeee!” Her body screamed for release. Sweat broke out on her skin, and she felt she was sticking to the sheet. “Please, Sir! This is torture.”

  His mouth left her breast. “I’m sorry. Would you like for me to stop torturing you, as you call it?”

  “Nooooo! Don’t you dare stop! But you could go faster, couldn’t you?”

  “Is the submissive instructing her Dom now in how to grant orgasms?”

  This was no time for such discussion.

  “Please, Sir. Use your incredibly talented fingers and mouth to bring me to a screaming orgasm. Whenever you’re ready, of course.” There. Did that appease him?

  He didn’t move. She wished she could see his expression. Had she pissed him off? Would he stop now?

  “I see I have a brat on my hands.”

  Brat? What had she done? Oh, well, perhaps there was a manipulative tone to her words, but she didn’t see that she was being all that bratty.

  “I need you, Sir. I need this. Please!”

  His mouth returned to her nipple, and she sighed inwardly, preparing herself to wait until he was ready to give her the orgasm she desired. When he began trailing kisses toward her hip, she wondered what he was going to do next.

  The mattress dipped as he put more weight on it and straddled her body, his knees pressing against her sides. They hadn’t agreed to make love, but he had been the one reluctant to do so. Would he rid her of her pesky virginity tonight?


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