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Bringing It Home (Up-Ending Tad: A Journey of Erotic Discovery Book 5)

Page 5

by Kora Knight

  The convo at his parents’ was a bit more uncomfortable. His dad had looked shocked —and honestly, a little green— but his mom took the shit in stride. Thank God, too, because at the end of the day, only she could make his old man see reason. Which hopefully she’d do… sometime soon.

  The traffic light changed and Tad gunned the gas. It felt like he’d just downed a six-pack of Red Bull, with his pounding heart and clammy palms. Probably because he had no idea how this was going to play out. Chances were good Scott would tell him to scram— or maybe Max would do the honors. But unlike last night, he was thinking clearly and didn’t plan on backing down easy.

  Originally, he’d been convinced that bugging Scott again would be selfish, but ever since his talk with Jay, he’d started seeing things differently. Scott was worth fighting for. And deserved to see Tad doing so. Fighting for him. Seeing that someone not only wanted him, but desperately needed him, too. No way was Tad going to just let him go. If things went south, well at least he’d tried.

  God knew if he didn’t, he’d totally spend the rest of his life regretting it.

  Pulling up, he cut off his engine and… yup, just pretty much sat there. Crap. He should’ve rehearsed a speech or some shit. Why didn’t he rehearse a speech? Oh right, because he had no clue what to say. Was flying by the seat of his pants. Besides, he’d always kind of sucked at speeches. Go figure he was majoring in Journalism.

  He glanced up at the house and drew in a breath. Don’t fuck this up, Mitchel. He’s the best thing that ever happened to you.

  Time to break a leg.

  Shoving out of his Jeep, he made his way to the door, hands rubbing nervously at his jeans. By the time he scaled the steps to the porch, he could feel his pulse hammering in his ears.

  Breathe, dude. Geez.

  As he stared at the knocker, the most ironic thing occurred to him. The last time he’d felt this frickin’ nervous, it’d been midnight on this very stoop— with three jocks heckling him from the curb. God, he’d literally been vibrating in his skin.

  He smiled, remembering how just the sight of Scott had worked wonders to calm his nerves. So freaking attractive and down-to-earth. With those eyes —fuck, those eyes— and that insanely gorgeous smile. All wrapped up in a disposition that made Tad both growl and purr. Looking back, it was clear to see. He flat-out started to fall for the guy before he’d even breached his door.

  Man, so much had happened since then. Just thinking about it made his brain spin. He couldn’t go there now, though. Needed his head in the game.

  Forcing himself to focus, he stared at the door. God, he really hoped Scott was home. Because if he didn’t resolve this ASAP, he was going to lose his mind. Inhaling deeply, he lifted his knuckles and—


  Tad stiffened. That came from somewhere inside. Angry shouts exploded next, setting him instantly on guard. What the fuck? Heart rate spiking, he pounded on the door, but was drowned out by more heavy crashing.

  Max’s furious bark sliced through the din, followed by another male’s snarl. Scott’s. Which meant someone was about to get hurt. “Someone” absolutely meaning Red. Fuck. Tad needed to get in there and break shit up. Because even though he didn’t particularly like Max much, he didn’t exactly hate him, either.

  Grabbing the door knob, he gave it a jostle. Locked.

  Damn it.

  An exceptionally loud slam! reverberated, as well as a thundering curse. And then, the distinctive punishing sound that could only be made by a fist. Hitting its mark, again and again.

  Son of a bitch!

  Adrenaline surging, Tad contemplated his options. Ram the door and probably get in, but run the risk of dislocating his shoulder, or use his boot and definitely get it, but leave behind structural damage.

  And then, of course, there was option three.

  Tad yanked out his wallet and fumbled for a card. American Express— don’t break and enter without it. So fucking versatile. He loved that shit. Shoving it between the doorknob and jamb, he gave a couple hard, vertical swipes. Once, twice, then —score— disengaged. Heh. Cheap-ass suburban doors. Unless their bolt locks were buried like dicks, they were only good for keeping out drafts. And bugs.

  He threw the thing open and tore inside. Where the fuck were they? Another hardy crash, followed by shattering glass. His eyes shot toward the kitchen. Bingo. Heart pounding, he hauled ass down the hall, then skidded to a stop.

  Max was on his back and Scott was straddling his hips, elbow cocked for another blow.

  “Aw, shit,” Tad ground out, darting over to intercept. Grabbing Scott’s arm, he glanced down at Red. His lip was split, his brow was bleeding, and damn, even a shiner was forming.

  Scott yanked his arm free and sent Tad sprawling. Motherfuck, he was strong! Time to formulate a more effective plan. Because Max’s face didn’t look like it could take much more.

  Scrambling back up, he dove at Scott’s back, shoving his hands under the dude’s arms. Up past his shoulders, then around to his nape, locking securely in place.

  Gotta love a quality full nelson.

  Arms wrenched out of commission, Scott twisted and cursed. Fuuuck, all those muscles bunching against Tad’s chest. Focus, Mitchel. Christ! Feet braced, knees bent, he tugged the guy back, taking nearly all his strength.

  “Scott,” he grunted. “C’mon, dude. Calm down.”

  Max scrambled to his feet and pressed a knuckle to his bleeding mouth, giving Tad a tiny chin-up. Clearly a “thanks” while he caught his breath. But then those emerald eyes knifed back to Scott. A knowing smirk emerged on his face. “So full of shit,” he drawled. “Jesus, you’re easy.”

  “Fuck you,” Scott snarled, yanking against Tad’s hold.

  Max grinned and thumbed the blood from his lip. “Hmm. I dunno. Think it’s pretty clear you’d rather do that with him.”

  His gaze cut back to Tad, all amusement fading. “It took me a long fucking time to fix him. You break him again and I swear to God…” His chiseled jaw clenched as his eyes flashed fire. “I’ll fucking put you down.”

  Tad held his glower for a long freaking time. No way was he losing this standoff. And not just for pumped-up testosterone pride. It was about time the two of them saw eye-to-eye. Because Max wasn’t the only one who cared about Scott.

  Just like that, Red’s anger ebbed. Walking over, he palmed Scott’s head and gave his cheek a bloody kiss. “Love you, bro. You know this. Was just helping to point out the obvious.” He clapped Tad’s shoulder, then turned and sauntered out.

  Scott’s big body went lax the second he was gone.

  Tad exhaled and let go. “Damn, dude,” he muttered, taking a step back. “You two do that a lot?”

  Scott chuckled darkly and shook his head, glancing in the direction Max had gone. “No.” He looked back at Tad with despondent eyes. “Thanks… for breaking that up.”

  Tad nodded, noting the damage Scott, too, had accrued. Which, unsurprisingly, wasn’t much. A small cut on his cheekbone and a red, splotchy jaw. Yup, Max had definitely taken the brunt.

  Shoulders slumping, Scott scrubbed his face and sighed. “Tad... why are you here?”

  Ugh. Straight from the frying pan into the fire.

  Tad pocketed his hands and glanced at his boots. “I… wanted to talk. Without the influence of alcohol.”

  No response.

  He looked back up and found Scott eyeing him. Warily. Like he wasn’t sure he wanted to go there. Fresh anxiety curled in Tad’s gut.

  Please, dude. Just hear me out.

  Long moments later, Scott finally relented. “Okay.” Turning his back, he scanned the mess. A couple busted chairs and some random broken dishes. “Come on,” he murmured, glass crunching beneath his boots. “We can do this upstairs.”

  As they scaled the steps, then headed down the hall, it dawned on Tad that he’d never seen Scott’s room before. For some reason, the idea of doing so now had his heartbeat accelerating. Getting his hands back t
o clammy and his dick kind of hard. Both only intensifying when they reached his bedroom’s door.

  Scott shoved the thing open and headed inside. “Make yourself at home. I’ll be right back.”

  Tad watched him head into the master bath, then eyed the room’s masculine space. Black-framed art. Warm slate walls. And floor-length, navy blue curtains that kissed the hardwood. Distressed wide-plank oak, to be exact.


  His gaze slid over to linger on the bed. Which was huge. California king and shit. Situated in the center, its black-stained posts exuded straight-up sex, boldly daring any who entered to experience the thrill of being bound. Tad swallowed at the prospect and focused on Scott’s comforter. Thick and rich, and so dark blue, the thing looked almost black. It also looked velvety. And soft as hell. Made Tad want to take a dive and burrow in nice and deep.

  Preferably with Scott beneath him.

  All naked and hard.

  His cock swelled further against his fly, but the sound of running water diverted his attention. Glancing into the open bathroom, he spotted Scott leaning over the sink. Splashing his face, as if trying to clear his head. Or maybe even find his bearings. Tad parked it at the foot of the bed and waited for him to finish.

  Scott shut off the water and braced his hands. Elbows locked, his head dropped low. “I hate that you had to see that downstairs. Especially after the way I came at you last night. God, you must think I’m a fucking loose cannon.”

  Tad shrugged. “I’m sure you had your reasons.”

  Scott shoved off the counter. “Yeah, but not good ones.” Walking back out, he leaned against the wall directly in front of Tad. Slowly, he shook his head. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I never go after people like that. My aggression is solely for self-defense.” He made a face. “With the exception of those stupid jocks.”

  Tad eyed him curiously. “What happened, then? To make you snap?”

  Scott exhaled and rubbed his brow. “Max was being pissy. Needed a favor I couldn’t do.” He slid down and planted his ass on the floor, forearms settling atop his knees. “So, he lashed out and brought you into the mix, making all kinds of stupid assumptions about stuff that’s none of his business.” He gave a small shrug. “I told him to save it, that you and me weren’t...” He frowned and shook his head. “Max called bullshit. So, I told him he could think whatever the hell he wanted.”

  His dark eyes looked to the windows. “But the idiot wouldn’t leave it alone. Wouldn’t shut the fuck up. Said if I didn’t want you then he’d take you on.” Both hands clenched into white-knuckle fists. “Said he’d have you “out of your closet” in less than a day, just needed a little playtime in his...” Jaw ticking wildly, he pursed his lips. “So, I punched him in the fucking mouth.” A growl of frustration rumbled in his chest. “The dumbass was blatantly pushing my buttons and, damn, if I didn’t let him.”

  Tad just sat there, not knowing what to say. That brawl broke out because of him. But had Scott reacted out of possessiveness or just to defend Tad’s honor? The dude was a standup guy like that, so it easily could’ve been the latter. But, man, Tad really hoped it wasn’t.

  Either way, this was so not how he saw his visit going.

  “I’m sorry you had it out because of me. For what it’s worth, I’d never’ve let him touch me.”

  Scott returned his warm gaze, a small smile surfacing. “I know.”

  Tad’s insides weighed heavier. “Listen. About last night. I wanted to apologize for—”

  Scott shook his head. “It’s okay. I should never have followed you home. I should have trusted you. Believed you. It’s just—” He glanced away. “The whole drinking and driving thing really struck a nerve.”

  Tad frowned. “Why?”

  Scott drew in a breath, then slowly let it out. “’Cause of my parents… well… my dad. He used to do that shit all the time. Among other things. You know the drill: instant asshole, just add alcohol.”

  Tad’s frown deepened. “Was he abusive or something, too?”

  Scott shrugged. “Sure. Of course. With me. My mom. In no particular order.” A bitter chuckle rose up his throat. “Though, it was always better if he started off with me. If Mom got it first and I jumped in? He just beat her harder once he’d taken me out. The rat bastard didn’t like interruptions.”

  “Jesus,” Tad muttered. “What a dick.”

  Scott’s somber eyes stared into space. “Yeah. So, I was always faced with the fucked up decision to either stand by and let him kick the shit out of Mom, or try to help knowing it’d just screw her harder.”

  Tad’s insides twisted, feeling sick. No child should ever have to bear that kind of burden.

  Scott exhaled and shook his head. “God, I hated that man. Wanted out of that house so damn bad. Was positive my being there just made things worse. ’Cause, of course, my dad hated that I was gay. Just the sight of me set him off. So, as soon as I turned eighteen I packed up my shit and left.”

  He paused for a second, visibly swallowing. “Anyway… a couple months later, I got a call. My parents had been in a car accident. My dad was in jail for his third DUI, and my mom…” He pressed the heels of his palms to his eyes. “My mom… she didn’t make it.”

  Tad’s stomach dropped like a ball of lead. Because there it was. The reason Scott had snapped at the thought of Tad drinking and driving. He hadn’t wanted a replay of what happened with his mom.

  “Damn, Scott,” he murmured. “I’m so fucking sorry.”

  Unable to help it, he slid off the bed and sat his ass next to the guy. He wanted to console him, but didn’t know how. If only he wasn’t so awkward with hugs. But man, was he ever. Which meant he should probably play it safe. Just scoot his butt over until their shoulders touched.

  Thankfully, Scott didn’t seem to mind. But while the contact felt good, it wasn’t enough. So, he settled his hand atop Scott’s thigh and slowly stroked it with his thumb. Back and forth, back and forth, not saying a word. Comfort through the close proximity.

  After a few minutes, he broke the silence. “What’d you end up doing after that?”

  Scott uncovered his eyes and shrugged. “Blamed myself, mostly. You know, all the usual self-deprecating crap: If only I’d been there… If I hadn’t moved out… maybe she’d still be alive.” He leaned his head against the wall. “Things kinda went to shit after that. Dropped out of high school my senior year. Started doing drugs. Typical escape from reality crap.” His gaze lifted to the ceiling, a dark smirk forming. “Which, incidentally, is how I met Max.”

  Tad’s thumb stilled on his leg. “He partied with you?” Was Dom boy too much of an a-hole even then to see Scott needed a friend, not a fix?

  Scott shook his head. “No, but he was at one of the parties I ended up at.” His features tightened. “I’d gone with my boyfriend. Colossal mistake. The guy was big, and really strong. Got trashed and started pushing me around. Got even more pissed when I tried to bolt. Dragged me into some filthy fucking room and shoved me onto the bed. Then decided to invite some friends.”

  Tad’s heart straight-up froze in his chest. Oh, God.

  “I put up a fight, don’t get me wrong. But one scrawny teen against a bunch of college guys? Shit. I didn’t stand a chance.”

  “Jesus,” Tad rasped. “God, dude. I—”

  Again, Scott shook his head. “It never got that far. Because of Max.” He smiled halfheartedly. “Even though he didn’t know me from Adam, he busted in with a few of his boys and proceeded to unleash hell.” His grin curved higher. “It was almost surreal. A moment I’ll never forget.”

  “Whoa,” Tad breathed. Definitely hadn’t seen that one coming. And now he felt bad for prejudging the guy. Seemed Red wasn’t a total dick after all.

  “Now that I think about it, that’s probably why I went off on those jocks. Knowing they ganged up on you, threatened you with violence, to do shit you didn’t wanna do…” His jaw muscle did another tick-tick.

ad shifted uneasily at the memory, too. Ironically, though, if it wasn’t for those tools, he and Scott never would have met.

  “So, that’s when you and Max became friends.”

  “Yeah. We hit it off fast.”

  “Hit it off?” Tad frowned. As in, the two of them hooked up?

  “Yeah.” Scott smiled. “Like long-lost brothers.”

  Tad exhaled. Oh, thank fuck. Brothers was good. He could absolutely handle brothers.

  Scott chuckled, as if sensing his relief. “Right off the bat, he took me under his wing. Even offered me his couch to crash on— which was cool, since I’d been staying at my boyfriend’s place. He fed me, got me off drugs, helped me land a job— at the gym where his friend taught self-defense. Something Max eventually talked me into taking. And man, am I glad he did. Having been smacked around all my life, being able to stand up for myself was unbelievably liberating. Which got me into martial arts and weightlifting, too. Nope. No one will ever intimidate me again.”

  Tad smiled, loving how he was opening up. How these things explained so much.

  “Not long after, Max gave me the option of moving in permanently. Well, as long as I promised to get my GED and take some college courses.”

  Damn. Tad kind of had to give Max props. The guy clearly wanted what was best for Scott. “So, you took him up on his offer.”

  “Yup. Busted my butt to graduate, then signed up for classes to get certified as a fitness instructor. Figured it made sense. I could stay at the gym, doing stuff I loved, while making a decent living. Started training members and building a clientele, and before long I was totally booked. After a while, though, it got kinda boring.” He smiled. “So, I went back and got certified to teach kickboxing, too. Which fits me really well. Teaching people how to fight and defend themselves? Satisfying as hell.”


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