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Bringing It Home (Up-Ending Tad: A Journey of Erotic Discovery Book 5)

Page 7

by Kora Knight

  Dropping to his haunches, he tugged off Tad’s boots, then stood up and pulled off his jeans. His boxers briefs went next, and just like that, Tad was buck-ass naked.

  While Scott was buck-ass not.

  Covering his junk, he choked out a laugh, cheeks flushing every shade of embarrassed. “Uh, okay, then… Birthday suit… Nice. But um… you’re gonna strip down now, too, right?”

  “Hmm,” Scott murmured, toeing off his boots. “I think I’d rather wait.”

  His brown eyes dropped and lingered on Tad’s pecs, then leisurely moved further south. Tad shivered despite his efforts to stay still. That stare was just so unnerving… and, God, arousing as hell. Because, man, it was plain as day on Scott’s face how much his body turned him on.

  And didn’t that just crank Tad’s dick even harder.

  Scott’s gaze hit his happy trail and followed it down. Tad’s fingers shifted restlessly atop his crotch. Any second, and Scott was going to make him—

  “Move your hands.”

  Tad bit back a groan. Totally frickin’ called that shit. God forbid the fucker cut him some slack. Dick throbbing, he shoved his fists to his sides. He’d show him “continued compliance”…

  Scott’s eyes found their mark and didn’t freaking move. And, damn, did that stare feel great. All hot and heavy. Bearing down. Like a phantom tongue lapping up his cock.

  Another shiver racked him as he struggled not to squirm. Because even though Scott’s once-over was making him horny, he still felt at a disadvantage. He’d didn’t want to be naked alone.

  “C’mon, man. Strip down. Why you wanna wait? I thought—”

  “Nope,” Scott stopped him. “No questioning my methods.”

  Ugh. “Whatever.”

  Someone was definitely in dominant mode, all laying down the law. Irritating and intoxicating him all at the same time. Making his blood even hotter than before. With the need to get physical. And rough. Shit, yeah, his man was one hot motherfucker when he decided to take control. Probably too hot, if truth be told. Kind of made it hard to focus...

  A deep little rumble rolled up Scott’s throat as he moved his body over Tad’s. No real contact, though. Just hands braced beside Tad’s shoulders.

  Tad stared up at him, harder than steel. God, he was big. And so fucking gorgeous.

  Scott smiled, then lowered his head to Tad’s, his lips brushing the corner of Tad’s mouth. “Trust me?” he asked as he dropped off a kiss.

  Tad gave a slight nod. “Yeah. I do… Think I always have.”

  Scott’s husky chuckle tickled his cheek. “Not with just your body, Tad. I know you trust me with that.” Strong fingers tunneled into his hair as Scott’s thumb gave his temple a tap. “Wanna know if you trust me with this.”

  Yeah, Tad definitely trusted him with his head. Scott wasn’t the kind to play games.

  Holding his gaze, he cut another nod.

  The coolest little flicker danced in Scott’s eyes. Blinking slowly, he splayed his hand atop the center of Tad’s chest. “How ‘bout this,” he murmured. “Trust me with this, too?”

  His question was unmistakable. No way to misinterpret. Tad’s heart hammered wildly beneath the guy’s palm. He was ready for this shit, finally ready. No more backing down.

  Again, he nodded, fingers curling around Scott’s hips. “Yeah. I trust you. Trust you with it all.”

  The dude’s lips connected harder this time, his wet heat sliding inside. A soft growl formed in Tad’s throat. He loved Scott’s tongue. How it tasted. How it roamed. How it always seemed to lazily tease. Taunting him to chase it, to try and pin it down. Like a little sexy game of cat and mouse.

  Scott’s thumb slid over and stroked Tad’s nipple, eliciting a tiny moan. And then his mouth pulled away from their kiss and wandered down Tad’s jaw. “Hope you’re good at taking notes,” he murmured against Tad’s ear.

  Scott’s tickle of breath sent a rush through his frame.

  “Yeah—” He cleared his throat. “Take ’em all the time.”

  “Good,” Scott chuckled. “’Cause you will be getting tested.”

  Tad shivered as he tried to decipher Scott’s meaning. But the dude’s lips had moved to the base of his neck and was driving him fucking wild. Add that to his playing with Tad’s hard little nip and coherent thought was pretty much gone. God, he’d gotten it so damn sensitive that every swipe sent licks to his—

  “Ah!” he yelped, jerking in alarm. Scott just pinched said nip really hard.

  But before he could lodge a single complaint, the guy’s mouth started suckling the sting. Another moan slid free as Tad’s muscles relaxed. Shit, that felt good— in a really weird way. As if pleasure was somehow getting it on with the likes of wicked pain. Totally twisted, yet packed with promise. Like that flogging that’d nearly made him come.

  Scott chuckled around his nipple as his thumb worked its twin, getting it, too, nice and hard. Every muscle in Tad’s torso flexed and bunching as tiny jolts zip-lined to his crotch. But then, just like before, Scott unleashed another pinch.

  “Fuck!” Tad cursed, hands fisting Scott’s hair. “Must you do that so fucking har—uuunggh…” he moaned, eyes rolling back, those shrewd lips intercepting his tirade.

  “Yes, I must,” Scott softly growled. “’Cause that’s the way I like it.”

  Tad’s heart rate spiked higher as his mouth moved lower. Funny how the only things touching his body were Scott’s tongue and feisty-ass hand. The rest of Scott still hovered like a looming cloud of bliss. Like a thunderstorm waiting to descend.

  Warm lips parted against his abs. Tad sucked in a breath —and held that puppy— as Scott’s wicked mouth grazed each swell. Languidly meandering his way to Tad’s bellybutton. The second he arrived, his frisky tongue was back, dipping little flicks of torment all inside his navel.

  “Just like this, babe. Soft and fast.” Gripping Tad’s hips, Scott demonstrated again while his thumbs stroked his ticklish groin.

  Tad twitched, then shuddered, at the dual stimulation. “O-Okay,” he laughed. “I got it. Fuck.”

  Scott lifted his head and grinned. “You sure?”

  Tad nodded quickly. “Uh huh.”

  He swiped his thumbs again with more pressure. “Sure you’re sure?”

  “Ah! Son of a— Yes! I’m sure I’m fucking sure!”

  Scott laughed and stood back up. “Good. On to lesson two. And this one’s important, so pay attention ‘cause I’m only gonna show you once.” Smile wry, he sank to his haunches and eased Tad’s knees apart.

  Tad winced. How had he handled being shamelessly spread in the past? Oh, right. He’d been blindfolded. Or looking the other way. But even then it hadn’t been easy.

  Cheeks flaring hot, he held the guy’s gaze. Suddenly, besides feeling crazy-exposed, he also felt super inexperienced. Because in truth —with the exception of the times he’d been with Scott— he actually kind of was. His past romps with girlfriends hadn’t been many. And none had been anything elaborate. Just some brief prep-time petting, then a race to the finish. Nothing that called for skill or talent, or was ever particularly exciting. Which had never been the case with Scott. Their times together had always been explosive. And Tad had a feeling what was going down now wouldn’t be any different.

  Scott moved between his knees and palmed his thighs. “Up on your elbows, babe. Don’t want you missing a thing.”

  Tad rasped out a laugh, doing as told. “Like that’d be even possible with you at the wheel.”

  Scott flashed that killer smile. “You like me at the wheel.” Clutching Tad’s dick, he pulled it close ’til his mouth brushed the V of its crown. “Ready?” he murmured against the smooth skin.

  Tad stared down his body in rapt captivation. Fuck, did that hand feel good around his shaft. He licked his lips and gave a nod, knowing Scott’s mouth would feel better.

  “Good. Though, we’re gonna start lower, with these puppies here first.”

  Scott curled his
free hand around Tad’s sac and started a gentle massage. Rolling and squeezing each shaven nut just like a freaking pro. Which, Tad realized, he pretty much was. And man, did it show. Seriously, those fingers felt divine…

  His dick twitched in eager agreement. And what a guy, Scott returned the compliment by stroking its sensitized head.

  A ragged moan rushed past Tad’s lips. “Ohhh, shit, dude…”

  Scott paused and lifted a brow.

  “Oh.” Tad winced. “Uh… Sorry. Forgot.”

  “Mm.” Scott smirked. “Well, try and focus.” Lowering his mouth, he murmured against Tad’s balls. “Don’t want you forgetting what’s next.”

  Tad gave a tiny nod, but as his man’s lips parted, every single inch of him tensed. Because he knew damn well what was coming next. Scott’s crafty little tongue, bent on his destruction. Or at least on driving him insane. After all, Tad was well aware of how this was going to feel. Seemed like just yesterday that he was bound to that wall with Scott all but ravishing his nuts. Ironic that he remembered said act so well, yet had no idea how it looked.

  Blindfolds. They happen.

  Clutching the covers, he stared intently, bracing to witness it all.

  Scott’s tongue slid out a heartbeat later and dragged up the center of his sac. Tad moaned, unable to hold it back. The dude’s brown eyes smiled as he did it again. But this time, Scott lifted Tad’s balls with his thumb so his tongue could start down underneath. Air left Tad’s lungs in a ragged rush, the contact sending warm tingles though his junk. How could one measly lick feel so good? But then that tongue slid under one nut and drew it into Scott’s mouth. Slow and unhurried, he started to suck.

  Tad groaned out a curse, knees shifting against Scott’s ribs. God, that felt incredible. Looked incredible, too. A slow-swirling heat stirred in his groin as he struggled to maintain eye contact. Scott’s stare was just so gripping. Somehow harnessing Tad’s anxious energy and using it to fan his fire.

  Blood pumping faster, he watched Scott move from one ball to the other. Fuck, fuck, fuck. The sight alone was going to make him come. And yeah, that feather-light grip stroking his shaft definitely wasn’t helping.

  The corners of Scott’s mouth curved around Tad’s sac. “Mmm,” he murmured, relinquishing his treat. “Damn, your nuts taste good.”

  A boyish smile tugged at Tad’s lips. Because, really, what could he say. Thanks?

  Scott chuckled. “Think you can remember that?”

  Tad stilled. Oh, crap. He completely forgot to take notes.

  Note to self: Hurry up and take some notes!

  Gnawing on his lip, he quickly nodded yes.

  “Good.” Scott grinned. “’Cause I really like that shit. Want you to do it right.”

  Tad’s brain shrink-wrapped around his words. Holy fucking hell. Scott was expecting him to suck on his balls. Eyebrows hiking, he stared at the guy.

  Scott’s smile spanned wider as he nodded his head. “That’s right. Your mouth. All over my nuts.”

  Tad exhaled a nervous laugh. “Ah.”

  Scott chuckled and propped himself higher. “But don’t worry, ’cause honestly, most of your time’s gonna be spent up here.” Pulling Tad’s boner back to his lips, he gave its head a lick. Right in that spot where shit’s always so sensitive. Tad jerked, so Scott laughed and did it again. “Nice.”

  Tad leveled him with a look. “Uh huh. Especially when I do it to you.” Scott lifted a brow. “That’s right.” He grinned. “Taking notes.”

  Scott barked out a laugh. “Good to know you’re paying attention.” Arms shifting atop Tad’s thighs, his brown eyes glittered. “Ready for the good stuff?”

  Tad stared as Scott’s hot breath teased his crown. So close. God, those lips were so fucking close. He licked his own and gave a quick nod. “If it gets your mouth around my dick, I’ll be ready for whatever you want.”

  Scott’s chuckle came out husky. “Don’t think I won’t remember that.” Loosening his grip, he slid his fingers up, then dipped his head in close. “Start down low, babe. Right at the base.”

  Mesmerized, Tad watched his tongue connect and slowly glide north. Up, up, up his rigid length, lingering at the top. God, that looked almost as good as it felt.

  Scott made a second trip. And then a third. Then spent some time suckling his crown. Tendrils of teasing heat shimmied down his shaft.

  “Shit.” Tad’s jaw went slack, legs twitching hard. “Really liking these lessons.”

  Scott grinned and pulled away. “Such a hot little apprentice. God, you’ve got my dick so hard it’s throbbing.” Tad made a face and shook his head. Ever Mr. Blunt. And damn it, now his cheeks were red. Scott’s smile faded on a sultry purr. “Fuck, I love when you blush.”

  Tad groaned and covered his face. “Ugh. C’mon. Don’t say shit like that.”

  “What,” Scott laughed. “I’m serious. It’s awesome. Makes me wanna kiss you.”

  Tad dropped his hands and frowned. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah.” Scott shrugged, his grip sliding back down. “Makes you look innocent and… a little bit vulnerable.” He brought the head of Tad’s cock to his mouth. “Like maybe there’s a part of you I could… I dunno… protect.” Gaze turning intense, he voice went rough. “Also makes me wanna keep you all to myself.”

  And just like that, Tad forgot about his cheeks. “Oh.”

  Jesus, Scott said some of the coolest shit. Stuff that shot him straight to cloud nine and made him feel like he was flying. Which was actually kind of funny, since he was pretty much doing the opposite. All sprawled out on his back, ass-naked atop Scott’s bed. Those fluttery things went wild in his belly. A feeling he was really starting to love.

  Maybe he could return the favor and say something epic, too.

  Clearing his throat, he opened his mouth and— moaned really fucking loud. Scott just enveloped his crown again. Guess he wasn’t interested in talking anymore.

  Tad’s hips canted up of their own volition. Shit, all that wet heat roaming around his head. Sending little wisps of heaven dancing into his balls. One day he was going to marry that tongue. Marry it and call it his.

  Tad’s lids slid closed as Scott’s lips eased off, like somehow the two were connected.

  “Ohhhhh my God, dude. My dick is in love.”

  “No dudes,” Scott chuckled. “And eyes on me.”

  Tad refueled his lungs and obeyed.

  Scott smiled and this time took him a deeper, then a little deeper still. Tad stared intently, enthralled by the sight. Of his cock disappearing inside Scott’s mouth as it stretched those full lips wide. Each roundtrip ending with euphoric suction… and a flick to that spot on his crown.

  It didn’t take long for the pressure to mount. The guy was just that good. And, honestly, so was the show. Like a tag-team assault to his stamina. Frisky ribbons swirled down his length, taunting his balls to harden. If Scott kept going like this much longer, Tad was going to blow.

  A breathless grunt rushed past his lips. His dick was so effing deep in Scott’s throat that the dude was trying to —unngh— swallow his crown.

  Holy blowjob, that felt amazing…

  But Tad really hoped he wasn’t expected to do that, too. ‘Cause he’d straight up gag, and that shit’d be embarrassing.

  “Damn,” he panted. “You go so deep. No way I can… pull that off.”

  Scott grinned around his shaft, then slowly drew Tad free. “Just takes some practice. Which my cock would be more than happy to volunteer for.” His other hand dropped down to adjust his junk then rewrapped around Tad’s sac. “Got one more thing I gotta show you, though.”

  Tad eyed him suspiciously. “One more thing?”

  “Mm.” Scott smiled. “But it’s kinda intense. So, hold on and don’t let go.” His lips slid back down around Tad’s head then swiftly sank to his base.

  “Unnngh,” Tad moaned, gripping the covers. “Hold on to what?”

  Scott pulled him free and smirked. “To
your bearings, shy boy. But especially your load.”

  “Fuck… And the fun begins.”

  Scott grinned and settled his weight on Tad’s thighs, as if preparing to hold him down. Which was kind of disconcerting, but also strangely hot. Tad shifted anxiously and licked his lips.

  And then that mouth was on him again, moving at a steady pace. Up, down, up, down, again and again. Then faster as that tongue made its rounds. Stroking Tad’s underside, winding around his head, teasing that frickin’ V. All while Scott’s hooded gaze held him secure. Like a deviant trying to steal his soul.

  A firestorm rose to the tip of his cock, then crashed down into his sac. That mouth, those eyes, that effing tongue. Too much stimulation building up that pressure. Fists clenching, Tad hissed and rocked his hips.

  Aw, shit… Aw, shit… Aw, motherfucking shit.

  But then Scott tightened his hold on his nuts. A subtle squeeze as he continued to suck, but absolutely noticeable. Tad shuddered at the feel. Whoa. How could that biz both tamp his fire and stoke it? Like Scott’s grip had just tethered every lick of pleasure to some throbbing anchor deep in his balls. Did little to stop the sensations, though, or the maelstrom from continuing to grow. ‘Cause that shit was definitely still building fast. As was the speed of those wicked flicks coursing up and down his shaft.

  Tad started to pant, clutching the covers. “Fuck, dude… Aw, fuck…”

  Scott’s fist squeezed tighter. Tad wondered if it was because he’d called him dude. Who knew. Who cared. He sure as hell didn’t. Because suddenly he could barely think. Had to concentrate on the simple act of breathing. And even that wasn’t faring well, with the way his lungs were heaving. That grip on his balls and that mouth on his cock were too damn mentally demanding.

  Down— up— down— up. Wet lips circling his shaft. All while making those sloppy noises that always drove him insane.

  That primal need to thrust took over, body dethroning brains as his hips tried to meet Scott halfway. Stronger tongues of ecstasy lashed at his reeling cock. Damn it, their little collaboration was only wrenching him closer.


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