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The Book of Joshua I - Trust (The Gems & Gents Series 2)

Page 22

by Iris Bolling

  Secret Service agents surrounded the two and escorted them to the White House.

  They were shown into the Roosevelt Room where Senator Davenport and Samuel were seated.

  “Your Highness,” Senator Davenport bowed his head, as did Samuel.

  “Please, you were once my father. Akande will suffice. Hello again, Samuel.”

  “Your Highness.”

  “Sammy.” Joshua held his arms out to his brother and hugged him. “I’m glad you are here.”

  Samuel had never seen his brother like this and it killed him to know it could end within the hour.

  “Mr. Lassiter,” one of the Secret Service agents called out. “The President would like a word with you.”

  Joshua started to remove his trench coat, but then remembered the small box he’d received from Lucy inside and decided against it. He kissed Akande. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Don’t forget me, Joshua.”

  “How can I,” he smiled and walked out of the room.

  Samuel gave Royce a hard look and followed his brother.

  “Mr. President,” Joshua extended his hand. He proudly served this man he admired for he was a gentle leader. When actions had to be taken, he was direct and firm with his decisions and proved to be a formidable Commander-in-Chief.

  “Agent Lassiter,” He shook Joshua’s hand. “Please have a seat.”

  “I want to thank you for securing this region for the country. Your actions were courageous, your decisions decisive. It is due to your bravery we were able to avoid a war that would have cost us many lives.”

  “Anything for my country, sir.”

  The President nodded. “I’m sad and pleased to hear you say that, for we do have to ask more of you.”

  Curious, Joshua sat forward, rested his elbows on his knees. “If it is within my power, sir, it is yours.”

  “Joshua, I need you to listen to a story. At the end I am asking you to stand down.”

  “I’m not sure I understand, sir.”

  “It will come to light, son. Please know, if there were any other way, I would not ask this of you.” the President stood. Naturally, Joshua did as well, still not clear on what the President needed from him.

  “I am going to meet with Queen Abdulrazaaq. When you are ready to talk, my door will be open.”

  He was being dismissed. “Yes, sir,” Joshua said then walked out the door he came through. Samuel was standing outside the door. Two agents stood outside the door and he noticed a heavier presence along the hallway. The look on his face was murderous. “Care to tell me what in the hell is going on?”

  “What did the President say?”

  “He wants me to make a sacrifice for my country.”

  “Son of a bitch.” To men like Samuel and Joshua that was the same as a direct order.

  “Agent Lassiter, would you come with me please?” the same agent as before asked.

  Joshua looked at Samuel, then the two agents behind him, then back to the two in front. “Do I have a choice?”

  The men did not respond as Joshua followed them to another room. The agent opened the door. Joshua stood looking at King Aswan, Prince LaVeré’, and Prince Raheem, with a security team surrounding him. Joshua looked over his shoulder to see Samuel and Brian Thompson behind him. They were not facing him, but the men at the door. He knew the maneuver. He’d done it several times himself. They were letting the men know, to get to him, they had to come through them. LaVeré’ stood, then walked to take a position next to him.

  Joshua scanned the room, turned to his brother and asked. “Where is Akande?”

  Samuel never turned. “With the President.”

  “Please, have a seat Joshua,” King Aswan motioned toward the chair at the head of the table. Joshua, pulled the chair out, flipped the tail of his coat out, then sat as requested. “Your President trusts your judgment above all of ours. Before Emure can move forward from this unfortunate incident, he has requested you to hear what Raheem has to say. If you believe him to be no threat to Emure or Asmere, then and only then will we move forward.”

  Joshua’s father always told him, there was a time to speak and a time to listen. This was the latter. He sat back.

  Prince LaVeré’ picked up a chair and sat next to him. Joshua looked at LaVeré. “You are not concerned I will kill your brother?”

  “I would help you if it were up to me.”

  “LaVeré,” King Aswan warned.

  Prince LaVeré nodded. “Respectfully, my King.”

  King Aswan nodded to Raheem.

  Prince Raheem sat forward and spoke for the first time. “I am a man who loves his country. It was because of my patriotism that I believed something had to be done to ensure our borders were safe. Before King Ahmed stepped down, he summoned me to his office. He shared his concerns with the changes we as a country were about to undertake. He knew there would be unrest, as did I.” He narrowed his eyes at his brother. “He stated we must ensure our borders were secure for unrest within our country would make us appear to be weak. I agreed with his estimation. I pleaded with him to name me as his successor for Aswan would be weak on defense. He refused for one reason and one reason only. The throne was to go to the eldest. It did not matter that he was the weakest of the three of us. I even implored him to place LaVeré on the throne. It was our ancestor’s way and my father would not be deterred.

  Once Aswan was named his successor, a number of our enemies within the country formed a union and began to build armies to strike against the monarchy. I came to Aswan to tell him of my findings. He refused to listen. He believed the people would come to accept the change without bloodshed. I did not believe he was right then and I still believe there will be bloodshed in our country. I was compelled to do something that would make Aswan see reason. See that we were not secure under his rule. A small attack would be easily handled and explained away, by Aswan’s diplomatic words. I had to make my father and Aswan see the danger. Therefore, I had Zsa Zsa kidnapped. At no time was she in danger, for I arranged for Queen Sermyera’s niece to be there with her. I swear on my country I never ordered Akande or you killed. However, my men were loyal to me and they believed in my cause. The actions taken were done out of a sense of duty to me. Therefore, I am responsible for their actions. Make no mistake, I love my country and my family. I did what a leader must do to protect his land and his people. I made a tactical decision. I would do it again to protect my country.”

  Joshua listened. Never once did he feel Raheem was lying. He did feel the passion he felt for his country. “Are you sure this wasn’t about greed?”

  “We are wealthy beyond reason. I have no need for money. I do have a need for my country and its citizens to be safe.”

  “Were you aware, Tarik used the funds from the kidnapping to finance an army to attack Emure?

  The look on Raheem’s face clearly indicated he knew nothing of this. “No.”

  “Your judgment was questionable, not only in the conspirators you chose, but also in the control of your men. No one under your rule should ever act without your knowledge. Tell me, what would you have done if the men holding your baby sister had raped her? Would you believe that was an acceptable sacrifice?”

  “The woman was placed with her to prevent any such occurrence. I also promised to withhold payment if any harm were to come to Princess Zsa Zsa.”

  “That would have been after the fact.” Joshua shook his head. “Your judgment is lacking. This could be what your father saw when he made the decision to place King Aswan on the throne. I believe you meant no harm to your country. However, you did irrevocable harm to Zsa Zsa. To lead, it takes more than a strong army, it takes compassion and diplomacy. Your actions demonstrate you have neither.”

  “Do you, Joshua forgive Raheem’s attempts on your life?” King Aswan asked.

  “I’m still here. I’m cool. You would have to ask Akande’s forgiveness, Zsa Zsa, and your parents when they learn of this. As for Prince Raheem, he is yo
ur country’s problem to deal with, not mine.”

  “You have not heard all.” LaVeré glared at his brother.

  “Remove Raheem from the room,” King Aswan ordered.

  LaVeré stood. “Raheem, you are my brother whom I love. However, this man who you are about to injure risked his life for your country. You are indebted to him for as long as you shall live. If you ever dishonor his sacrifice, I will take your life myself.”

  Raheem held his brother’s glare, then walked briskly from the room.

  The room grew quiet. Joshua had a feeling the other shoe was about to drop.

  Samuel came to sit at the table. “May we have the room?”

  King Aswan bowed his head, and stood. “With the right guidance Raheem will do well as a leader.”

  Joshua watched as King Aswan and his men left the room.

  “I’m staying,” LaVeré stated.

  “I’m staying too,” Brian said as he stood behind Joshua.

  “Okay, everybody is staying.” Joshua huffed. “That’s good, because I will be leaving in about five. I have a lady waiting for me and a ring to put on her finger.”

  Samuel dropped his head. “Joshua.” He sat back, closed his eyes and exhaled. Minutes ticked by without anyone saying a word.

  “Will somebody say something damn it?” Joshua hit the table.

  No one in the room reacted.


  In another room next to the Oval Office, Akande sat with the President of the United States and Senator Davenport. Monique had just entered the room and stood quietly by the door. Akande quickly motioned to her.

  “Monique, please have a seat here with me.”

  Monique waited until she received a nod from the President, then sat next to Akande. She knew the woman was going to need her support.

  “Queen Abduzalraaq.”

  She reached out and touched his hand. “Akande, please.” she smiled.

  The President returned her smile then covered her hand with his. “At this moment, I need to speak with Queen Abduzalraaq. I pray after this conversation you will still give me the honor of calling you Akande.”

  Akande slowly sat back, glanced at Monique, who looked nervous. “Very well.” She returned to look at the President.

  “This has been quite an ordeal for you and I’m afraid it is not over,” The President began. “In the last twenty-four hours we have taken control of your palace. Tarik and a few of his men escaped. He knows his plans to take over Emure failed. An announcement was made, on your behalf stating the rightful heir to the throne has been found and certified by our government. Your people are anxious to have you home.”

  Nervously, Akande wiped the palms of her hands against her dress. “I must say, I don’t know much about running a country.” She paused with a shaky smile. “Only a month ago all I had to run was a small room. This is a bit overwhelming.”

  Royce smiled. He liked the young woman. “You have demonstrated bravery and loyalty towards your country. In most cases, that is all that it will take to rule a country.” He sat forward. “You have a little more to contend with.”

  “I’m not sure I understand.” She looked from one man to the next. Monique reached over, took her hand and smiled reassuringly. Akande looked at the joined hands, then up at Monique. She tried to let the feeling of dread slip away, but it stayed. “Where is Joshua? Shouldn’t he be here?”

  “He is being briefed on this conversation as we speak,” The President replied then nodded to Royce to continue.

  “There is a situation we’d like to make you aware of. Your country is about to become one of the wealthiest in the region. It is for that reason, we have to take steps to ensure the leader is protected and understands the responsibility along with the power.”

  “Emure is actually the wealthiest country in our region. Asmere is very poor. Believe me, I’ve lived there all my life. I know.”

  “That’s about to change,” Royce interjected. He pulled out his computer and placed it on the table sitting between them. He turned it on. “These are pictures of the southwestern border between Asmere and Emure.”

  Akande nodded. “I know the area.”

  “What you don’t know is it happens to be the location of several diamond mines recently discovered.”

  “Diamonds?” Akande inhaled as she squeezed Monique's hand, she turned to her and smiled. “My country has a diamond mine?”

  “Yes,” Royce replied. “It is the reason Tarik planned to attack Emure, to control the land and the region.”

  The smile faded from Akande’s face. “There was a plan to attack Emure?”

  “Yes. With Tarik and some of his men still at large, we feel it is imperative to stabilize the area with due haste,” the President replied. “It is going to take a sacrifice of a great personal magnitude on your part to accomplish this.”

  Akande stood. “I will do anything, anything to secure the safety of my country. We do not have an army, not really. However, I am certain with military assistance from you, we have men who would be willing to fight for their country as well. No sacrifice is too great for one’s country.”

  The President and Royce shared a look. “Then we appeal to your sense of honor and duty when we ask you to wed Prince Raheem Ashro to secure the border between Asmere and Emure.” When the President looked up at her, Akande was white as a sheet.

  “You are asking me to marry the man who tried to kill me?”

  Monique pulled her back down to her seat. “There are circumstances you are not aware of yet, Akande. Joshua is listening to Prince Raheem’s reasons for the attempt on your life. If he accepts the Prince reasons and believes you are not in danger, only then will the United States ask this of you.” She gave a stern look towards the President. “You do have a choice here.”

  “Joshua will never agree to this. I know he will not.”

  “Agent Lassiter does not have a country to consider, Queen Abduzalraaq,” The President stated.

  “This is all new and coming at you fast,” Royce softened the statement. “However, you are not Akande anymore. You are Queen Abduzalraaq. Your duty, your responsibility, right or wrong is with your country.”

  Akande looked to Monique. The anguish on the woman’s face almost tore at her heart. But then she remembered what her mentor told her. We serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States of America. Whether we agree or not, we do as they request. Monique held Akande’s hand tight. “Joshua loves you.”

  “Agent Day,” the President cautioned.

  Monique gave him a side eye. “Allow me to do my job, sir.” She turned back to Akande then continued, “He has not said those words, but I believe he does. He is a patriot to the United States. His family is here, his home is here. His President is here. You are the Queen of Asmere. Your countrymen are depending on you to make the right decision. They have no one else. Akande, you must choose between Asmere and Joshua.”


  Samuel stood, bracing his hands on the back of the chair he’d vacated. He began to explain. “An agreement has been offered to the Queen of Asmere that the President and others believe will stabilize that region. If she accepts, there will be a union between Prince Raheem Ashro of Emure and Queen Sofiat Abduzalraaq of Asmere. The countries of Emure and Asmere along with the United States for the security of the borders.”

  Joshua laughed. Then he looked at Samuel, and laughed again. “Like hell it will.” He stood. “Like hell it will,” he said now fully understanding what they were saying.

  Samuel stood in front of the door blocking Joshua’s way.

  “Don’t do it, Sammy. Get the hell out of my way.”

  “I don’t like it, not one damn bit. But your President asked you to stand down.” Samuel ran his hands down his face as he watched his brother’s eyes turn to fury.

  Joshua grabbed his brother’s shirt at his chest, lifted him and threw him against the wall. He pulled open the door to see the hallway filled with Secret Service Agents
. Samuel grabbed him from behind, trapping Joshua’s arms to his side and swung him onto the table face down. Brian and LaVeré stood between them and the agents in the hallway. “Get the hell off of me, Samuel!”

  “Joshua listen to me. You have to let her go.”

  “No!” Joshua struggled to escape Samuel’s grasp. “I will not, cannot do that Sammy!”

  “It’s her choice, Joshua. It’s her choice.” Samuel held his brother, feeling every ounce of his pain.

  “I don’t believe that, Sammy!” he continued to struggle. “Where is she? Where is Akande?”

  “I am here, Joshua.” The serene voice wasn’t loud, but the impact froze everyone in the room.

  Samuel released Joshua, but stood there restraining him from moving.

  There was no light in her eyes. That was the first sign he noticed. Tears streamed down her face. The President, Senator Davenport and Monique stood behind her.

  “Akande don’t,” He shook his head in disbelief. “You are free now. To love and live as you choose. You do not have to do this,” he whimpered.

  She held her head high. “I am Sofiat Abduzalraaq, Queen of Asmere.” Tears flowed. “I must do all that is in my power to protect and defend my country. As I know you would do for yours.”

  He yanked away from Samuel and slowly walked towards her. He wanted to reach out, to touch her face, her lips one last time, but he stopped himself. “You have the right and the freedom to refuse the offer.” He inhaled, his chest heaving from the pressure of his heart about to explode.

  The hurt in his eyes was too much. Her heart was breaking. But what choice did she have? The people in her country were depending on her. “The union between Emure and Asmere will bring peace and prosperity to my country, Joshua. Please, understand. This is my duty.”

  “Duty?” He stepped back as if he had been slapped in his face. He swiped his hands down his face, removing any trace of tears. “What about your duty to me? See when I gave you my heart, it became your duty to protect it.” The anger was oozing through his pores. “I trusted you to protect it.”

  He looked around the room, shaking his head not believing this was happening. “You said to me several times. You were no man’s whore. Yet you are going to marry a man you do not love and lay with him in the name of duty.”


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