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The Book of Joshua I - Trust (The Gems & Gents Series 2)

Page 23

by Iris Bolling

  “Joshua,” Akande softly called out. “You gave me the freedom to make my own decisions. I choose my country.”

  For a long while the room was quiet. Not a soul moved. It wasn’t clear if anyone was breathing. Joshua held her eyes and knew he had lost. He exhaled with a chuckle. “The price of freedom…right, Mr. President?”

  “It is the price son,” the President replied.

  “Yeah, well…” He looked at Akande for the last time. “The hell with you, your choice and your country.” He turned and walked out of the room.

  Samuel, Brian and LaVeré followed.

  Agents looked to the President. “Stand down.” The President said in a warning tone. “If you value your life, stand down.”

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Royce lay in Shelly’s embrace as he told her of the situation with Akande and Joshua. His heart hurt for them. For nights he had prayed that the two would find a way to heal.

  “In time they will.” Shelly held his head to her breast. “That poor girl…all her life she had to deal with that evil woman. Now, she has to spend her life with a man she does not love all because she is a Queen. What kind of sense does that make?” She sighed. “I don’t know what kind of world we live in, but somebody better make it better soon.”

  “I’m trying.” He kissed her between her breasts. “It’s times like this I want to say, the hell with the country. Let the crazies have it. But, then I think about you and what those crazies did to you and I know I can’t let them have control. I will do all that’s in my power to keep this country safe.” Royce sighed. “We sacrificed Joshua, but he still understands his duty to his country. I admire that young man and pray in time he will accept why we asked this of him.”

  “I don’t know, Royce.” She leisurely rubbed his head. “It’s one thing to serve your country, but another to lose your heart. I only saw them together for a few minutes, but I think he loved her.”

  “I know he did,” Royce replied. “I think Akande’s heart belongs to her country. As Queen, it should. Joshua, well, he fell hard, just for the wrong woman.”

  “Most players do.” Shelly exhaled. “The next woman to capture his heart is going to catch hell.”

  “I know that’s true. But with everything, that’s happened, he’s still protecting her. Today, Tarik’s body was delivered on the doorstep of the palace. The palace is surrounded by our people, our security. No one saw anyone drop it off. Joshua is the only man I know who can pull something like that off. He knew as long as Tarik was alive, Akande would be in danger and the border would not be secure.”

  “Wow that is powerful love. She broke his heart and he is still protecting her from her enemies.”

  “I’m certain he is not finished yet. It would not surprise me to find Raheem’s body one day. If the man died falling off a horse, I would swear Joshua was behind it.”

  “Do you think he will be at the wedding?”

  “Which wedding?”

  “Akande and the Prince’s?”

  “No. He will be near, but he will not come.”

  “Hmm,” She rubbed his arm as she thought of Akande. “She found love, only to have to let it go. “When you find that right person, you have to grab on to them and never let them go. She’s going to wish she had made a different decision.”

  “No, she made the right decision,” Royce said as he sat up. “Joshua would never leave the life to be the husband Akande would need. He is a patriot. Whenever his country calls on him to serve, he would be there. Where would that leave Asmere?” He reached down to the floor for his pants. “Joshua will realize that once the pain goes away.” He sat back up, placed a long black velvet box on her stomach, then kissed her navel.

  “What is this?”

  He kissed below her navel then looked up. “Open it.” He spread her thighs.

  “How in the hell am I supposed to concentrate with you down there eating my cookies?”

  He looked up and licked his lips. “Okay, I’ll wait.” He inhaled her heat rising with anticipation.

  Shelly, opened the box and fell out laughing. “Oh hell-to-the-no! I don’t care if you bring me the oysters with pearls inside and string them yourself, I am not going back to your place in D.C.”

  “Not even for this?” He held his finger out, with a solitaire diamond ring dangling from it.”

  Shelly sat up in bed so fast she almost knocked him on the floor. “Royce.” Her breath caught as she touched the ring. “It is beautiful.”

  “Will you do me the honor of being my wife? You have pearls now.”


  Samuel sat at one end of the table, his parents Sally and Joe, at the other end. All of his brothers and sisters except Joshua were seated around him. His wife Cynthia and his baby girl Samantha were there, along with his sister Diamond’s husband Zack. It was his duty to explain Joshua’s situation to his family.

  “JD said Joshua was very brave and accepted the President’s decision in a way that would make any man proud, Daddy,” Pearl, one of the Lassiter sisters said nodding to her brother. “Isn’t that true, Samuel?”

  “Why hasn’t he come home?” Phire, their baby sister asked. “It’s been weeks, Sammy.”

  “I know, Phire.” Sammy, put his daughter in her mother’s arms and sat forward. “Joshua was hurt by Akande’s decision. It’s going to take him a little while to come to terms with it. He has asked the President to assign him to an undercover operation. It may be years before we see him again. The President granted his request.”

  “Is she safe,” Sally asked?


  “The woman who broke Joshua’s heart? He would want her to be safe. I know this in my heart.”

  “Yes,” Samuel replied. Only his mother would care about the woman’s safety. “Akande is safe.”

  “But, married to a man she does not love.” Adam shook his head. “According to you a man who tried to kill her. Ain’t life grand?”

  “It was her choice,” Ruby the oldest sister stated. “I’m sure if Joshua were here he would tell all of us, there are other women out there that want him.”

  “Yes, he would say that,” Mathew, one of the younger brothers added with a smirk. “We Lassiter men always have a honey waiting in the wings.” The other brothers joined in the chorus, and smiled.

  “It’s different when you meet the right woman,” Zack stated, as he pulled Diamond close. “My Uncle Royce said he believes Joshua was in love with Akande, but he wasn’t sure of her commitment to him.”

  “Senator Royce Davenport is your uncle?” Pearl asked.

  “Yes, my father’s brother.”

  “Why did he let this happen to Joshua?” Phire asked. “Why did he and the President allow this to happen? Joshua is faithful to his country. But his country turned their back on him what kind of sh....crap is that?”

  “It’s not their fault, Phire,” Jade, another sister added. “Love happens, sometimes it works out, like with Sammy and Diamond and sometimes it hurts. Joshua is going to make it through this. Right now, he needs us to pray for his soul.” She held out her hands to her brothers and sisters.

  Everyone around the table bowed their heads and joined hands, as Jade nudged her twin Timothy to begin the family prayer.

  An hour later, once everyone had dispersed back to their college dorms, and homes, Pearl, Samuel, Cynthia and their parents sat in the family room.

  “On Memorial Day, Governor Harrison is going to announce he is running for President.”

  “That is wonderful news.” Joe smiled. “He’s a good man.”

  “Yes, he is,” Samuel stated. “He was also the brain behind this deal between Asmere and Emure.”

  “What?” Cynthia asked, surprised. “I can’t believe JD would do anything to interfere with two people in love.”

  “I don’t think he knew.” Samuel rubbed his wife’s shoulder. “Let’s be real, Joshua runs through women like water through a faucet. None of us knew until he was in too de
ep to recognize the warning signs.”

  “I knew,” Sally spoke softly.

  Joe looked at his wife. “How did you know?”

  “He came to see me and told me about her. He wanted to know about trust.” she smiled remembering the conversation. I told him about you and Sofia.”

  Cynthia sat up. “Sofia who? My mother Sofia?” She looked from Sally to Joe.

  Sally looked up at her husband, who sat next to her. Joe shook his head. “That was a long time ago woman.”

  “It was.” Sally nodded.

  “You and my mother?” Cynthia stared at Joe.”

  He nodded. “When we were younger.”

  “Is that why she hates the Lassiters?”

  “Probably,” Sally replied.

  “Daddy,” Pearl chimed in. “You and the Queen of Ice?”

  “Let it go, Pearl,” Joe warned.

  Pearl looked over at Cynthia. “I am so sorry I hated you as much as I did, now that I know about your mother. I understand why you were such a whore in high school.”

  “I wasn’t a whore,” Cynthia defended. “You may not believe this, but I did not lose my virginity until I was in college.” Pearl looked at her in disbelief. “It’s true.”

  Sally laughed at the two women. Happy to see they could now at least joke with each other. “Anyway, I told him about Sofia and how she betrayed your trust. You can never fully love another without trust. To my way of thinking Governor Harrison may have saved Joshua from a mistake. For you see, Joshua never really gave his heart to her, because he did not fully trust her.” She lowered her eyes, as tears flowed. “There are times when there is a facade of love. It feels real, it looks real, sometimes, it acts real, but it’s just a facade. We make a choice based on what feels good rather than waiting for God to put the right person into our lives. You see, He gave us free will, to make choices, but He also asks us to trust in Him.”

  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs chapter 3 verse 5,” Samuel quoted.

  “In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path, Proverbs chapter 3 verse 5,” Sally added.

  “I fear Joshua has lost his way,” Joe said.

  Sally was visibly shaken, with tears streaming down her face. “I need to see my son Samuel. I need to know my child is all right. You make it happen.”

  This was the first time Samuel had ever seen his mother’s tears. He looked at his father for help. There was none there.

  “Your mother made a request of you, son. I expect you to honor it. This family comes before your President.”

  Samuel looked to Pearl, but she too, had tears in her eyes.


  A week later, Sally opened the envelope lying on her nightstand. Inside was a cross. The one she had given her second son the day he told her he was joining the military like his big brother. Tears sprang to her eyes. Emotions were tugging at her heart. It had been weeks since Joshua walked out of Royce Davenport’s condo in Georgetown, or since anyone had heard from him. She read the passage he had written.

  Joshua 1:8

  "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on

  it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in

  it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." (NIV)

  I lived by the law. I meditated on his words day and night. Put my trust in GOD, yet I was betrayed. Why hast thou forsaken me?

  The passage was the one he selected when he was sworn in as a CIA operative. The one he swore he would take into his heart and live by. He told her, he would keep the cross near his heart as well. The removal of the cross frightened her. For she knew her son had lost faith.

  Joe walked into the room to see the tears streaming down his wife’s face. She couldn’t speak. She held the cross to her heart and leaned into her husband. Joe read the note. “He will find his way.” He comforted his wife. “He will find his way.”

  As he did, Joe said a silent prayer for his son’s safety. For the first time in his life, he feared for his son’s life. He cleared his throat of the sob trapped there and quietly called out his son’s name. “Joshua.”


  An unshaven Joshua, dressed in black jeans, black tee shirt, army boots, and his trench coat, sat in the corner of the cave where he and Akande made love for the first time. This was where the false hope of a normal life emerged. This place made him think it was possible for him to have a life like Samuel, a beautiful wife, a daughter or son who loved him unconditionally. Even now he wondered if Akande could be carrying his child.

  All of his life he believed in God’s words. Love Him above all else. People often wondered why he wore suits all the time. It wasn’t because he was arrogant about his looks. He wore suits because when he was a little boy, every Sunday his mother would dress him in his one suit and off to church they went. It was the way he was presented to God on Sundays. He felt good, reverent and loved. Wearing suits was his way of honoring God every day, not just on Sundays. Every day he opened his eyes he would thank God for allowing him to see one more day. Then he would ask God to be with him throughout that day. At night he would thank God for allowing him to make it through that day and ask God to watch over him through the night. He never missed the feeling of God’s presence in his life. Until today.

  Today Sofiat, his Akande, married Raheem. Asmere now had its true ruler. The country was celebrating. Deep down, he was happy for her. She was a true patriot of Asmere. She would have given her life so her country would prosper again. Well, she didn’t have to give her life after all. She only had to give him up. He could not bring himself to look upon her again. He had never felt so alone or forsaken.

  He thought of his mother. She was the one he feared for more than any other. For he knew she had a deep trust and belief in God and in him. He promised her he would not allow harm to come to himself. It was the one promise he may have to break. He didn’t want to feel any more. He wanted to destroy any and everything that came into his path. They say a wild animal is more dangerous when it is hurt. Well, he hurt like hell and he had a license to kill.

  Joshua stood and looked around the cave. From his pocket he pulled out the box he received from Lucy. He opened the box to take one last look at the object inside. Leaving the top open, he placed the solitaire diamond ring on a fern leaf.

  “Good bye, Akande.”

  Joshua climbed the rocks to the top of the hill. He boarded his chopper then pulled off. He looked down on the waterfall one last time, then pushed a button on the panel. BOOM.

  Never looking back, he heard the explosion that sealed the cave forever.

  The Book of Joshua II - BELIEVE


  Joshua pulled the paper from the sealed container. There were several on the same letterhead. It had the seal of the United States at the bottom. It wasn’t the Presidential Seal. He knew the seal well, for he had several of them himself. He took a quick glance at the signatures. The Vice President and the Secretary of Defense. Joshua shook his head not wanting to believe what he was reading. Pulling out his handheld, which he affectionately called Sally, after his mother, he scanned the document then sent it to Ned, his handler, for review. He knew he had to have the original to authenticate, but this would at least let him know what evidence they’d found. Before putting Sally away, he held the document up and shined his black light over it. There were certain security features in the paper used by the President’s office that could not be seen with the naked eye. The features were there. Someone from the White House gave immunity to this man. Joshua looked around at the weapons of mass destruction. Who in the hell would allow these weapons on U.S. soil?

  He folded the paper and placed it inside a covert section of his coat pocket, near the small GPS button. If something happened to him, Ned would be able to locate the coat using the GPS. The document would be found. He quickly scanned through the other five documents in the file, sending a c
opy of each to Ned, then placed them back.

  This was not his mission. He was in Mexico City to deliver a secure message to the President of Mexico without being detected. Afterwards, he stopped in Monterey to see an old friend, Alejandro Mateo. Yes, he was the head of the Mexican Cartel, but from time to time, he had proven to be a friend to him and the United States. Never hurt to have friends on both sides of the law in his line of work. It would not serve him or Mateo any good if he was seen leaving, so he used a back way to return to his chopper, which he’d landed at the tail end of Mateo’s property some ten miles away. He was about to turn into the densely wooded area where his chopper was, when he heard gun shots, then loud cheers. Turning away from the chopper, he walked towards the sounds and found men taking target practice with M2 Browning machine guns. Sitting next to them on the ground, was an open case of weapons. He heard the men talking and knew this was an arms deal going down. For a minute he thought this was Mateo’s doing, but then he heard the man say, Mateo would have him killed if he knew about this. Joshua was about to leave, hell Mateo was ruthless, he would handle this, but the man turned. A face from the past stood not fifty feet away from him. The last time he saw the man was outside a window in Richmond, Virginia.

  Jonas Gray. What in the hell was he doing here?

  He listened a little longer. When they mentioned documents assuring immunity from the highest level in the U.S. in his safe, Joshua was shocked.

  “I’ll take all you have. Come with me,” Gray said as he turned toward the building.

  Using the trees as cover, Joshua followed the men to a log cabin style house, with a building to the left. The man placed his hand on a panel, to the right of the door, to unlock the building, another man backed a truck up to the door. Using Sally, he took pictures of the men, the weapons being moved, then made himself comfortable next to a tree. He wanted to see what was in that building.


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