Imperfections Take Me As I Am (The Imperfections Series Book 3)

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Imperfections Take Me As I Am (The Imperfections Series Book 3) Page 13

by Shaniel Watson

  I lift her head up with my hand and see she’s half asleep. Moving her onto my lap I carry her in my arms to her bed, tucking her under the covers. I force myself to back away from the bed with the semi-hard on I’m sporting from wrapping my hands around her bare legs and having her full breasts rub against me.

  She grabs my hand in a soft lilting voice, “Chris, please don’t leave me yet.”

  How can I, when asked so sweetly? I brush her hair away, stroking the side of her face. Watching her drift into a peaceful sleep, I climb into bed next to her gathering her in my arms. Thinking about her, Sage, Nick, and everything he said today. The beautiful siren in my arms is bewitching me. Not exactly sure how and when, but it’s happening.

  I wake from an amazing sex filled dream of Ava. An aching cock straining against my jeans and a warm soft hand on my exposed stomach. Fuck. I turn my head and our eyes meet.

  “You’re still here?”

  “Didn’t want to disturb you. How you feeling?”

  “Better than I’ve felt in a while.” She moves the tips of her finger over the ridges in my abs. I feel my body draw up at her intimate touch. Lifting her head, she places a chaste kiss on the side of my face.

  I put my hand over hers, to keep from pushing it lower to help release the throbbing ache with sweet release. “Ava, as much as I want to stay, I know I can’t. I need to leave before we take this too far, to the point of no return.”

  “Not yet.”

  “Ava, baby, I need to go before I ruin whatever we have building between us.

  “A friendship.”

  “A friendship I don’t want to taint with the ugliness of betrayal.” With a heaviness I haven’t felt in recent years, I kiss the tip of her nose, pull back and look at her, really look at her. Sleep filled eyes, no makeup, no covers, her.

  I see flaws. Flaws that take nothing away from her. They only enhance her beauty. And god, she is beautiful.

  “What are you looking at?”

  “You’re beautiful.”

  She lowers her lashes. “I don’t have a drop of makeup on. I feel crappy, I have dark circles underneath my eyes, what are you seeing?”

  “You don’t need makeup. You just are.”

  “You’re one of the only guys who has seen me without makeup in a long time. Even when I go swimming, I put on waterproof makeup.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I say with a hint of humor.

  “No joke,” she says, bringing her eyes back to me.


  “Maybe it’s the ex-beauty queen in me. Look your best at all times, never let them see you sweat. Beauty is strength. Look perfect, be perfect, you are perfect. It’s worked for me thus far.”

  “You don’t have to be perfect all the time. You’re at your most beautiful when you’re not perfect, you become real, that’s a beauty you can’t buy or hide behind. It’s natural beauty. I can see you and who you are, I like that best.”

  Her eyes lower to my lips and mine to hers. There’s a moment of silence. Then she lifts her head bringing our lips closer together in a touch, just a simple touch. Pent up energy of want and need fight and war against each other. Mixed with hot intense heat so great I can taste the raw desire rising off our bodies.

  The caress of her lips brushing from side to side lining up perfectly for an intimate wet welcoming embrace inside her mouth. I’m aching to plunge into her warmth, making our bodies one in all meaning of the word. I moan harsh and low when the tip of her tongue darts across the edge of my lips. I pull back with the will of a god, hearing her heavy breathing in my ears, closing my eyes, steeling myself against the magic she has woven over me.

  No words. I get up and leave, closing the door behind me, to save what we’ve come to be.


  It’s a sorry state of affairs when you’re in a relationship with a person you deeply care for, but your mind is constantly on another it won’t let you forget.

  I haven’t seen Ava since the night I left her apartment. Haven’t asked about her, but she’s on my mind constantly. Things between Sage and I are moving along. We don’t fight. We’re polite and complimentary to each other but something is missing. The thing that was there between us from the beginning of our relationship. Sure, we kiss, we touch, sleep together every night but we’re not the same.

  It is hard to end something when you know it’s ran its course and it’s gone as far as it can.

  She’s beautiful and charming, standing across the room in my family home talking to my parents. It brings a smile to my face. They really do like her, so do I. We were friends and business acquaintances before we became a couple. What are we becoming now?

  Looking over to my right, I see the other woman plaguing my thoughts. She looks absolutely stunning as usual in a wine red mid-thigh dress, fitting every inch and curve of her body. Cat didn’t come to my brother’s birthday dinner, I already knew she wouldn’t. My mother must have invited Ava because they get along well, sometimes better than Cat and her.

  Admittedly, the thought of being in a room with her gives me a thrill. Sage was anything but...the look on her face wasn’t one of approval. Emptying my glass, I place it on the table and face my brother. “Sorry, didn’t catch what you were saying.”

  “How could you with your eyes playing ping pong between Sage and Ava the entire night?”

  “Not true.”

  “Denying only makes you seem guilty.”

  “No denials here.”

  “Keep telling yourself that. How are things with Sage?”

  “Fine, why?” I pick up another drink from the table.

  “I don’t know, maybe it’s the way you’ve been looking at Ava? Not your usual look of wariness. Add to it she hasn’t come near you once all night, not her at all.”

  “When did you start taking courses at Dudley Do-Right University?”

  “I don’t need a course to figure this out. You suck at hiding your feelings. If Sage hasn’t seen it, she sure as hell will if you don’t keep your eyes off your former arch nemesis.”

  “Nothing going on. I’ve gotten to know her and we’re friends. I’m committed to Sage.”

  “Hey, little bro, looks like your new friend and your girlfriend are having an intense conversation.”

  I look over my shoulder but I don’t see them. “Where?”

  “To your left, directly behind you.”

  “Fucking hell,” I mumble. How did that happen?

  “Better get over there, you know Ava’s mouth cuts sharper than a switch blade. Sage isn’t looking happy. She’s looking more ticked by the second.”

  “Aw hell.” I leave my glass on the table nearly knocking it over to defuse the brewing F5 tornado before it destroys everything in its path.


  “Mrs. Reed, thank you for inviting me. It’s been a while since I’ve felt well enough to socialize.”

  “Oh, dear please. You’re practically family. I heard about your health scare and I’m terribly sorry. But you seem to be well on the mend. I wouldn’t know to look at you.”

  If you only knew how hard it’s been. “It’s taken some time to get back to myself. But I’m on the mend. Almost completely back to myself, but I do have my days.”

  “If there is absolutely anything you need, let us know. You’re like family to us. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.”

  There is something you can assuredly help me with, but I don’t think you’d want to help me distract your son’s girlfriend, so I can strip him butt naked and lick the birthday cake off his well-defined abs leading down to his yummy happy trail. “Thanks Mrs. Reed, I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Will you excuse me, Ava?”

  As soon as she walks away, I see Sage glaring at me. I don’t know what crawled up her ass and died. I haven’t said a word to her or Chris. I’m making it my mission to stay away from them. I’m on my best behavior as a guest. At least, I’m trying to be.

  Smiling sweetly, I hold my glass up
to her and bring it back to my lips. She narrows her eyes at me like a bull in the arena waiting to charge. All I’m waiting for is for her to stamp her massive hooves raising up the dust.

  If she only knows how much I want to take her challenge. But I promised myself I wouldn’t do anything to upset her or Chris. I don’t want him to see me as the same little girl who wants to cause him nothing but trouble. I turn my back on her and move away to talk to Shawn who is heading in my direction.

  “Ava, is there ever a time you don’t look drop dead gorgeous?”

  “I don’t know, you tell me since you’re the one who’s looking,”

  “I can say as sure as you are beautiful, not a single time.”

  “There you go, that’s the way to charm a lady right out of her dress.”

  “Don’t get my hopes up tonight.”

  We share a laugh and he pulls me in for a big bear hug. “What have you been up to, Shawn? I haven’t seen you in months.”

  “Work and other things.”

  “Still loving em and leaving em, huh?”

  “I’ve been spending more time working than loving them and leaving them.”

  “What’s the matter, big guy, are you losing your touch with the ladies of New York? I would think they would be flocking to a seasoned detective.”

  “Not losing my touch. I’m reevaluating.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s brought this on?”

  “All my friends are coupling up and they seem happier than they’ve ever been. So I’ve been thinking, maybe I’ll try it out. Less quantity, more quality.”

  “Nothing wrong with that. To tell you the truth, I’ve been thinking along the same lines lately. Do you think we’re getting old?”

  “Hell no! If anything, we’re getting better. If I don’t know anything else, I know you are.”

  “You are ever the sweet-talking flirt. And I like it.”

  “If you go out with me, you can hear more.”

  I laugh tapping his shoulder. “Funny.”

  “What’s funny? I’m serious. Go out on a date with me, Ava.”

  “Oh my god, you’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “No joking about it. I’ve wanted to ask you out for a while but I knew you had a serious thing for Chris. He’s with Sage and they are pretty tight, I figured this is my chance.”

  “Wow, Shawn-I didn’t know...I mean, we always flirt but, and joked around...but...I’m flattered.”

  This is taking me by surprise. So much so, I’m tripping over my words like an idiot. Shawn’s a good guy but my mind has always been on Chris. Probably always will in our circle of friends connecting us together.

  “It’s not that surprising, Ava. You’re cool, smart, nice, and sexy hot as hell. It shouldn’t come as a shock I’m interested. Unless you’re not interested in me what-so-ever. Leaving me to feel like an ass flailing in the wind with my tail tucked between my legs, which has not happened to me in years. What do you say, Ava?” I look at Shawn with his cute cocky smile. “Don’t leave me out, wind burned and cracked.”

  “You’re being completely honest. I’m going to do the same. I’m into Chris like no one’s business. If I had my way, I would be the one on his arm tonight. We don’t always get what we want though, as hard as we try.” I bite the side of my lips and look him in the eyes. “I’ll go out with you as a friend, nothing more. As great as you are and handsome, Chris will always be the one I want. That’s just the way it is. You can say he’s my elusive white unicorn. I can see him and admire his beauty and quiet strength but I can never quite grab a hold of him.”

  He picks my hand up, kissing the back raising his head smiling. “I understand. No hard feelings. I still want to take you out on a date. We can still be friends, can’t have too many. Especially ones who look like you.”

  “Then it’s a date.” I give him the biggest smile I can. Happy that went smoothly and no one’s feelings were hurt.

  Shawn and I talk some more before he goes to talk to another friend. My clutch slips from my hand. Bending to pick it up, I rest my glass on the floor. I see a black pair of high heels appear before me. Really. Standing with my drink in hand I come eye to eye with an icy hot burning glare. What’s a girl to do?

  “Is there something I can help you with, Sage?”

  “I need to have a word with you,” she says stone-faced.

  Countering her bad attitude, I keep a pleasant look on my face. As long as she plays nice, I’ll be nice. “I came here and didn’t say a word to you. Do you really want to start a conversation with me?”

  “I do. We need to make things clear.”

  “I’d rather not. I’m trying to keep it classy.”

  “If that’s what you’re trying to do then we should forget about it then, class is not your middle name, neither is subtlety.”

  I see she’s grown a pair of king sized balls. Little does she know I’m a ball busting bitch. Stopping her from leaving, I hold her arm subtly pulling her back to me. “Sweetie, let’s have that conversation, shall we?”

  Sizing each other up, I level her with a stare. She pulls her arm away. “Keep your damn hands off me. I’m onto your game.”

  “I play no games, I’m real and real in your face. Yes, I’m after your man. You don’t know it yet and neither does he, I’ve already won and gotten him.”

  Her entire body tenses, she virtually spits at me saying, “I’ve known women like you all my life. Women who think they can take what they want because they feel entitled to what is not theirs.”

  “Honey, you may know those women but they are nothing like me. I’m an original. There is none like me. That’s a fact you shouldn’t forget. I make damn sure any man or woman crossing my path won’t. You would do well to remember this.”

  My eyes travel to the spot he stands. “That man over there, I’ve already staked my claim on. He can fight it all he wants, you can join in and participate, but it’s useless. He’s already mine. He just hasn’t realized it yet. Enjoy the time you have left with him.”

  Her eyes close down into slits. As if she could carve through me like a rusty hacked off switch blade inflicting maximum damage. “You are an original bitch who doesn’t know her boundaries.”

  “I know I can be. What’s more, I set my own boundaries. Deal with it.”

  Not expecting the blow of the truth I’ve given her, her hand raises up, itching to land one of her own. I look over waving my fingers at Chris, who I can tell is uncomfortable seeing us. He stops talking to his brother, clumsily putting down his glass coming our way.

  Good, he should be kept on his toes. Unfortunately for him. Fortunate for me. Depending on which way you see it.

  Stopping him, his mother pulls him in the other direction. In a flash, he’s headed back over to us. I focus my attention back on Sage and her flaring temper and itchy palms.

  “Keep your lid on or it’s going to get ugly in here fast.” I fix her with a glacial stare of my own. “Wouldn’t want to disturb this lovely gathering of your prospective family. You’re the one who wanted to chat. I’m talking, it’s not my fault you don’t like what’s being said.”

  “I don’t like you at all.”

  “Lucky for me, I don’t care.”

  Chris reaches us looking uneasy. Ladies,-”

  “Chris I have a terrible headache, I’m ready to go. Please tell your parents and brother I’m not feeling well. I’ll meet you in the car.” She turns away heading to the door.


  He stares at me mildly agitated. “Do I need to ask what that was about?”

  “Two women who know what they want.”

  I would also like to tell him it’s about time he made up his mind and tell Sage who and what he really wants. But I can’t, some things he needs to come to on his own without my forceful truth pushing him away. Sighing, I smooth a hand down the side of my dress.

  “I’m sure she’ll tell you later. I’m not a sugar coater, Chris. I’m a take me or leave me kinda gal, you know t
his. Goodnight.”

  I leave him standing. I say goodnight to everyone and wish Jay happy birthday, giving Vanessa and Sasha a kiss and hug. I find Shawn getting ready to leave and he offers to walk me out. I accept his hand and we leave arm in arm. One quick look back, I see Chris seething on the spot he stands. That’s right, about damn time.


  She told me nothing the night we came home from the party. We slept on opposite sides of the bed with an ocean of space between us.

  Now, here we are at dinner with Nick and my sister having a civilized friendly conversation where we are equally friendly to each other. Slight touching of hands and forced smiles. I don’t know how much we’re fooling Nick and Cat, as much as we are fooling ourselves, tip towing around the issues between us.

  “Your mother suggested the three of us get together and do something.”

  “That would be interesting,” Cat says to Sage, “My mother...and I haven’t really done anything like that since know.”

  Nick and I look at each other and take a drink. My mother knows how to work an angle without even being in the same room as her intended target. She has Sage unknowingly forcing Cat to spend time with her. I gotta give it to mom, she’s good. I should teach her a lesson in manipulation and send Nick along with them, like warring nations it would be a meeting of epic proportions.

  Hand slung over the back of my chair I smile around my glass setting it on the table. “I have the best idea, you should join them, Nick. I’m sure it would make our Mother’s day. She would just love to see you.”

  The side of Nick’s lip hitches up. “That would teach her a lesson.”

  “To her complete horror, it sure would. But I’m not sure whose punishment it would be between the three of us.” Cat smiles.

  Sage’s eyes flick over the three of us. “I’m sorry, I thought things were better between you and her. I would have never suggested it if I knew they weren’t. She said we should and I should mention it to you.”

  I put my hand on the back of her chair around her shoulders. “Don’t worry about it. It’s my mother being my mother.”


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