Imperfections Take Me As I Am (The Imperfections Series Book 3)

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Imperfections Take Me As I Am (The Imperfections Series Book 3) Page 21

by Shaniel Watson

  I love every minute of it. Taking what he has to offer, moaning and grunting together. Our bodies pushing to the point of exertion and need where I need release, till he pulls back saying he’s coming. One last feral grunt he pumps between my swollen throbbing lips. His cum spilling down over my lips exploding into my open waiting mouth like a thick creamy stream, relishing every last drop. “Mmmm.”

  Exhausted but still very much horny, I practically fall on my back. Legs wide open on the floor, eyes closed not caring how I look. Chris slumps down against me releasing a long breath. “Ava, that was fucking amazing.”

  Too exhausted for words all I manage is, “Mmhmm.” I think I drift asleep for a few seconds. When I open my eyes it’s to the most astounding sensation against my pussy. “Oh my yes. Oh, oh yes. Chris.”

  “One good turn deserves another.”

  Grabbing his head my head goes back and forth and I can’t stop crying out his name. My thighs are spread wide with his hands as he licks me out like his favorite flavor ice cream at the bottom of a cone. Delving his tongue in as deep as it will go. Sucking me into his mouth, moaning over me, sending vibrations straight through to my inner walls. Strong arms wrapped around my thighs when I explode in his mouth with a scream of ecstasy. Lapping up my juices, he seals his hot masterful mouth over my clit sucking me dry.

  God, I’m done for. The last thing I remember is feeling as light as air, and so good. Kissing and stroking, wet kisses on my neck, him lifting me up and placing me on the bed covering my body with his. When I wake up, it’s to more kisses and him smiling down at me as he uses a rag to clean me up.

  Rousing me completely from my slumberous bliss he says, “Open up for me. Now that we’ve had the sex, I want to make love to you.”

  “You use those words loosely.”

  “I would never. Those are words I take seriously. It looks like where this is headed.”

  I open my eyes fully looking at him watching me. I can’t help but ask even if it does shatter the moment. “Tell me, what do you do on the nights I’m not with you?”

  “I spend them missing you.”

  “Right answer.” It’s so him to know exactly what I want to hear.

  “It’s not an answer it’s the undeniable truth.”

  “No more late nights?” He knows what I’m asking.

  He strokes my hair the way he always does. Putting me at ease making me feel loved and beautiful, with one look and tiny kisses as soft as butterfly wings fluttering across my skin, like I am this beautiful creature to him.

  “No more.”

  It’s always this way with us. When we’re together it starts out gritty and dirty but it ends like this. Like I’m a delicate piece of a puzzle he doesn’t want to slip out of place.


  Chris does have a way with me. He makes me happier than I’ve ever been. We laugh a lot and I’ve learned I can truly be myself around him all the time. I don’t need to pretend I’m happy when I’m really not. I don’t have to be dressed up in full make up, I can put sexy Ava away, walk around in socks and a T-shirt and that’s fine with him. I’ve never experienced that with a man before. I can be crazy loud over the top me and we laugh and I love it. Well, maybe he doesn’t love it all the time but he’s still here putting up with me.

  He hasn’t stopped showing me how much he cares. I haven’t heard his phone ring in the middle of the night since I asked him not to answer. He showed me he respects my feelings. I didn’t need to make a big scene and argue him down till I got my way. All I had to do was ask sincerely and he listened. But of course, I wonder if he is still talking to her.

  I know he told her about us. It still doesn’t make me feel fully secure. If he’s still talking to her, will he notice the vast differences and decide maybe I’m not the one. People go back to old loves all the time because they realize they just wanted to try something new. Something they haven’t tried before. But in the end, they realize change is too much work, too complicated. They stay true to form and go back to what they know, a life much less complicated without me.

  “On your feet, honey!”

  “Chris,” I whine feeling less than cooperative wearing my exercise shorts and tank.

  “Babe, come on, this will be good for you. Your doctor said you needed to learn to deal with stress. Mind, body and soul, yoga will be good for you. I’m going to pop in this DVD. Get your sexy ass on your mat.”

  “Fine,” I huff. Flouncing down on the floor. His eyes follow me smirking.

  He’s been on this health kick for two weeks. I told him my doctor suggested I do yoga and change my diet and this is what I get. A man obsessed with eating healthy and trying to make me exercise at least three times a week. I haven’t been complaining too much because after the exercise a lot of fun things happen that make it all worth it. Can you say the mouth and hands of a god?

  He sits next to me on his mat, bare feet, in a sleeveless T-shirt and his shorts, legs crossed. The first place my eyes go is the bulge between his legs. There is a much better way to spend our time exercising.

  “Ready.” He looks at me smiling.

  Smiling back, I leave my mat crawling in his lap locking my hands and feet around him. “I’m more than ready to go for a fast and hard ride, big boy.”

  “Oh, no you don’t. We’re going to get to this. Thirty minutes then we can have some fun.”

  “You are such a party pooper.” I slouch on his lap. “You’re going to rethink turning me down when I leave for Vegas.” I move to get up and he pulls me back down with a scowl on his handsome face.

  “When are you going to Vegas? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Shoot, sorry, I forgot to tell you. I had it in the works for a while but I forgot with being sick and recovering. It’s a month from now. A buyer’s convention.”

  “How long will you be away?”

  “A few days, five…six tops. The first two days, all business, the rest fun. In the past fun was meeting new people mostly guys and partying. Fun my doctor and Cat wouldn’t approve of.”

  “Forget Cat and your Doctor!” he says making me sit up straight holding back a smile. “You better be in your hotel room if you’re not doing business.”

  “Why, Christopher Reed I do say, are you jealous of little ol me catching the eye of a few gentlemen suitors?”

  “Damn right. I’m going to miss you. I miss you already.” His eyes bore into mine. I don’t want any of those guys in Vegas getting the idea you and them could be together for one second.”

  I love it when he gets all possessive and jealous. “You could come with me to make sure all hands and eyes that are not yours and minds are kept to themselves. Wouldn’t it be fun? You and me in Vegas. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” I place a chaste kiss on him playing with his ears, rubbing the side of my face against his.

  “I can’t. I have work.”

  “Your family owns the business. You’re in real estate, you make your own hours.”

  “Hours I make in advance and stick by. I don’t like to deviate from the plan.”

  “Well, too bad, cause I can guarantee an excellently, decadent, wicked good time.” I hop off his lap.

  “How so?” He pulls me back sounding interested.

  “Leather and whips and chains, oh my,” I sing in his ear. “I can be the cowgirl and you the bucking bronco. You know this naughty cowgirl likes to ride em hard and fast. Stamina is endless, what do you say?”

  Cocking his head back I laugh when he tips his imaginary Stetson back. I imagine to go with the wicked fun. “Giddy up I’m sold, little lady.”

  “Figured you would be. Go get the whips and chains, we got ourselves a plane ticket to get.” I push him back on the floor and kiss him. Just when I thought I won and yoga would be forgotten a sharp smack on the ass snaps my head up. “Hey!”

  “No distracting the teacher. Get your fine ass back over to your mat. Move it!”

  After the meditation session gone awry, a little power
struggle of who was in charge and angry make up sex, we decided it was best if I got out for a while. So, after originally turning them down to rest and spend the day with Chris, I met up with the girls. To have a few drinks and catch up on things going on in our lives. Wouldn’t you know it as soon as I walked through the door, everyone’s already there and Chloe is the first to hit me with one of her smart-ass remarks.

  “Hark! Is it Ava Alexander? Thou hast emerged from the love shack.” She deadpans like a Shakespearian idiot, cupping the sides of her mouth.

  Smiling brightly in my thigh high plum mini skirt, sensible three inch heels, and shimmery sleeveless top I address each of them as they should be. “Hello, ladies.” Giving each of them a hug and a kiss before taking my seat between Cat and Isabelle who is sitting next to Vanessa. When I get to Chloe, we say our hellos as we always do outside of work. “Hey skank.”

  Vanessa says, “Will you two ever change?”

  “Why fix what’s not broken?” Chloe answers.

  I nod my head in agreement. “Exactly what I was about to say. Have you guys ordered already?”

  “We were waiting for you. Happy to see my brother has let you out of his sight. Things must be really good?” She looks at me anxiously.

  I haven’t really talked to Cat about Chris and I since the scene at dinner. She knows we’re working on things. And I’m trying to get past this Sage thing. Jealousy and insecurity for me in a relationship is new. Being my best friend Cat knows this. If he was any other guy, I would dump and move on without a second thought. I’m a firm believer in I’m better off by myself than being an insecure whiny mess clinging to a man. No good ever came of being with a man who doesn’t put your needs first in everything. Half way in is no way at all. I play second fiddle to no one. That’s fact.

  “Things are good.” I shrug. She smiles not saying anything but watches me. She’s so going to want to talk to me alone later.

  “You’ve made it out of the love cave now that you’ve roped a man and you’re all booed up.” Chloe combs a piece of her pin straight Black streaked purple and blue hair behind her ear. “Is it everything you always thought it would be? Is he sick of you already, booted your ass out to get a break?”

  “No, He’s great...we’re good.” I raise my hand signaling the waitress over.

  “Uh-ho hesitated, trouble in paradise?”

  I order a water and lime and wait till the waitress takes the other orders which all have alcohol. Since his health kick on my behalf Chris and I have been trying to cut back on our alcohol intake. No wine with dinner, water. I told him he didn’t need to do that for me. But he insisted. He’s taken an active role in my health and recovery. Another thing about him which makes him special.

  “Okay, spill it,” Vanessa says. “We’re your girls, where here to help. I know I’m relatively new to your group but I’ve known you for years and Chris is my brother in-law. I want to see him happy and you.”

  “We want to see you happy. You had a rough couple of months and Chris has been a part of making it better. You’ve finally got your man after years of running him down,” Isabelle says.

  I blink at her and laugh. The way she said that does not seem right. “Geez! Thanks Isabelle, for making me sound beyond desperate.”

  “You know I did not mean it to sound that way. I would love to go to another wedding of one of my closest friends,” she claps her hands together. “Think how much fun it would be. Cat, you, then we could finally get Chloe to settle down and find a man. Then the babies!” She squeals, “We could all have a mommy and me group. The five of us and all our kids could fall in love and get married, except for Cat and Vanessa and you. Your kids would be related and that would be icky,” she rambles making us all snicker and smile. “And we would all be one big happy family!”

  “Wow,” I stare wide eyed. “You have worked it all out.” Isabelle is the eternal optimist of rainbow hearts and happy endings.

  “That will be the last alcoholic beverage for you.” Chloe removes her drink and switches it with water. “It’s making you hyper, happy, unrealistic. As your best friend, I don’t know what to do with all that happy shit. Have some of this, you know I’m never getting married or having kids. Let’s get back on topic. Ava, we were talking about your shipwrecked doomed relationship.”

  I laugh and catch Cat’s eye. We both laugh. We should make drinks with the girls a weekly thing. I forget how entertaining we all are when we get together.


  “I thought you got rid of her,” Chloe says.

  I hold my hands up in defense, my eyes landing on each of them. “I did not get rid of her. They broke up, let’s get that straight.”

  “Sure, they just broke up.” She says, sarcastically waving her hand. “Go on with the story.”

  “They did.” I raise my voice because in truth way, way back in my head I know I kind of had something to do with it and karma can be a bitch. I consider it saving a life. He would not have been happy. “Anyways, our relationship is great and he’s a keeper. He’s thoughtful, considerate, he has a tendency to be sweet when I’m at my bitchiest, which is saying a lot about who he is when it comes to me.” I smile ashamedly looking down at my drink.

  I don’t do bashful. He’s changing me. He brings out the softer side in me. I guess it’s not a bad thing with the right man which I know he is. I know why Cat always has that dopey look on her face and I don’t have to ask why. It’s because she has Nick on the brain. “Then what’s the problem?” Vanessa questions.” You made him sound perfect to me. You’re smiling and blushing. Not the Ava I’m used to seeing.”

  “Sage is insinuating herself into this relationship we’re trying to build together. Playing on his sympathies for her. She’s calling him all the time. He’s leaving me to console her, for god knows what, in the night. We had a big argument, more than one about him speaking to her. He has said he wouldn’t take her call at night anymore and he said he told her about us. But what happens when we are not together? She’s playing on his sympathy for her and trying to take him away from me without making it seem like that’s what she’s doing.”

  “Isn’t this the same thing you were doing when you fucked up her relationship with Chris?” Chloe says not fazed by the scowl on my face.

  “Cat can tell you he didn’t have much sympathy for me at that point. He was committed to making what he had with Sage work. Like he’s committed to making what we have work.” I say pointedly to her.

  “Ava, you want my opinion? Yes, you do. You asked. Don’t fuck up what could be a good thing. You wanted him, you got him, the battle is over.”

  Chloe doesn’t know how wrong she is. Can I keep him with simply being me no filters? Pure unadulterated me, day in and day out. The real me as I know myself as I am. The battle has just begun.

  “You’re right. I do have him. I’m getting in my own way, like Cat has told me. Let’s lighten the conversation. I came out to relax and have fun. What’s new with everyone else?”

  Conversation changing, I relax and laugh with my friends. Chloe’s stories and dating mishaps make me happy I have Chris. I don’t have to do the dating thing which can be tedious. The three marrieds with kids talked about babies, setting up play dates, and the highs and lows of married life. Isabelle and Vanessa teased Cat about still being in the newlywed honeymoon stage of her marriage with Nick.

  I usually tune out a little at this point in the conversation with Chloe. This time I didn’t. I listened to them talk about their married lives with their loving husbands, kids, and family gatherings. The ins and outs of daily life which is not always perfect but at the end of the day they have someone special to go home to.

  They have love. Another first for me, I want that. With Chris. He hasn’t said he loves me but it doesn’t matter. The way he cares for me when I’m sick making sure I have what I need without asking for it, is love enough. What I feel for him is enough to make it work for the both of us. I’m willing to put my heart
on the line.

  “Okay lovely ladies and skank, it’s been fun. Let’s say we do this again when I’m back from Vegas.

  “Sounds good. This was fun. I was saying to Jay the other day I needed to get out and have more girl time. Count me in,” Vanessa says.

  Saying our goodbyes, I walk out on to the sidewalk to hail a taxi and call the man on my mind. He picks up on the second ring.

  “Hey, beauty. Having fun with the girls.”

  “I was. I’m on my way home to you. You missed me?

  “More than you know. I’m not at the apartment, I had to get a few things from my place.”

  “Oh.” I pout feeling silly for missing him so much.

  “Don’t worry, beauty I’ll be coming home to you soon.”

  I love it when he says home. It has a nice ring to it, our home. I smile. “See you at home.” God, we are up and down. We start the day loving. Fight, make up. Disagree over...I can’t remember what half the time. But more often than not we end the day loving, hard. That’s all that matters we love without words.

  Dropping the phone in my bag I raise my hand stepping off the sidewalk and stick my leg out showing a generous amount of thigh. I have the supermodel pose down to the hair blowing in the wind. Cab, sixty seconds flat, that’s how I do it in New York. You know how else I do it? I don’t wait for my man to come home to me. I go get my man. I can’t wait to be with him.

  I give the driver the address to Chris’s building. He’s right, when have I ever needed permission to do what I want. We are going to spend the night at his house for a change.


  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Not coming to see you.”

  Damn. I forgot Kate has an apartment in the building. That would be my nightmare. She’s the sibling only a twin could tolerate and I don’t know how Chris does it.

  “I thought he was playing a sick joke. He’s actually seeing you.”

  “No joke, I’m real as a live wire and here to stay.”


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