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Undying Vengeance

Page 27

by Burnham, K. L.

  “I come here to relax after a long days work at the office.” He stated smiling warmly at her.

  Michelle eyed him up and down. “I assumed you had been working. You’re dressed in business attire.” She chuckled and cocked her head to the side. “It’s funny I’ve never seen you here before.”

  Alex dismissed her comment with a wave of his hand. “I don’t work late every night and I most certainly don’t come to the park every time I’m stressed. A lot of times I prefer the local bar and a nice cold drink for relaxation.”

  “That’s understandable.” Michelle said. “I best get going. I have one more mile to run.”

  Alex pulled a business card out of his pocket careful not to expose the gun. Handing it to her he smiled and asked, “Could I interest you in a drink with me later tonight?”

  Michelle smiled. “Sure, that would be lovely.” She reached into her coat pocket and sighed frustrated. “I guess I didn’t bring my business cards with me. Do you have a pen?”

  “Sure do.” Alex said handing her a pen and another business card. “Just write your number on the back. Either you call me or I’ll call you and we can either meet somewhere or I can pick you up, whichever you prefer.”

  Victor watched from a few feet away and growled in disgust. Who did this Alex think he was? “Sorry buddy you’re not going to live to see the break of dawn.” He smirked. “Your day of judgement is about to begin. He swirled his cloak behind him with a sweep of his hand and approached the two deep in conversation.

  “Excuse me folks I’m afraid I have to break up this happy occasion.” Victor stated not taking his eyes off Alex. Hatred filled him.

  “Who are you?” Michelle asked staring at Victor smitten by him.

  Victor extended his hand. “Pardon my rudeness, my dear beauty. I am Victor Ramirez. And you are . . . ?”

  “M-M-Michelle,” she stammered taking his hand in hers. She couldn’t stop staring at Victor’s eyes. For the first time in years she was speechless.

  Alex glared at Victor. He dare interrupt his conversation. “Excuse me, sir. I’m afraid neither of us know you so do you mind giving us a moment?” He asked with an authoritative tone.

  Victor averted his gaze to Alex and smiled a wicked smile. “By all means I sincerely apologize for my rudeness.” He motioned with his hand and said, “Carry on, my dears.” Cold evil eyes bore into Alex’s. “But first let me remind you of our meeting.” He pointed to the clock in the park and said, “Tick-tock, tick-tock, it’s nine o’clock. I don’t like to wait.”

  “I’m sorry, Victor.” Michelle said. “I’m going to scoot so you two can have your meeting.” She said and slid Alex’s number in her pocket.

  Alex dismissed Victor with a wave of his hand. “Don’t rush on account of him. He’s nobody to me. We’re having a quick meeting and I’ll be giving you a call when we’re finished.” He smiled at Michelle.

  Victor rolled his eyes, his fangs growing. He wished he could kill Alex instead of bringing him to Armani’s home but it was closure for Armani and a necessary step in the healing process. Armani had to kill Alex and Adam. Self-control would have to be of the utmost priority. It didn’t mean Victor had to refrain from a little abuse. Alex had it coming for his lack of respect. Victor floated next to Michelle and placed his arm around her shoulder. He silently put her in a trance. He could wait no longer to deal with Alex.

  “Take your arm off her you freak!” Alex ordered lunging toward Victor.

  “Stop while you’re ahead you filthy excuse of a human being.” Victor shoved Alex in midair forcing him to fall down. “Stay seated there and be a gentleman for once in your pathetic life. That is if you care an ounce about your son’s life.” He pointed at Alex and continued his rant. “I have no problem leaving right now and killing your son. I don’t need your money.”

  “What are you going to do to Michelle?” Alex asked.

  “I am going to do nothing, absolutely nothing. She’s an innocent lady who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. We are going to bid her farewell like gentlemen and then do our business.” Victor said making sure Alex understood before releasing Michelle from the trance. “Nod if you are in agreement with me.” He ordered. “And for God’s sake, stand up. You look like a cowardly fool sitting in the snow.” Victor chuckled.

  Alex bit his tongue and glared at Victor. He couldn’t wait to put a gold bullet straight into this lunatic’s heart. He stood and wiped the snow off his butt. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

  “I call the shots here, Alex. Not you. Get that through your head and things will go much smoother.” Victor said. “I’m the Master, not you.”

  Placing his hand in his coat pocket Alex gripped the gun. Good, still in place. He couldn’t wait to use it. What a fun evening this was going to be.

  Victor snapped his fingers in front of Michelle’s face.

  “That was odd,” she said. “I felt like I blacked out for a minute. Pardon me,” she apologized.

  “No apology needed my dear.” Victor said kissing the top of her hand. “Alex and I must have our meeting so if you’ll please excuse us.”

  “Oh, by all means,” she blushed smiling at Victor. “Good bye, Alex. Give me a call when you’re finished.” Waving to both of them she jogged out of sight.

  “Now, where were we, Alex?” Victor asked rubbing his chin with his index finger and thumb. “Ah, I remember. You were going to pull your gun out and try to shoot me.” He pointed at Alex. “Correct me if I’m wrong.”

  “No, you’re right.” Alex said and reached for his gun. “Today is your day to die.” He pulled it out and aimed it at Victor, his hands shaking. How did Victor know he planned on shooting him?

  Victor looked around the park. “Have you gone mad? There are still a few people here. You could accidentally shoot and kill an innocent bystander.”

  “I guess that would mean they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Alex laughed like he was the funniest man on the planet. He lowered the gun. “Before I kill you tell me where my son is.” Alex ordered.

  Victor was losing his patience with this fool. Cat and mouse was something he had no time for. He would love nothing more than to play predator and prey with this Alex but only if he would be the one to kill him. Alex was Armani’s kill and that changed everything.

  “I’ll do even better than that. I’ll take you to him.” Victor said trying to sound stupid so Alex would agree.

  Alex thought for a minute but it was a minute too long for Victor. He was on top of him in a second and punched him in the jaw. “This game is going to be played my way or no way. Do you understand?” Victor asked baring his fangs at Alex.

  Alex tried to scream but Victor covered his mouth with his hand. The gun was gone. Realizing he must’ve dropped it he panicked and started kicking Victor.

  “That wasn’t nice, Alex.” Victor said. He reached back, grabbed Alex’s leg and twisted it.

  Alex tried to signal to people walking past but they ignored him like he was an invisible ghost. Victor moved his hand from Alex’s mouth and laughed at him.

  “Why are you laughing? One of these people will help me.” Alex said. He turned and hollered at a young couple.

  “You could try all night to get help but guess what? They can’t see or hear you. You don’t exist to them thanks to me.” Victor said pointing at himself. “Now, stand up and I shall take you to your son.”

  Fear was written all over Alex’s face. “What do you mean they can’t see me?” He asked. “Of course they can. They’re just choosing to ignore me.”

  Victor forced Alex to stare into his glowing red eyes. “Tell me, what do you see?” He asked.

  “I see the eyes of a drug addict.” Alex shot back.

  Victor laughed. “Good one, Einstein.” He stopped laughing. “Now what do you see?” He asked baring his fangs.

  Alex laughed. “I see a left over prop from Halloween.” Rolling his eyes he picked up the briefcase. He ha
d no intention of losing his precious money.

  Victor grabbed his face and squeezed. “What you see is the face of a vampire and tonight you are going to die, plain and simple.” He released Alex’s face and tapped his temples. “A thought just came to me. I know you don’t want to lose your precious money so how about I teach you a lesson on generosity before we go to your place of execution.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Alex asked confused. He glanced from the left to right looking for his gun. No luck. It couldn’t have gone far. Damn him for not holding it tighter. No way was he going to give his money away.

  Victor held the gun and asked, “Looking for this?”

  “Give me my gun!” He shouted. “That’s mine.”

  Victor laughed so hard he thought his insides would fall out. “My, my you sound like a child. That proves to me that you do need a lesson on giving and sharing.”

  “I need no such thing. That’s Adams ransom money. If you’re going to kill me at least leave it for my son.” He pleaded with Victor.

  “No need for that. Your son is going to die with you.” Victor grabbed Alex’s arm forcing him to walk beside him. “Keep up with me.”

  “What do you mean? We have done nothing to deserve this.”

  “Say that again and I will be forced to hurt you.” Victor said picking up the pace. “You know what you did and so do I.”

  “I did nothing.” Alex replied. “We did nothing. I want you to leave me alone. Let me go.” He said struggling to break free of Victor’s grip.

  “You and Adam both wiggle like weak worms. You’re both such spineless humans. You won’t escape me now so stop fighting. Your destiny is in my hands now.” Victor faced Alex, putting both of his hands around Alex’s neck and lifted him off the ground. “I can either crush your windpipe right this second or you can confess to me the crime you committed.” He held him for a few more seconds and threw him on the ground. “We both know what you did so don’t try to lie to me.”

  Alex looked up, a scowl on his face. “I didn’t kill Simone. My son, Adam did it. The whole thing was set up by Gabe Davis, Armani’s band manager.” He stood and held his hands in the air. “You got your confession. Am I free to go now?” He asked and smoothed his trench coat. “This is sickening and a waste of my time.”

  “Not so fast slick.” Victor said. “You left an important detail out about that fateful night.” He stood with his arms crossed waiting for Alex to speak. “You may as well come clean. You’re going to die for being an accomplice at this point anyway.”

  Frustrated, Alex slicked his hair back. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I wasn’t in that hotel room with Adam when he killed Simone.”

  Victor pointed his finger at Alex. “Who said they were in a hotel room when she died?” He smiled at Alex but he was not happy. “We both know your son isn’t capable of carrying out an execution on his own.” Victor patted his head and said, “He lacks the mental ability to handle such a responsibility. What do mortals say?” He asked. “Oh, I know,” he stated snapping his finger. “He’s twenty three crayons short of a full box and I’m talking about a box of twenty four crayons.” Victor laughed.

  Alex laughed. That was the wrong thing to do. Victor stared at him. This man had no compassion. He was willing to let him son take the fall for both of their actions. For that Victor decided he’d have to inflict pain. Alex could’ve at least acted like he gave a damn.

  “You’re not too bright yourself, Alex because if you were you would confess and be done with it. Now I will have to hurt you.” Victor stated walking toward Alex.

  Alex tried to run but Victor grabbed his trench coat ripping it in two. Alex fell forward and Victor grabbed a handful of hair, jerking his head back.

  “Stop this! Please!” Alex begged.

  “Stop what, Alex. You did this to yourself. Didn’t your mother teach you that every action has a consequence? You should have thought of this before agreeing to the plan Gabey devised.” Victor pulled Alex’s hair harder.

  “Ahh. Gee, that hurts.” Alex cried. “What do you want from me?”

  Victor put his lips next to Alex’s ear and whispered, “A confession.”

  “No way.” Alex said defiantly. “Never.”

  “Excuse me I don’t think I heard you correctly.” Victor seethed jerking Alex’s head back even farther and ripping out a handful of hair. He shoved Alex’s head into the snow. “Are you ready to confess now?”

  Blood oozed from Alex’s head turning the snow red. He covered the back of his scalp and rolled onto his back looking up at Victor, tears in his eyes.

  Victor stared at him. “Well? Please don’t try my patience.” Victor knew Alex would confess. After all he was crying, something Victor thought he was incapable of. Was Alex a sociopath? It was a huge possibility, but Victor wasn’t here to play shrink. He was here to bring Alex to justice at the hands of Armani.

  “Ok, ok, I’ll tell you the truth.” Alex said his voice shaky. “I was a part of it. I didn’t kill Simone but I tortured Armani in horrible ways, even burned half of his face.” He finished and closed his eyes.

  “Stand up now.” Victor ordered. “I appreciate the honesty but it will not save you. You will be executed tonight.”

  Alex stood, his shirt saturated with blood. Victor grabbed his arm and the briefcase. “We’ve got a delivery to make before going to Armani’s house.” He walked fast forcing Alex to keep up with him.

  “Where are we going?” Alex asked. “I’m cold.”

  “Deal with it, Alex. You’d still have your jacket if you were smarter. One must never try to outrun the long arm of the law.” Victor stated. “And for your information we are going to a woman’s home who was recently widowed and has been left to raise two young children ages five and three alone.”

  “Why do you care about this woman and her children?” Alex asked. Vampires didn’t seem the types to care about anything but blood lust.

  “You’re wrong. I’m a vigilante and I am in the profession of serving justice where it has been overlooked.” Victor slowed his steps tightening his grip on Alex’s arm. “I care deeply about this woman and her children. I killed her husband. His name was Gordon Appleton, computer tech by day, alcoholic by night. For your information I didn’t kill him for his love of the bottle. I killed him because he was beating his wife and children every night when he’d arrive home from work drunk off his ass. The worst part is he videotaped each and every one of these sick beating sessions. He was proud of what he did and he thought no one knew.” Victor paused and smiled. “But I knew and I ended it.”

  “Good for you.” Alex blurted. “See, my crime wasn’t so bad.”

  Victor backhanded Alex’s face. “As a matter of fact it was. I view all criminals with the same disgust and contempt. All of you are equals in my eyes.” Victor grabbed Alex by the arms and took flight. “Shut up and enjoy the flight. Our next stop is the Appleton residence.”

  Alex closed his eyes, his heartbeat quickened. He was afraid of heights and he hoped Victor wouldn’t drop him to his death. The cold wind beating on his face and body chilled him to the bone. Victor’s grip was strong and cold, his long nails digging into his flesh. Now that he thought about it Victor reminded him of a hawk, a dark deadly hawk.

  “How fast are we going?” Alex asked, his voice booming.

  Victor scowled. The man didn’t need to holler at him. His hearing was keen. He could hear mice running through the forest below them. But, besides that he didn’t like to be bothered while flying. It was when he felt peace, a peace he lost so long ago as a young beaten boy.

  “Not fast enough,” Victor replied. All he wanted to do was deliver the money and give Alex to Armani and allow closure to this mess.

  Ten minutes later they landed in front of a small suburban home. ‘Appleton’ was written in large thick black letters on the mailbox. Victor handed Alex his cloak and demanded he put it on.

  Alex grimaced. “Why do you w
ant me to wear this? Is this a peace offering or a gesture of kindness because I’m so cold?” He slipped it on quickly wrapping himself in the long black cape like a baby swaddled in a blanket.

  Victor glared at him. “It’s none of the above.” Alex made him sick. Kindness was the last thing Victor would ever show him. “As you may recall your shirt is full of blood. I don’t want Ms. Appleton to see that. She’s been through enough with the death of her bastard husband.” Victor held the briefcase in his right hand, in his left he gripped Alex’s arm. “One wrong move or wrong word out of that mouth of yours and I will kill you.” Victor led Alex up the sidewalk to the front door. He set the briefcase down and rang the doorbell. “We’re here to show kindness, caring and sharing. I wish I could say it would be a life lesson for you, but unfortunately for you it’s not.”

  The door opened and a woman of forty five smiled at them. “Hello. Can I help you?” She asked.

  Victor eyed her up and down. He was surprised a woman with her looks would marry Gordon. Her red hair was tied back in a ponytail, her physique perfect and she had legs miles long. Staring into her large swollen green eyes, Victor grimaced. He’d never forget how old they looked, how much pain they hid. It was heartbreaking.

  Victor extended his hand. “Hello ma’am. I’m Victor and this is my associate Alex. We are here on behalf of your deceased husband.”

  She looked confused and shook Victor’s hand. “I don’t understand.”

  Alex opened his mouth to speak but Victor shushed him. “We would like to extend our sympathies and condolences to you and your children.” He smiled a warm friendly smile.

  She blushed. “No need for that but I thank you just the same. He wasn’t always an easy man to live with but it’s still hard without him.” A tear trickled down her cheek. She wiped it, avoiding eye contact with Victor and Alex. “Well, I should be going. I’ve got a long list of things I need to get done. Thank you for taking the time to stop.” She stepped back and tried to shut the door but was stopped by Victor.


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