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Undying Vengeance

Page 28

by Burnham, K. L.

  “Wait.” Victor said picking up the briefcase. “This is for you and your children.” He smiled and handed it to her. She was almost as beautiful as Katrina. But no one would fill his heart with such love and hope as Katrina had done in such a short period of time. “I hope this helps.”

  She took the briefcase and opened it. Her eyes bulged and she cried, hugging Victor and thanking him over and over. “Why would you do this for us?”

  Victor held her a moment before letting her go. “It was Alex’s idea.” He said and turned to Alex. “Isn’t that right?” His gaze told Alex to cooperate.

  Alex cringed and muffled a yes. He folded his arms and glared at Victor. “Let’s go now, shall we?” He waited for Victor to agree.

  “Ms. Appleton, I know things won’t be easy for you but this will help. Your husband was not who everyone thought he was. I know what he did. Take comfort in the fact that you are free of him and his abuse.” Victor winked. “Take care now. If you ever need anything don’t hesitate to call.” He said handing her a business card.

  “Thank you so much, both of you.” She said looking from one to the other. She held the briefcase to her chest, turned and shut the door behind her.

  “That was exhilarating. To know I made a difference in someone’s life.” Victor stated leading Alex toward the road.

  “Yup,” Alex responded unenthused. “I didn’t know vampires had business cards.”

  “We don’t. It’s a mortal friend of mine. If she were to need anything she’d call him and I’d get the message.” Once at a safe distance from civilization Victor took his cape from Alex. “Now, it’s time for us to go.” He slipped his cape on, grabbed Alex and ascended into the sky with Alex dangling in his grasp.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Armani stepped out of the shower feeling better than he had a few hours ago. He wiped the steam from the mirror and stared at himself.

  “I need some peace of mind,” he stated aloud. Frowning, he placed his hand over the burnt side of his face. It sickened him to think he had the capability to kill without remorse but he felt nothing. Why should remorse be an issue? Gabe and the other two men felt nothing but excitement when they killed Simone and brutally tortured him. Armani knew he’d be better off dead than cursed to be an unwilling member of The Dark Ones for all of eternity.

  One look around the bathroom and he realized he needed his employees back on duty. His home was a treacherous mess. Simone would’ve cringed at the sight of it. He cursed himself for letting himself and things go. Towels lye scattered on the marble slate, the bathtub had the God-awful yellow ring around the drain. The toilet was an issue all in itself. Armani peered into the toilet and cringed. No time to worry about that right now. His time to serve justice was just around the corner. Armani smiled. Gabe was dead, a man was caged in the garage and Victor was in route with Armani’s last kill. “Paybacks are a bitch.” He seethed.

  He shut the bathroom door surprised to see clothes set out for him on the bed. He picked them up and scowled. What in the hell kind of clothing was this? He loved black but this was extreme Goth attire. A long black cloak with black fur around the collar lay on top of a skin tight pair of black pants, a black turtleneck and a pair of black army boots. Armani laughed and threw the cloak to the side. What would Simone think of his new ‘chosen’ taste in clothes? She’d probably think he lost his mind. Sure, the band sang dark songs but they were in no way a Gothic rock-n-roll band.

  “Donovan!” Armani hollered. He walked to the bedroom doorway and waited for Donovan to come upstairs with an explanation.

  A second later Donovan appeared and smiled at Armani.

  “Please wipe that smug smile off your face.” Armani ordered. Pointing to the clothing he asked, “What the hell are these doing set out on my bed?”

  Donovan shook his head trying hard not to show his amusement. “That’s what you’re wearing for the kill.” He stated walking into the bedroom picking up the cloak. “You will look splendid in this.” He beamed. “Try it on.”

  “Does being a vampire automatically mean you have to wear the long black Dracula cape?” He asked sarcastically and rolled his eyes. “That’s such a stereotype.”

  Donovan threw the cape to Armani and said, “It’s more than a stereotype. The cape is a source of power. You have no choice but to wear it and wear it proudly, my friend.” He watched Armani catch it. His speed and reaction time was impressive. “Good catch,” he added with a wink.

  “Ok. I can understand that but not the tight black pants.” He stated disgusted. “I was a rock musician turned vampire, but I am not gay. With all due respect I’m telling you I refuse to wear the pants.”

  “So be it,” Donovan said. “Now get yourself ready. Victor will be here soon with the unsub, so to speak. The guilty will pay for their crimes tonight at your hand.” Donovan walked slowly toward the door and stopped. “If I may make a suggestion to you I think it would be beneficial for you to relax and do something you enjoy before all of this takes place.”

  Confused, Armani asked, “Shouldn’t I be getting myself pumped up like a boxer in the ring?” He thought the adrenaline should be flowing through his veins.

  “No. This is your new life, not some sport. A calm spirit and cool mind are of the utmost importance when it comes to being a vigilante vampire or you risk losing yourself to the evil forces.” He placed his hands on his hips and faced Armani. “Once evil takes hold and rules you I cannot guarantee your future.” That being said, he left the room.

  Armani thought about what Donovan told him. Music was the answer. He dressed, even tugged on the tight pants to his dismay, and slipped the cloak on last. A tingling sensation ran down his spine. He felt strong, capable, warm and magical with the cloak on. The cloak comforted him like someone’s arms wrapped around him in a protective embrace.

  Armani stood in front of the full-length mirror and smiled. “You look like a fierce predator in that cloak, you handsome devil,” he joked. He saw his first real smile staring back at him since Simone’s death.

  He whirled around and walked to the music room, his cloak flowing behind him. Armani picked up a few sheets of music, sat at the piano, pounded out melodies and sang with all of his heart and soul.

  Donovan sat at the bar sipping brandy. He listened to Armani play the piano and sing. For the first time since Simone’s death Armani sounded happy. His hope was that this would last and drown out Armani’s thoughts of suicide. Armani was in a dark place away from the sun. He needed to rise above the darkness and come to the light. How could he help him once he killed the guilty men? Armani must live as a vampire forever. Donovan was lost in his thoughts when he heard screams from outside.

  “What in God’s name?” Donovan asked shoving his chair back.

  The door was kicked open and Victor walked in dragging Alex by the arm.

  “Honey, we’re home!” He boomed laughing hysterically. “Where’s my newest vampire?”

  Donovan shot Alex a hateful glance. “Armani’s upstairs in the music room and I must say he’s quite the talented artist. His voice is hypnotic.” He eyed Alex noting bruises on his face. It appeared Victor had some fun with him. “How could you kill Simone and torture Armani?” He asked Alex.

  Alex knew he was going to die so he assumed there was no point in being polite. “How could I not?” He shot back. “For money I would do anything.” A coy smile played on his lips. “You know if this has worked out smoothly I would have gotten a twenty percent cut from Gabe for all the money Armani and the band ‘Faded Cross’ would have brought in.”

  Donovan folded his arms over his chest. “So you’re saying you’re willing to die for money because that’s what this has come down to.” He paused briefly waiting for a reaction and got none. Alex really was heartless.

  Alex looked from Victor to Donovan. “You bet. It’s worth the risk.” He looked around Armani’s house. “This is an impressive home for such a pathetic man.” He scoffed. “Pour me a drink y
ou bastards.” He ordered making eye contact with Donovan. “I’d like to die a gentleman.”

  Victor laughed, his head rolling back. “How can you die as a gentleman when you never were one to begin with? You’d be better off asking for a Bible or a Priest. This may be my own speculation but I’m thinking you have some wrongs to make right with the big guy in the sky.”

  Donovan agreed. “How about you get on your knees and say a few prayers. I make a really excellent priest.” He joked.

  “You can both go to Hell.” Alex shot back. “I’m leaving now. Enjoy your day.” Placing his hand on the doorknob, he said, “Give my son my regards.”

  Victor watched, allowing Alex to enjoy the delusion that he was in control. “You say you want a drink? Allow me to make you a cocktail.”

  He grabbed Alex’s arm and threw him down. “Hand me the handcuffs, Donovan.” Victor ordered.

  “Allow me the honors,” Donovan said cuffing Alex’s hands behind his back. “I’ll pour him some whiskey.”

  “Take these off!” Alex screamed.

  “Victor picked him up and lifted him to the level of his eyes. “Consider yourself pardoned by me. I wanted to break your hand for touching the doorknob.” He placed him on his feet and ordered him to walk to the bar. “Sit. I will get your dearly beloved son to join us for the celebration.” Victor spat and raised his hand slapping the smile off Alex’s face. Alex spit blood, a tooth landing on the bar table.

  “Keep him company,” Victor said. Donovan nodded and sat next to Alex.

  Silence surrounded them like the calm before the storm.

  Donovan sipped brandy and found it amusing to watch Alex lean forward and sip whiskey thru a straw.

  Alex cleared his throat. “I’ve got a question for you.”

  “Yes. What is it?”

  “If you’re a vampire then why are you drinking brandy instead of blood? Why aren’t you drinking my blood to be exact?”

  “You’re a fool, Alex. You must be one of the mortals who believe everything they read. Some vampire’s can drink and eat other things besides blood and The Dark Ones can.” Donovan’s red eyes bore into Alex’s. “Let me answer your question about why I’m not drinking your blood. To me, it’s tainted. It would be like drinking a bottle of poison. Why would I do that to myself?”

  Alex shivered, scared for the first time. Donovan’s eyes would haunt him to the grave. “I-I-don’t know. I didn’t think vampire’s even existed. I assumed you guys were just the product of artists and author’s wild imaginations.” He leaned forward, wrapped his lips around the straw and drank like a baby suckling its mother’s breast.

  Donovan poured him another glass. “It’s a shame you won’t live to write a memoir on how you survived ‘The Attack of the Vampire’s,’ so to speak.” He laughed. “Just think of all the money you’d have, Alex. You’d be on television giving interviews and getting paid big bucks to testify your sightings of us and I’m sure the book would bring in a lot of money for you, too. People love stories about the supernatural and would read it out of simple curiosity.” He shook his head, a crooked grin on his face. “Drink up. It’ll ease some of the pain that’s due to you.” Donovan stated. It was all he could do not to beat Alex to his death but that was Armani’s job. Armani was the surgeon and Donovan’s job was to prep Alex for the operation.

  Donovan listened to Armani singing songs of hope and love lost. It broke his heart.

  Donovan and Alex stared at Victor when he came in the door. Alex was nursing his second glass of whiskey when he laid eyes on his son standing behind Victor.

  Adam looked at the ground, afraid to see his father.

  “Alex, you’re pathetic. Your son is more afraid of you than us right now.” He pushed Adam in front of him. “Your old man can’t hurt you anymore, Adam.” Victor stated. “It’s quite poetic because you’re going to die together. How would you like to watch your father die?” Victor asked. “It would be healing for you to see him suffer and breathe his last breath.” Victor walked around Adam like a cat circling a mouse and said, “Maybe Armani will even let you wrap your hands around his neck and assist in ending his life.” He tapped Adam’s nose with his long finger and smiled, fangs glistening like sharp knives.

  “That’s a wonderful idea,” Donovan chimed. “How does that sound, Alex?” He asked.

  “I think this whole thing is pathetic.” Alex said his face red. “I hate all of you, especially you Adam. If it weren’t for you we wouldn’t be here right now.”

  Victor stood in front of Alex. “That’s where you’re dead wrong. I knew what you did and would have caught you. I just wanted to make it more interesting so I took your son first and found out just how stupid you truly are. Meeting me with ransom money for the release of Adam?” He grunted. “Honestly Alex, I think you’re the stupid one.”

  “Adam, tell them you’re the stupid one.” Alex ordered his son.

  Adam was silent and stared at the ground.

  “Mute fuck,” he muttered glaring at Adam. “He was never able to stand up for himself. He’s a coward and the world will be a better place to be rid of him.” Alex said, his eyes shifting from Victor to Donovan. “Agree?”

  Donovan nodded at Victor, who returned the gesture. Donovan left the room in search of Armani.

  Victor glared at Alex. “Wrong, Alex. The world will be a better place to be rid of you both.” He grabbed both of the men’s arms and led them to the kitchen like lambs to the slaughter. “I believe it’s time for your last meal.” Victor laughed. “Prisoner’s get this casualty on death row so guess what? Each of you gets to pick your favorite meal prepared by yours truly.” He said, let go of their arms and mockingly bowed. “Your wishes are my command.”

  Adam was silent while Alex screamed profanities at Victor fighting him with each step. Victor gripped Alex’s arm hard squeezing tighter and tighter like a blood pressure cuff that should be on recall notice.

  “Pick a meal,” Victor demanded placing Alex and Adam across from each other at the large table. “You are not going to escape so face your fate with dignity. I’m cuffing you both to the chairs.” He smiled dangling a set of handcuffs in front of them.

  Adam was cooperative. Victor appreciated it although he would never tell him so. He was still a despicable murderer and he had no patience for the likes of evil men.

  “How are we supposed to eat with handcuffs on?” Alex asked. “And to think you called me stupid.” He coughed and sneered at Victor.

  Victor took slow, deliberate steps toward Alex. “Why can’t you be as cooperative as your son?” He asked. “To answer your question, you will eat with your mouth.” Victor said baring his fangs at Alex. When he reached him he locked Alex’s already cuffed hands to the chair.

  Alex screamed. “Are you trying to pull my arms off or what?”

  “Believe me, if I wanted to I would.” Victor floated to the counter, opened the drawer and pulled out a sharp butcher knife. He held it to the light and smiled. “This knife looks like the ones they use in the Horror movies to slice and dice people with, don’t you think?” He asked.

  Adam remained silent not looking at Victor or his father. Tears dampened his cheeks. He tried to wipe them on his shirt but to no avail. He was guilty of killing Simone and there was nothing he could do about it now. Death was his punishment and he accepted his fate hours ago while tied up in the garage. Waging war with himself he accepted the fact that this was where it would end. He felt regret and remorse, but it was too late. He chose his own fate when he committed his crime.

  Alex glared at Victor. “You won’t get away with this.” His eyes fell on the knife. It gleamed like a predator’s sharp teeth in the light. Victor swooped behind him. “What do you think you’re doing?” Alex asked his eyes huge and face pale. He twisted his head to look.

  “This,” Victor answered pulling Alex’s head back and placing the cold blade against his throat.

  Alex swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple making the knife
rise and fall.

  Victor removed the knife from Alex’s throat and set it on the table. “I would dare say I caused your heart rate to increase.” He laughed casting a glance at Adam, whose head was still down. “Cheer up Adam. It’s not so bad. You and your father will be together in paradise tonight but the bad news is I won’t be there to protect you from your old man.”

  Adam snorted.

  “You’re crazy,” Alex said.

  Victor backed away from Alex and held his finger to his chin. “Excuse me. I don’t believe I heard you correctly. I don’t see a mirror in here.” He opened the refrigerator door and said, “Alright men, what would you like to eat?”

  “Who cares,” Alex said not amused.

  “Then I shall surprise you.” Victor said flatly and pulled two steaks out of the refrigerator. “Let the festivities begin.” Laughing he added, “Welcome to my restaurant, ‘Ode to Death.’” Victor said, turned his back on the two and whistled while preparing the meal.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Armani sat at the piano engrossed in his music. It was the first time since Simone’s death that he felt the music with such passion and electricity. Lost in his own world he didn’t hear Donovan enter the music room.

  Donovan stood in the doorway watching Armani’s hands move over the piano’s keyboard. It amazed him how artists got so into their work that they lost themselves in another world. Armani’s body shifted with the beats of the piano, swaying back and forth, his voice melodic and soothing. Donovan folded his arms across his chest waiting for Armani to finish.

  The song ended and Donovan cleared his throat.

  Armani spun around on the piano bench and stared at Donovan. His eyes held more pain than one should ever have to. “This is the only time I feel any sort of peace. Killing these men won’t mend my broken heart.” He stood the black cloak swirling behind him like a curtain in the wind.


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