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Life = Death - volume 3 - Poems on Life , Death

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by Nikhil Parekh

  For the treacherously betrayed and ominously lambasted heart; a beat of immortal love a day; keeps the doctor forever away,

  And for my nimbly penurious and diminutively groping persona; an unfathomably enlightening poem a day; keeps the doctor forever away.



  Unstoppable was the crimson blood circulating ecstatically through the veins; indefatigably pumping the most stupendously vivacious elements of existence

  in the every organisms body; symbiotically alike,

  Unstoppable was the rain euphorically pelting down from fathomless sky; relentlessly inundating impoverished territories of destitute land; with globules of spell binding? enchantment,

  Unstoppable were the rays of the ferociously blazing Sun;?fearlessly disseminating its Omnipotent shine; to even the most obfuscated cranny of this gigantically enthralling Universe,

  Unstoppable was the intransigently unending tick-tocking of time; gloriously throbbing with palpable life; meticulously synchronizing the entire planet; and for infinite more births yet to unveil,?

  Unstoppable was the swirl of the majestically undulating ocean; fulminating into a fountain of unfathomably priceless froth; even in the heart of the perilously blackened night,?

  Unstoppable was the flame of unassailable desire; uncontrollably proliferating till realms beyond infinite infinity; tantalizing every breathing entity in its magically compassionate incantation,?

  Unstoppable was the attraction between two opposite sexes; inevitably drawing all humanity close; irrespective of the barriers of caste; creed and worthless color,

  Unstoppable was the thunderously volatile prowl of the famished lion; as he royally paraded through the undercurrents of the inscrutable forests; with fires of unparalleled superiority blazing in his eyes,

  Unstoppable was the dream of benevolent goodness; miraculously healing even the most traumatically bereaved; with the Omniscient ointment of eternally righteous mankind,

  Unstoppable was silken flight of the regally charismatic bird; as it handsomely soared through the clouds of fantastic titillation and vibrancy; magnificently kissing the mists of perennial yearning on its odyssey down towards mother earth,

  Unstoppable was the song of the impregnably princely nightingale; perpetuating even the most sordidly dreary of spaces on this colossal Universe; with triumphantly exuberant melody,

  Unstoppable was the leap of irrefutably sparkling truth; as it reigned supreme as the most invincible idol alive; harmoniously transpiring the endless planet to take birth profoundly; for centuries unprecedented,

  Unstoppable was the marvelously ubiquitous innocence of the newly born infant; irrefutably transcending over all richness of this unfathomable planet; bountifully embracing the spirit of uninhibitedly immaculate freedom,

  Unstoppable was the wind of ebulliently unconquerable passion; metamorphosing even the most impossibly intractable of circumstances; into a celestially scintillating paradise,

  Unstoppable was the cry of timeless liberation; the unbelievably resurgent force with which countless galloped forward to bond in threads of amiable friendship; far away from the dungeons of retributory malice,

  Unstoppable was the jubilantly blazing patriotism of the soldier; who lived immortally in the hearts of the nation; even after relinquishing his very last breath for his sacrosanct motherland,

  Unstoppable was path of fabulously victorious conscience; which unsparingly annihilated even the most capricious trace of salaciously heinous evil and lies; with the swords of truth divine,

  Unstoppable was sensuously ravenous breath in the body; expunging out with a tumultuous fervor; that made even the most treacherous of devils to blend with

  the chords of synergistic existence,

  Unstoppable was the magically Omnipotent rhythm of the passionate heart; with each of its wonderfully burgeoning beats; eternally coalescing with all love and resplendent congeniality; on this unending planet,

  And unstoppable was my ardor to write poetry; flood every bit of barren space on this incomprehensibly vivid planet with the fragrance of love and humanity; spawning into an entrenchment of perpetual bliss; even after I abdicated my last droplet of blood; even after I forever shed my last breath.

  14. NO CONTROL.?

  I could wink exactly when I wanted to; shutting one of my lid with astoundingly articulate dexterity; and in wholesome entirety to the lugubriously manipulative

  planet outside,

  I could yawn exactly when I wanted to; thunderously stretching the contours of my lips to the most unprecedented limits; blissfully resonating into an unfathomably rampant valley of sounds soon thereafter,

  I could walk exactly when I wanted to; uninhibitedly alighting my nimble foot from obdurate ground; paving an intrepidly sensuous path of my own; as the world disdainfully entangled in bizarrely disparaging business outside,

  I could dance exactly when I wanted to; bountifully synchronizing the movements of my impoverished visage; to majestically blend with the tunes of the seductively tantalizing and milky night,

  I could cry exactly when I wanted to; profusely squeezing the sockets of my beleaguered eyes; discordantly inundating even the most infinitesimal particle of the atmosphere; with an unsurpassable ocean of cacophonic wails,

  I could whisper exactly when I wanted to; amiably rustling through the partially obfuscated periphery of my wandering lips; enshrouding every bit of belligerent retribution with ravishing enchantment,

  I could write exactly when I wanted to; blissfully embellishing fathomless bits of barren paper; with poetry that poignantly diffused from the inner most soul and the Gods,

  I could fantasize exactly when I wanted to; unequivocally unveiling the chords of diminutive brain to the stupendously ingratiating melody of this timeless earth; exotically delving into inscrutably titillating territories beyond the obsoletely unknown,

  I could smile exactly when I wanted to; exuberantly puffing my enthrallingly rubicund cheeks; wholeheartedly letting the scintillating whites of my teeth harmoniously coalesce with all benign goodness outside,

  I could philander exactly when I wanted to; flirtatiously elope behind the hills with the companion of my choice; handsomely allowing the golden rays of the Omnipotent Sun; to envelop me in impregnable entirety,

  I could roll exactly when I wanted to; rampantly cascading down the gigantic mountains; regally caressing the veils of intrepidly exhilarating adventure; as I rhapsodically made my way down,

  I could bathe exactly when I wanted to; rejuvenate the disastrously gruesome conglomerate of my nerves under the sparkling waterfalls; even after the heart of

  unbelievably dark midnight,

  I could fight exactly when I wanted to; mustering all mighty muscle in a just a single swirl; endeavoring my ultimate best to save my kin; philanthropically save my treacherously devastated motherland,

  I could chatter exactly when I wanted to; clatter the piquant buds of my teeth umpteenth number of times in a single minute; shivering in uncontrollably nervous

  waves of dithering skepticism,

  I could eat exactly when I wanted to; celestially assimilating all salubrious fruits of this earth in my penurious palette; astonishingly replenishing each ingredient of my blood with nutrition divine,

  I could sleep exactly when I wanted to; wholesomely obscuring my eyes with knots of perennially heavenly silk; irrefutably sequestering myself way beneath in the boundless dungeons; without even the most inconspicuous trace of sound or vibrant light,

  I could evolve exactly when I wanted to; fascinatingly gathering all eclectically resplendent assets of the Almighty Lord; to stunningly metamorphose the complexion of this delinquently frazzled Universe,

  I could breathe exactly when I wanted to; ebulliently permeating the dolorously remorseful atmosphere with fireballs of vivacious glory; igniting an inferno of

  untamed celebration even in the center of the despicably deadened night,

  O! ye
s; I could do this; and I could do that; and by the Grace of God I was a majestic master of my own destiny; symbiotically bonding with the eternally transcending

  and divine,

  But I had absolutely not the slightest control on my heart; as its passionately triumphant beats ecstatically wandered without my commands; bonding with all immortal love on this colossal planet; bonding with the spell binding spirit to lead

  an infinite more lifetimes.


  To procreate countless more of your kind was inherently natural; but to instill in them the irrefutably invincible principles of mankind; was a majestically

  impeccable art,

  To replenish your stomach with all?tantalizingly piquant?food on this Universe was inevitably natural; but to scrupulously digest them and yet sparkle into an ocean of celestially rubicund health; was a perseveringly magical art,

  To transit into a heavenly slumber and fantasize uninhibitedly about all ingratiating exoticism on this planet was blissfully natural; but to manifest all those spell binding dreams into an eternal reality; was an unassailably enduring art,

  To listen to the fulminating voices of your intrepid soul was poignantly natural; but to invincibly march forward in united patriotism to annihilate the last iota of evil from your sacrosanct motherland; was an indefatigably resplendent art,

  To euphorically bathe at the commencement of brilliant Sunshine was iridescently natural; but to utilize every bit of your marvelously sparkling freshness to enlighten all despicably bereaved humanity; was an ebulliently gutsy art,

  To dance till eternity in times of ecstatic jubilation was exuberantly natural; but to ubiquitously disseminate the same unending happiness in every dwelling besieged with horrifically remorseful despair; was a handsomely philanthropic art,

  To wholeheartedly immerse yourself in your very own religion was holistically natural; but to unequivocally preach the religion of humanity till the last breath of your existing life; was a grandiloquently benign art,

  To encapsulate your entire persona with ravishing petals of rose and insatiably overwhelming scent was scintillatingly natural; but to waft the Omnipotent

  scent of coalesced mankind; on every murderously manipulative cranny of this earth; was a timelessly mesmerizing art,

  To profoundly enjoy the divinely melody in the atmosphere was quintessentially natural; but to tirelessly propagate every element of your ebullience to all those miserably crippled and penurious destitute; was a glitteringly humanitarian art,

  To sight umpteenth galleries of wonderfully serene objects around you was instinctively natural; but to altruistically become the walking stick of all those

  horrendously penalized and gruesomely blind; was a miraculously Omniscient art,

  To sagaciously invest all your fathomless treasuries of wealth in the best possible gains was prudently natural; but to chivalrously dissipate even a minuscule fraction of your opulence to the service of the devastatingly deprived; was a perpetually

  sacred art,

  To joyously gallop through fields of flirtatiously sensuous freedom was flamboyantly natural; but to hoist all those bereft of hands and feet to destinations transcending the land of paradise; was a benevolently bequeathing art,


  To cling to the lap of your mother whenever you felt gorily shattered was incomprehensibly natural; but to perennially ensure that the entire planet irrevocably

  clung to the strings of enchanting humanity; was a gloriously princely art,

  To harmoniously augment the granaries of crimson blood in your countenance was poignantly natural; but to selflessly shed the same for your countrymen incarcerated with treacherous despair; was a glitteringly Omnipresent art,

  To decorate your pristinely barren skin with royal pearls and ornaments was splendidly natural; but to stupendously embellish the fabric of all despicably dithering mankind with untamed cloudbursts of love; was a ubiquitously charismatic art,

  To act candidly and in synergy with the voice of your intransigently righteous conscience was intrinsically natural; but to wholesomely decimate the salacious web

  of lies from every corner of this earth with the voice of unconquerably impeccable truth; was a royally regale art,

  To tranquilly inhale air all round the clock and with the most prolific of intensity was indispensably natural; but to aristocratically placate the brutally traumatized agony of all those miserably divested with each of your breath; was a passionately Almighty art,

  To relentlessly love and bountifully adore the girl of your every dream was tumultuously natural; but dedicating every single beat of your heart to all those orphaned and acrimoniously betrayed; was an unfathomably heavenly art,

  And to rhapsodically live this birth and intransigently perceive to survive for an infinite more births yet to come was incredulously natural; but sacrificing each instant of your life to astoundingly spawn a countless new tomorrows of optimistic hope and

  vibrant courage; was an immortally living art.



  My mind was like the fulminating volcano; which kept on passionately erupting; even after the entire earth had blissfully slept,

  My mind was like an uninhibitedly philandering panther; which thunderously roared each unfurling second of the day,

  My mind was like a turbulently swirling ocean; which culminated each instant into a flurry of violent waves,

  My mind was like the poignant whirlpool of sand; which evolved at cyclonic speeds; sweeping across the fathomless deserts inevitably every afternoon,

  My mind was like the blazing inferno; which kept augmenting to astronomical heights with each nimble stroke of the brazen wind,

  My mind was like the hideously savage vulture; whose hunger arose the very next moment; after it had just devoured its previous bit of robust carrion,


  My mind was like the indefatigably running spider; which didn't rest for even a minuscule minute; entrenched and wavering amidst the silvery strands of its web,

  My mind was like streaks of white lightening which profusely enveloped the sky; creating insanely havoc on the whatever space they fell,

  My mind was like infinite clouds sprawled vindictively in the cosmos; creeping up every day to try and camouflage vivacious rays of brilliant light,

  My mind was like the unstoppably perennial stream; which leapt and swelled; irrespective of the acrimonious battalion of barricades that confronted it in its celestial way,

  My mind was like the plane which inexorably kept flying all its life; without stooping down a fraction; or caressing the tarmac with its spongy sheath of wheels,

  My mind was like the mystical echo which reverberated countless number of times; after ephemerally clashing against the formidably boundless valley,

  My mind was like the lethally bouncing striped shark; which unrelentingly surged forward with hostile euphoria even in the middle of the perilously gloomy night,

  My mind was like the centuries old grandfather clock; which continued to tirelessly tick; irrespective of the most deadliest of holocaust or rain,

  My mind was like the deafening thud of the dinosaurs foot; which kept going on and on for times immemorial; even after the monster had become remotely obsolete and wholesomely extinct,

  My mind was like the globules golden sweat; which kept incorrigibly trickling down the arms; even after applying the most profound balm of stupendously redolent scent,

  My mind was like the unfathomably deep well; which indeed did have an opening; but there simply seemed no end,

  My mind was like the tangible population; which perpetually kept increasing as each second unveiled into a full fledged minute

  In the end it is my humble plea to you; O! Almighty Creator; not to give people a mind like mine; for although I had developed an intrinsic bondage with its vagaries over a period of time; for others it could very well prove to a veritable death mine.





  Not just an inconspicuous droplet; but an unlimited measure of my unabashedly vivacious sensuality; which was the very source of every ounce of ardor wondrously running through each of my veins,

  Not just an infinitesimal droplet; but an unlimited measure of my inimitably unparalleled virility; the inferno of untamed desire that sprouted bounteously from every pore of my skin,

  Not just an invisible droplet; but an unlimited measure of my profound amiability; my infinite longing to blissfully m?lange and embrace every symbiotic form of God's living kind,


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