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Life = Death - volume 3 - Poems on Life , Death

Page 5

by Nikhil Parekh

  Not just a mercurial droplet; but an unlimited measure of my pricelessly invincible truth; the gloriously impeccable reflection of my soul; which was as pristine as the melting of the first snow,

  Not just an insipid droplet; but an unlimited measure of my extremely poignant sensitivity; as the color of my skin and soul dramatically changed; to even the most obfuscated of whisper and tune,

  Not just a disappearing droplet; but an unlimited measure of my ardently unexplored energy; which proliferated like an undying volcano of compassion; at every single stage of the vibrantly unfurling day,

  Not just an impoverished droplet; but an unlimited measure of my fearless honesty; the righteous fulmination of every element of goodness that lingered left; right and center; in my body and in my soul,

  Not just a fugitive droplet; but an unlimited measure of my peerless conviction; the unrelenting desire to reach the absolute zenith of goodness; overtopping every ingredient of devil that dared came my way,

  Not just a orphaned droplet; but an unlimited measure of my fragrant perseverance; the untiring hours of my life under the fiercest of Sun; that had been spent in order to corroborate my identity,

  Not just a senseless droplet; but an unlimited measure of my unbridled poetic imagery; those infinite moments of angst that had so royally brought out the purest imagination from the innermost realms of my soul,

  Not just a maimed droplet; but an unlimited measure of my never-dying spirit towards the chapter of existence; as each instant rolled forward to give birth to a triumphantly godly dawn of newness,

  Not just a nonsensical droplet; but an unlimited measure of my true potential to conquer every obstacle in my life; the unflinching tenacity in my bones to trample over a corpse of lies; in my eternal quest for truth,

  Not just a wastrel droplet; but an unlimited measure of my unshakable effervescence; the intrinsic urge to gallop forward in inscrutable life; even under the most atrocious whiplash of jinxed destiny,

  Not just a fetid droplet; but an unlimited measure of my ability to righteously and symbiotically survive; even when brutally enshrouded by the most hideously devouring pack of wolves,

  Not just an amorphous droplet; but an unlimited measure of my tireless imagination; which undyingly kept the mystical turbulence alive; in even the most dormant pores of? my skin,

  Not just an evanescent droplet; but an unlimited measure of my intricate personality; the boundless vacillations of moods that even the tiniest of my nerves; inevitably underwent,

  Not just an imperturbable droplet; but an unlimited measure of my inborn artistry; the uncanniness galore in every organ of my body; to evolve a paradise of beauty; out of barbarously lame nothingness,

  Not just a miserly droplet; but an unlimited measure of my rivers of everlasting love; which delectably oozed out every unveiling instant of the day and night; at the sight of my immortal beloved, Was my wonderfully enamoring; and forever

  single; droplet of sweat.

  18. CRACK

  In order to crack the enigmatic puzzle; I used the most stupendously intricate

  arenas of my brain,

  In order to crack the obdurate nut; I used the astronomical tenacity of my teeth,

  In order to crack the astoundingly gloomy silence; I used my stringently

  piercing voice,

  In order to crack the insurmountably hazy night; I used my twin paired crystalline eyesight,

  In order to crack spurious sadness ominously hovering around; I used my amicably compassionate smile,

  In order to crack the incorrigibly bellicose brick; I used my fists plummeting like a thunderbolt; on its wretched periphery,

  In order to crack the astutely austere corporate tycoon; I used frugal amounts of sly wit; circulating more mystically than the clouds in my blood,

  In order to crack the diabolically freezing evening; I used my palms voraciously against the rocks; to generate unsurpassable loads of seductive heat,

  In order to crack utter hopelessness; I used the invincible muscle impregnated euphorically in my bones,

  In order to crack the ingenious idea; I used my inherent skill of profusely intense concentration,

  In order to crack the yawn; I used my unfathomable treasury of will power to rise up to the occasion of pragmatic survival,

  In order to crack inexplicably treacherous destiny; I used my spirit of fathomless adventure to confront the acrimonious world,

  In order to crack pain; I used my lids to drink back my prolifically dribbling river of traumatized tears,

  In order to crack the bottle; I used my nails to adroitly unleash the

  insurmountably serrated steel cap,

  In order to crack the pathway of horrendous dirt; I used my royally sparkling pool

  of saliva,

  In order to crack the majestically enchanting painting; I used my adroitly slender conglomerate of fingers,

  In order to crack dismally mind boggling poverty; I used all the wealth I had assimilated till date; in the tenure of my short life,

  In order to crack the chapter of inevitably precious existence; I used my exuberant mountain of Omnipotent breath,

  And in order to crack the love of my ultimate dreams; I used the inner most realms of my passionately thundering heart; which shot its beats infinite kilometers above the sky; as each second unfurled itself into the fabulously blossoming spectrum called





  A needle is never soft; pierces the elastic periphery of the bombastically inflated balloon with a thunderous bang,

  A tree is never symmetrical; has branches of all dimensions and sizes dangling from its severely corrugated body,

  A fire is never cold; sizzles the mockingly cold night with its festoon of hostile of rays,

  An ice is never solid; metamorphoses itself at astounding speeds into a stream of cold water when caressed by the slightest of heat,

  A rose is never stinking; inundates the barren and profoundly gloomy surrounding with the tantalizing aroma wafting unequivocally from its crimson body,

  A bird is never walking for long miles on the ground; leans overwhelmingly on its pair of flamboyant wings to impart it with that delectable flight,

  A diamond is never dull; punctures the eyes of even the blind with its glitter and scintillating shine,

  A mushroom is never clean; extrudes disdainfully from the jungle with tufts of incorrigible dirt; loose specks of worm and deplorable soil,

  A demon is never sweet; devours millions of innocent in the swirl of its insatiable desire which never dies or subsides,

  A potbellied tortoise is never fast; crawls painstakingly through the leafy meadows chewing grass; while its counterparts execute several rounds of the finishing line,

  A man eater leopard is never vegetarian; has an unrelenting zeal for flesh engulfing him every minute; after once relishing the taste of human blood,

  A frog is never beautiful; spending its entire life in boundlessly deep interiors of the sordid well; having its coat enveloped with garbage and obnoxious slime,

  A scorpion is never innocuous; ardently awaiting to strike its venomous fangs any minute into impetuously innocent flesh wandering unsuspectingly,

  A fired bullet is never harmless; as even though it might miss its intended target; it nevertheless ricochets against impeccable wildlife,

  A Kangaroo is never slow; bounces several strides at a time; even while harboring clusters of immaculate babies in its bulging belly,

  A cow is never unholy; generates new life in all those who consume its supremely sacrosanct and salubrious milk,

  A heart is never silent while it lives; palpitates tumultuously inside the chest; increasing its pace to unsurpassable limits after sighting the love of its life,

  A breath is never dry; besieges the atmosphere around with Herculean loads of compassionate fervor; triggers the body every minute to run and live,r />
  A life is never disciplined; replete with ups and downs that encompass an entity unsparingly every second; irrespective of the color he possesses or the religion he believes in,

  A mother is never cruel to her child; no matter how much the infant cries and kicks her incessantly with its feet,

  And a writer is never unemployed; although he might not go to conventional office from 9 in the morning to an exact 10 in the night; yet the fantasies he evolved impregnated new hope and charm; in millions others who monotonously survived.




  The color of his eyes was exactly the same as mine; tawny brown fluttering mischievously towards the majestic Moon,

  The strength in his arms was exactly the same as in mine; Herculean muscle bulging prominently from beneath ruffled cloth,

  The number of teeth in his mouth were exactly the same as mine; with the hideous assembly of molars and canines ready to masticate food within split seconds of time,

  The scent of his perspiration was exactly the same as mine; tantalizingly obnoxious under austerely acerbic rays of the Sun,

  The shape of his nose was exactly the same as mine; protruding like a pecking falcon straight as an arrow towards the ceiling,

  The height which he possessed was exactly the same as mine; having to slouch a trifle as much as I did; when he tried to enter the nocturnal bedroom,

  The weight he had on his visage was exactly the same as mine; blessed with an insatiable urge to gobble the same food items as I did with stupendous taste

  and relish,

  The shades of his hair were exactly the same as mine; streaks of pugnacious red nictitating somberly with the dainty draughts of wind; captivating the attention

  of every damsel wandering in town,

  The periphery of his lips was exactly the same as mine; voluptuously luscious pink; emanating the same spurts of raunchy laughter as I did,

  The armory of his eyelashes were exactly the same as mine; drooping down to the same angle; flirtatiously winking at every maiden; as much as mine did,

  The cadence in his voice was exactly the same as mine; delectably rising and falling with every word that he uttered; every song that he melodiously sang,

  The size of his shoe was exactly the same as mine; occupying the same diminutive amount of space on earth; as much as mine did,

  The alignment of his backbone was exactly the same as mine; experiencing the same agony as I did after a tumultuously onerous days work; running like a bull to the masters commands,

  The clothes that he wore were exactly the same as mine; with his overwhelming fancy of adorning sleazy silver chains; bizarrely tattooing his chest; as much as mine,

  The number of hair that grew on his body were exactly the same as mine; with a slightly more density on the back of the palm than on the entire skeleton,

  The speed at which blood gushed through his veins was exactly the same as mine; generating the same euphoria and exultation; as mine did every midnight,

  The habits which he executed were exactly the same as mine; with his penchant for staring relentlessly into azure bits of sky; as poignant as mine,


  Even the texture of his? palm were exactly the same as mine; with innumerable bifurcations and handsome forks replicating my hand in astonishing similarity,

  Infact we were born the same second on this earth as identical twins; with 99% of the people having difficulties recognizing us scattered in the crowd,

  And yet today he was the President who ruled the entire nation on his fingertips; while I was an abysmally impoverished beggar screaming discordantly on the shivering streets for alms; because of the simple reason that we were similar to each other in every respect from big head to tiny toe; but inevitably had different destinies.



  If you starved me to unprecedented limits; then I would inadvertently attempt to pilfer morsels of food from my neighbor's plate,

  If you kept scorched me beyond the point of no control; then I would poke out my tongue unknowingly in the mayor's tap; which was leaking water,

  If you created me as black as charcoal; with disdainful boils of infection creeping on every inch of my skin; then I would stretch my palms ominously; in an attempt to snatch fair flesh from the princess,

  If you made me squint eyed; then I would stare unrelentingly at all plebeians passing; with fantasies revolving rampantly in my mind to grab their eyes,

  If you threw me on the street naked in the freezing cold; then I would run helter-skelter in desperation to steal every business tycoon's clothes,

  If you crippled me in an accident; rendering me to spend the remainder of my life on a dilapidated wheelchair; then I would greedily slaver in my tongue; the instants I saw robust complexioned legs marching towards victory,

  If you caused me to stammer; stuttering at virtually every word that diffused from my mouth; then I would be engulfed by hideous thoughts of switching my tongue with a professional singer; all day,

  If you made me stone deaf; with the most tumultuous of volcano's failing to make any impact on my sleep; then I would try and hamper every single individual from

  opening his mouth,

  If you made me mentally retarded; with my brain not even being able to distinguish between a dog and a man; then I would pelt stones at every car I encountered; smashing the windshield glass into infinite pieces,

  If you forced me to sleep on a bed of hostile thorns; then I would stealthily enter the King's palace; to take away his golden pillow,

  If you made me walk barefoot on a road strewn with abhorrent filth and dirt; then I would steal every shoe loitering aimlessly outside the Temple; to protect my bleeding toes,

  If you inundated my nose with a fetid stench of blood the entire day; then I would ruthlessly chop every rose from the soil; to appease my senses with its

  enamoring scent,

  If you deprived me of education; leaving me to bear the taunts of the acrimonious society; then I would resort to illegitimate means of earning money; simply to show the world that they were wrong; silencing their mouths forever,

  If you orphaned me in my childhood; never giving me the comfort of nestling in my mothers arms; then I would become a prey to bad habits; with nobody to prudently guide me and illuminate the path of my life,

  If you didn't give me space to dig the grave of my cherished ones; then I would extricate the coffin of the pretentious priest; to bury my uncle instead,

  If you didn't let me consolidate a single of my dreams; then I would philander without any purpose; simply being a nuisance to the society,

  If you didn't give me a right to live; blissfully exist on this earth lost in the world of my passionate fantasy; then I would fight valiantly for my existence; to enjoy the source of my moist breath trickle down my nostrils,

  If you uncouthly snatched away my beloved from my life; leaving me deserted with lifeless tears of blood dribbling down my cheek; then I would go mentally insane; perhaps assassinate everyone whom I came in proximity; before

  meeting my own end,

  Therefore O! lord; this is my humble plea to you; for today and for several more years of my life to unveil; bless me with whatever I want so that I can lead life

  helping other humans; or let me instead pray to you to, keep me satisfied


  22. TELL ME WHY ?

  Tell me why do we sneeze saliva,?

  Walk fast when young with life?

  Tell me why do we ooze scarlet blood,?

  Laugh inevitably when tickled with hand?

  Tell me why do we desire mineral water,?

  Shiver with goose bumps in bitter winter cold?

  Tell why does tongue oscillate in mouth chamber,?

  Pools of desperation get formed in the bones?

  Tell me why is hair black, lips luscious red,?

  People round the world crazy for dollar note?r />

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