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Page 15

by K. I. Lynn

  A harsh breath left me. Disbelief followed by relief filled my body all in the same moment.

  We did it.

  Lila was still staring at the judge, almost as if she was waiting for him to change his mind. When he stood and exited the room, she remained silent.

  I stood, smiling, and held out my hand.

  “Thank you so much, Lawrence, for all your help.”

  “I think I should be the one saying that. It’s not often I get to work with other lawyers, and it’s usually a disaster when I do.”

  I laughed at that. “Yeah, lawyers don’t make the best clients.”

  “But you did.”

  We waited a moment for Lila’s father to leave first, then walked out with Lawrence. I waved goodbye as he headed off, but Lila wasn’t beside me.

  I looked over and froze as I stared at her. “Baby?”

  Lila’s whole body shook and she leaned over, one hand pressed against the wall for support. A choking sob came from her. Her reaction confused me, and I rushed to her side.

  I pulled her face up to look at me and sighed in relief when I saw a smile on her face—it was a cry of joy. Her nightmare had the fairy tale ending we hoped for, and the evil monster was banished from the kingdom.

  She threw her arms around me and cried into my chest. Happy tears.


  Lila was different. That was the only word I could come up with to describe the change. Over the past few days, she’d shed a lot of the crap that held her back for years. It always dwelled in the back of her mind, ever since she left her father’s house—when will he come for me?

  The unsurmountable weight that pressed upon her was lifted. Chains that held her down released, shedding away the girl like a cocoon and opening up the woman inside. Adam was going to be in jail for a long time, and the judge had approved the restraining order on her father.

  It was the first time in over a year I felt like my words really penetrated her. After years of suffering, others finally saw the monster that Adam was. It was validation.

  Life returned to its normal pace. It was hard to believe how fast the days were passing. Even more unbelievable was how even we were—no more ups and downs. I was thankful for the change, for the monotony of getting up, going to work, and coming home with my wife—dinners together, talk of what to do on the weekend.

  “Hey! That’s mine.” Lila swatted at my hand, knocking the fry away.

  I snuck another one and popped it in my mouth. “We’re married—what’s mine is yours and vice versa. Right?”

  She glared at me and moved her plate away. “You’re right. What’s yours is mine, but what’s mine is mine as well.”

  “Oooh, man, you better step back from her plate.” Drew cackled from across the table.

  Caroline was howling in laughter, and I felt like I was being ganged up on. I needed to change my tactics if I was going to get any more fries. Though, I had to admit I was cracking up on the inside watching Lila guard her plate as she ate, giving me the stink eye.

  “You said you’d do anything for me, baby.”

  “You finished your fries. These are mine.”

  I gave her my best puppy dog eyes. “Just one or two?”

  She moved her plate further away. “No.”

  More snickering from across the table.

  “Just think when she gets pregnant. All food will be hers.” Caroline slapped her hand on the table as she tried to talk between snorts of laughter. “Try stealing food from a pregnant lady, you’ll draw back a bloody stump!”

  Drew’s jaw dropped. “Dude, what if you end up with the cravings?”

  “And lose his taut bod?” Caroline gasped.

  Lila joined in, giggling with them but still guarding her plate. The back of my head tingled, like someone was watching us. Granted, with all the commotion, I was certain half the restaurant was staring at us in annoyance.

  Drew pointed a fry at me. “You better watch it or you’ll end up gaining weight with that sweet tooth of yours.”

  I glared at him and snatched a fry from his plate.

  His eyes narrowed at me. “What the hell?”

  I shrugged. “Payment for your jabs at my expense.”

  Drew pulled his plate back and leaned over it, one arm blocking the front.

  I looked over at Lila, who was conversing with Caroline and not protecting her plate as much. It wasn’t that I was hungry, but it was now a game, one I was determined to win. With my wife distracted, I planned my attack. I slithered my hand in the space between her arm and ribs. My fingers grazed her breast, and I cringed when metal slapped across my knuckles.

  I pulled my hand back, hissing as I shook it out.

  “No!” Lila glowered and pointed a fork at me.

  I stared at her in shock for a moment, then shook my head. “Oh, hell no.”

  I grabbed hold of the back of her neck and pulled her to me, kissing her hard. She squeaked and tried to pull back, but I held her tighter, kissing her deeper until she melted against me. There was no way she could resist me.

  When I pulled back, her eyes were glassy and unfocused. I reached over and grabbed a few fries and tossed them on my plate.

  Drew shook his head.

  I stuffed one into my mouth. “What?”


  Caroline snorted. “And that’s lunch, boys and girls.” She pushed back from the table and stood up. “I have a meeting in half an hour.” She grabbed Lila’s arm. “Come on. Walk with me while your husband pays for lunch.”


  Lila stood, then grabbed my head and crashed her lips to mine. My cock jumped, lust coursing through me as her tongue lapped against mine.


  She was pulled away by Caroline, who rolled her eyes. “You two are like teenagers. Sheesh.”

  Drew nodded. “It’s Lila’s turn, but since you had to lust her brain out for a few fries, it’s yours. After all, what did you say? What’s hers is yours.”

  I sighed and pulled out my wallet, placing my credit card on the check.

  “Where are you going?”

  Drew turned back to me. “Gotta call Dana.”

  I waved him off and waited for the waitress to return for payment. While I was sitting there, I watched some basketball game on one of the TVs. I smiled up at the waitress as she took the check and returned to the screen.

  After a moment I turned, looking for the gaze I felt drilling a hole in my head, but there was no one. It happened multiple times over lunch, and I didn’t like the feeling of being watched.

  I thanked the waitress when she returned a moment later, and signed the slip before putting my card away. I took one last sip of soda and stood before heading to the door.


  I turned toward where my name was being called. A group of people were being seated, and walking toward me with a familiar smile that greeted me was Tom Preston. We’d worked together in the prosecutor’s office. As my mind compared the image in my memory to the man in front of me, I noticed that the years hadn’t been the best to him. He had to be in his mid to late forties. His once black hair was more than salted with gray, and what had once been fine lines were now carving deep into his skin. Even his once well-kept physique had added a good twenty or so pounds.

  “Nathan Thorne. I’ll be damned,” he said as he walked up to me and stuck out his hand.

  I gave his hand a stiff shake and smiled at him. “It’s been a long time.”

  “Yeah. Last time I saw you, the judge was throwing you out of the courtroom, a bailiff on each arm dragging you down the aisle.” He let out a harsh chuckle. “I thought they were about to drag you off to the nut house.”

  My lips were set in a thin line. “Well, it wasn’t the best time in my life.” I was certain there’d been much talk about me after that.

  “I had a lot of hope for you.” His eyes scanned me up and down. “What are you up to these days?”

  “I’m working for Hollowa
y and Holloway.”

  His head tipped back as he nodded. “Ah, your father-in-law. How’s that going?”

  “Pretty good. I spent about a year as a transactional attorney after a few years off, and now I’m in the real estate division.”

  “Quite different areas.”

  I shrugged. “It was necessary. I wasn’t ready to go back into the courtroom.”

  “Well, now that you’re back in the game, maybe we can get together. I could really use you.”

  “On what?”

  “I’m building a case against Vincent Marconi.”

  It felt like the blood rushed from my body, and I began to sweat. Why hadn’t I looked into who was working on the case Noah told me about? “I don’t want anything to do with your case.”

  “What? How can you say that?” He frowned at me, his arms crossing over his chest. “Nate, you have all the information we need. No one has ever gotten a conviction, and you did. I know you have more information on them. Help us.”

  I shook my head, my jaw set. “I can’t.”

  He leaned toward me, his expression imploring, and I stepped back. “These are bad people who need to pay for their crimes.”

  “You don’t need to tell me that. I understand, more than anyone, but I’m sorry. I can’t help you, Tom.”

  “Why not?” he asked, complete confusion in his aged features. It didn’t seem like he could comprehend my reluctance. Couldn’t he put two and two together?

  I leaned in closer, almost spitting on him between my clenched teeth. “Because the last time I was involved with them, my wife and son were murdered and, for a few seconds, they killed me as well.” It dawned on me that we were both being watched and our innocent conversation was being noted. “Fuck. Even talking to you now is bad.”

  He shook his head. “You’ve become paranoid. Do you really think they’re keeping tabs on you? They’ve induced you with fear.” His arms relaxed, waving around in defense. “I’m not downplaying what happened. It’s a tragedy what they did to Grace. She was a wonderful woman, but they aren’t still watching you. They hurt you. They got what they wanted.”

  I gaped at him, stunned. “You really have no idea what you’re getting into. Don’t you realize they’re watching your every move? They’re watching mine as well, and this little meeting could very well get my family killed. So, back the fuck off!”

  “You’ve gone off the reservation, Thorne.” He looked at me like I was out of my mind.

  “Don’t be cocky. That’s how I was, and you know what happened. You think a family like that doesn’t have connections or the money to buy people? They know. I was informed by a third party they were tailing me again and anyone working on the case. Probably waiting for a meeting like this to crop up.”

  I pulled at my neck, the tension rocketing to sky-high proportions.

  “I’m not cocky… I’m realistic.” He looked at me with sad eyes. “You should look at seeing a psychiatrist. There are obviously some issues left over from your accident.”

  I scoffed at him. “I have a therapist, but thanks for that. I assure you, I’m quite sane, and my paranoia comes from truth.”

  He stared at me for a moment, but then his eyes flickered around the restaurant. “What do I do?”

  “You walk away before they come after you or your family.”

  Tom lost his fight, his voice lowering, as it seemed to dawn on him that I was right. “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to do everything I can to keep my wife safe.”

  He looked at me like I was insane. “Grace is dead.”

  I shook my head and gave him a small smile. “Not Grace. I’m not that crazy, Tom. I got married a few months ago. Her name is Lila.”

  A genuine smile lit up his face. “Congratulations. I mean it.”

  “Thanks.” I held out my hand. “I need to get going. Take care, and think about what I said.”

  “You, too.”

  I turned to walk away.

  “Hey, Nate,” Tom called, making me turn back around. “At least think about what I said as well. Do the world a little good to get a man like him gone.”

  I pursed my lips and nodded, glancing to the corner of the restaurant as I pushed the door open and walked out. Lila was waiting for me at the edge of the parking lot, Drew and Caroline already gone.

  “Who was that?” she asked when I got closer.

  “No one.”

  She grabbed onto my arm and halted my steps. I turned to look at her, the playfulness of lunch gone and replaced with concern.

  “What’s yours is mine, and that includes your burdens.”

  My chest tightened, the truth in her words almost strangling me. It wasn’t right to keep him or my concern bottled up from her.

  “His name is Tom Preston. We used to work together. He’s the one building a case against Vincent Marconi.” I pulled at my neck, trying to work the growing tension out.

  She stared at me, then nodded. “He wants your help.”

  I swallowed hard. “Yes.”

  “You told him no.” She looked into my eyes. I nodded. “Because of me.”

  Again, I nodded, unable to find the words.

  She wrapped her arms around me and held me close, kissing my neck. “It’s all right. I’m here.”

  I was confused by her words until I realized I was shaking. A harsh breath left me, and I pulled her close.

  She agreed to be with me, knowing the danger, but was I so selfish to risk her life further?


  The next day, I was a wreck.

  Meeting Tom was a mistake.

  Granted, it wasn’t like I planned to run into him. That was what made it worse. If Marconi had someone watching us at that moment, I was screwed. It was a chance meeting that could get Lila killed.

  An innocent fucking errand that brought the devil down.

  After what Noah told me, I knew it wasn’t an “if” someone was watching. I’d recognized one of his men sitting in the corner as we talked. Marconi probably thought I was working the case.

  I needed to figure out a way to keep Lila safe.

  My mind was cracking, and the beast paced, whimpering. Everything was spiraling out of control. I was losing my grip.

  It was times like this the beast in me was let out. Nothing calmed it more than Lila. My body ached only for her touch. I needed it to survive. I’d die without it—without her. She let me ravage her, letting go in ways no other would. Euphoria and comfort—the soothing balm to my screaming agony.

  I couldn’t go hunt her down and drag her off. I needed her to come to me, so I picked up my cell phone and texted her.

  Need you. Now.

  I tossed it back down on my desk and rubbed my face. My foot tapped on the floor as I listened to the tick of the clock, waiting for her response. Wound tight, my muscles locked down. I needed to relax.

  There was a light knock on the door, and I sighed. I didn’t even have to say anything before the handle spun and Lila walked in. She flicked the lock on my door, a devilish smirk on her lips.

  In her hand was a fresh cup of coffee, which she set on my desk as she walked up to me. She was silent, reserved…submissive. Exactly what I needed.

  I turned my chair, following her movement as she sunk down to her knees in front of me. I wet my lips as I leaned forward, my hand gripping the back of her neck as I kissed her. It wasn’t soft—it was rough and needy.

  I stood up and moved to free my aching hard-on. Her eyes followed my hands as they moved to my crotch. I palmed my cock and groaned at the hungry look in her eyes as she stared at it.

  “See how much I need my cock slut?”

  She nodded, licking her lips as I pulled down the zipper and reached inside. My cock was hard and hot, ready to mark her as I pulled it out. I moaned, pumping it in my hand as I looked down at the sexy sight of my wife on her knees before me, looking up at me, eager for my cock.

  “Stay still.” I adjusted my stance and ra
n the head across her lips, my mouth open as her lips parted, tongue teasing my slit.

  My eyes rolled back and my toes curled when her lips wrapped around the head of my cock, the sensitive edge overstimulated, making me shake. Nothing in the world was better than Lila wrapped around me. Her sweet mouth moved down, making me shake as my entire length slid in and the tip eased down her throat.

  I hissed out a “fuck.” She’d gotten so good at deep-throating me over the last year.

  My fingers tangled in her hair, fisting it as I guided her luscious mouth up and down my hard shaft. I was seconds away from holding her head still and fucking the shit out of her mouth. The twisted and sexy thing was that she’d let me, and she’d enjoy it.

  Lila made it all disappear. Being inside her, all my thoughts and worries were replaced with white, mindless bliss.

  My balls were so tight, cock so hard—I was about to come.

  My eyes flickered around, trying to take my mind off the intense pleasure of her mouth. I needed more, needed to last longer. Her coffee cup was sitting on the edge of my desk, steam coming off the top. It was black, and not the way she took her coffee.

  A wicked grin formed on my face, and I looked down at her.

  “Do you want some cream in your coffee, slut?”

  She hummed around me and tried to speak—the vibration made my eyes close and almost tipped me over the edge. I was so close to exploding. My hands released her hair, and I leaned over, my cock popping from her lips as I grabbed her cup. She chased after me with her mouth, her tongue lapping at my tip.

  I grabbed my cock and gave it a tug, then slapped it against her lips. She smiled up at me as my hand worked up and down, teasing the underside of the head, getting me that last little bit further before I popped.

  Her mouth was open and waiting. My whole body tensed, every muscle coiled tight. The first explosive bursts landed in her mouth, then I pulled away and let the remainder land in the cup.

  “Don’t swallow,” I said with heavy breaths. She did as I asked, her mouth open as I finished off, emptying into her coffee.

  When I was done, I held the mug in front of her as she let my come roll off her tongue into it. I set it back down on my desk, a hard shudder running through me as she sucked the last drop from the tip.


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